MTL - The Cultivation Of The Maid-Chapter 114 Maid of the last days

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Ji Hongyun walked around the market, dragged the shopping list that had been listed before, and leaned on the car with his younger brother Xiao Momo.

I haven't felt it before, but now I have a sense of crisis.

Dr. Xiao was pretending to be calm in the RV at that time, and he was engaged in learning. When they sent him to the base to leave, he suddenly made such a move, which meant that some of the meanings could not be ignored. .

It is better that he thinks more.

If the goods were prepared to take the country's national righteousness as the country and the people's set of strong Lulu, he would not matter how much the person carried back, the hammer should be hammered to give the smart head a clear head.

Fortunately, the best strategy set by Ji Dashao did not have the opportunity to implement, and the girl soon appeared. Ji Hongyun took a subconscious look at his watch and was happy. Just like the time agreed before the separation, there was no more or less.

"Are you okay?" He stepped forward and asked quickly.

"It's okay." Mei Lu shook her head. "Dr. Xiao spoke very well and gave me a few vaccines as a gift." She said holding up the pocket thermostat.

Consider that guy to be a lover!

"Go! Let's go!"

Open the door of the caravan and let Mei Lu enter. Ji Dashao got into the driver's seat in a good mood. Everything is done. Go to Beijing and go home!

Nothing is light, thinking of his loved ones for a long time, he was so excited that he stepped on the throttle more than usual.

At the gate of the base, Xiao Jingyan stood at a height and looked at the RV that was driving farther and farther. In the end, he just shook his head: "It's a pity ..."

After speaking, he turned around and returned to the base with the soldiers. The breeze blew, blowing the corners of his white coat, white and neat enough to make many people look sideways.

"Brother Hongyun, we will pass by S City in about three days at the speed. I remember there is a well-known pharmaceutical company there. Let's go and see."

In the touring car, Mei Lu asked Ji Hongyun, who was in the driver's seat, before waiting for Ji Dasuo to turn around to ask, she soon explained the reason.

"I want to go there and move some professional equipment for pharmaceuticals."

"Pharmaceutical?" Not only was Ji Hongyun surprised, but Xiao Momo also looked at it in surprise, "Sister Mei, are you going to make some medicinal use yourself?"

"Ordinary medicine doesn't need to be so troublesome, and we also have a lot of inventory." Mei Lu shook his head and continued to explain, "I intend to develop a virus vaccine like Dr. Xiao."

The faces of the other two people in the car were already ring-shaped, and the parties just smiled.

"Dr. Xiao talked to me about vaccines for a long time. He also disclosed all the information about vaccines, so I only need to find the relevant equipment and materials, and I can also cultivate."


That was the voice of Kang Guan's younger brother giving his knee on the spot.

Before the end of the age, S city was close to the rolling mountains rich in medicinal materials, and the relationship between various medicinal materials was very easy to obtain. It was very popular with major pharmaceutical companies. Many drugs were produced in factories in this city and shipped to all parts of the country. .

But now almost all these advantages have become disadvantages. The more lush vegetation brings more mutant plants, even the mutant beasts appear more frequently than other cities, becoming one of the earliest occupied cities when the eschatology erupted. It is a dangerous city where ordinary abilities do not dare to dabble in. In addition, the surrounding major bases are deliberately far away from their relationship when choosing a site. The survival team composed of psionics suspects that it is far and dangerous, and it is not worthwhile to come. Unless there is an extreme lack of drugs, few people visit this place The city is "pick up".

If it weren't for this time to go to Beijing, you would have to pass through the highway next to the city, and Ji Dashao never thought of going through this place.

After all, such wild animals and plants are prone to evil spirits. Although the young master is a bit arrogant, he is not arrogant enough to feel that he can turn over things that are almost as demonized as in film and television dramas.

Three days ...

They changed a lot of crystal nuclei on the 12th base, and relying on the hard work of Jin, should they be able to upgrade to another level?

Ji Dao, who had a hunch to break into a new dangerous large copy, decided to first upgrade himself and his teammates collectively to improve their vitality and combat effectiveness.

"You also have rhubarb." On the third day at noon, he kicked the rhubarb dog's butt. "Eating so many mutant animal meat and soil-based crystal nuclei, shouldn't it be upgraded? Lian Xiao Xiao is at the third level in this battle. You are still a second-level dog. Are you sorry that the team is the weakest? "

"Yeah." The yellow dog was ashamed and aggrieved of the host's disappointment, lying on the ground with two dog paws holding the dog's head, and a pair of triangular ears stunned and pulled down, his mood was very low.

