MTL - The Crimson Dragon-Chapter 126

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The Carlin Desert, here is a paradise for bandits, and many of the bandits and the magical creatures that survived in the desert have turned this place into a dangerous place. The roads that communicated the cities along the coast pass through the desert, and this is also a happy hunting ground for local bandits and monsters. It is only the believers of Carlin Port who believe in the evil gods and the devils and devils in the lower classes. The underground society formed by us, and the dragon in the desert - here is the nest of more than one blue dragon, these evil and lawful dragons divide the sphere of influence, under the rule of the strongest ancient blue dragon Jun is in the entire Carlin Desert.

But today is the day of disasters for bandits and monsters - since a team of ships appeared on the coast, a large group of warriors with armor were laid down. The bandits are also eye-catching. These troops, which are not easy to provoke and have no oil and water, will never touch them. What's more, the number of this army is really quite a lot - the performance of the Carlin Port in the South This is the point of the mobile force that comes out. However, this army is uncharacteristic. It has not attacked any city from the south or north. Instead, it has opened up a broad front to sweep up the monsters and bandits in the desert.

This is not the right thing. The sweeping teams sent by the general cities are basically colluding with the bandits in the desert. Basically, there will be no fighting. And the sacred warriors and priest adventurers in the Temple of the Righteous Gods will only be able to fight against some of the bandits and cultists. What's more, behind the bandits, there are the strongest creatures in the main material world - the dragon is supporting them.

But no matter how the Blue Dragon is, how the believers of the evil spirits and the devils and devils are mad and pious, are dead in front of the rock-solid Dragon Army. The dragon-toothed soldiers who had opened the three-row squadron held long contradictory cards and ruthlessly smothered the bandits and monsters that were driven by the Centaur cavalry. These weekdays are also fierce and cruel. From time to time, they use the captured caravans to guard or the bandits who play the blood sacrifices. Even crying and shouting and kneeling for mercy can’t prevent the dragon-toothed soldiers from piercing their bodies into their bodies. Desperately? Whether it's a magical arrow or a spell or an enchanted weapon, the warrior who holds them first will break through the spear array that is as dangerous as the dragon's mouth, and then break through the solid round shield that is more than the dragon scales. The defense of the armor, and then it is possible to harm the dragon tooth soldiers with bronze muscles, which is simply a problem without solution.

The Centaur cavalry is a more ferocious one. The bandits are also proficient in gathering and fighting, using guerrilla warfare to plunder the caravans, but they are far faster and more powerful than they are riding World of Warcraft or camel horses. The Centaur, just like the Rugby Cavalry, met the re-installed cold-blooded horse knight, and was only driven to drive like a duck, until all died under the spear of the Dragonfighter. There are also unscrupulous attempts to counterattack or use their own skills to escape - these guys will first be slaughtered by a steel arrow shot by a strong bow, and then pierced and opened by a huge double-headed spear in a high-speed battle. Crushing - along with their armor and mount. No matter the speed or strength of the impact, or the endurance of repeated shocks and long-distance pursuits can not be compared with the Centaur, even if the cultists summoned the demons, it was the fate of being attacked into pieces by the Centaur.

The magic resistance of these troops is not normal, and the only thing that can hurt them is to rely on melee. This is the conclusion of the believers who have sacrificed a lot of their own people to summon a high-level demon. Yes, they killed the weak or bad luck guys in their ranks, sacrificed with their souls, summoned a mad warfare with a six-armed snake, and the stench of the mad warfare madly The front of the dragon tooth soldiers, and the six-armed snake magic with the superb martial arts and tremendous power to resist the attack of the centaur.

Then they are all shredded. The scales of the mad warfare are similar to the paper paste under the fine gold spears of the dragon tooth soldiers, and their proud power hits the shield, and even the dragon tooth soldiers can not take a step back— - In terms of power alone, the dragon tooth soldiers are already above the mad these demons are tragedy, most of them are skewered into kebabs, and a few are the dragons who are pulled out of the sword. Cut into minced meat, the biggest trouble they cause to the dragon tooth soldiers is the stinking body smell, as for magic? Facing the magic resistance with the dragon is not effective. The six-armed snake demon is still a little earlier than the mad war demon. She is powerless to fight more than one centaur. Whether it is strength or agility, it is not as good as a centaur. The six arms are only available to centuries who are equally versed in martial arts. No, at first she was pinned by the sharp arrow, and then the heavy double-headed spear cut off all her arms. The half-human was carefully looked at her for a long time before she carefully pulled out. Out of the overweight hand and half sword, without destroying her face, a sword cut off the head of the snake.

With the roar of fury, the backstage bosses showed up...

At the same time, Claudius in the sky has turned into a silver dragon, the ice freezes on his scales, the frost on the surface covers the original crimson scales, it seems that Claudius It seems to be turned into a large silver dragon or white dragon, while flying, while this guy is considering the advice of Minerva when he starts. "It’s just pretending to be, then turning to the place of birth... and most of the time, Talos is already mad." Claudius sneered a few times, and the advice about Talos was definitely not good, and He put a half of the pigeons of Talos, the madman-like chaotic **** will definitely be mad, but for his own goals, he can't do anything about the red dragon. If there was an agreement and the Red Dragon wanted to deal with it, Claudius would not care about Talos. Dealing with the elves will definitely anger the elves, but what about it? Is there a **** to come and fight? Even if the elf Lord God came to play with the group, Claudius also thought that he would definitely run away. "Speaking of the recent Platinum Dragon kid and the five-headed dragon that seems to be a bit wrong, it seems that there are unrealistic ideas for Laozi." While flying, Claudius is still thinking about this problem until " Fuck! It’s yaw!”

Regardless of yaw and non-yaw, Claudius, who is a high-speed flight expert among the dragons, is getting closer and closer to the target. In the Comanso forest, the sorrows are the biggest ones on the continent. The home is also the gateway to the time and space of Yongju Island. In the middle of the jungle, the city is a labyrinth. The adventurers who don’t know the method will never find the city. This is a city with a huge relic, a remnant of the glorious period of the Elven civilization. But for Claudius, the lock of the esoteric is absolutely undefended.

Read The Duke's Passion