MTL - The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate-Chapter 44 Cai fall cliff

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Chapter 44: Cai Cang Cliff

"Toto Thomas!"

Qing Qiao was only mentioned by Bao Quanquan in mid-air, his hands and feet fluttered nonchalantly: "Brother, let ’s live, Thomas is here!"

Bao Quancai's eyes were wide open and he wanted to speak, and suddenly he noticed that dark objects were flying towards them through the air.

"--Huge hidden weapon!"

Qing Qiao screamed, desperately digging into his brother's arms.

"Carving insect tricks!" Bao Quancai sneered with a disdain, reaching out to catch the hidden weapon steadily.

"not good!"

The next second, Bao Quancai's tone suddenly changed, with a three-pointer surprise.

Qing Qiao raised his head in curiosity, and wanted to find out, but his face was blocked by Bao Qicai's back.

"Don't look!"

The brother's voice trembled slightly.

Qing Qiao smelled a little fishy air and frowned, "Brother, are you hurt?"

Bao Quancai's back spine was low, his voice hoarse: "... No."

"How could it smell blood?"

Qing Qiao became more and more surprised. He stepped on his toes and wanted to take a closer look, but he suddenly had large hands to cover her eyes.

"——Don't look at it, just don't look at it, what a joke!"

Bao Quan only whispered.

"Isn't it ..." Qing Qiao smelled the fishy smell on his hand, his face flushed and rosy.


Brother Bao's voice was helpless, exhausted, and more shocked—

"You're right ... the shopkeeper Liao has only one head left now, flying around."

"Yeah!" Qing Qiao covered his mouth and tried not to make himself cry, cold sweat sticking behind Brother Bao, for fear that he would disappear when he turned around.

Strangely, the attack outside the house also stopped at the same time, and the mysterious man seemed to have left.

Surrounded by a quiet and strange situation again.

Qing Qiao couldn't wait to leave here. Looking at his brother, he found that he was holding a **** head like this and fell into a "thinker" state.

——Well, disgusting.

Qing Qiao was almost fainted, but he didn't dare to talk, so he had to squeeze his mouth tightly.

"Oh oh oh—"

Not far away there were a few wailing chickens. This was the last chapter of dawn. After a while, the sky should be bright.

"Master, brother ..." After a while, Qing Qiao finally summoned his courage to say, "Do you think we should go?"

"What?" Brother Bao raised his face blankly and glanced out casually. "Dawn?"

Qing Qiao nodded desperately.

"Oh, then you go back by yourself. I'm going to find an uncle first."

Bao Quancai shouted, tore open his placket, and packed his head three or two times: "This time it's a bit tricky ... I'm afraid to report to the head."

"You you you actually let me go back alone?"

Qing Qiao stepped back and trembled.

"Can't it?" Bao Quancai gave her a white look. "This chaifang is only a few steps from the inn. Would you like me to send a eight-carriage to pick you up?"

"But, it was just so dangerous ..."

Qing Qiao pulled up his nose in fear.

"Dangerous? Is it dangerous?"

Bao Quancai yelled at her: "Don't you have the secret trick‘ back to back ’? If you meet the enemy, you wo n’t be finished? Ha!”

After all, carrying the head swayed and flew away.

Qing Qiao stood still, looking at his brother's back getting smaller, he had the heart to die.

"Oh oh oh—"

The chicken roared twice, and the cool dew of the morning light was straight to the lungs, and the glow of the sky seemed like a touch of bright red blood.

Qing Qiao suddenly felt scalp, he did not dare to hesitate, and stomped his feet and ran out.

"——Run, run! Piggy run!"

She roared in her heart, making the fastest speed in her life-can't stop! Can not watch! Can't be hindered by any obstacle! I am the new generation of female Liu Xiang! !!

However, the female Liu Xiang's placket was suddenly dragged.

"... Girl, take a step to talk."

An old, hoarse, ghost-like voice sounded behind him.

