MTL - The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate-Chapter 41 Cai He Ha

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Chapter 41

As soon as he ran back to the room, Qing Qiao finally managed to hold Nai's little heart that was banging.

I've seen her sister's head oil, the fairy's soleplate, and Uncle's charming, confusing, mad, and giggling smile, she said that she could not eat dinner. Fortunately, the "Yuelai Inn" of the national chain full-time space chain is very quiet, so he obediently climbs to bed, intends to take a good rest, and heals injuries.

It wasn't long before lying, and I suddenly murmured in my stomach.

"Oh, look at this voice, like 110 alarm."

Qing Qiao patted his belly, laughed, and the objective existence of objects was not always shifted by human will.

I had to get up, put on a shirt, and go downstairs with a lamp to find food.

Eating too much.

When I went downstairs, I found a person sitting by the window of the hall.

Head up, side face, chin slightly raised, looking out the window. The amount of the court is clear, the bridge of the nose is straight, and the hair is clear, such as Mo Zeyou.

Behind the man was a faint candlelight, yellow and faint, a shadow on the ground, and a shadow.

Looking at such a delicate profile, she felt a little dazed for a moment, and could not help slowing down, for fear of alarming him.


The man had already found her, and turned his head, and the dark eyes were floating on the bay.

"Master, uncle."

Qing Qiao smiled wryly and stepped forward: "It's so late, do you still rest?"

There is no doubt that she was afraid of him-in Xiling, he was a natural existence, calling for wind and rain, and doing everything. Such a person suddenly said that he would help her. Who knows the price involved in this word?

The Buddha said that it is not credible or credible.

Ruan Siqiong nodded slightly, motioning her to sit on the opposite stool.

She had no choice but to sit down.

The window was not closed, and a gap opened, and a sparse wind was blowing behind my head.

"——I think someone must come down to find something to eat tonight, so Jiang Taigong fishes here."

Ruan Qiongqiong looked at her half-smirkingly, and smiled.

"Unexpectedly, I really caught a cabbage."

"Hey ..." Qing Qiao touched the back of his head. "Without concealing my uncle, I was really hungry."

Ruan looked like a dome and chin slightly, marking a proud arc: "Look, what's on the table?"

Qing Qiao found that there were several plates in front of him, covered by bowls, and the scent of food was faintly exuded in the gap.

"Thank you Uncle!" She was overjoyed, turned the bowls one by one, picked up the chopsticks and began to enjoy them.

The sky was cloudy and the moon was cold and silent.

Halfway through the meal, Qing Qiao suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right, and couldn't help but stop and looked up.

——I did not expect Ruan Siqiong was looking at her.

The bottom of his eyes seemed to be flowing, sometimes quiet, sometimes complicated, and could not be discerned for a while.

Qing Qiao slightly hesitated.

Four eyes staggered, half blurred and half stingy.

"Come here, let me touch it."

Ruan Siqiang suddenly spoke, breaking this strange silence.

"Hum--" Qing Qiao could not wait to spit a blood.

In the face of the beauty's wrath, Ruan seemed to be very calm.

"I mean, let me touch your wounds-aren't you arguing about the pain?"

"Thank you, thank you, good, heart!" Qing Qiao jumped out of this sentence word by word, his eyes flushed. "The disciples don't dare to forget, which expert is the gift of these injuries!"

Ruan Siqiang raised his mouth with a smile: "Pakchoi, you have played tricks on your sister, and I will arrange you to punish you-this is fair, do you understand?"

"——I don't understand!" Qing Qiao's throat filled with anger, Qing Qiao "snapped" the tableware and stared at him: "Why can those sisters bully me, I can't fool back ?! Well, you always like to be fair Hanging on my lips, I ask you, how did you achieve fairness? Just saying no, I think it would be better to just call you 'Ruan fairness'! "

As soon as the words came out, he looked at the unfathomable handsome face on the opposite side, and immediately regretted it.

To her surprise, Ruan Siqiong was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled.

"Ruan Ruan is fair, but a good name."

He leaned an elbow against the window sill, raised his head slightly for a moment, and dangled it.

"... I'm your cabbage, and you're calling me Ruan Fair, it's not bad." He hooked the corner of his mouth, and a soothing wind passed between his eyebrows. "It's fair."

Qing Qiao suddenly suspected that the Ruan Siqiong was from the Paranoid Subcenter of the Center for Abnormal Human Research.

"... I am punishing you because the smell of rot has not only affected a few female disciples, but also disturbed others." Ruan Siqiong looked at her and explained slowly. "Revenge has nothing to do with it. Irrelevant people are wrong. "

Qing Qiao was surprised. After hearing what he said, he felt that he really had some thoughts and could not help lowering his head.

"Well, it's a mistake to miss you, this is the way to go ... as for the group of female disciples, I will arrange it later."

Seeing that the purpose of education was achieved, Ruan seemed to rise up and walked upstairs: "It's not early, you eat slowly, I'm going to rest."

Alas, I said this uncle, how can you say just leave! Do you think you are Xu Zhimo, do you not take away a cloud?

