MTL - The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate-Chapter 20 Meat Gillian

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Chapter Twenty Meaty Jiao

Returning from the main hall, Qing Qiao only felt that his hands and feet were cold and floating, and he walked every step.

She remembered Mr. Qi's distorted face after going out, and the words "heavy anger" were engraved on each hair.

"Why? Why lie to him? You can tell him the truth!" Word by word, complaining of gritting.

What are you kidding, Ogisang? I am so dead that I have offended a noble person who can protect you with all your strength, and is always in danger of being killed by his blood. You don't care about my life, I still care about it!

It is easy to say that finally, Mr. Qi was soothed by the reason that Shao Yi was too weak to avoid irritation, and she agreed to change her name to Du Chunjiao during the days of Qifu.

"... I said, the name is very vulgar." Mr Qi couldn't help muttering to her when he was separated. "How do you remember calling such a native name?"

"Who knows? It was just a flash of light." She smiled sweetly. "Maybe my previous life is called Du Chunjiao."

As soon as she returned to the room, Dong Xi fluttered at her like a butterfly: "Miss Miss, Lord Duan has written to you!"

"Why are you so happy?" Qing Qiao tangled in his heart, a little bit sour. "Why don't you first care about your master's good night?"

Dongxi squeezed a stationery to advance or retreat, and she had no choice but to bow her head: "... Miss."

"Okay, you tell me your convictions." Qing Qiao Xiang looked at him and pretended to be pitiful, and he coughed with a wave of pride.

This is my good lady. Dong Xi opens the stationery with a smile, clears her throat, and reads every word crisply:

"Little Qiao I love:

How was your first day in Qizhuang?

The king's house is far apart, and the king misses you so much that he cannot sleep peacefully every night. I sincerely hope that you can miss the king like you. The rivers and lakes are sinister. My King prays day and night that you can rule out all the difficulties and achieve your peaceful return, but just in case you get killed, please remember that the primary goal is to run back to the palace. The King has arranged Zuo Qing to take you to escape at any time Jiao Tianya guarantees that no one can catch up.

Yours sincerely, Duan.

Also: The cloth bag sent by Xiao Qiao is very different. The king liked it very much when he saw it, and ordered the servants to follow suit. Everyone says that this bag has a large capacity that has never been heard before. It can be filled with five whole sesame cakes, which is really gratifying. "

How to put away this letter looks like a cursed "love letter", Dong Xi looked at Miss Xiang, and stopped talking several times.

The lady's bulging cheeks remained silent and her face turned blue.

"... that ... Miss, Lord Wang seems to be dissatisfied with your living in Qifu?" Dongxi took the courage to test.

"How can you be dissatisfied?"

The lady wailed and fell on the table of Eight Immortals: "——It's just very dissatisfied!"

That night Gu Qingqiao had a nightmare that he hadn't done for a long time. She dreamed that she knelt on the ground and licked his toes for Shao Yi, tears begging him to eat, but Shao Yi laughed and kicked her into the lotus pond. She gritted her teeth and climbed up to find Mr. Qi, but Mr. Qi said that she would not be ridiculous and ridiculous to feed a pig; it was no good to go to Duan Yu, Duan Yu smiled and pointed at Zuo Qing and said that if you run faster than it, I will help .

In the end, she finally couldn't bear it. She took Shao Yi away in a black windy night for a month, and locked it in a large iron cage. He grabbed his neck every day and blasted braised pork and pig's trotters with a funnel. Shao Yi's captivated face was full of red hands and dances, and she felt anguish at the side-so much waste of the motherland's food! !!

Behind them noisily, they did not know when to put up a tattered wooden sign that was blown down by the wind, polished their eyes, and wrote eight big red lacquered letters-"Welcome to visit Beijing Duck."

The next day the chicken cried three times, and there were already a few servants waiting outside the door early.

"——My son's breakfast time is coming. Mr. Qi asked the girl to drive to the kitchen to supervise the diet."

The man in blue was speaking yesterday, and his smile was narrowed. He introduced himself as Qu and said he was the governor of the government.

Qing Qiao was unable to sleep overnight, and was shocked. Chen Jue was grievous, and thought for a moment that he was leaving the fence and followed the father-in-law to go outside.

Within a few steps, the father-in-law stopped suddenly and turned to look up and down her.

"Yeah, girl, why don't you dress up first?" With raised eyebrows, the sleeves shook, and the father-in-law was seriously shocked.

"Don't you want me to hurry?" Qing Qiao felt his head a little confused, "I washed my face and rinsed my mouth."

