MTL - The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate-Chapter 67 Far away

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Chapter 67—Distant Meal

Early winter night, the car creaked and the wind blew outside the window.

"Cold?" Lu Zizhen raised his eyebrows quietly when he saw the people around him quietly retracting his hands into his sleeves.

"... No problem, let the driver go as fast as possible, Your Highness is still waiting for us on the bed!"

Holding his collar high, Qing Qiao tried to squeeze out a dry smile.

Looking at her pale lips, and then looking at her fur shawl, Lu Zizhen snorted from his nose.


He tore off his shawl and threw it into Qing Qiao's arms.

"Thank you heroes! Thank you heroes!" Grabbing the life-saving straw, Qing Qiao thanked him for covering his body with zero grasping-this is the ancient "Bosideng" and "Antarctic"

Intoxicated in the warm world, she suddenly felt that the happiness index was soaring all the way, and could not help sighing with satisfaction.

"This is Tian Qiu rat hair, and for an hour, it must be calculated as five hundred and twenty gold."

Lu Zizhen turned her face sideways, holding her thin chin and smiling at her with a smile.

"Relax, I'm worth it, I'm absolutely worth it!" Buried his face into the soft hair, Qing Qiao's big eyes flickered. One hundred and two, if you sold me, how could you take it back. "

"Oh? Then ask, how much does a lady sell for a heart?" Lu Zizhen narrowed her eyes with a pair of peach eyes.

"This heart is for sale." Qing Qiao grimaced at him. "It's hard to find money, only for loved ones."

"Huh, everyone said that."

Lu Zizheng dismissed it completely and sniffed: "The human heart is very fragile, and it can be pulled out by just digging it with your hand."

"Oh! Heroes! Even if you get my heart, you won't get my soul!"

Qing Qiao wrapped himself, vowing to death in pain and shame.

Lu Zizhen stared, and spread her five fingers toward her Tianling cover.

Qing Qiao laughed and shook his head to avoid.

"... soul, will, but it's all nothingness."

Lu Zizhen suddenly closed his hand, his expression indifferent, "If you die, you will have nothing."

"Can't say that." Qing Qiao was immersed in the atmosphere of laughter just before, but he didn't return to his thoughts. "One Tintin girl fell down, and there will be millions of Tintin girls standing!"

"Really?" Lu Zizhen opened the curtain and looked out the window. "If it falls, is it the crown prince of a country?"

Wow, the fur coat slipped off Qing Qiao's shoulder.

The happiness index started to show its first limit.

"The bat and the bat only said that Shao Yi was sick, and asked us to take a look ..."

Her lips were a little uncomfortable and her face returned to pale.

"——Ordinary diseases don't need to alarm me. What the bat brings is the Twelve Urgent Symbols."

Lu Zizhen turned his head, and the silhouette blended into the endless night outside the window.

"His Royal Highness, I have been poisoned with voodoo. I am afraid it will not last for three days."

Wow, the fur coat fell completely to the ground.

Happiness index fell heavily, and the green bear market has come.

Hurrying up, the two finally arrived in the palace before time.

Looking from a distance, the East Palace is brightly lit, and eunuchs and palace ladies with tense expression can be seen everywhere along the way.

Lu Zizheng opened the curtain and looked out casually,

"... Well, weird, actually saw He sitting barefoot in front of him?"

He closed the curtain and murmured back.

"This is the only child whose doctors and rivers do not look at the nobles and powers. It seems that the emperor and the old man are being rushed, intimidated and lured, and all the famous doctors in the world are locked here."

"Well, when the prince was seriously ill, wouldn't it be good to ask a Jianghulang?"

Qing Qiao was worried about Shao Yi, and what he said was inevitable bureaucracy.

"... It's not impossible to return to Shang Yiyi's mother."

Lu Zizhen smiled at her with a smile, with a faint smile.

"However, this barefoot should be an exception-he was born in the official family of Jiangnan, his young father committed a crime, and the whole family was beheaded. He barefoot escaped by chance, and then swore in front of the family's 36 graves that he would not serve the court. .If you break your vow, you must ... "

Having said that, he paused suddenly, don't have a deep look at Qiao Qiao.

"What is it about?" Qing Qiao was annoyed that he was selling offense and poked at his arm, "You eunuch!"

"——It is necessary to cut off the offspring and cut off his little **."

Lu Zizhen didn't hold back anymore, and laughed out loud.

"... I am! What kind of curse are these!" Qing Qiao quickly drew his hands, his face was ashamed and angry, "I don't believe it, he really wants to fulfill this vow when he goes home!"