The owner beat the dog, and the breeder who was fighting the five dregs couldn't stand it anymore. He put a large bucket of dog food around the rhubarb and immediately guarded the dog. I also said that the speed of the mutant beast is faster or slower. The higher the qualification, the slower the upgrade. The more rhubarb eats, the more it proves that it is talented! "

"I don't think it's like an orange martial arts qualification." Although I have learned about the excellent ability of purebred Chinese idyllic dogs for a while, but to be fair, I have become accustomed to Ji Da of various fighting dogs. Shao really felt that the yellow dog's appearance was a lot worse, and it was too difficult to take it out when he took it out, not to mention the tragic fact that this article was a stray dog ​​before the end of the world. "I don't expect it to have a purple Wushu Talented, blue martial arts level is OK. "

Although the rhubarb couldn't understand what the host said, “Tanwu Wu Ziwu” meant, but the slight disdain and unexpectation could still be felt, and he could not help whimpering more.

Xiao Momo is very familiar with this attitude. He often felt it from the class teacher when he was in school. The very low expectation of "I don't expect you to pass the exam, just ask you not to be the bottom" makes the academic scum very aggrieved. Powerless. From Rhubarb's body, he felt that kind of humiliation.

Xiao Momo blushed, he was very angry, and he was dignified!

The angry warehouse manager pulled out a pair of soil-based crystal nuclei ranging from one to two in the space, and opened the dog's mouth to plug in it: "Rhubarb, let's fight for it! Let your master see you Great! "

These are all his own personal possessions. Many of them were replaced from the base. Rhubarb was humiliated. As a breeder, he paid for his own pockets and did not steam his head to fight for his breath!

Ji Hongyun did not expect that his dog was not excited, but the younger brother first got emotional. Xiao Momo's move also scared him. When he wanted to say "I just say what you are so excited about", the mutant yellow dog suddenly howled. The sharp claws of the extremities extended, the nails became sharper and thicker, and then the entire body became larger again like an inflatable.

"Is this ... evolved?"

Both were startled, and even Melo in the car came out to watch the progress of Rhubarb. The mutant dog's body size had now become the same size as the RV, and this head was so infiltrating.

"What can I do?" Xiao Momo's brain circuit was the first thing to worry about. "The car can't fit rhubarb."

As if telling the breeder not to worry, Rhubarb "wang" to him, and then everyone saw that the dog's body size began to shrink again, from the size of the RV back to the previous body shape and then still shrinking, and finally, became The size of the common dog before the end of the world stopped here.

"Oh, I originally thought that I had to be able to shrink to the fourth-order rhubarb to have the ability to reduce the size of the body. Can the third-order be the same?" Mei Lu's sudden opening interrupted the quietness of the scene because of surprise. On the roof terrace, you can stay in the car. "

"Wait a minute." Ji Dashao is more concerned about whether the dog has new skills after the upgrade than body size. "Ruba, do you have any new skills now?"

The idyllic pastoral dog immediately made two sounds. After shaking his tail at the owner, he lowered his head to the ground, and everyone saw the yellow dog disappear. Then he heard the familiar one hundred meters away in front of the highway. Dog barking. From a distance, they saw it flutter down again, and appeared again in an instant.

"Teleport, teleport?" Ji Daxi called out subconsciously.

"It's not Brother Hongyun, it's right to call the soil hoe." Mei Lu corrected, "Rhubarb is a soil-type mutant dog, and the power that can be obtained should be the ability to use the land to perform short-term fare.

At this moment, Rhubarb barked again, and lowered his head slightly to bite Ji Hongyun's trouser tube. Then he turned into a horse-like shape and lay down before him, barking at him again.

"Is this asking me to sit up?" He first pointed at himself, and then Ji Dashao, who was going to come by, was excited. "You mean you can take me with you !?"

This is a huge surprise, isn't it!

Riding a horse, riding a elephant, and even rhinoceros tiger lion leopard has never fallen Ji Dashao this time because I can ride a dog is particularly excited.

