MTL - The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate-Chapter 77 Meal home

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Chapter 77. Rice Going Home

The night of October was just right, and it would not be cold. Duan Yu was sitting by the carved bed, his clothes were loose, his expression was lazy, and he was drinking and smelling incense.

"... Yes Wang really decided to leave tomorrow?" Xing Si was timid.

"When did the thing that I decided change?" Somewhat a little bit, Duan Yu's cheeks were red, and his eyes were like stars. "You pass the order, just prepare."

"But ..." But how reluctant Wang Ye thought, shouldn't he be angry with the Miss Gu Family who killed thousands of swords!

"She can't walk, I have my own heart." Duan Yutianhuang didn't get angry with his hesitation, but smiled at him instead.

Xing Si was shocked by the smile of the country-no matter how many times Wang Ye smiled,-he would feel dizzy again.

"She has nostalgia and can't bear it."

Lifting the cup and taking a sip, Duan Yu's voice is sweet and mellow as if it is an old wine.

"I went with her this time, but it was just a game. In the end, she would still return to me. You just wait and see."

Xing Si quickly nodded and bowed.

——Wang Ye has always been so determined. He is well-informed and masters everything, but ...

He couldn't help looking back at the shadowy pair of people at the window.

——But does he know that the most uncertain thing in the world is emotion?

After drinking the sweet-scented osmanthus brewed on the small half of the altar, Duan Yu put down his wine glass and was about to rest. The door suddenly made a bang.

"Miss Gu, has not yet passed ..."

The Wu Yiweis were shocked and anxious, they seemed to be pulling someone, but they were afraid they would hurt the man for half a minute.

My heart swayed, waiting for someone to come, so dress, turn my head, and open the door.

However, Gu Qingqiao was standing in front of the door and looking at him, all wet, like an unfortunate drowning bald chicken.

"Why so embarrassed?"

All the words that I had in mind swallowed back, and Duan Yu was shocked, and quickly reached out to pull her into the room, and took out her own robe to wipe her.

Scrubbing, suddenly felt wrong.

From beginning to end, Qing Qiao didn't say a word, she just bit her chin tightly, her eyes were as dark as death.

"Little Joe, what's wrong?"

He held her cold cheek with a bad feeling in his heart.

"... It's okay, I just need to calm down."

Qing Qiao suddenly woke up and caught Duan Yu's hand, his eyes were sharp.

"——Master, listen to me. I have something to tell you. Please keep calm."

She looked at him with a solemn expression, word by word, and a firm voice.

Duan Yu nodded and shook her hand instead.

Taking a deep breath, she said in a peaceful, coherent, non-emotional statement: "The priest Yingyao is the true orphan of the border herdsmen. He has now taken Sanling to find the Wumen. His purpose is to change history and let Duan The family lives. "

Duan Yu's face was almost paper-like under the candlelight, almost transparent.

"Master, don't be afraid! We still have Zuo Qing! Now we leave immediately to Pangyuguan, it's too late, too late!"

Qing Qiao clenched his hand tightly, his face full of determination, as if a field-tested general.

"Zuo Qing is a **** foal. We rushed to the horse overnight, at most one day. It doesn't matter if there is no three spirits. We are guarding in Pangyu, we must stop the priest, we must stop him!

She was so shocked that her mind became very clear.

She was so calm because there was nothing to be afraid of and nothing to lose.

Yue Lang was thin, took Zuo Qing out, Duan Yufei got on his horse, took Qing Qiao's hand, and held her in his arms.

It's such a joy to have a good horse, gallop in the clouds, loyalty in the desert, and beauties in your arms.

But the destination is so sinister.

But the beauty in her arms was cold like ice.

She turned a deaf ear to everything around her, but stared tightly at the front, with nothing in her eyes except the darkness.

Duan Yu suddenly felt great fear.

Even when he learned that the beauties came from a foreign country and planned to leave the place to go home, he was not so afraid.

Because he saw emotions in her eyes then.

No matter who the relationship was, he knew how much she felt reluctant. He felt that he could still keep her, so he was willing to accompany her on this journey home.

——She said that love likes a person very much. If she is happy, you are happy; if she is sad, you will be sad; half of your world is her, and her happiness is your greatest happiness.

She said he didn't understand, so he learned to understand, learned to understand, and learned to change his own bit by bit.

But now, she seemed to have nothing in her heart, completely empty, as if nothing could hold her back here.

He began to feel scared, scared like never before.

So he wrapped the young girl in his arms tightly with a cloak, afraid that she would fly away like a butterfly.

Quickly whip up, the two finally arrived at Pangyuguan before dawn, Zuo Qing was about to exert all his power, fell to the ground on the spot, spit foam, and twitched.