"Hey-how about that?" Grandpa Qu sighed, the elder elder sighed, knowing that your country girl didn't know how to look, "Our son always only likes to be with beautiful women, and he can wait before him All of them are good looks of one hundred miles. Although the girl you are born has a bit of beauty, if you don't dress up carefully, you will not be close to the body of the boy! "

Qing Qiao noticed that when the father-in-law said this, he was clearly mixed with a subtle emotion named proud.

"My father-in-law said." She smiled slightly as she turned her head. "Look at your father-in-law's so beautiful, you know, he must like your beautiful boy."

In the middle of her arms, Father Gong's face was full of the red light of the mountains and rivers of the motherland.

Walking around, finally came to the kitchen.

Qifu's kitchen is clean and elegant. Although it is early in the morning, there are already dozens of people in the kitchen sweating and sweating.

"Why so many people?" Qing Qiao didn't expect everyone to be so diligent.

"How can my son's breakfast be sloppy?" Gongqu smiled slightly. "My son needs thirty-two chefs and forty-eight youngsters for a daily breakfast. There are a total of eighty. If there are special circumstances, you need to add vegetables. . "

"Eight people? Could he have to sing for breakfast too?" Qing Qiao's boss, OMG, is the confession of Mr. Qi as Shao Yi.

"Sing a dish? Girl, what are you kidding?" Qu Gong glared at her. "How do you sing forty-eight dishes? Naturally, they are all placed on the table, let the son order."

Forty-eight lanes ... Qing Qiao felt a cold wind passing by behind him.

"So, what dishes have you prepared?" She yawned weakly and covered her face with her hands. "Trouble public bulletin for me."

As soon as Qu Gonggong waved his hand, there was a small urn around him. Xiao Yan picked up a piece of yellow paper and read aloud: "... This morning's meal includes three chicken soup soup with pigeon eggs, one pine soup goose oil roll, one Longjing bamboo soup, five roasted venison, and sliced ​​milk. One piece of pig, one plate of mountain thorn spiny bud, one plate of milk Poria frosting, one plate of pine monkey head mushroom, one piece of oyster sauce beef tenderloin, two pipa prawns, two pigeon glass cakes ... "

"Stop, stop!" Qing Qiao turned dizzy and had to wave his hand and asked, "Is there anything common? For example, porridge, or side dishes?"

Xiao Yan glanced along the yellow paper, and nodded, "There is a girl Hui Hui. Master Chef Guo prepared a bowl of bird's nest and bijang porridge, a court ginseng, sweet sauce **** teeth, and sweet snails each. . "

"What is court ginseng?" Qing Qiao was puzzled.

"The court ginseng is a fine radish carefully selected by Master Guo. This radish has grown from the heart of the palace since it was young. It **** the spirit of heaven and earth and raises the essence of the sun and the moon. Skilled pickling, eventually becoming the top pickles. "

Qu Gonggong explained with pride, exuding a unique sense of superiority.

Cut, these bunches of gourds, eat soaked radish and do so much shit. As soon as Qing Qiao rolled his eyes, he thought that you would be tossing hard. Anyway, if you were alive, you would be tossing.

The morning meal was still in the big room of the main hall yesterday.

Forty-eight exquisite dishes, filled with two giant red wooden tables, Shao Yi took long silver chopsticks in his hands and circled the table on foot. I saw him frown slightly, bit his lower lip, chopsticks circled and hovered on the table, but he refused to stop. Whenever his chopsticks moved to a dish, everyone's eyes glowed with hope, but the chopsticks were quickly removed without hesitation, so the small flame of hope was extinguished.

In short, everyone's eyes are like a light bulb, and the boy's hand is the switch, or a wireless remote control type.

After walking through all the dishes, Shao Yigong threw his chopsticks and said lazily, "No one likes it, it's gone."

One-third of the people in the room suddenly became faint.

The twin girls began to kneel, saying the old words of asking the son to eat a little, Qing Qiao watched the two teary little faces fascinated, thinking that there was an adjective that was born for you two. Beauty is beautiful.

Suddenly it felt like someone was scratching her ribs and turned to look at Mr. Qi.

"Don't touch it. I don't feel itchy." He was calm and expressionless.

Mr. Qi froze and struck her hard.

"Why are you angry at me?" Skimming his mouth disapproved, "You look at the weather outside the window, you have to be broad-minded."

"Gu Qingqiao!" Mr. Qi was furious, threatened with his teeth whispered, "Do you want to inquire about things?"

——You, who have no conscience, are special to others!

Qingqiao glanced at him resentfully, took a deep breath, and stepped out of the line with his chest raised.

