MTL - The Correct Way of Face-Slapping in Transmigration-Chapter 97 6.5 The Flower of the Glory of the Face Empire

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Yawen froze for a few minutes before he reacted. Frown his eyebrows and confirm, "Gu Yunxi, are you saying that true? A good mech division and card builder need talent. , And it will take more than ten years of hard work. If I remember correctly, you do n’t know mecha knowledge at all. "

Gu Yunxi nodded and smiled slightly at him.

Yawen's eyebrows tightened even more. He looked at the relaxed smile on Gu Yunxi's face. He felt that this man didn't understand the effort required to become a mecha division, and what it meant to be a dual player. . In the history of the empire, no one can enjoy such a reputation.

The gentle smile on his face gradually became serious, and he shook his head solemnly, refusing to say, "I can't promise you or let you do this."

Mech divisions are not the same as card builders. Their lives in the future are to fight hard and live in war and blood. Once Gu Yunxi brightened the camera armor contest as a mecha division, there was no retreat. All the Mech Divisions of the Empire must obey the deployment of the Imperial Army and must not disobey.

He doesn't think that the boy in front of him is well aware of it. He couldn't just promise him rashly on the whim of a teenager. This ruined a person's life, he did not have the courage to bear the heavy mood.

"Teacher, I am a beta, not an omega. I don't have the kind of leisurely mentality. I am willing to live in the smoke and the flames of war forever, and I am willing to fight as an empire!" Gu Yunxi stared at Yawen firmly and did A very standard military salute.

Yawen stared at him tremblingly after touching the teenager's clear and regret-free eyes, and seemed to see the shadow of another person who should have forgotten from the student in front of him.

"Okay. I can place two places for you." His words blurted out, and then he paused. "But, I want to see how good you are. I'll give you a month to practice, if I can't pass it after a month, Off, I won't give you these two places. "

As a military academy teacher, Yawen is also one of the on-site guides for this Mech Contest. Not only can he reserve a place, but he also has the power to deprive a person of his qualifications.

He shouldn't have been involved in this matter. This is against the principle of fairness, but he can't let go of Gu Yunxi, and he wants to see for himself whether this gorgeous teenager can create a new history.

Gu Yunxi smiled, and bowed respectfully to Yawen. "I will prove to the teacher that I have the qualification." Gu Yunxi smiled with unparalleled confidence.

For a month, it was no problem for him to reach the level that a mech division should have. His physical quality today is no worse than any alpha, and his mental strength is more powerful and nowhere to be used. The only difference is the familiarity and operation of mecha. He dared to say that after two months he could stand on top of the Imperial Mech Division.

Farewell to Yawen, Gu Yunxi put his hands in his pockets and slowly walked into the classroom. There were only a few people in the sparse, almost all the students ran outside, waiting to see the Marshal in person for the first time .

Gu Yunxi found his seat and sat down, thinking about how to get a mech and practice ground. Thinking of his standing now, he raised his lips and smiled.

He is poor and white, but his "husband" should be rich. In the empire, husband and wife property is shared, he first borrowed some flowers. Well, buy some of the latest mechas first.

Gu Yunxi, who was thinking about this, was suddenly pushed from the side by one side. He looked up and looked at him. He was a blond, beautiful omega, and it was Eli, the beloved of heaven.

Gu Yunxi gave a light sigh, turned to look at him, and asked in a bad voice, "Is there something wrong?" The original body would give this person a good complexion, and he was different, and the boredom was all on his face.

Yi Lai was surprised, and her face was hurt, her head down and whispered, "Student Gu, I just heard that you had a car accident and wanted to ask you how it was."

"Did not die. Anything else?" Gu Yunxi was most accustomed to this kind of man like a silk flower, making himself more sensitive and delicate than a woman all day. Omega is indeed fragile, but it always takes a bit of man's blood to return.

"Gu Yunxi, what's your tone !? Eli is just concerned about you. Why are you so impatient and kindly treated as donkey liver and lungs?" A petite, handsome Omega standing beside Yilai immediately jumped. Come out and condemn. He's a bad-tempered man, and he's good with Eli, and he doesn't like the kind of person who doesn't really have the ability.

"You deserve a car accident, people like you will lose the face of our school!" Gu Yunxi did not refute, the more the omega said more, the voice became louder and clearer throughout the classroom.

Eliela looked at the person twice, apologizing and looked at Gu Yunxi apologizing. "Student Gu, sorry, Allen was just too worried about me." He didn't really think that Allen had said something wrong, but He thought he had a big handle in Gu Yunxi's hand and didn't dare to offend him too much.

"Elai, don't talk, he just yells."