Looking at the injury, a familiar chuckling suddenly sounded around him-"Master Duan, you have only this ability."

Turning his head, he saw that on the white and wide sand and stone ground, Lu Zizhen, wearing a dragon robe, walked slowly along the silver light.

He sat down with a World of Warcraft Pegasus, raised with blood, but extremely elegant and beautiful, with large and white wings flying in the air, every step as if stepping on melodious string music.

It turned out that he never did anything that didn't pay off. Even raising a pet was well thought out.

"Yasha and I have been waiting for you for a long time, and I almost thought you would not be able to catch up."

Lu Zizhen looked down at them, the smile on his face seemed like drowning poison.

In the fiery blaze, he was suddenly smashed into the ice of the sky, and both people on the ground were silent.

"I thought it would be ok to kill you first."

Lu Zizhen looked at them up and down, with strange and enchanting eyes.

"But now I think it's more fun and exciting to make you watch me subvert history."

Duan Yu's shoulder moved slightly, and then blood flowed down his sleeve and fell to the ground.

"——Well, Lord Duan, why are you so overwhelmed?"

Lu Zizhen shook his head at him with a strange expression and a pitiful expression on his face.

"Although your family will die sooner or later, you don't have to be so anxious."

"What did you do to him ?!"

Qing Qiao held the crumbling body of the people around him, and looked at Lu Zizhen's eyes with bitter hatred and hatred.

"Good sister, are you distressed?" Lu Zizhen looked at her with a smile and didn't care.

"Brother, I just tied his body with curse. The more he struggled, the deeper he hurt. Sister, you still advise him not to act lightly."

After the words came to an end, I turned the horse's head lightly and turned to walk.

"Don't my sister want to see the Noon Gate? Just follow me, I'll take you."

"... Why did you become like this ?!"

Qing Qiao shouted behind him, tearing his heart with a crying cavity.

"This is who I am. What you saw before was all acting."

Lu Zizhen didn't look back, so he walked all the way forward, his back was straight.

"... You have said before that it is true to be willing to wander the world with me?"

Qing Qiao's voice sounded again, sad and desolate, as if exhausting all his strength.

Zema Yangbian's figure paused.

"Fake." He said softly.

"Fake." He repeated it again, not knowing to whom.

Then he yanked his whip fiercely at Yasha Ghost, who was in pain and screamed, and ran forward with his hoof.

Qing Qiao fell to the ground, covering his eyes, his shoulders trembling desperately.

There are no tears, and no more tears from now on.

——There was a girl who passed through. She thought she was the darling of destiny. Yifeng raised her sword and said to God: Give me strength! I'm Hillary!

The sky-thunder of the Guiyun Club would hit the sword with unbiasedness, splitting Siri.

Wumen turned out to be such a small altar, as if it were a simple cave.

Three empty containers were placed on the altar, which were circular, circular, and rectangular. They should be used to hold spiritual objects.

Both Qing Qiao and Duan Yu were subjected to body-binding techniques, gritted their teeth and stood in the corner of the altar, looking pained.

Duan Yu tried several times to break free of the spell, and finally Lu Zizheng closed his mouth to him, preventing him from talking.

Then, in this dilapidated small altar, there appeared people that Qing Qiao thought he would never see again in this life.


"His Royal Highness."

Kongkong is still so fat, so round, and his face is still a harmonious old man with glutinous rice, but his title to Lu Zizhen has changed, and his identity has also changed.

"Everything is ready, please your Highness to start the sacrifice."

Now he is no longer wearing a monk's robe, but a mage's costume. When he came to Lu Zizhen, he respectfully presented a tray with spirits.

Lu Zizhen nodded and picked up the tray.

Then he bowed to the side emptyly, bowed his knees, and looked up at his little master with warm eyes.

His eyes were so proud, as if Lu Zizheng was the greatest achievement of his life, the love of his life.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't see Joe clearly.

Facing the altar, Lu Zizhen started to burn incense, clean hands, and looked religious.

"The highest state of lying is a falsehood mixed with nine truths."

"The highest state of acting is that I have no idea that I am performing."

The old voice passed quietly into Qing Qiao's ear, but it was empty.

"Truth is true, false is true. Gu Gu, although you are defensive, you are also clever, but unfortunately your opponent is us. There is no chance of winning in the beginning."

"His high-end spells have been learned by His Highness. There is nothing to stop him in this world. If you obediently obey and refuse to resist, you may still have a sexual life.

Qing Qiao did not speak, but his eyes were empty and he looked helplessly forward.

"Actually, there is one thing the old man didn't tell you about the plum mark on your body ..."

