MTL - The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate-Chapter 5 Meat hero

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Chapter 5 Meat Heroes (this chapter is free)

Golden silk red dates, jasper pear cream.

Gu Qingqiao sat at the huge rosewood carved table and tasted the snacks one by one.

"It's delicious." She lifted her face and laughed, and the mountain flowers were full of smiles. "The civilian snacks of the Lantern Festival are so delicious. You will bring me again next year!"

Duan Yu smiled slightly and didn't mind.

Naturally, she didn't know that these snacks were prepared by the first-class chef in his palace, and then sent Wu Yi to ride here with a whip and a whip. Only then did she go downstairs to buy snacks, and along the way she met all the Wuyi riders dressed as businessmen, and the food they bought was naturally excellent.

He has been used to defending himself since he was a child. He can't eat anything made by strangers, and he doesn't want her to eat.

"Do you know?" Qing Qiao took a bite of chrysanthemum crisps and blew up his mouth, "If I didn't meet you, I would probably be a nun in the future."

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow, with a three-pointed charm, "It turns out Xiao Qiao has been so enamored with me, shouldn't I be married?"

"Yeah!" Qing Qiao yelled at him, "beautiful beauty, I just figured out how I wouldn't get married-what do you think is better than being a nun?"

"What's the reason?" He shook his head, he didn't understand what she was thinking, "Can you just marry me?"

"... You are the best candidate." Qing Qiao put down his chopsticks, Xiao Yingying looked at him remotely.

"Because I won't love you, you won't love me, people like you will always only love yourself."

She was holding a pink cheek, and her eyes were bright and bright, like a pair of black pearls that are difficult to buy.

"Love, what is that?"

He also smiled at her, his face was as warm as a jade.

Sighing, Gu Qingqiao patted his face and persuaded himself not to be angry with him.

"Love likes a person very much, and she is happy, and you are happy; she is sad, and you are sad; half of your world is her, and her happiness is your greatest happiness-as I said, Do you understand? "

Duan Yu said with disapproval: "My world has always been controlled by myself, how can it be manipulated by the joy and sorrow of others?"

It was known that this uncle would say so, Qing Qiao secretly scolded, so selfish, sooner or later he will be revenge.

"Master, I happen to know a boy with a name similar to yours." Under the candlelight, the smile on her face looked like honey. "He didn't know what he loved until he met a fairy-like girl one day, and he fell in love with the girl , Called her fairy sister, held her in the palm of her hand, suffered a lot for her, and suffered a lot of sins-but there are others in the heart of this beauty, and he doesn't even bother to look at him. You said that if you were him what can we do about it?"

"What's the name of Sister Shenxian?" Duan Yuhu looked at her suspiciously. "Is it really better than Tianxian? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Qing Qiao must fall.

"Beauty's surname is Wang Mingyu, the daughter of a small door and a small family. Lord Wang naturally hasn't heard it." She gritted her teeth and uttered a word from her mouth.

Duan Yu snorted from his nose and said indifferently: "Since you can't stay with you, let them all disappear, and you will be clean when you don't see it."

When he said this, he was very calm, and suddenly Qiao Qiao felt a terrible coolness rising from the soles of his feet, crawling towards the backbone.

"... How does this work? You should say that the happiness of Girl Wang is your happiness. As long as Girl Wang is happy, you will be happy ..." Qing Qiao sat idly and muttered quietly.

"Stupid girl." Duan Yu slapped her a glance, "I never get what I want!" Seeing her pale face, she seemed to add an unintentional sentence: "... what about you? Is it love?" Get someone else? "

"Well?" Qing Qiao said suddenly, waved his hands in a hurry: "Here? No? No! How old am I now?"

Duan Yu gave a soft hum, leaned slowly towards the back of the chair.

The subtle pride of my eyes disappeared quietly.

After eating the last plate of dim sum, Dongxi intimately reported: "Miss, it's getting late, it's time to return home."

Qing Qiao Weiwenuonuo nodded, a pair of Xingyan secretly glanced at Duan Yu, expecting him to answer.

Duan Yu, if he hadn't heard it, drank tea straight away, and looked away from the window. No one knew what he was thinking, the guards snorted, and dared not to say anything.

Suddenly, she realized that perhaps the prince was not as out-of-the-world as he was on the outside, but faintly felt a sense of oppression, perhaps a dangerous person.

"Let's stay a little longer, the moonlight is so beautiful tonight, not every day."

