MTL - The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate-Chapter 64 Rice Princess

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Chapter 64: Princess Rice

The bamboo curtain opened slowly inch by inch, revealing the long and soft neck of the person on the couch, the beautifully contoured chin, and the thin red lips.

Ghost axe and magical work, the highest masterpiece of spirits, Qing Qiao could not help holding his breath.

The curtain finally unfolded, and a masked face was displayed in front of the crowd.

On the white and clean background of porcelain, blue and green vine branches spread from the eyes to the ears; amber is close to the orange pupils, reflecting the blood-red sunset outside the window; Green silk, luster flowing to cover the room full of Qinghui, with an inexplicable beauty.

For a moment, Qing Qiao seemed to see that there were countless poppies in full bloom.

"After all these years, the adult still wears the elixir."

Duan Yu said quietly.

"... All these years have passed, and Lord Wang is still thinking about the taste on me ..."

The people inside the curtain whispered lowly, and there were inexplicable words in the ambiguous words.

what? !! Qing Qiao's mind suddenly popped up countless rotten girls favorite pictures.

——Your boy, yes, I ca n’t see it ...

She gave Duan Yu a meaningful look.

Duan Yu was such a clever person that she immediately understood the "deep meaning" in her eyes, and had no choice but to stare at her.

"Duan Yu came here to ask an adult to investigate the Four Spirits."

He coughed and turned his head to Yingyao.

"Now there are many indications that someone with a ulterior motives wants to gather the four spirits against the sky, I'm afraid it is not good for me, and I should ask the adults to help."

"Yo, weird."

The man in the curtain hummed coldly, holding his cheeks with his hands, and slender jade fingers lazily struck the mask.

"The omnipotent Lord Duan actually ran to begged me, could this world be changed?"

"The so-called surgery industry has a specialization, and I can't complete the great cause only by my own strength, not to mention that the magic monster is not the director of the royal family." People will do. "

——Listen, how much do you know about the art of management! No wonder she could hold her around in the palm of her hand!

Qing Qiao shrank in the corner with tears of resentment biting the handkerchief.

"Hmm ~~~~~"

Before she could burst into tears to the sea, the insider suddenly turned the topic away: "I heard that you were afraid I wouldn't see you, so I brought a ugly monster here?"

"... I really brought someone to see you."

Duan Yu smiled slightly and waved toward Qing Qiao: "But it's not just the ordinary ugly."

-This sentence sounds awkward, and can be understood differently from 360-degree panoramic views, which are very ambiguous.

Qing Qiao looked at Duan Yu with a sorrowful resentment, forcing the other party to show his promiscuous power and had to take a few steps forward.


There was a smirk around me.

"With the same hands and feet, it turns out that not only is the lord ugly, but also a fool with uncoordinated limbs.

The fallen man raised Erlang's legs with great interest and stood high.

——You shameless narcissistic cosplay man! !! !!

Qing Qiao was buried in shame and anger during the ugly incident, firing a "kill to death" light in his heart.

——Don't think you can be handsome with a mask! Do you think it's great that the author adds a bit of flowery background behind you? !! Let me tell you, although I did have a little bit of amazing ~~~ at the beginning, but! Now I see your face and I want to vomit! My name is Metersbonwe. Do you understand ...

"Master Ying, don't underestimate her."

A wide sleeve stood in front of her, with a touch of familiar incense, Duan Yu didn't know when to stand next to her.

"Don't look at her like this ..." He reached out and held Qingqiao's trembling shoulders.

"——In fact, she has always been like this."

He shoved Qing Qiao with a miserable face on his head.

Qing Qiao was suddenly pushed by him like this, and a bump hit Ying Yao's body.

"Sorry, sorry!"

Seeing the scary scarlet red on her nails up close, her whole body arched.

"Well, are you afraid of this?" Ying Yao noticed her reaction and deliberately raised her chin with her fingertips. "What do you think is this red?"

——Brother, I think it's French manicure! Can you promise?

Qing Qiao didn't dare to answer, and he wrinkled his facial features into a ball, and treated him like a death.

"No, you are ..." Ying Yao looked at her face, her voice suddenly changed, with a little surprise.

"Yes, I, I'm harmless ..." Qing Qiao spit out a few words with the strength of milking.

Yingyao didn't answer, and waved her hand straight to open her sleeve.

——Amazing five bright red dots on the white arm.