Having said this, I saw that Lu Zizhen had finished praying, and began to place spiritual objects on the altar in turn.

-Ding Tianzhu was put in.

——Nine-turn unvoiced bell was put in.

-Then, it was Aoki humanoid sword.

Qing Qiao watched as he bit his **** and dripped blood on the spirits.

A drop.

Two drops.

Three drops.

She closed her eyes in despair.

Suddenly there was a large pink smoke on the altar, and a huge vortex appeared in the air.

Lu Zizheng and Kongkong suddenly showed joy.

The vortex blew for a long time, and gradually, light spread from the center of the vortex a little bit, finally pushing all the wind and waves, and a magnificent door appeared in the air.

"Who disturbed me?"

There was a voice interrogation in the door, full of vitality, Qi Yuxuan Ang.

"Bianmu Wang Lu Sikong, gathering the four spirits and begging the gods gave me a wish."

Lu Zizhen answered with respect and respect.

"What do you want?" The voice in the door asked. "Where do you want to go?"

"I'm going a hundred years ago. I want to change the history of the slaughtered city of the border herder country. I want to restore my country!"

Lu Zizhen gritted his teeth and cut his teeth, every cell on his body was roaring, jubilant, and whistling-the wish that had waited so long can finally be realized!

It's over, everything is over.

No more tears could flow, Qing Qiao leaned against the wall suddenly.

Duan Yu was desperately struggling to get rid of the body-binding technique, his eyes were scarlet, but this way he was hurt more, with too much blood flow and almost collapsed.

"... You just said, your name is Lu Sikong?" The voice in the door seemed hesitant.

"Yes." Lu Zizheng asked for a moment.

"... Not right." The voice inside the door muttered softly.

Lu Zizheng and Kongkong's complexion suddenly changed.

"Dare to ask the fairy, what's wrong with my name?"

Lu Zizhen gritted his teeth, Tieqing opened his face, and squeezed his hands tightly.

"Wait a minute ... we have a permanent director here to vote against you ... have to meet to discuss ..." The voice in the door seemed very embarrassed.

"I object!"

In the door where the light and shadow changed, a person walked out dimly, the blue clothes fluttered and the blue silk flew.

"——I object, because I left this vote to her."

In the swaying waves, the man looked at Qing Qiao with a smile on his face. He was still so handsome and gentle.

Everyone is stuck,

Qing Qiao looked at him stupidly.

"It's you."

The tears that originally thought to be dry ran down the cheek.

"it's me."

The man in blue stepped on the light and flew across the air, gently holding her hand.

"I've been here waiting for you."

Suddenly, Duan Yu found that the girl's originally dim eyes flashed with dazzling light, as if the dead body had regained its life in an instant.

"Uncle ... Uncle ... Uncle!"

Majestic tears spewed out like spring water, Qing Qiao grasped the hand of the person tightly, choked and couldn't make a sentence.

"Don't be afraid, Uncle is here."

The man's back was golden, comforting her face with infinite warmth.

"I finally waited for you."

Heaven and earth are turned into nothingness, as if only they were left.


The voice in the door pretended to cough twice, interrupting them and returning to seriousness.

"Well, I said, the door of time and space is open and cannot be closed. Since the little girl has an internal recommendation, let me make an exception! Where do you want to go?"

"... I'm going home. I want to go back to the world I went through."

Qing Qiao looked at Ruan Siqiang beside him, his eyes were confused.

Ruan seemed to nodded.

"Will you stay with me forever?" Qing Qiao asked, looking up.

Ruan Siqiong smiled uncomfortably, all smiles blended into the light and shadow.

Then he took her hand and walked step by step toward the magnificent door, where the light was shining brightly, and the vortex began to roar again.

Qing Qiao followed him step by step, without hesitation, without turning back.

Everything here is like a huge dream. She had never looked back. She had never lived. She experienced laughter and tears. She also experienced pain and struggle. So far, the dream awakened.

Yesterday's things like yesterday's death, today's things like today.

Goodbye, my life through.

"No!" Lu Zizhen reached out and grabbed the empty door like a madman, but he didn't catch anything. In the end, it was just a mirrorless scene.

Duan Yu was lying on the ground, staring at the figure in the door that was going further and further away.

There was so much blood flowing that he was so weak that he couldn't even reach out and touch the back.

"Little ... Joe ..." he murmured, closing his eyes exhausted.

As the vortex grew stronger, the light gradually faded, and finally disappeared in the vortex-the door of time and space was completely closed.

Slap! The Aoki human sword in the sacrificial ware suddenly fell to the ground and fell in half.

Lost in despair, sitting in situ, with only two words in his mouth.

It's gone. 2k novel reading network

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