MTL - The Cp with the Female Partner Exploded In the Entertainment Circle-Chapter 170 Extra 9

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The car drove all the way into an old community, and Luo Xi followed Cheng Qing. It wasn't long before he left, and he was already familiar with every plant and tree here.

Not to mention this is where Cheng Qing proposed to her. Losey naturally loves this place.

It was a long journey from the airport to home, Luo Xi had nothing to do and started the live broadcast silently.

She is not watching herself and Cheng Qing in the live broadcast, but wants to see the comments of netizens on Cheng Qing.

Because of the Bai Yueguang incident, fans began to suspect that Cheng Qing was stepping on him to climb up. Cheng Qing didn't take this matter to heart, but Luo Xi couldn't ignore it.

She hoped that Cheng Qing could see everything beautiful in this world.

I hope that in old age, the hands of the two of them will have no regrets. No one in the world of Rosie can see Cheng Qing being wronged, she can be the enemy of Cheng Qing and the world.

Ke Cheng Qing said: I don't need it, I didn't come here to make you an enemy of the world.

Cheng Qing also said: We are very happy, right? Then it's all worth it.

Luoxi obediently supported Cheng Qing in every decision.

But at this moment, watching the footage in the live broadcast sweep across the old floor, the peeling exterior wall, the mottled and torn concrete road, and the overgrown greenery.

This is an ordinary community that any audience can see in their daily life.

It embodies the life of ordinary people that everyone has brought closer the relationship between themselves and Cheng Qing for the first time.

[So I suddenly remembered that Mr. Cheng was a fencing gym coach and was just an amateur. 】

If I remember correctly, the princess' family is rich, right? 】

cp fans are furious: [It’s the 21st century, you tell me your identity? 】

However, the anti-promise eternal army refused to admit defeat and said: [It is a good match, there is still some truth! 】

Lossi: "…"? What is the rationale? Is it okay to eat?

Cheng Qing found that the hand beside her was suddenly clenched, she turned to look at Luo Xi, only to see that she was looking down at her phone, with black curly hair falling, in stark contrast with the white tender skin, It hit Cheng Qing's vision.

Cheng Qing returned to her senses, seeing Luo Xi's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, as if she saw something that made her unhappy.

Because the camera was in front, only the front of the two could be photographed, so Cheng Qing knew that Luo Xi was surfing with his mobile phone all the way.

With this look, what kind of wave is this rushing into?

Cheng Qing probed to see, just saw Luo Xi exit the live broadcast interface. Cheng Qing guessed that he probably saw the comments of netizens. It is not long before the Bai Yueguang incident. Cheng Qing knows that his reputation on the Internet is mixed.

She understands Luo Xi's mood, but she is not confident that the person behind her still has any chips?

Cheng Qing was worried that she would not pick it cleanly, and that she would affect Luo Xi's reputation.

Cheng Qing has always been that Cheng Qing, even if the two of them are together, it is necessary to think twice about everything for Losey.

But seeing Luo Xi's worried look, she could only ask her with a smile: "What's wrong?"

Luoxi answered vaguely, but still replied: "It's okay..."

Cheng Qing: "It's okay, why are you unhappy?" Then, she reached out and poked her cheek: "Smile and show me."

The tone was like laughing at a hooligan who was shown to the master.

Luoxi turned her head and barked at her, but in Cheng Qing's tender eyes, she blushed like a compromise and said, "I'm happy."

[Woo woo woo, promise eternal yyds. 】

[When they are together, my blood sugar soars. Ahhhhh, I can't help but scream. 】

The car drove slowly to the downstairs of Cheng's house, Cheng Qing got out of the car first and went to the back to pick up the luggage. Cheng's father hurried down and wanted to help, Cheng Qing smiled and said that there was only one suitcase, what to help?

Dad Cheng didn't help, so he could only turn to open the door for Mom Cheng.

The cameraman also followed closely behind them, and he was very happy to see them busy.

Dad Cheng parked the car, and then a group of people pressed the elevator. Luo Xi was the first to go in and waited directly at the door. When everyone came in, Luo Xi pressed down on the floor where Cheng's house was located.

Everyone looked up at the changing word count, and the quiet needle drop in the elevator could be heard.

The cameraman suddenly reacted: "Huh?" and got stuck.

The other four people in the elevator looked back at him, and Dad Cheng asked with concern, "what's the matter with you?"

The cameraman seemed to have discovered some shocking secret, and quickly shook his head: "It's okay, it's okay."