Qing Qiao was anxious and whispered behind him: "Hey! What do you promise me to find for me?"

Ruan didn't look back and waved his hand slightly: "I don't need to go out myself, as long as I let out the wind, naturally someone will help us find it."

"Well?" Qing Qiao heard for a moment: "What is the wind?"

However, Ruan Qiqiong ignored her and just disappeared into the staircase.

"It's so clever." Qing Qiao looked at his back and muttered to himself, "I knew how to use human flesh search engine so early!"

After eating, he wiped his mouth and returned to the room with satisfaction.

"The night breeze gently blows out the candle smoke, and the flying flowers are chaotic, and the human feelings held by them have been hurt ..."

Occasionally, she would hum a lyrical song.

This "Half-faced Makeup", I don't remember much lyrics, but in recent months, the last few words in the song have always echoed in my mind.

——The role of the world is really for lies, she can't tell which is the truth.

-Hair band snow, autumn night is cold, for whom in the end to make a half face makeup?

Humming and humming, he suddenly felt cold, so he got up and closed the window.

Suddenly his hands were held.

"Why is Xiao Qiao secretly hurt?"

Raise your hand to the window, long and transparent, thin lips stop beside the right cheek, and breath can be heard.

Under the moonlight, the pair of peach eyes were half charming and half clear, and there was no flower in the room, but because of his arrival, the night fragrant was spread.

"Hurry as the law!"

Qing Qiao jumped fiercely, avoiding people at least three feet.

"Lei Lei is healthier!"

The comer smiled with both hands.

"——It really is you!" Qing Qiao suddenly burst into tears, holding on to each other's shirt tightly, "Zizi! Zizhen! Lu Zizhen !!"

The comer not only shook his head and sighed, but said with a grievance: "When you wanted to enjoy the moon in Beijing, you also called others Xiao ~ Sweet ~ Sweet ~. Now that the new one is changing the old one, he is called 'Lu Zizheng'!"

Qing Qiao couldn't help shouting, "Why are there any new people?"

"No?" Lu Zizhen gave her an oblique glance, and Gu Panliu gave birth to her teeth. "Ruan Siqiong, Lu Huahua, and a group of bald monks in the quiet temple, which is not your newcomer?"

"Monk you also have to count!" Qing Qiao laughed and gave him a slap.

"Why not?" Lu Zizheng's eyes swelled in the microwave, true and false. "I don't look at any of the Xiling faction, but the bald donkey of the quiet temple has to be guarded!"

Qing Qiao couldn't help but say, "What's the truth with you?"

Lu Zizhen drew two rows of long eyelashes and smiled futilely. "Naturally, it makes sense."

"Forget it, don't say this!" Unwilling to investigate the meaning of the words, Qing Qiao grabbed his hand straight, "What news did you bring to me? What about my father? Dongxi? Ada? They are all good Are you all safe? Are you ... alive? "

The voice trembled slightly, urgent and tense.

Lu Zizheng just stared at her silently, without smiling.

"Come on!" She was about to burst into tears.

"... please me." After a while, he finally spoke, saying only two words.

"I beg you, please beg you!" Qing Qiao was so busy making compromises that he almost knelt down to him.

"Let me touch it." Lu Zizhen stood still, the wind blows long hair, and cumin is independent.

"You touch it, you touch it!" Qing Qiao embraced with open arms, making Huang Jiguang look dead as if he had blocked his eyes.

"Then you have to do a striptease, then go downstairs for ten laps, and run and shout‘ My favorite flower monk ’until I ’m satisfied.”

Lu Zizhen's face still faintly smiled, but the more he looked the more he became mad.

"I trust! Madam is angry!"

Gu Qingqiao finally failed to hold the anger in the bra this time, and all of a sudden broke out.

"I love the monk who cares about your fart! Are you a flower or a monk? Also‘ my favorite flower monk ’! I ’m so mean! Shameless! Indecent! Birdman!

Lu Zizheng was not angry, but she scorned her conclusion, concisely: "You, no birdman."

"I OOXX your uncle!" Qing Qiao jumped up suddenly, "I want to anger me, Grandma!"

"Slow death, maybe I will remember helping your aunt to collect your body." Lu Zizhen hugged his hands together and hooked his mouth. "By the way, my uncle has been around for many years. Seek you company, if you have that organ ... "


The force shook the world's roar and shook the world.

Gu Qingqiao's eyes were red and bloodshot, and he was completely on the verge of collapse-Cangtian! Why does this peacock man like to torture her and beat her every time? It is so abnormal!

"Don't be angry."

The next second, he was taken into a solid arms with one hand.

"I haven't seen you for so long. I just miss it. I miss it." Lu Zizhen stroked her slightly trembling (completely angry) hair, very soft.

When Qing Qiao stayed, his heart warmed quietly.

"——I miss you so much that I ca n’t laugh and cry, I miss you for being angry with me or saying ... Ah, that face that bears humiliation is so funny ..."

Qing Qiao twitched with humiliation in his arms, holding his fingers tightly to make a ball, ready to stun him before the next more exaggerated words.