"She is the person we have been looking for."

Duan Yu, who watched silently, finally smiled in time.

"After the ancestors slaughtered the city that year, there was only one drop of royal blood left on the border herdsmen."

He is so confident that everything is under his control.

"... Oh lord, you really brought me an amazing gift ..."

Ying Yao returned to his normal color, waved a hand slightly, and Qing Qiao collapsed in his arms.

"So, what do you need me to investigate if you bring her here?"

The night polished his amber eyes.

In Yingying Moonlight, it was like a bloodthirsty beast.

Outside Tianshui Pavilion, a golden-top carriage was passing by the river.

"King, King ..." Wu Yiwei, the governor of the prison, stayed outside the car, repeatedly saying nothing.

"Say." The driver was impatient and ordered.

"Let's ... just go like this? Drop ... Miss Gu here?" Xing Si daringly spoke, asking in trembling.

——No way, the main character is always moody. In order to avoid early death, it is better to inquire about his true intentions in advance.

"It's okay to lose here, Ying Yao doesn't do anything to her."

People in the car talked back and forth, sitting and watching the clouds rise.

"A clergyman cannot be a woman for life. No matter how charming his face is, he is just a monk."

"... But the subordinates heard that the wizard has a weird temperament and likes to abuse his servants. Now he wants to stay with Miss Gu, isn't the Lord afraid ..." The tone of Xing Si was even more voicing.

"——I said, when did you become so emotional for your children?"

The man in the car interrupted him with an impatient cough.

The low pressure was overwhelming, and the torture of Xing's back was tense, his body tense.

"If you want someone to do something for you, of course you have to give some sweetness ... if this person tastes the sweetness and is not obedient, then--"

The people in the car suddenly lowered their voices, bringing out a hint of hoarseness.

"kill him."

Qing Qiao dimly opened his eyes, and in front of him was a little boy in white who had never seen him before.

A bulging face, black beans the size of mung beans, pink blush, a lotus root-like meat hand, and a lively Afu doll.

"Aunt, you're awake." The boy saw her moving, smiled and handed a wet handkerchief, "please clean your aunt."

Aunt? How does this sound familiar?

The Qing Qiao dynasty boy smiled and asked tentatively, "Excuse me, where am I now?"

"Aunt is now at Departure Pavilion in Tianshui Pavilion." The boy knelt beside her without seeing her, and wiped her hands for herself.

"Uh ..." Qing Qiao thought it was awkward to be served by such a child, trying to break free by scratching his head. "What about the ... handsome man who came with me?"

"A very handsome man? Aunt is talking about Lord Duan, right?" The little boy saw her withdrawing his hand, and grabbed the other one, without raising his eyelids. "He gave you to my host, then turned around and left. "

--what? !!

Qing Qiao only felt that Tian Lei Wu Lei Hong was a hit.

"He he he gave me to your host? Is it for you? Are you sure ?!"

The boy nodded calmly.

"Are you sure? Are you sure? Are you really sure? Never change again?"

Full of sorrow and indignation, Qing Qiao now wished to incarnate Wang Xiaoya from "Happy Dictionary".

--what is this? Why did Duan Yu give me away? Didn't we talk about equality and cooperation? !! Such a fake human trafficking is shameless, despicable, and indecent! Call for democracy, call for human rights! Call Annan! Call for in-depth interviews for in-depth coverage! There is also Wumen, the author who killed thousands of knives, what dog blood baggage will you shake next? Captive love? Is **** deep? !!

"Aunt don't be nervous." The little boy saw her panic, her eyes suddenly crescent.

"The master said, but I just left my aunt to be a guest here, and sent the aunt back intact a few days later.

Qing Qiao's eyes widened, and he couldn't fully digest the information for the time being-because it could be interpreted as sending a corpse back ...

The boy didn't think that much, took out a blue-cyan flower from the tray on the ground with a smile, and tried to hang it on Qing Qiao's neck.

"What is this? Rune? Witch?"

Qing Qiao was excited and waved his hand quickly to block it—the kindergarten teacher said that stranger's gifts could not be picked at will!

"Aunt don't be afraid." The little boy was stuck by her action, neither hanging nor receiving, quite a little helpless, "This is Ye Guanglan, a status symbol. Only wearing it can go free in Tianshui Pavilion, aunt It's a foreigner, you can't go out without wearing it. "

"... Oh, I get it!" Qing Qiao nodded, making a sudden realization, "It turned out to be a temporary residence permit!"

