MTL - The Cp with the Female Partner Exploded In the Entertainment Circle-Chapter 150

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The Luo family, as a well-known aristocratic family in Shencheng, has industries all over the country.

Although the Luo family was married in business, the husband and wife were very loving after marriage and had four children in total.

Because both husband and wife dream of having a daughter, so after giving birth to three sons, they chose to give birth to a fourth child, which is Luo Xi.

The couple with sincere dreams are naturally spoiled for their daughter. The three elder brothers have been responsive to Luo Xi since childhood.

Lossi is a proud girl, but she has this confidence from birth. It was her parents and brothers who spent 20 years pampering them little by little.

The car slowly stopped in front of the gate of Luo's villa.

Cheng Qing's face was calm, and he couldn't help but feel a little creepy.

Luoxi saw the three brothers very happy, opened the car door happily, and ran to the three brothers: "Big brother, second brother, third brother~!"

Looking at the beautiful younger sister in front of her, the three elder brothers were all worried. Such a good, such a good sister~! It's so **** fishy.

Second brother Luo Mojin looked at his sister with relief and said worriedly: "I will say hello when I come back this time."

Elder brother Luo Moxiao smiled and looked mature and gentle: "Let's go! Parents are waiting."

The third brother Luo Moyu: "The third brother also bought you a gift."

Luoxi nodded happily and immediately remembered Mr. Cheng who was still in the car and quickly turned around to open the car door: "Qingqing, why don't you get out of the car?"

Cheng Qing looked up and smiled at her: "I'm slow."

Luoxi: "?" Slowly?

You can't hide forever.

Cheng Qing took a breath and looked at Fang Silei, who was gloating in the front seat, and finally knew why she was so excited all the way.

Cheng Qing couldn't help but give her a warning look, Fang Silei was not afraid, and made a wiping action.

Cheng Qing: “…”

Cheng Qing rearranged her clothes, then got out of the car, raised her bright eyes to look at the three men on the opposite side, showed a gentle smile, and said, "When we meet for the first time, you two Alright, I'm Cheng Qing."

When the three men left their sister and turned to open the car door, the three men were already smiling, and when they heard Cheng Qing's words, they just twitched the corners of their mouths.

"Hello, my name is Luo Moxiao, I'm Luo Xi's eldest brother."

"My name is Luo Mojin."

"My name is Luo Moyu, her third brother."

The eyes of both sides met in the air, and lightning flashed suddenly.

Luoxi couldn't see anything from this tense atmosphere. In her heart, the third brother is a gentle brother, and the teacher is also a gentle teacher.

Gentleness is gentleness..., isn't it gentleness and gentleness?

Cheng Qing was a little guilty, turned around and took a bunch of gifts from the car, and said, "This is the first time I come here, I don't know what everyone likes, so I just bought a little."

The brothers smiled falsely: "You're welcome, you're welcome."

Therefore, the two sides said two false words, and then went inside facing Luo Xi and Cheng Qing.

Although Fang Silei really wanted to see more of this kind of picture, especially the picture of Teacher Chen being deflated, but the Luo family are not easy to deal with. Especially in this variety show, Luo Xi suffered such a big loss. If she followed up to go to the show, she would probably explain herself before she finished it.

Therefore, after seeing the first sight of Cheng Qing and her three brothers, she could already think of the next situation, so she drove off in a happy mood.

The husband and wife of the Luo family were helping with the arrangement in the living room with the nanny. When they heard the sound of the door, their eyes lit up, and they all looked at Luo Xi who entered the door.

Then the couple happily greeted them: "Boer, you're back."

Luoxi blushed and whispered, "Don't call me Bo'er."

Luo Mu smiled at her and knew why she was embarrassed. Thinking of this, he raised his eyes to look at Cheng Qing next to Luo Xi, and saw that the strange woman in front of him immediately stood up when his eyes swept over.

Obviously, this mature and steady teacher in the TV show is also nervous.

Luo Mu smiled reassuringly and said, "I'm Luo Xi's mother."

Cheng Qing immediately said hello: "Hi Auntie, my name is Cheng Qing."

Luo Mu swept her up and down with satisfaction and said, "Sit down when you come! Why did you bring a gift?"

Cheng Qing immediately brought up the set of cosmetics she bought. This is the set of skin care products that Luo Xi said was her mother's favorite.

Cheng Qing didn't know whether the other party liked it or not, so she could only say: "It's my first time here and I really don't know what to buy. I hope you don't dislike this gift."

Luo Mu was very gentle, just by looking at the cosmetics in Cheng Qing's hand, she knew that it was taught by Luo Xi.

Luoxi stuck out her tongue, very, very satisfied.

Cheng Qing brought a bottle of expensive liquor to Father Luo: "Hello, uncle, this is for you."

Luo's father is not as good at talking as Luo's mother. He glanced at the gift and snorted.

Luoxi stared at her dad, what does this mean? Give you a gift, are you still angry? Thinking about going forward to make a theory, fortunately, Cheng Qing's eyes were quick and he grabbed Luo Xi with his free hand.

Then smiled and said, "If uncle doesn't like this gift, it's mine. I'll change it for you right away."

Father Luo is sad! Looking at her daughter's angry face, she reached out and took the liquor from Cheng Qing's hand in a heartbroken manner.