Accompanying the discourse was a quiet force, dragging her towards some unknown wilderness.

"Where are you taking me?"

Qing Qiao repeatedly wanted to look back at the "green forest old man", but his throat was choked by life and he did not dare to make trouble.

"——It's natural to go to somewhere."

The man "quacked" and laughed, his voice chilling as if etched by sulfuric acid.

Qing Qiao wanted to cry without tears and had to be dragged forward by half a push and a half drag.

This man was invincible and took her to a cliff in a very short time.

"Oh my mother!" Qing Qiao glanced down and couldn't help wailing loudly, "Heroes, this place is not good!"

"Why not?" Murmured behind him, "there are countless bones that have fallen to the bottom of the mountain, which is really '**'."

Speaking, a deep back behind her-"Go forward!"

With a sharp command tone, Qing Qiao had to move forward three centimeters.

"So scared of death?" The man grinned again, ten percent "broken throat", "tell me if you are afraid of death, what is the real purpose of your visit to Xiling?"

Yeah, understand so deeply, may you also come for the Four Spirits?

So Qing Qiao took a deep breath and trembled his throat, "This brother Taiwan ~~~ We are all from all over the world, come together for a common revolutionary goal ... If you don't like this, let me go first, let's Have something to say ... "

The people behind her pushed her hard forward: "What brother! You devil who likes to mess around, get me down and cool down!"

"Wow wow!"

Qing Qiao struggled desperately, seeing that his feet had touched the edge of the cliff, and the stones that rolled on him rolled down and could not help crying, "Help! You shameless hooligan! The people's police are the people, where is the people's police?"

"... Hee hee, I like others to say I'm shameless." The person behind her suddenly let go of her throat and laughed lazily, "Come, let me say a last word."

Concerned that there was another big hand held around his waist, Qing Qiao had to cry in the wind and sigh deeply:

"Heaven is jealous and talented! Now is my generation of beauties-Gu Qingqiao. On the last day of my life in this world, I absolutely cannot accept ... this unjust blow!"

She said it quickly, and she slammed back and grabbed the eyes of the opposite person, trying to make a final death blow.

The people behind her did not expect that she would have such a surprise attack, and she was pushed outward with internal force under conditional reflexes.

-She just fluttered out of the cliff like this.

The wind passed by her cheeks, and her long hair and clothes flew up.

very good.

She closed her eyes to comfort herself, and I finally enjoyed a free bungee jump.

Although this time, there is no safety rope dripping.

Suddenly a hand embraced her, her fingertips were cold and she nodded.

"-You're not surprised."

The hand moved down, nodded her lips, and in the rapidly changing scenery on both sides, a pair of black eyes opposite the other were clear and watery.

The comer flew up with her leisurely, with a light-hearted tone like a white crane, walking like a cloud, and jumping like a butterfly.

The birds hummed in their ears, and the mist was whispering around them, but they had to whine, and the two had jumped over the cliff again.

Turned sideways, the committee fell to the ground.

"Are you happy?"

The comer opened her hands with interest, her eyes were silky, a little light leaked under the shallow gap, and she turned out thousands of flavors.

Fun, fun and exciting.

Such an endless abyss was nothing more than a play to him.


Seeing that the beauty's face was blank, he frowned and couldn't help but poked at her.

Qing Qiao was so touched by him that he finally felt. Rubbing my eyes, I finally realized that I was standing on solid soil, and I couldn't help crying and thanking the gods--

O earth, my mother, the child only knows now how much he loves you!

"God back?"

The comer looked at her with Yingying, her cheeks stained, her eyes bright, and her smile narrowed.

Qing Qiao turned his head in anger, unwilling to look straight at him, and there was unspeakable anger in his heart.

"Yeah, angry?" The comer grabbed her, and flirted while rubbing her body. "Why so stingy? Don't you think it's fun?"