"Oh oh oh! Really can lead people far away!" He yelled excitedly when he ran to 100 meters away, "Lulu, we can run away soon after encountering danger! "

He was wrong! Rhubarb is really an orange martial arts qualification! Don't be so great to have such a trick in this dangerous eschatology! The rhubarb body can become as big as a RV. How can he bring a bunch of people on his back and legs, and he can take his family with him in the future!

The newly upgraded rhubarb took his master and breeder for half an hour before lunch break, and then stopped. If Mei Lu smiled and refused to play with him, this time would have to be extended.

"Brother Hongyun, s city is not far ahead. While the sky is not dark, we better hurry and enter the city to do business."

Someone reminded that the business was important, and Ji Dasha, who had a good time, finally fell in love.

The city is right in front. I have eaten lunch, and Rhubarb has also shrunk into a normal dog. As a leader, he let Xiao Momo collect the RV and let the Land Rover come out to drive. Three people and one dog sat in Land Rover. .

The comprehensive price of Land Rover, which is ten times that of the RV, feels really different. At least for a while, I used to drive the RV subconsciously and thought that it would take an hour to drive the Land Rover in ten minutes, and it was not at a level.

"In the future, we will use Land Rover, and we will use RVs for rest." When getting off, Ji Dasao said to others, neither of them had a dog or a dog. Master, please be happy.

Like other occupied uninhabited cities, S City is also a mess, and even the "green area" is a bit more exaggerated. Looking at it, the ten houses and seven buildings are all covered with green plants. In the sun, the vibrant vegetation and the pyrotechnic ruin city are combined, and it is not known whether to praise the beauty or lament the destruction of human civilization.

The road conditions are not very good. Some areas are blocked by plants or collapsed houses. Fortunately, the rhubarb has awakened the power to help, otherwise it will take a lot of effort to clear a path.

"I hardly saw any zombies." Ji Hongyun murmured as he drove, "Is it all pulled by mutant plants for flower fat?"

Except for carrion-loving animals, most mutant animals have no interest in zombies, which are diseased organisms, but mutant plants are different. Wrap them and roll them. It ’s good fertilizer. .

The end of the world is coming, although many animals and plants have mutated, but their habits have not changed much. The old world overlord humans are still there for them. Many mutated cats, cats, dogs, and meek birds are familiar or heard. The sound of your car always instinctively avoided, and watched from a distance.

Of course, some highly offensive alien species are not ruled out, but they were spiked on the spot as soon as they launched the attack, and the blood-spattered three-footed tragedy scared many of them.

"Stretch your claws again?" A **** stuck out of the window of the driver's seat, arrogantly confronting the fierce mutant beasts, "Believe it or not, all of you are turned into reserve grain!"

Relying on his talents and having the correct upgrade instructions, Ji Dashao is now a fifth-level Thunder system strong, plus all the teammates who have been promoted to the first level, can be described as full of confidence.

"Lulu, where do you go next?" The road was badly damaged, and the environment in the city was beyond recognition. Ji Hongyun was driving and didn't know that the east and west were north or south. "Turn right at the third crossroad to the south? ... Alas, the road is blocked again! "

This is basically an abandoned city that hasn't been "picked up". The more you go in, the worse the road conditions. Ji Hongyun has already accepted his fate. This time when taking the machine, more than 80% of the main work must be clearing the road.

"Actually, we can sit on Rhubarb and hurry ..." Xiao Momo suggested quietly.

"But it just woke up and didn't fully grasp the power. I have played with you for a long time and haven't stopped. There is not so good endurance to support the three people back and forth." Melo, who was sitting in the back row with Rhubarb, touched the dog's head and replaced The dog pointed out the reason, "And even now, Rhubarb is helping us move the bricks without stopping the ability."

Ji Dasuo, who was still very interested, and his younger brother Cang Guan shrank their heads.

Just as they removed a giant barricade and wanted to drive forward, a figure suddenly emerged from the gate of a residential area next to the road.

"Please, please wait!"

It was a dejected middle-aged man who looked yellow and hungry and knew that he was a survivor who had survived in this city.

"Please wait! I beg you!"

Holding the determination not to walk away even if he was killed, the middle-aged man knelt directly in front of the car.

"I know that you are powerful psionicists, otherwise you cannot break into the depths of the city. No foreigner has come to the city center since the fall! Please help us, we are really not in it. Way to go on! "

This is not the era of peace before the end of the world, in order to save one or two citizens, several or even a team of police or soldiers can be sacrificed.