"Love is not cut, isn't it just a matter of cutting your hands? I can't control it."

Lazily put his hands on his pillows, Lu Zizhen closed his eyes, "I'm just curious. Now how can the Emperor Laoer bring him here? This hard and hard idiot, when Empress Xue was in critical condition, could not please Touch him. "

"Every family has a difficult experience ~~~" Qing Qiao had a clever move and quickly began to enrich his association. "Maybe his wife owed usury for playing Mahjong, or maybe his son wanted to enter the aristocratic school to go through the back door? Oops, maybe He was medically dead and needs to come out to court? "

When she got here, she couldn't help sighing: "Since ancient times, how many legendary people have been so tired of tedious life, the pride has disappeared, and the heroes are all stunned!"

Lu Zizhen was silent for a moment, and finally opened one eyelid to look at her.

"——First of all, He barefoot is still unmarried."

He reached out his index finger and shook in front of her.

"——Secondly, He barefoot only treats people in rivers and lakes. The court has never asked about rivers and lakes. How can it be balanced?"

He closed his eyes again.

"... Surely something was caught ..." Qing Qiao whispered, muttering in his mouth.

"Huh, you don't know the people in the rivers and lakes. In my opinion, it is about what kind of love he owes."

The corners of Lu Zizhen's mouth slightly tilted, bending a strange arc.

"This love is so strange that it probably takes life to pay it off."

Just as they spoke, the carriage stopped abruptly when they only heard a "call". There were sounds of whispering sounds outside the car, and it seemed that many people were rushing to this side.

"——It's not good, He Shenyi is out of breath!"

Along with the screams of the court ladies, the high-pitched eunuchs sounded.

Qing Qiao couldn't believe her ears, she opened the curtain sloppily, and saw that the road was blocked by a leak, and the three layers outside and three layers were all people.

Anxious, she wanted to jump the probe to see what happened, but she was stopped by one hand.

"Luo Lian, move the carriage to the alley on the right so that it cannot be seen."

Lu Zizhen's indifferent voice came from the carriage.

He didn't know when to sit behind Qing Qiao, and stared at it all quietly. The sparkling eyes looked like a torch.

The noise in front of me lasted for a few minutes, and suddenly became silent.

——It turned out that it was Mr. Andrei Daikin, who was the general manager.

"Roll! Roll around! Let me go! The wizard is about to cross this alley. What are you doing here?"

Andrei was probably running, full of anger and panting.

"Father-in-law, this man on the ground is the God Doctor He specially invited from the Lord, he, he ..." a small palace woman replied in a trembling voice.

"--Okay! Isn't that just a dead doctor?" Rolled his eyes, his sleeves fluttered, Andre fluttered spittingly, "What are you afraid of? Master Wang is as good as God, knowing that it would happen one day!"

The words didn't fall, and behind him came two masked guards in black, holding the straw mat and hurriedly wrapped He's bare feet 'body, carried it and ran forward.

Wu Yiweis ran past the alley, Qing Qiao peered through the gap in the curtain, and faintly saw the waxy yellow and dirty bare feet under the mat.

"——The prince has orders, no matter who or what, everyone must not obstruct!"

In this compartment, Andre still scolded the eunuch's maid.

"If the Prince's condition is mistaken, even if you have a hundred heads, it won't be enough to cut it! Don't give me all!"

With a loud bang, the crowd immediately dispersed the birds and beasts and walked clean.

Andre seemed relieved, and turned around and instructed the eunuchs around him: "Hurry up and send someone to notify the guards, and ask them to ask the wizard to switch to Ganning Road, so don't get sloppy here!"

The little **** was just holding out and ran away.

The alley returned to tranquility again.

Seeing that there was no one around him, Andrei sighed at the place where He had just fallen barefoot.

"... what is the problem? Once people are useless, this is the end, you know it!"

He shook his head and slowly walked towards the alley.

Looking at Andre's massive body disappearing at the end, Qing Qiao only felt that his mind was mixed, and he didn't know what to say.

——From ancient times to the present, how many legendary people are there, and the final destination is such a straw mat?

She turned to look at Lu Zizheng, only to find that he had already sat back to his original position, and his back was closed and his eyes closed.

"Luolian, take Ganning Road instead."

He waved his hand and only said this.

There was no expression on that beautiful face.

After a while, I finally reached the gate of the East Palace.

Seeing that the speed of the carriage slowed down, Lu Zizhen took the orchid mask from his arms and covered it, his face was as cold as winter snow.