"Fun ?!" Qing Qiao could not help but screamed and jumped up. "Fun to go home and play with your mother!"

She scolded and shivered, covering her face with a beating, and finally couldn't help crying.

"——Lu Zizhen, you Hamter! Hamter! Will I be willing to kill thunder? Is it right? Do you know that I thought I was going to die just now, almost desperate!"

Tears flowed from the frame of eyes, soaking up the cheeks and soaking the placket.

In order to find the Four Spirits and to go home, when will such a hard day come to an end? Boil and boil, boil and boil, do you really need to boil into a xiangpo to count?

She was crying out of breath and her voice was hoarse.

Lu Zizheng did not fight back this time.

He stood on the spot, bearing the breath out of Qing Qiaohu's scramble, his head was not sideways, and his hair lines remained unchanged.

For a long time, Qing Qiao's crying sound finally lowered, sobbing instead of gasping.

Lu Zizhen sighed, touching her head, and pressing her deeply into her arms.

"I'm so scared, I'm so scared ..." Qing Qiao sobbed with a nose, "You don't know, how many **** things have I experienced tonight? As soon as I close my eyes, a human head flies in front of me go with……"

"I know, I know." Lu Zizhen patted her shoulders comfortably. "Is the shopkeeper Liao? The inn found his headless corpse last night, and now it's been out of business for a long time, I received the message the first time I will come to you. "

"——You still have to pretend to be a ghost!"

Qing Qiao screamed and began to pound **** his chest: "Is there something to say that you will die ?! What old man pretending to be, and learning the underworld to drag me to the edge of the cliff, what are you thinking? Totally abnormal! "

Lu Zizhen was in pain, but just laughed and was interested. He squeezed her further, put his chin on his neck, pressed her ears and whispered, "If you say I'm full of you, do you believe it?"

Rumble! Suddenly a current passed from the sole of the foot to the head of the head, Qing Qiao only felt that the back of his head was numb, and his pores were all open-thunderous!

"... Brother, can you stop playing?"

She was weak and weak and paralyzed: "I have been repeatedly frightened, my little girl may suffer from a heart attack, and she can't afford it!"

Lu Zizhen hooked the corner of his mouth lightly, and made no comment.

"Well, send me back." Qing Qiao steadily supported Lu Zizheng's shoulders. Her legs were now two pieces of dough and could not move at all.

"Go back? Where to go?" Lu Zizhen looked up, exposing the proud lines on the side, "Follow me, Dangdang takes you to a good place."

The words fell to the ground, he didn't look at her, he swung wide sleeves, grabbed her and leaped towards the cliff, with momentum like a rainbow.

The clouds dispersed, and Chenguang tenderly kissed the top of the mountain.

Qing Qiao couldn't distinguish his look at the moment, whether it was cold or hot, and he didn't dare to speculate on his mind, whether it was smooth or flat.

Fenger slowly sent the scent from him, such as a quilt that has been basking in the afternoon in the winter, warm and nostalgic with the sun.

After a while, the two slowly landed on the soft valley.

"If you want to find beauty in the world, you can only risk it by yourself."

Lu Zizhen smiled and let go, slowly turned to his side, and brought out a suffocating multicolored cascade behind him.

The endless fragrant grass, with roses on the bank, green and verdant, pink and red, thick and thick as if dripping soon.

The winding stream surface is covered with glaze, shining with glazed luster, colored stones in the water, shining brightly with the sunlight between the waves, changing into various colors such as dark blue, bright purple, pink ...

Butterflies dance on the field, the reflection of flowing clouds generally covers the ground, and the soft scent lingers in the air.

Dreamlike, non-fantasy.

This grand flower event extends infinitely towards the deep valley, as if there is no end.

"How?" Lu Zizhen stretched out her palm, "You are satisfied with this as a surprise?"

Qing Qiao stood still and was afraid to take a step forward.

Suddenly, under the dappled shadows, she suddenly felt like a dust in the light, so small that it was negligible.