The fist climbed into the air quietly, but Lu Zizheng didn't know which one was wrong, and shoved her away to blame: "I ask you, I haven't seen you in the same long time, why don't you ask me if I'm doing well?"

Yay? Qing Qiao froze, which drama is this singing again?

"Even if your father ... Dongxi, I can barely bear it ..." Lu Zizhen complained with a handsome face, his tone was more serious than ever, "Why even Ada should be in front of me ?! It's too letting I'm disappointed! "


A raging lightning flashes across the sky, illuminating the dull bitter gourd on the ground.

For a moment, Qiao Qiao felt that he had become a muddy and soft mass.

-Too Thundery Too Thundery! I said the author, even if graduated from Radio and TV University, can't stand your thunder! Wow yeah yeah ~~~~

"Silly?" Lu Zizhen patted her face. "Are you afraid of lightning?"

"I? I'm afraid of her husband ..." Qing Qiao was weak and ready to turn around, "My father, what are they like, do you say or don't say it? I won't sleep without saying ..." It really can't stand such a sudden "Ray you didn't discuss it."

"Stupid!" Lu Zizheng brought her back with a smiley hippie face. "Your dad is fine now, although he was invited to drink tea by the Ministry of Justice, but it was a healthy one ..."

"——Department of punishment?" Qing Qiao screamed and grabbed his arm, "They really punished my father ?!"

"... It's just a few tricks. It's slight." Lu Zizhen frowned, but finally waved his hand. "Your dad was protected by a noble officer, and he should have no hardships."

"That, that shouldn't be ..." Qing Qiao's voice gradually lowered, with one regret and three points, "It's all me who killed him ..."

Lu Zizhen looked at her and laughed and laughed: "How can a girl with such a short-sighted eye?"

"Although I have dreams, I don't want to hurt people!" Qing Qiao covered his face with both hands, very frustrated.

Lu Zizhen slightly stunned, then reached out and hugged her, patted her back and said, "You did no harm, your father, Dongxi, and Ada them, all live well. Shang Shufu released news, Say you were seriously ill and went to recuperate in another place, and your marriage with that prince was put on hold ... In short, everything is normal in the capital. "Except for a bunch of cheerful and crazy Huaichun mother-in-law.

"Really?" Qing Qiao Xizi raised his face, his eyes moved, "You swear you didn't lie to me?"

"I swear." Lu Zizhen smiled calmly, "No deception."

—I did not deceive you, I just concealed something.

For example, Gu Shangshu proposed to cancel the marriage contract, and Lord Duan did nothing.

Thinking of this, he smiled playfully.

"That's all right, this is all right." Qing Qiao patted his chest and breathed a long breath. "I can finally rest assured."

He was about to fall to bed.

"Hey, you haven't told me why Ada is in front of me!" Lu Zizhen quickly reached out and grabbed her.

"Do you still need to ask?" Qing Qiao yawned and fell to the bed. "The wine and meat passed through the intestines, and Ada stayed—I eat boiled vegetables every day in Xiling. You said that I can miss him and him Of braised pork ?! "

"So it is." Lu Zizheng smiled, and sat down beside the bed. "Since life is so hard, why should you come to Xiling?"

"Do you think I want to ?! If it wasn't for ..." Qing Qiao said vaguely, and suddenly shut up alertly.

"If it wasn't for what?" Lu Zizhen leaned over to her ear, blowing the aroma and tempting.

"Because ... because ..." Qing Qiao Zhiwu rang, and suddenly raised his hands and shouted to the sky, "I love the flower monk!"

Lu Zizheng is very angry and funny.

Halfway, he patted her on the shoulder: "Why don't you ask him?"

"He? Which of him?" Qingqiao rolled over impatiently, facing the wall.

"Which him?" Lu Zizheng laughed out loud. "Do you still want to be stupid? Which one do you say?"

"So many of him, how do I know who he is?" Qing Qiao pursed his lips and rolled his eyes.

"Of course he is the one who has a marriage contract with you." Lu Zizhen's smiling thief was dark and deep.

"I don't want to know about him." Qing Qiao covered his ears and closed his eyes.

——Don't want to know, or afraid to know?

Lu Zizhen raised his corner of his mouth, looked at her face, and thought to himself: "This is a terrible thing. Now he has gathered all the Wuyiwei men, and the rivers are looking for you crazy, even the Western Regions ..."


"Well, what are you humming? Couldn't you be moved?"

"Funny, you don't allow me to hum, do you want me ?!"

"... I won't lift the bar with you. You said, if he cries in front of you and admits to mistaking a hoe, and then lifts you back with the eight lift car, will you follow him?"


Alas, this is another long sleepless night.

The beautiful man murmured gossip around, and the girl looked up and counted the imaginary braised pork.

One bowl, two bowls, three bowls ...

In all fairness, this is the happiest night after Gu Qingqiao came to Xiling-finally the news that I have been looking forward to for a long time, my father is still in office, my family and friends are safe, everything is so smooth, what else is not satisfied?

But she forgot that once something reached its zenith, she would always go downhill.

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