! How does the princess know which floor she lives on? ? ? 】

[Maybe Teacher Cheng told her on the plane, but isn't that action too natural? 】

【No one of them thinks it's strange that the first time people just press the elevator like this? 】

[…Alright? Knowing that it is normal to help you press the floor, don't you all help press when you are near the elevator? 】

【But this is visiting someone else's house! Different! And the reaction of the Cheng family was too... calm! ! 】

[It's not normal at all, okay? Why did Cheng Qing tell her what floor they live in? Why was the princess the first to go in, but stood there and pressed the elevator? Why do other people take it for granted! ! 】

The elevator dinged to the place, and the Cheng family got out of the elevator. Cheng's mother stepped forward to open the door and led Cheng Qing and Luo Xi in.

But after thinking about it again, it seems that you are pretending to meet for the first time at the airport, and you should be polite.

Thinking about this, she turned around and smiled and said to Losey: "My own home, feel free to order."

Lossi smiled and said, "I know, thank you Mom."

Mother Cheng: "???" Huh? Why has it changed again.

Cheng Qing: “…”

Luoxi smiled and said to Cheng Qing, "We are Lianzong, aren't we?"

【Ah ah ah ah ah, the top benefits of CP fans ah ah ah ah ah! ! 】

【Princess who are you calling mom? It's Teacher Cheng's mother, oh, that's all right! 】

Let's not talk about stupid netizens, cp fans have begun to rejoice.

Cheng Qing didn't refute her, just followed her and pushed her luggage to the room where she slept before, because Cheng Rong and Cheng Xi were not there, so the next room was empty.

Mother Cheng sorted it out for Luo Xi, because the two have not announced it on the Internet. Cheng's mother also asked, but the two didn't care much. Cheng Qing said that it was good to announce it when he got the certificate.

Now the relationship between the two is more like falling in love for netizens, which can be expressed through the program, and it seems that there is no need to explain it. It also saves the need for paparazzi to follow every day and affect life.

Mother Cheng also has no objection. To tell the truth, she does not believe that the two will be separated.

Cheng's mother was about to tell Luo Xi the location of the room, when she saw Luo Xi followed Cheng Qing back to the house, and she didn't even think there was anything wrong.

Mother Cheng: “…”


【Princess, why are you following up? 】

Cheng Qing turned around and saw her, reached out to squeeze her face, and asked gently, "Why are you following up?"

Lossi: "Isn't this a love story?"

Cheng Qing finally saw that Luo Xi was planning something, and laughed: "It's Lianzong."

Luoxi sat on the bed, looked at Cheng Qing with a proud smile, and said, "Lianzhong is a lover, what's so strange about sleeping in one room?"

Cheng Qing frowned, but smiled: "It's not surprising." The helplessness was expressed on his face.

Although it is true that Lianzong will play and live together, almost most of the stars do not sleep together and do not spend the night in the same bedroom.

No contact even after the variety show ends.

Therefore, after listening to Luo Xi's words, the barrage was full of question marks.

[? ? ? 】

[? ? ? ? 】

[? ? ? ? ? ? 】

The cameraman was also stunned, but didn't say much.

Although Cheng Qing didn't know what Luo Xi wanted to do, she didn't ask. She put her luggage away and started to organize.

Mother Cheng was preparing lunch in the kitchen, and Luo Xi went out to help.

Netizens found strangely that Luo Xi and Cheng's mother and Cheng's father were unexpectedly in harmony. And, unlike the other three live broadcast rooms, everyone was unfamiliar and cautious about their partner's parents.

Lossi can even help with dishes and seasonings in the kitchen, and there is no normal phenomenon that cannot be found.

[No strangeness at all. 】

[It's like doing it more than once...]

[As a fan of the princess, I didn't expect to see such a virtuous princess in my lifetime. 】

[As a 5-year-old fan of the princess, she was actually shocked enough to see her delicate appearance in front of Cheng Qing. 】

The cameraman can't record at home all the time, and the rest of the live broadcast mainly depends on the cameras all over the home. So the cameraman left before dinner.

The fans saw through the camera that Luo Xi helped Cheng's mother bring the food out, Cheng Qing had already tidy up the room, and Cheng's father also bought luwei to add vegetables.

[After the cameraman left, they were much more comfortable. 】

[It’s a bit like… a family? 】

Mother Cheng smiled and served Luo Xi with vegetables, and asked her, "Are you tired from work recently?"

Luoxi: "I'm not tired, I have a good rest."

Mother Cheng: "It's time to take a good rest, don't hold back." Then she looked at Cheng Qing and smiled: "You too, help Luo Xi more."

Cheng Qing was not angry when he was told, but was just funny: "Mom, do you prefer Luo Xi to be your child?"

Lossi immediately became proud, raised his proud chin, and said, "Woman, look at your jealous face now."

Cheng Qing gave a pouting smile, his smiling eyes seemed to be full of stars, all condoning Luo Xi's words: "Yes, jealousy makes people ugly."