"Yes!" The boy grinned and hung flowers on her, praising happily, "Aunt is so smart!"

"... I said, your master left me here, what exactly do you plan to do?" Qing Qiao took the flower around his neck and looked curiously.

"Well ... I don't know."

The boy tilted his small head and racked his head for thought. The red dot on his eyebrow flashed and flashed: "I just remember the master said that whenever he saw his aunt, he felt that he was too perfect by comparison, too Extraordinary and refined! There is an indescribable sense of joy both physically and mentally, so I like to look at my aunt more often! "

——My mother is going to cut this narcissistic cosplay man today!

Qing Qiao burst into flames and hurried out.

"Where is your master? I want to see him!" She walked on Langfang like a tiger, "Why do you want me to stay here as a servant? Why do you want to keep me here as a clown? In the end, in this world Is there a king ?! "

Before she could raise her arms and shout, she suddenly tripped on one foot and fell a dog shit.

"Miss Gu, you're so upset."

By the threshold I do not know when to sit a lazy white robe man, barefooted with black hair, exquisite mask, it is the wizard should be far away.

-My aunt, you are too old!

Qing Qiao glared at him, and Wolverine climbed up from the ground. He wanted to take the opportunity to step on him, and finally held back his leg.

Such a beautiful person, like a crystal, is really a bit reluctant ...

"Since Wang was left as a guest in Tianshui Pavilion, Miss Gu should know that others should try not to run around on the site, so as not to cause trouble for the owner."

Leaning against the threshold, she looked at her with a smile.

"——Remember, in Tianshui Pavilion, I am Wang Fa."

The blue vines stretched freely on the mask, and the flames beat gently in the amber pupils. Everything in the world was eclipsed by this man's unparalleled momentum.

Suddenly, Qing Qiao seemed to see countless orchids blooming behind him, swinging, stretching ...

--Yay? !! and many more! Wait a minute! There is really an orchid behind this person! !! !!

The slightly trembling petals, the crystalline drops of water, and the refreshing aroma that came with the wind ... everything is telling her that this is not an illusion! Behind Ying Ying really bloomed flowers like fake replacements!

"Am I beautiful? Look at me?"

Seeing her dumbfounded look, she could not help laughing.

"Well, being too beautiful is a sin. I accidentally became a sinner of all ages. It is really a mistake, a mistake!"

He sighed as he stood up, and the orchids behind him rose up.

Qing Qiao could not help but take a step back.

-There are actually orchids that can change height and orientation freely with the master's actions! What kind of artificial intelligence is this? cosplay man, did you really wear it from a girl comic? !!

"... Do you think I'm so beautiful that I shouldn't exist?"

Ying Yao stood in front of her, raised her chin, her eyes were deep.

Qing Qiao had not recovered from shock, but nodded mechanically.

"Hoo ~~~" Ying Yao suddenly made a sigh of relief, loosened her face, and took a large bunch of things from behind with her backhand.

A bunch of live orchids.

"This stuff is quite heavy!" Ying Yao shook the dew on the flower and smiled at her, "Since you have seen it, I won't bother to carry it."

With a sense of victory and joy like Mu Mufeng, he threw a whole bunch of flowers on the ground, and trampled on without mercy.

Waving the sleeves, leaving nothing, really chic.

Qing Qiao stood in place and completely petrified.

"Aunt, don't be surprised." The little boy suddenly emerged from the ground without knowing the ghost. "Many years ago, the owner didn't know where to hear it, but every beautiful man must have a flower background to play. He always wanted to do this It's a pity that Tianshuige hasn't had any outsiders in these years. He is not fun to play. Now that his aunt is here, he is naturally interested and plans to play ... "

"I ask you ..." Qing Qiao shook his body, some could not control the arc of his tongue turning, "Did the leaves and poppies that appeared behind him during the day also come from this way?"

"Yeah!" The boy bent to pick up flowers on the ground, and looked like a fat puppet from a distance. "As soon as the master gestured, we fanned the tree outside the window and sprinkled the leaves in an organized and disciplined manner. Next; the master made another gesture, and we took the poppy flower and took turns running under the window ... Everyone was having fun! Auntie, do n’t you think, the master has become more beautiful and charming? ”

"Monster, monster ..."

