MTL - The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils-v2 Chapter 205 Please Buddha easy to send Buddha

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"Sister Niu?" Yue Yao looked up and down the woman head up and down, without concealing her smirk. "No wonder she is Niu, she looks like a cow."

"Well ..." Zhang Feng couldn't help but laugh first.

Yue Yao stared at him fiercely, and then felt a killing force coming to her. She gazed slightly, and lifted her feet forward. Accurately fell on the stomach of her sister Niu, who was about to sneak in.

"Sisters, show me. Cut off these two little girls, and the other four beauties tied me up."

"Yes, Sister Niu."

Yue Yao stood in front of them without fear, Mo Qingli and Xiaoyao Yunyan looked at each other and stepped back consciously.

Alas, this kind of fight is of course to be given to Yue Yao who has nowhere to breathe.

However, some people just don't have the eyesight.

For example, Zhang Feng.

Yue Yao stared at Zhang Feng, who was standing in front of her, blocking her, reaching out and chopping him, "Get out."

"Of course this kind of fight is left to us men to do, you stand aside."

"What a hero of a big man you are! You fling away, naturally this kind of fight is left to our women to do. See what your thin arms and legs can do!"

Yue Yao's tone successfully angered Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng was about to reply, and Yu Guang saw the women who had rushed over. As soon as he looked away, he couldn't bother arguing with Yue Yao and started fighting.

Yue Yao snorted and joined the battle.

On the side, four people sat leisurely by the tea house, sipping tea and watching the play, not to mention how leisurely it was.

There is no doubt about the outcome.

After the women put down a few harsh words, they were ashamed and left.

"What's wrong with your hand?" Xiaoyao Yunyan frowned, and his eyes fell on the back of Zhang Feng's hand.

Zhang Feng retracted awkwardly, "No, it's all right."

After the sound fell, Yue Yao looked at Zhang Feng with a complicated look, and immediately retracted her eyes, and fell on the shadow of Qian walking in front of her, and a little bit of starlight gathered again.

Inside the palace.

When Mo Qingli looked at the memorial as tall as a hill, he suddenly felt that his head was getting bigger.

Li Jing had been waiting in the Imperial Study Room for a long time, "Chen, to welcome the Queen back to the palace."

"Um." Mo Qingli waved his hand and pointed at the hill-like memorials in front of him. "These are the memorials of this period?"

"Return to the Queen, exactly." Li Jing smiled harmlessly. "Since the Queen has returned to your palace, the old minister will retire. These memorials also ask the Queen to approve it as soon as possible. Oh, of course, don't be too tired Now. Your body is the root of our country! "

Having said that, he retreated.

Mo Qingli looked at Li Jing's back, and his teeth were itchy.

She is definitely intentional, it must be intentional.

Oh my god! So many memorials ... 唉 ......

At ten in the evening, everyone was called to Yushu by Mo Qingli.

Of course, each has a seat and stands separately. But his gaze was still burning looking at Mo Qingli sitting in the seat.

After Mo Qingli criticized the memorial, she thought that if she did not plan to become a fairy, then she would have to accompany these men in her life.

Wouldn't it be frustrating for them if everyone met like an enemy every time they met? !! So Mo Qingli thought, summon them together and talk about it.

Mo Qingli clarified his thoughts with Ge Yiming on the way back to the Mo Tian Dynasty, and Ge Yiming unexpectedly agreed with Ge Qingming.

"Xiao Lili, what did you tell us all to do?" Mu Tianlang glanced displeasedly at the other five people, and then asked Jiamo a little coquettishly.

The other five also looked at Mo at the same time.

Mo Qingli slowly stood up, her fair skin glowed with warmth under the candlelight, "I hope that the six of you will get along in peace in the future."

"Impossible." Mu Tianlang stood up first.

Except for the faint expression of Naimo, the expressions on the faces of the other people are different, but they all share the same message, which is "impossible".

"Xiao Lili, how do you want me to endure you with other men ?! I can't stand it." Mu Tianlang's temperament is the most straightforward, so he speaks with no worries. Unlike Fengchenling, even if he didn't want to, he lacked Mu Tianlang's frankness.

"I can't stand it." Leng Han stood up immediately, facing Mu Tianlang's eyes, and there was a strong spark in the air.

Mo Qingli's expression was faint, and his eyes immediately fell on Xiaoyao Yunyan's body, "How about you?"

"Individuals can't." Xiaoyao Yunyan said softly, not knowing who the individual he was referring to.

Ge Yiming and Xiaoyao Yunyan have always had a good relationship. Maybe it is Ge Yiming that convinced Xiaoyao Yunmang to help Xiaoyao Yunyan. Although he never said it, everyone still knew it.


Ge Yiming shrugged needlessly, "Yes, no problem."

Mo Qingli nodded slightly, looking at Naimo, Namo smiled and nodded at her, Mo Qingli also smiled back.

Finally, he set his eyes on Fengchen Ling, "Dust, can you?"

Fengchen's beautiful face is full of tangles, as can be seen from the two eyebrows clasped together, how deep his heart is at the moment.

Mo Qingli looked at him so quietly, waiting for his answer. She must know everything.

"I," Fengchen Ling thought for a long time, stood up, stared at Shangli Qingli's gaze firmly, and said: "Although I don't want to, but I know, Li certainly doesn't want Li's closest people to meet each time. Like enemies, Li certainly hopes that we can get along peacefully and spend these time together happily. If Li is unhappy, I am not happy. When Li is happy, I am happy. "

"So, in order not to make Li unhappy, I promise you that I will get along well with them."

These words of Fengchen Ling were smashed coldly and coldly into the heart, Mu Tianlang, Yunyao Yunyan's heart.

None of the three of them thought so deeply, but Feng Chenling's words revealed the side they once ignored.

Love someone, isn't she happy, so is she happy?

If this makes her happy, then they will not be so selfish.

Fengchenling's change was beyond Mo Qingli's surprise. In fact, she had already made the worst plan that she did not agree with all of them. She also thought about a lot of rhetoric and prepared to persuade them.

However, I did not expect Fengchenling to surprise her so much.

The trouble surrounding Mo Qingli for so many days was finally resolved, and Mo Qingli suddenly felt that she was a lot easier.

Of course, the six of them were late at night, but it wasn't so good.

As the saying goes, ask Buddha to send Buddha easily, that's it!

Read The Duke's Passion