The population after the end of the world is very precious, but useful talents are even more precious. This is also the root cause of the fact that major bases know that there are survivors in some dangerous occupied cities, but never send people to rescue them.

Compared with ordinary people, obviously trained soldiers or awakened power abilities are more rare. The two harms are less important. Survivors trapped in dangerous cities like middle-aged men are destined to be The side to give up.

Now finally seeing the hope of survival, where is the middle-aged man willing to give up, he lost all his dignity, knelt in front of the car and kept hoeing, his forehead covered with blood stains did not stop.

Ji Hongyun sat in the car and looked at the scene expressionlessly, holding the steering wheel.

Once upon a time, he was so moved. The appearance of these fellows desperately wanting to live, not letting go of every hope for survival, and not begging for himself or for their relatives and friends, made him deeply moved, regardless of the opposition behind him, and accepted the person with the ability We dubbed these strangers "burdensome" and "hugging".

The team he sheltered was getting bigger and bigger. Fortunately, there were a few awakened people in the middle. The burden was relaxed, but he still trembled, and his temper became more violent.

He protects them, leads them, finds food, drinks, and travel tools to find a place to rest safely, and orders those who are awakened not to put bad habits in his team and use everything they learned in the old company. Management experience gave them everything they could think of ...

The results of it?

The burns on my thighs were long gone, but a big ugly scar was still in the shower, and he would be reminded from time to time that this was the end of being a good person in the last days.

Ji Hongyun's breathing was gradually heavy, and his hands holding the steering wheel were also tightened vigorously. Xiao Momo on the co-pilot felt the familiar violent suffocation and subconsciously shrugged his shoulders to hide beside him.

"Do you want to hit it?" A calm female voice sounded suddenly.

There is no emotional tone, and the sound of Qing Lingling is like a splash of cold water, which puts out the firelight that Ji Hongyun's heart is pouring.

"No!" He blurted out, his reddened eyes regained lucidity, and he subconsciously looked back at the **** the back seat. Although he didn't say anything, he couldn't, before he realized it. The entanglement and questioning of the immediate decision came through the eyes.

After receiving the young master's help, the maid smiled slightly: "Anyway, there is enough time, just get out of the car and ask the situation. They are locals and must know more relevant information."

In a word, it gave Ji Hongyun wonderful inspiration and steps.

"Yes, the living locals are a rare intelligence point!" He seemed to persuade himself to turn off the car. "If the reward he provides is considerable, it would not be bad for Master Ben to give a little help."

While talking, I got out of the car.

And the middle-aged man who was desperate for help was overjoyed to see the sound of the car door opening. When he saw a young man walking out of the car with a clean brand-name shoes and clothes with a cigarette in his mouth, his face was first Suddenly, it was followed by surprise.

Clean and good, smoking is better!

This proves that this psionicist who dares to drive in S City is really very strong, so strong that he can live so brightly and luxuriously in this world. What's so bad?

"I have something to ask you. After answering it, I'm in a mood to help you." After smoking a cigarette, Ji Dashao looked at the middle-aged man who was kneeling in front of him and didn't care, just casually, "Know xw Is the headquarters of a pharmaceutical company? "

"I know, I know! Of course I know!" The middle-aged man first froze, then became more excited, and patted his chest again and again, "xw medicine! I am the sales manager of xw headquarters!"

... Ji Hongyun almost lost the cigarette in his mouth.

"Are you going to get the machine in the experimental building at the headquarters?" A few minutes later, the middle-aged man who wiped the blood stains, oh, should ask Manager Wang to be embarrassed to hear their movements. Suggest a few to go there. "

Before anyone could ask why, Manager Wang had already spoken with all his head: "There is now a nest of a mutant Eagle King."

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 1 sjun;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

I want to eat 85 bottles of cones; 73 bottles of Chinese medicine; 66 bottles of flower sticks; 55 bottles of beards; 50 bottles of sugar and Zhongli; 40 bottles of oranges; 30 bottles of ww; crows doreen, third from left, tricks Dead 20 bottles; zero, blue-blue clouds, Luo Jiayu, silent love, Liang Yishu, Wishing Pool, wishful, and Yayoi 10 bottles; Yuan Fufu, Ah Q, Luo Xianghan 5 bottles; wind and rain, white horses have gaps, only love Do not move 1 bottle;

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