Luoxi smiled happily, took Cheng Qing's hand and said, "My father and my mother are fine."

Cheng Qing looked at her with a smile, and softened her face and said, "Naturally."

But looking at her daughter's satisfied look, Luo Mu remembered the phone call from her daughter the day before yesterday, and she happily said that she wanted to bring Cheng Qing back.

The voice was excited, with a rush that Luo Mu couldn't figure out.

Raising a daughter to such a big age, naturally it is impossible to be tied to her side forever. Sooner or later, you will meet someone you like, and sooner or later you will leave your side.

As a parent, the only thing I can do is to help her check, I hope she can find a person who will make her a happy life.

Both men and women, can love her, love her, pamper her like their family...

Maybe Cheng Qing is not the perfect son-in-law she imagined, but maybe she is the one who can make Luo Xi laugh for a lifetime.

Thinking like this, Luo Mu finally felt better. She turned back and asked the nanny to set the meal, and then turned back and said to Cheng Qing, "It's been hard work along the way, let's eat first!"

So, a circle of people came to the table.

The Luo family's dinner was very rich, and Cheng Qing was arranged by Luo Xi's side. Luo Xi warmly served Cheng Qing with vegetables, and then waited for praise, which made everyone in the Luo family have mixed feelings.

In the past, only family members served Luo Xi’s vegetables, and this is not married yet! I have already turned my elbows out. Is it worth getting married?

For a while, Luo Mu didn't know if what she thought was right.

Cheng Qing had a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and only felt that these five or six icy gazes seemed to have substance. She could only wipe off the sweat that didn't exist, and then gave Luo Xi the crab steamed egg with chopsticks and said, "Hurry up and eat it too!"

Luoxi smiled brightly, Cheng Qing was stunned, and finally smiled helplessly and said, "I clip it myself."

Luoxi said, "I'm afraid you'll be polite."

Cheng Qing grabbed her little hand under the table and said, "I won't." Stop looking for an entertainer, I don't think your family is very happy!

Luo Fu: "!!"

Lomu: “…”

Three brothers of Luo family: "!!!" My sister is so gentle to her! ! so envious! !


After the meal, the Luo family moved to the living room.

As the hostess of this family, Luo Mu was the one who accompanied Luo Xi for the longest time since childhood.

Nowadays, Luo Xi has brought back a person who wants to spend her life together, and she naturally needs to understand it well.

"I heard you have three siblings?"

Before Cheng Qing came, he and Cheng Rong knew about the Cheng family's situation, so it was considered a correct answer.

"Yes, I have an older brother and a younger sister."

Luo Mu nodded and asked, "What do your parents do?"

Cheng Qing: "Just an ordinary worker."

Luo Mu was not dissatisfied with Cheng Qing's family. For her, their family was already rich enough, and she didn't need the other party to be richer.

"Our baby was a little too squeamish when we were pampered."

Luoxi shook his head: "No! I'm very good now."

Lomu: “…”

Father Luo coughed and said to her, "Shut up."

Luoxi was stunned for a moment, and said pitifully: " murdered me?"

Luo Fu: “…”

Cheng Qing almost laughed, but still comforted Luo Xi and said, "Bao Er."

Luoxi blushed, Cheng Qing hardly called herself Baoer, this nickname was always different from her mouth.

Because of this sudden baby, Luo Xi finally shut up obediently.

But Father Luo felt that she was going to have a heart attack, which was even more uncomfortable than if she didn't shut up.

At this time, he deeply realized what the old man often said: the water splashed by the married daughter!

Is there still a dad in my eyes! !

Don't say dad is uncomfortable, even the three brothers are uncomfortable! This little sister, who has been like a bully at home since she was a child, is coquettish, suave, and clever by the side of this teacher...

Who can bear it? !

The third brother Luo Moyu couldn't help but say: "You haven't shown your true colors in front of your teacher Cheng, have you? This is a fraudulent marriage."

Luoxi glared at him: "What are you talking about! Teacher Cheng and I both like the real each other."

She likes me, the real me. I like her, what I like is... she is about to leave.

Luoxi's eyes were red and he turned his head away.

The second brother Luo Mojin slapped Luo Moyu on the head, looked at Luo Xi and said, "Don't cry! He can't speak, I'll beat him for you."

Luo Mu couldn't help looking at Luo Moyu and said, "Don't bully my sister."

Luo Moyu: "…"

Cheng Qing smiled bitterly and said, "It's mine, not."

Luo Mu: "?" What's your business?

Of course Cheng Qing couldn't explain it, Luo Xi cried because of herself.

Because I'm leaving...

This first meeting with questioning was reluctantly over in Losey's mood.

Luo's father and Luo's mother thought that there was still more time anyway, so they would no longer be entangled, and let Luo Xi take Cheng Qing around.

Luoxi pulled Cheng Qing upstairs and ran upstairs, Cheng Qing only had time to say goodbye to everyone.

Father Luo covered his face and waved his hand to let them play.

The three brothers looked at it, is this still worth it?

The author has something to say:

Hahahahahaha, although I really want to be lazy, I am really sick! 【cover face】

Even though I may not be sick, I was still lazy yesterday, thinking about really is an excuse _(:з"∠)_