Qing Qiao shuddered, only feeling that Venus was swaying in front of him, and finally he couldn't hold it, and he fell down with a sigh.

"Aunt is easily frightened ..."

In the darkness, babbling words came suddenly.

"Don't look at your aunt like this, in fact she is brave. Last time I saw her taking medicine, she didn't frown ..."

"Well, you say, how long will your aunt stay here?"

"I don't know, I just think the host is a little strange this time, why ..."


Qing Qiao resisted dizziness in his head and barely spoke.

All the noisy surroundings suddenly subsided in an instant, completely hidden.

Then a cold parchment covered her forehead.

"Aunt is awake, do you want to drink water?"

A fat Afu baby face protruded in front of her eyes, it was the little boy who served her during the day.

"Ahem ... who was the one who just talked to you?" Qing Qiao took a sip of the water he had brought and frowned.

"Aunt heard it. There is no one else except me and my aunt here." The little boy smiled and answered calmly.

"... I said, why are you calling my aunt?" Qing Qiao quietly looked around.

"The host asked us to call it that way." The little boy raised his noodle-like cheeks, and mung bean eyes flickered. "The host said that her aunt's full name was a silly aunt, we all called‘ aunt ’to show affection!”

"Yo, your host really looks down on me!"

Qing Qiao laughed angrily, reaching out to grab the water glass in the little boy's hand, studying slowly and logically, "Did he not know that the so-called ice and snow is actually referring to the girl and me?"

"Aunt ..." The little boy saw that she was panning her arm while holding a glass of water, and her eyes were straight, and her heart was agitated.

"Baer is so good, can't you come down to your aunt?"

Staring at the water cup for a while, Qing Qiao suddenly changed his face in an instant, his eyes tone were controlled by the upgraded second-generation brain system, which was extremely mild.

There was a few beeps on the beam, and finally a little black shadow fluttered to the ground quietly.

"... aunt, how do you know I'm on the roof?"

The sound of a silver bell, his mouth pursing high, Liang Shangtong reluctantly twisted his head, "Ordinary people should not see it!"

"Small boy, first, you have a shadow." Qing Qiao murmured towards the corner.

"Second, this glass of water reflects everything I want to know."

Qing Qiao passed the tea cup in front of him, shaking himself proudly: "Do you really think that your aunt is just a fool?"

The little man chuckled a smile, revealing a cute face that he once knew.

"Aunt is an aunt, and he is not afraid of poison. Bats likes aunt the most!"

With a loud shout, the little man was about to pounce on her.

"——Stop!" Qing Qiao supported his head with one hand, looking extremely serious. "Frankly answer your aunt's question, and flutter!"

At night, Tianshui Pavilion was supposed to be quiet, but was disturbed by a woman running up the corridor.

The white mist was so clear that she walked through the courtyard, through Langfang, through the doors after the door, without stopping at all. Her expression was so focused, so impatient, as if running was all she had in her life.

After the baptism of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, we have every reason to believe that another Bolt was born.

Then, in front of a large wooden terrace, our female Bolt finally stopped.

She stuck her tongue and bent down, tired and out of breath.

This terrace is very high, surrounded by flowers. There is something floating in the mist, and the firefly is shining with wonderful light.

Someone was taking a nap on the stage, a plain white robe, a hand as a pillow, half leaning on half elegant to appreciate the starry sky.

"Take ... Take ... Take your mask ... Take me ... Take off!"

Qingqiao exhaled, blushing and gritting his teeth.

"Well, this momentum is not enough."

The people on the stage leaned lazily, their nostrils were facing the sky, and their masks were gilded with moonlight.

"... Put your mask off ... for me!"

Qing Qiao calmed his mind, stomped fiercely in his skirt, and the most spectacular Hedong lion roar of this life broke out--


Wow, the foraging bird was startled, fluttering its wings and flying away from the bushes, with a sweet fragrance.

Such a beautiful autumn night, how good it is to meet again for a long time.

"I have given you many opportunities and have been waiting for you to recognize me."

The people on the stage had hooked lips and their voices changed.

Facing the bright moonlight, the man slowly moved his mask away, showing a beautiful face comparable to the sky.

This beautiful four-year companion, Qing Qiao can no longer be familiar with.

"Welcome to my place, His Royal Highness Princess."

In the night breeze, the person on the stage smiled and spread her hands toward her. 2k novel reading network

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