For a long time, Duan Yu spoke, her face indifferent.

The moon burst into tears in the sky, boy, you will finally notice me.

Qing Qiao poked his lips, some reluctantly: "It's too rude to go back too late. Dad knows what to scold-let's say, it's not safe to travel at night."

"Do you know the courtesy number?" Duan Yuchao turned her face in surprise, with a pair of phoenixes smiling, "I thought you only knew how to eat!"

Qing Qiao knew that he was deliberately stingy, so he had to keep silent with pink cheeks, the jade's neck was straight in the moonlight, and there was an unexplainable coquettishness.

"... Your dad will not blame him." Duan Yu's voice softened suddenly. "You don't need to worry about the night walk, as long as I am there, you will never be in danger." Yi Men's head nodded and said, "You show both hands to Miss Gu."

The man in black took the order, put on his placket, Qing Qiao felt only a breeze passing by, and had no time to return. The man in black had steadily returned to his place, with a bunch of fresh locust flowers in his hands.

Qing Qiao recognized that it was on a large locust tree outside the attic, at least fifty steps from here, and could not help but "snive".

The man in black immediately turned the Huaihua in his hand to a carved stool, only to hear a "wow", the stool was torn apart, but Huaihua was intact.

Qing Qiao stood up suddenly.

"Heroes, what's your name?" She quickly rushed to the man in black, with the stars of worship shining in her eyes.

"Little surname Qiao Mingfeng." The man in black arched her hand, respectfully.

"Qiao Feng?" Just a scream, the black man's shirt had been pulled tightly by Qing Qiao, and he refused to release it when he died. "You are really Qiao Feng? God, I actually saw Qiao Feng himself! I said, how can there be a Duan Yu here, did not expect that there is actually Qiao Feng ?! Hero, Qiao, did you come out from the beggar? Where is your second brother Xuzhu? By the way, I really want to see Aju Arrange a chance for me-唔 "

The voice did not fall, her mouth was blocked by a sleeve, and she returned gently to the table.

"It turns out Xiao Qiao knows his subordinate?" Duan Yu retracted his hand and said quietly.

The man in black only felt that his body was cold, and bean-sweat dripping down his temples.

Qing Qiao was restrained with both hands, and twisted his body and shouted loudly, "I'll know if I picked up his clothes. I know he has a wolf head on his chest ..."

The man in black suddenly felt desperate.

"Xing Si, listened to Miss Gu's words, took out his clothes to see if there were tattoos." Duan Yumian commanded expressionlessly, a very cold and gleam of light flashed under his eyes.

Listening only to the "wow", the man in black was cut into two, exposing the strong and strong chest muscles.

"Going back to the Lord, Qiao Feng does not have a tattoo on his body." Another man in black came forward and reported in a trembling tone.

Qing Qiao was disappointed and sighed greatly.

"It turned out to be a similar name ..." She lowered her head and said to herself, "I'm so stupid, why would I think I'm wearing the martial arts world?"

Duan Yu could only hear the first sentence, seeing her being so distracted, holding up her little face and asking softly, "Who is the one named Qiao Feng? Is it important to you?"

"... It's very important." Qing Qiao sighted the stiff shirtless man in the corner and closed his eyes slightly. "He is a legendary chef in the cooking industry. He is particularly good at making white garlic. I want to eat the vegetables he has cooked for a long time Now. "

Duan Yu said, "Oh," she let go of her hands and released her into her arms. "I never heard of such a hero who is proficient in cooking. But it doesn't matter, I will immediately You don't have to be so sad to send someone to look for it. "

Qing Qiao nodded weakly, tacitly.

Someone sent Gu Qingqiao back to Shang Shufu, and Duan Yujing sat quietly in Wangchen Pavilion, playing with a delicate green pendant.

"Xing Si." He suddenly raised his head and instructed the people in black around him, "You need to issue a warrant to thoroughly investigate all young men with wolf heads on the chest. If it happens to be Joe, all will be killed without pardon . "

Xing Si led his order and immediately retreated.

Duan Yumu sent him away, accidentally glimpsed the bright moon outside the window, and said casually:

"Why is the moon so ugly tonight? It should have been cut and made another."

In the night of the Lantern Festival this year, the moon's heart broke, and nothing could be done.

It and the man named Qiao Feng both felt scared, scared like never before.

A gust of wind blew through, and they both ran a search.

It's so cold. 2k novel reading network

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