"Really, really beautiful ..." After a while, she finally spoke, stuttering. "It's worth seeing the cliffs to see such beautiful scenery ..."

Lu Zizhen raised the corner of his mouth, and there were unspeakable joys on his face.

"Don't be afraid, this is the world, not the fairyland, I'll take you into some." He took her hand and fluttered lightly toward Rose.

The wind was shaking, the sky was raining, and the powder was like snow. So amazing, all the worldly hustle and bustle can be temporarily abandoned.

Qing Qiao lay in the overwhelming petals and took a deep breath, intoxicated.

This is the typical life through! The beauty, the beauty, everything is so beautiful, so there are so many unsuccessful crossing women.

"... Do you like it? Do you like it?" Lu Zizhen lay down next to her. "I was really surprised when I came here for the first time."

"Well, if I die in the future, I will insist on the organization to bury my body here."

Qing Qiao raised a hand and solemnly swore.

Lu Zizheng smiled, and suddenly remembered something, turned over and bullied her: "Which scenery is better with me?"

--Again! This **** peacock man!

Qing Qiao rolled his eyes, closed his eyes and covered his ears, pretending not to hear.

Lu Zizhen was also not annoyed, rubbing her forehead on her chin, becoming more and more intimate: "Then you say, do you like this scenery a little more, or do you like me a little more?"

Gurus, Qing Qiao only felt that the stomach was sour, and he couldn't bear it. Opening his eyes, he brushed his fingers and shouted, "Look, there is a gray machine! The gray has passed ~~~~"

Lu Zizhen was startled by her coldness and couldn't help crying: "What kind of machine?"

"It's a gray chicken." Qing Qiao muttered angrily, and took the opportunity to turn over.

However, Lu Zizheng became more bold, her arms quietly wrapped around her waist, and her face clung to her back.

"Little Joe."

He whispered to her with a dull voice.

"What ?!" Qing Qiao originally wanted to knock his hands off, and then thought for a while that he had to rely on him to go up the mountain, and had to swallow his voice.

"... Give up." His tone was surprisingly gentle.

"What to give up?" Qing Qiao's heart tightened, and his whole body stretched into a string.

"... Abandon your dreams and find a place to live with peace of mind ... or walk with me, okay?"

Moist lips almost touched her cold earlobe, messy and frantic.

The fragrant scenery, the profound promise, everything is more charming than the midsummer night's dream.

However, Qing Qiao just lowered his eyes and smiled: "Zi Zheng, if there is no dream, I will no longer be me."

The heat behind him suddenly disappeared, with both hands and lips removed.

"——I don't know. I should be happy or sad."

Lu Zizhen pulls over Qing Qiao's face, his eyes sharp and biting into the depths of her soul.

"You should be happy." Qing Qiao looked back at him with a calm look, "At the beginning you specifically sought Wang Tianshan and filled the road for me. How can I give up easily now? Grit your teeth and go on. "

Lu Zizhen looked at her for a moment, shook her head, and took pity on her.

"... I'm happy, I'm really happy."

Letting go of her again, he was already full of joy and excitement of the child: "Little Joe, you have to remember what you said today-there is no way back, only to grit your teeth and go down." He patted her delicate cheek. I really like you like this. "

Got it, please choose another way next time!

Qing Qiao glared at him and continued to lie down and rest full of resentment.

Another small white flower fell down and was picked up, and the delicate figure was repeatedly rotated at the fingertips.

"That Ruan looks like a dome, is it good for you?"

A little hesitation came from not far away.

"It's been good for a while," Qing Qiao sighed. "I'm trying to learn to please him."

Noble officials like clowns, so there is no shortage of clowns in this world.

"You really act."

Throwing it away, the little flower was ruthlessly dropped into her skirt.

"Everyone." She picked up the flower and gently twisted the weeds next to her. "Who calls me an actor?"

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