"——From now on, I'm Ying Yao, a hidden wizard, and you're my servant."

He looked ahead, but the words in his mouth were facing Gu Qingqiao.

Qing Qiao nodded and stepped forward to fulfill his servant's obligations and opened the curtain for him.

"——Besides me, don't listen to anyone's words. Don't believe anyone's things. Don't leave anyone who takes you."

Lu Zizhen suddenly reached out and grabbed her arm, with great strength, like an iron arm copper hoop.

"You are more attentive." Qing Qiao was a little surprised and smiled with a smile, "I don't stay in this imperial palace where people can't eat bones."

"... good, remember, you can only trust me, you can only trust me."

After saying this, Lu Zizhen opened the curtain and leaped out of the car gently.

"Come down." He reached out to her.

Qing Qiao hesitated, and finally put his hand in his palm, and stepped out of the car.

Accompanying her tiptoe was a depressing gasp.

Qing Qiao heard his voice and looked up, and saw a large group of people standing in front of the carriage. They were dressed in Korean clothing, and their official titles were mostly above the second grade. These people were looking at her up and down, looking at each other, unable to hide the surprise.

——The legendary sorcerer is so close to a wonderful young woman, this is really an intriguing thing.

Humph! Damn Lu Zizheng! I know you are not at ease!

Although Qing Qiao was angry, he had to bite his head and put down the other foot, where he was assisted by the "Hidden Wizard".

Then, at the very end of the group, she met another pair of cold eyes.

Black as a pond, unfathomable.

It was Duan Yu who she had never thought of meeting here.

"——Heavy ground in Donggong, idlers and others are not allowed in, you, go out!"

This is the first sentence Duan Yu said to her, splitting his head and covering his face.

After saying this, he immediately turned his head and refused to look at her again.

"I ..." Qing Qiao stood blankly at the door, taking a half-step to his feet in the air.

It is neither, nor is it.

"Oh, this girl, although you were brought by the wizard, but now the situation is special. Anyone entering the Prince's bedroom will have to be answered by the emperor. You are unknown, and we dare not ..."

An old officer with a white beard next to Duan Yu hurried out to round the field.

"Who said she was unknown?"

Lu Zizheng of the advanced door suddenly turned back, and smiled to clear Qiao.

"This is my great method of protection. I have acquired innate magic skills. If I need surgery and see a doctor, I must not lose her."

Everyone said, "Ah", with skeptical expressions.

"Don't look at her weak body, she can pinch two pigs with one hand, a female hero who can chop ten people with her bare hands, cold-blooded and ruthless, not to be underestimated!"

Lu Zizhen watched everyone's disbelief.

"Wow ..."

In a sigh of disappointment, everyone began to look at Qing Qiao with the eyes of the Martians.

"——What to see, haven't you seen a pretty girl?"

Qing Qiao was ashamed and angry, full of resentment and afraid to fall down on Lu Zizhen, simply firing his hands on his hips to the person closest to him--

"Hey, say you! Why do you still watch it! Look! Look again ?! Look at me and I will eat you!"

"--Ahhh! Strong men are angry! Strong men are angry!"

The old white-bearded official stepped forward and hurriedly grabbed Qing Qiao's sleeves to say okay: "Uh, this ... beautiful and beautiful girl strong man, we don't know Taishan. Lord Witch comes to the house to see a doctor! "

"Um ~~~~~"

Qing Qiao snorted with satisfaction, and with his head raised, he was about to step into the door.

"And slow!"

A hand stopped suddenly in front of her.

Jinyi jade robe, blue dragon with beads, claws between the moire on the cuffs.

"——Beautiful Girl Strong? Which stone cracked out?"

Duan Yu's voice was colder than his complexion, and he was dressed in blue and gray satin, like the dark sky outside.

"It seems that the wizard is really the palace's own territory, and he lied and did not make drafts? This is obviously an ordinary little girl. How did he become a cultivator?"

Duan Yu stared straight at Lu Zizheng, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, as if to dig out the other's heart.

Lu Zizhen turned over half of his body and smiled.

"I said where I jumped out of, and where I jumped out of. Could anyone in Tianshui Pavilion also have to explain to Wang Ye?"

Duan Yuwen frowned, and frowned tightly.

"My lord's words are bad, how can I say here is also the palace. There are rules in the palace. How can you destroy it at will?"

"Ha! Good rules in a palace!"

Lu Zizheng laughed loudly, the corners of her mouth curled up, and the orchid mask lined up became even more glamorous.

"Master, then you know, in fact, rivers and lakes also have rivers and lakes rules. If you make exceptions, it will also make people difficult to explain!"