Luoxi choked, then blushed slightly. Cheng Qing indulged her appearance, and Luo Xi was fascinated every time.

After lunch, Mother Cheng asked them to rest.

Cheng Qing didn't refuse either. She got up early this morning and took the plane and rushed back all the way. She didn't fall asleep on the plane, and she was really tired now.

The two got up and went to the room, and Rosie yawned and followed.

Soon, the camera in the live broadcast moved to the bedroom of the two.

Cheng Qing's bedroom is a double bed, a plain four-piece suit, and beside the bed is a desk and chair with a little history.

I wiped the pen holder on the desktop and the pictorial posted on the wall.

Cheng Qing yawned and asked Luo Xi: "Are you sleeping now?"

Lossi: "Go to sleep first! I'll take a shower."

Luoxi lived an exquisite life, Cheng Qing snorted and lay down on the bed. She was really tired, her head was on the pillow, and after a while she was breathing evenly.

Loxi looked at her comfortable sleeping face, and felt extremely distressed. After returning from that world, Cheng Qing came to him without much rest, accompanied him back to Luo's family to plead guilty, and brought himself to see Cheng's family.

Then, start recording non-stop.

For the life of the two, it seems that they have been busy since they came back.

Luoxi sat beside her, thinking of this, her eyes were reluctant, but also full of happiness.

Therefore, the love for Cheng Qing was timely shown in the camera.

【woohoo, if this is not love. 】

There was a gust of wind outside the window, and Losey's mobile phone seemed to be ringing in response to the breeze. She was worried about arguing with Cheng Qing, so she hurried to pick it up.

The audience in front of the screen couldn't see who was calling, only saw Losy answer the phone, get up and walk to the door.

Fang Silei: "Are you serious?"

Lossi: "Hmm."

Fang Silei sighed: "I was watching the live broadcast just now, and I knew you were going to mess up again when you called your mother. Sure enough, send me a message and say what to announce, now is the time... good ?"

Lossi: "Nothing good or bad."

Speaking of this, she lowered her head and smiled: "She thinks about everything for me, and is a good teacher. But I am not a good student, I don't want so much."

It's like knowing that I like Cheng Qing, so I don't hesitate to like it. Now, she wants to rectify Cheng Qing's name regardless of the consequences.

Lossi has always been that Losi.

Fang Silei: "You didn't tell me about such a big engagement at the beginning. When I got married, I said that it would be announced when I got the certificate. As a result, now you want everyone to know right away, what are you? What are you thinking about?"

Luoxi pouted: "It's the opposite of bullying people."

Bullying Mr. Cheng to be honest and taking anger.

Fang Silei sighed: "I checked, and this matter is actually caused by Mr. Quan." She knew that Luo Xi was curious, so she didn't play riddles, and continued: "Elder Quan sees Mr. Zhongcheng. The voice and popularity of the new song, I heard that the new song is about to get in touch with Teacher Cheng. The competitor heard about it and only released the video. "

Luoxi hummed and said in silence for a while: "It belongs to her, I will help her get it back." In this world, Teacher Cheng is guarded by me!

【What do you say? Such momentum! 】

【Princess Sa's side, so handsome! 】

Luoxi hung up the phone, she spoke in a low voice, Cheng Qing slept very deeply today.

So, back at the bedside, Cheng Qing was still sleeping with his eyes closed!

Through the open window in front of the table, look out at the beauty of the fusion of everything in the world.

Spring has long arrived, greening the mountains and the world. At this time, the spring flowers are in full bloom, and Yingge Yan dances. They are life in spring, and they are also inexhaustible beauty.

Luoxi sat beside Cheng Qing, the bed under him was slightly sunken.

Feel the spring breeze blowing in from the window, and the memory jumps like a wild horse.

Mr. Cheng!

We live and play together. While playing together, they also protect each other together.

My dearest teacher Cheng!

We fencing in summer and enjoying the rain in autumn. You pulled me and jumped into the painting and sat shoulder-to-shoulder with me.

In every frame of memory, we cherish each other.

Just because I am a few years older, you always carry the responsibility.

I look like a willful child. Today, my teacher Cheng is just a pretty girl.

Luoxi raised her hand in the camera and stroked Cheng Qing's face lightly, with the gentleness and tolerance in her eyes that belonged to Cheng Qing.

Girls! should also be protected.

Luoxi laughed and lowered her head, her loose curls fluttering in the wind. Gently touching Cheng Qing's quiet sleeping face, Luo Xi's lips caught up. This is the red lip she has kissed many times. Today, under the camera, Luo Xi wants to announce to the world.

They belong to each other, what identity? What white moonlight?

Everything is a joke, only they are real.

The scattered curls covered the entangled red lips, but not the scene that suddenly went beyond the script.