"He originally came in through the back door, what is it. I really thought that there would be peace of mind when there was Gu's blessing. I see which legion will dare to use him who has no real talent to learn." Allen sneered and looked at Gu Yunxi. Gu Yunxi smiled at them, drew his ears casually, then glanced scornfully at the still chattering omega, and stood up.

"What? I'm not right? I'm so angry that trying to hit me is impossible." Alan sneered and rolled his eyes.

Gu Yunxi twitched his mouth slightly and gave him a slap directly. Just one sentence or two, it's endless like a fly, you are used to it!

This sudden slap completely knocked out Allen and Eli, and they widened their eyes and looked at Gu Yunxi in disbelief. They had clashed with Gu Yunxi before, and it was the first time they had risen to the hands.

Gu Yunxi blew the back of his hands that were flushed with red, and felt the tenderness of the original skin in his heart, then looked up at them casually, and asked slowly, "Want to come again?"

Allen covered his face and shouted with a flushed face, "Gu Yunxi! How dare you hit me ?!" He is a very talented omega, plus his family is so good, he has grown so big, and he has never been insulted.

"Who told you to worry?" Gu Yunxi glanced at him, then looked at Yi Lai next to him silently, and smirked. "If you want to give others a shot, you also need to see if others need it. You Look, I hit you, did Eli say anything? No. That's called the current affairs officer Junjie. "

Allen froze and turned to look at Eli, who suddenly felt uncomfortable. The original hatred of Gu Yunxi was gradually replaced by a feeling of heartache betrayed by a friend.

Yeah, he was just trying to help Eli, and he was so humiliated, but Eli didn't respond at all. Does this person really treat him as a good friend? Thinking of this, there was a faint flash in his eyes.

When Eli listened to Gu Yunxi's words, he immediately felt bad. Allen was a stepping stone for his approach to the high society. He could not lose his friendship for the time being, and he quickly remedied, "Student Gu, you are too much. If you want to hit someone Just hit me. "

After hearing what he said, Alan's eyes were slightly disappointed. At this point, Eli had never thought of revenge for him, only said this beautiful sentence.

However, he and Eli have been friends for more than a year, and they have always followed the example of Eli and admire Eli's talent, and they will not arbitrarily speculate on this little matter and ruin their relationship.

Gu Yunxi sat back in his seat, holding his chin up and down to examine the beloved children of Tiandao, and smiled when he heard the words, "No, I don't have the habit of drawing people. I heard that you have prepared for a long time today, and seize this opportunity to step into the sky. what."

According to the progress of the world data, Eli and Gu Yunxin were both selected as the reserve card divisions of the Imperial Corps this time, so they were able to meet the current Marshal Adriatic, so that both later fell in love with Adri Qi, has become a rival of rivals. In the end, Tiandao darling was slightly better, and firmly grasped Adrić's heart.

Yi Lai's face froze, and her heart fell over. Gu Yunxi's words obviously affected his sensitive nerves. He felt that the people in front of him were humiliating him naked and laughing at his origin.

Eli clenched his hands secretly, clenched his rear alveolar, and pulled a smile. "Gu classmate, becoming a card-building division under the Field Marshal's army is not a step in the sky."

He tried hard to maintain his disguise as an aristocracy, and showed no concern for it.

Gu Yunxi glanced at him and said lightly, "Really." Then he stopped talking and turned on his brain. He looked at the knowledge about mecha above with interest, and made it clear that he didn't want to talk to Eli anymore. .

Elikan stood still, his face becoming increasingly embarrassed.

"Elai, let's go. Don't share your general knowledge with him." Alan rubbed the red and swollen area on his face, and his affection for Yilai prevailed, pulling Yilai's hand away from Gu Yunxi. This slap he suffered, and sooner or later he will return in revenge.

"This selection is only done once, not the next example." In a galloping car, a sexy, hoarse voice sounded, making the eardrums itchy, and could not help but tremble and feel comfortable.

Edric leaned on the back of the back seat, staring blankly at the lieutenant next to him.

"Yes, Marshal." Antonio nodded respectfully, then sighed secretly.

This incident was decided by some of their deputies without concealing the Marshal. In the final analysis, they just wanted to let Adriatic relax. Don't spend all day in the training room or stay in the training room. Of course, there is a more important purpose. They expect their marshal to have "sexual interest" in an omega through this selection.

The Omega of the Imperial Military Academy is recognized as the best in the country, and there is always one that can make them marshals.

Aldridge is already fifty years old this year. Although he is not too old, it is time for his family to have children. And Adriatic never showed unusual interest in any omega. Even if Omega sheds himself and lays on his bed, he will be very cold and thrown out.