MTL - The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils-Chapter 4 Who made it

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After a while, melodious light spirits with a bit of bleak songs passed to Mo Qingli's ears, in fact, the sleep of zombies is very little, and like Mo Qingli tens of years of zombies, they can hardly sleep.

Mo Qingli opened her eyes quietly, and heard the song of Mo Qingli's eyes flashing a bloodthirsty light, maybe she didn't even notice it.

Pushing the door open, Mo Qingli walked in the direction of the song. Yue Yao, who stood at the door, followed behind Mo Qingli, and saw the princess walking in the direction of the four sides. Hasn't he been extremely loathing to the Four Sides since that time? Even the four sides of the king are not allowed to sing and say that they are bored. Why today's princess listened to this song, instead she had an intoxicated expression.

From a distance, Mo Qingli saw the man singing, struck Tsing Yi, stood quietly, and shattered fringe covered his eyes. Under the tall bridge of the nose are two thin lips with smiles, which are closed together, and the melodious singing voice comes from here.

"Yue Yao, who is he?" Mo Qingli racked his brains to collect relevant information about the person from the memory of the previous master. Helpless, the memory fragments inside were too messy, plus Mo Qingli's mana and Instead of doing what he wanted to do before, it seemed that every time he used his own mana, his body would become weak. Therefore, Mo Qingli did not want to use mana easily.

Hearing that, Yue Yao looked at Mo Qingli dumbly, how could the princess not even remember the four sides?

"Huh?" Mo Qingli saw Yue Yao in a daze, a little impatient.

Yue Yao immediately responded, and reverently replied: "Princess, he is a prince on all sides and a wind duster."

"Fengchen Ling ..." Mo Qingli murmured in his mouth, and touched his belly, his stomach seemed a little hungry. Looking in the direction of Fengchenling, she couldn't help but grunted and swallowed. He seemed to taste good.

When Fengchen Ling heard a sound around her, she knew someone was coming, closed her lips and stopped singing, but she didn't look up, "Who is it?"

His voice was trickling, letting people hear it, just like a sweet feeling in that hot summer day.

"It's a princess." Yue Yao stood beside Mo Qingli and replied for Mo Qingli. Seeing Mo Qingli looking at Fengchen Ling's eyes, there was a little faint excitement in her faint look, and she sighed secretly. It seems that the princess's hobby in this regard has not changed, and the monarchs on the four sides should suffer.

When Fengchenling heard the word "Princess", her shoulders shuddered, neither saluting nor speaking.

"Feng Chen Ling," Mo Qingli stepped forward and said to the man in front of him, "Your singing is very good."

Feng Chenling was obviously shocked by Mo Qingli's "Your singing is good", raised her eyes, then lowered her eyes, was she trying to make fun of me again?

The moment he lifted his eyes, Mo Qingli was startled. On the originally beautiful face, the eyes were actually two deep black holes. Mo Qingli's dress danced without wind, exuding a strong injustice all over her body, her face was somber and scary. Yue Yao could feel the chill of the whole body a few steps away from Mo Qingli.

"Who did it?" There was a trace of anger in the low voice.

Fengchen Ling hummed, "Knowingly."

"Yes, who did it?" Mo Qingli ignored Fengchen and turned to look at Yue Yao, his eyes full of anger.