"Gongzi, today's dishes are carefully cooked by the chef. You don't like to eat and don't worry about it. Why not try it?"

The sleeves were half-covered, and they were charming and charming.

"... Who are you?" Shao Yi did not remember for a moment.

"Chunjiao, the slave's new nanny Du Chunjiao, don't you remember?" Moving slowly towards Shao Yi while talking.

"Well, please? I don't want a babysitter!" Shao Yi threw his sleeves wide, his face full of publicity, "What does it matter if I eat or not?"

"My son is wrong," Qing Qiao said with a grin. "Although it's not about the slave's family, it's about Duan Wang's."

"What's wrong with Uncle Guan Yujiu?"

"Don't you hope that Mr. Duan likes you? To make Mr. Duan like you, the first thing is to raise him for nothing."

"Why is this?"

"Look, isn't Gu Qingqiao, which Duan Wang now likes, a big meatball? You can see that Grandpa Wang prefers fat people. If you want him to like you, you must first gain weight for yourself!" I do n’t need all of them, they are all left out.

Shao Yi froze a little, didn't speak, and lowered his head to think.

There is a play! There is a bird fluttering in Qing Qiao's heart, as if seeing her failed daughter beckoning to her, success is in sight.

But the next second, Shao Yi raised his face and smiled slightly--

"How hard do you persuade me to eat a bite, how much will He reward you?"

Looking at the young lady who was flat from the tip of her hair to the soles of her feet, Qing Qiao sighed quietly: "... not much."

"Not much is how much?" Shao Yi rested her hands on her cheeks and looked at her with a smile.

"More than some people, less than some people; not too much, not too much; you think less, he thinks more, he thinks more, I think less; more or less, less, less, more, how? How many words are simple and clear? "

After finishing this sentence, Qing Qiao silently thanked Master Kongkong and Jianghu Taoist priests, and thanked you for teaching.

Shao Yi looked at her for a moment and suddenly smiled.

"... You are more interesting than them, no wonder you are looking for you. Come, I sell you a face, which dish do you say is the best on this table today?"

Qing Qiao had long forgotten the name of the dish. He only remembered the incredible “Ginger ginseng in the court”, but Wei Nuo promised: “... I heard that the royal pickled radish made by the master chef Guo Guo was very annoying, but it ’s a world ...”

"The minion is here!" A middle-aged man with an excited expression suddenly emerged from the servants, and fell forward to the ground. "The court ginseng is a slave who has exhausted the unique dishes created by his life-long school. Please be sure to taste it!"

"You are Master Guo?" Shao Yi smiled lightly, and he wasn't shocked. "You said, how special is this radish?"

I saw Master Guo rubbing his face with the liquid of tears or sweat, shaking himself to the table.

He first brought a white porcelain plate in front of Shao Yi, and then presented a delicate crystal lens with both hands: "Please use this object to check."

Yeah, as a chef, you carry a magnifying glass. Uncle Mo, are you Li Siguang? Qing Qiao slammed his tongue while leaning towards Shao Yi.

I saw Shao Yi picked up the mirror and put it on the plate. Each thin radish strip showed a neat line of italics— “Shao Yigong Hongfu Qitian”, “Shao Yigong ’s wishes come true”, "Shao Yi's son Wanshou has no boundaries" ...

It's not that I haven't seen any flattering, but I haven't seen such an anxiety. Qing Qiao's admiration in his heart suddenly felt like a flood of the Yellow River.

"Carving a word is not special." Shao Yi remained unmoved.

Master Guo seemed to have expected it, and immediately took out a thin toothpick to cut open the radish, and saw that the center of the radish was clearly inlaid with a red, green, and black unknown object.

"... After the radishes were successfully marinated, the minions cut them into long wicker fingers, hollowed out the center, and then stuffed carrots, green bamboo shoots, and shiitake mushrooms, so that the son can eat the four flavor vegetables at one time, which can make the body Nutrient balance will always keep you youthful and healthy, "Master Guo explained.

OMG, uncle, I was wrong. You are not a geologist. You are clearly a nutritionist and a horse expert!

Qing Qiao was admired by the five bodies—who said the ancients were so confused? The women all walked out to take a look. The people here clearly distinguished one cow from another!

Shao Yi looked up at Qing Qiao's thoughtful heavy expression, and smiled slightly: "Do you think he did a good job?"

Qing Qiao kept nodding.

"Then you eat both tables."

Shao Yi stretched out his hand and pointed out, "If you have one dish left, drag you down until you can't speak." 2k novel reading network