[? ? ? 】

[? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

The barrage was full of question marks, and she was obviously stunned by the situation at this time.

【Did you? 】

[Hair is blocking...]

【Really kiss? 】

Mixed in the question marks of passers-by, there are also cp fans who have gone crazy.

【Ah ah ah ah ah! ! 】

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah, as a CP, I would like to give my life for this! 】

[Woooooooo, I believe in love again. 】

【Ah, ah, ah, blood sugar soars. 】

【Ah ah ah ah, where is my insulin? 】

【Death without regrets! ! 】

Passers-by put their heads in front of the screen, Lian Zong is not really in love. In addition to filming, real couples in front of the TV rarely kiss, not to mention it's just a romance.

Everyone is looking at it seriously, different from the joy of CP fans, passers-by and anti-promise eternal camp want to find out the flaws.

Lossi's kiss was very light, without any desire for sex. Meeting together is a kind of satisfaction.

She was about to raise her head when she suddenly felt a tightness in her back.


Then the world turned around and the poses were reversed.

Luoxi looked at Cheng Qing above in a daze, and saw her chuckle lightly. Under the camera, she also lowered her head and kissed after taking off everything.

Cheng Qing's hair is straight, like a black curtain in front of the two's lips, covering the delay. When the wind blows, it can be seen blurry.

Passers-by are completely stunned, what are they doing?

cp was also caused by this inversion, the blood sugar soared, and they shouted sweet to death one by one.

But Luo Xi couldn't hear it, she and Cheng Qing were the only ones left in this world.

Every kiss that Cheng Qing cherishes is her love as well as her own.

Indulge in this fusion and declare each other to the world. Does she not know that the audience outside the camera understands it?

In this kiss, there is an infatuation that I can't control, there is a madness for missing each other, there is only you and me to tell, and more is a confession to everything!

Separated, more moist red lips after kissing, with a little silver thread.

Cheng Qing asked confidently: "What are you doing?"


【What did the princess really do in the beginning? But then... what do you do! 】

Luoxi smiled silly: "Kiss you."

Cheng Qing stretched out her hand to gently remove the two messy strands of hair on her face, and continued to ask: "Why kiss me?"

Luoxi looked at her and replied with blurred eyes: "No?"

[Um, no? 】

【You two wake up! This is a love show, she's just a variety show! 】

"We are engaged, we are legal partners!" Losey's tone was proud, as if he had obtained the world's treasure.

Cheng Qing stared at her for a while, when Luo Xi kissed her, she knew that Luo Xi was going to be on the show and in front of the camera, and she was going to make it public right now.

So, she hugged Luo Xi, just like Luo Xi supported herself. She decided to be capricious!

Cheng Qing smiled lightly. When both the fans, passers-by and cp fans were shocked and could not speak, she answered Luo Xi with a smile in a delicate and beautiful tone: "Yes!"

Then lowered her body and hugged her, burying her face in Luo Xi's neck.

In the camera, you can clearly see the smile on Luo Xi's face.

She whispered to Cheng Qing: "My reputation is not important! Qingqing's happiness is more important!"


"Qingqing is a girl, and so am I, so I should protect you too."


"In this world, Qingqing can also rely on me."


The barrage covered the screen, and the fonts on the barrage could not be clearly seen, nor the hands clasped under the barrage.

Luoxi was silent for a while, then added: "Don't regret coming back, I can do well."

Cheng Qing chuckled: "I have no regrets in this life."



Luoxi and Cheng Qing made their relationship public in the live broadcast, but the programmer who was on vacation was called back to work.

At 3:23 noon, Luo Xi and Cheng Qing posted at the same time.

Luoxiv: [In this lifetime, I will love you! 】

Cheng Qingv: [In this life, I love you too! 】

In the comment area, millions of messages were liked and forwarded in a short period of time, and one after another was hung on the hot search.

In the ocean of the network, like a tsunami sweeping the world, everything is submerged.

Their confession fills every corner of the world, like a long cry.

Soon, everyone discovered the special time they posted.

Looking back, what does 3:23 mean?

No one knows this better than the cp fans. The xcp fans gave the answers perfectly.

That was the first time the two met!

In that afternoon, Cheng Qing knocked on the door, and Luo Xi opened it. They looked at each other, and from then on... destiny entangled!

Maybe in love, maybe parting, maybe get together, but in this life they have been in love with each other.

I still remember that afternoon, she broke into life, with a sincere and gentle smile.

She told Luo Xi: "First meeting, hello, I'm Cheng Qing."

The author has something to say:

Because of the mobile phone number, there is no partition function, so let's take a look!

I didn't explain the follow-up small problems, mainly because I felt there was no need to write them.

I will grind the other stories, thank you for your liking.