There was something in the words, like a needle, Duan Yu's face tightened, then gradually loosened.

"... Master, it seems that I have learned about Dr. Ho in advance. I am sorry for Dr. Ho's accident."

His voice was hoarse, with a few hints of tiredness.

"Sorry? Why should I regret it?" Lu Zizheng raised the tone, full of embarrassment. "Since Wang Ye could force him to govern the East Palace, shouldn't he have expected this ending?"

"——No one forced him to fulfill his promise!" Duan Yu answered with a little excitement, but quickly pressed down, his face returned to normal.

"Establish the imperial edict early in the morning, even if he can't heal the prince, he can still enjoy the richness and richness of Liangtian's gold without paying any price."

"Huh, you think everyone is rare, aren't they?"

Lu Zizhen pouted and sneered: "It's a pity that he is barefoot and dead ?!"

Duan Yu no longer spoke, but raised her eyebrows with a strong displeased face.

Seeing this, the old white-bearded official quickly rushed and said haha: "Oh, please rest assured! We will definitely send someone to investigate the matter thoroughly, and we must return Mr. He to be fair. We must not let him die! The squadron also established a special investigation team ... "


With a look of indifference, Lu Zizhen waved his sleeve at will.

"He committed suicide, I know."

Before they could fully return to their hearts, Lu Zizheng grabbed Qing Qiao and took her striding meteor towards the hall.

"... What happened to Dr. Ho and Dr. Ho?"

Qing Qiao was dragged away by his feet, his feet staggered, his wrist hurt, but he did not dare to resist.

"——It's very simple. I just found that I couldn't heal the Prince, and I was sorry for my ancestor, so I wiped my neck and kicked my legs."

Lu Zizheng's pace became more rapid, but his tone became lighter.

"How do you know this in detail?" Qing Qiao was puzzled.

"Because he did it on purpose."

Lu Zizhen turned her face to her, smiling at her like a flower.

"——He's right. I'll pass by then. He just wants to die in front of me."

"Ah!" Qing Qiao stopped, breaking away from Lu Zizheng's hand.

"Why, why?" Her voice trembled. "Why did he die in front of you?"

"Well, I don't understand."

Lu Zizhen blinked at her: "Maybe he is secretly in love with me, hoping that I can give him a good look before I die?"

"Well! Seriously!" Qing Qiao punched him heavily.

"... Because, in terms of seniority, he wants to call me ancestor."

Lu Zizheng received the playfulness, and closed his eyes slightly.

"——The morals of the rivers and lakes, since He barefoot violated his promise to go to the palace to practice medicine, he naturally had to explain to the teacher. He committed suicide in front of me, which is the ultimate explanation."

"But he was also forced! Like you said, what kind of affection might he owe and he has to pay back?"

Qing Qiao didn't expect the inside story to be so excited.

"Maybe, but who cares?" Lu Zizhen smiled coldly, with a scowl, "He barefoot is the most moral person. Since Duan Yu has the ability to move any barefoot, he must also know his stubborn temper. Unfortunately Ah, this group of people only cares for the prince, who lives and feels barefoot. Who is rare? "

"——Sir Master! You are here!"

Before Lu Zizhen had finished speaking, "squeaked", the door of the Yangxin Hall opened, and the eunuchs rushed towards this side with an old man in yellow robes.

"Master Lord! But I am looking forward to you!"

The leader was the father-in-law who only swept the people with grass, only to see him wiping his tears of excitement, throwing a little floating dust, and rushing forward like a rocket, as if he had seen the Savior.

"His Royal Highness's life will be entrusted to you. This is a big thing! It's about the safety of the country and the people's livelihood. You must ..."

People surrounded them, and the emperor, who was tearful in tears, clenched his hands and refused to let go.

Lu Zizheng of the stars staring at the moon, smiling proudly, standing tall, stubbornly mocking at the corners of his stubborn lips.

Suddenly he turned back, and looked at Qiao Qiao inadvertently.

Qing Qiao met his gaze, then looked at the anxious people in front of him, and suddenly there was a weak sorrow.

——The prince will be a prime minister, rather a species?

Whose life is born a noble class?

She turned suddenly, but saw Duan Yuzheng standing at the door, staring at them quietly.

He is still very handsome, the golden crown is dazzling, and the majestic world is as stunning as he first saw.

However, she already felt that everything that had happened with him had passed, like the passing water.

Because there is a gully between them that can never be buried.

Now she is farther away from him than crossing time and space. 2k novel reading network

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