MTL - The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils-Chapter 149 In a row

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"Who the **** is your wife ?! Hmm? Also I'm Xiao Lili's apprentice, how dare you say that. You ruined our reputation, Xiao Lili, do you know me? The King of the Wolf Clan, is it something like someone's apprentice? Your eyes are blind ?! Ah ?! "

In the face of Mu Tianlang's angry roar, Naimo didn't even look at him. Naimo said to Mo Lili: "Li, we also need to use these days to make good preparations."

"I know," Mo Qingli and Naimo said as they walked out. "They are all old fried dough sticks. We have to work twelve to prevent them from biting us."

Naimo nodded in agreement with Mo Qingli, "Yes."

Mu Tianlang, who was standing inside the hall, looked at the back of the two gradually leaving, angrily jumping, "Hey, have you two listened to me?"

Obviously, no. Because Mo Qingli and Nai Mo have left the hall, only Mu Tianlang, who is still very angry in the hall, is left.

Seven days later, they arrived as promised, and then everyone flew together toward the place where Zhang Yu was.

Naimo saw Mu Tianlang alone, and asked, "Where are you looking for?"

Mu Tianlang, who heard the words, could not help but whispered, "My king is enough."

Naimo raised his lips and smiled, "Should you not know anyone else except us !?"

Mu Tianlang, who was thought of by the center, brushed an unnatural face, he put his face aside, and said, "The king is disdainful to call him a brother or brother, because in any case, the king does not need help from others, unlike some Some people need help from others to get things done. "

When Namo heard Mu Tianlang say this, he was not angry, but just smiled slightly, and chatted with the monk next to him.

The content of the chat is nothing more than that, they want to inquire about some things from heaven in Namo. In their eyes, anything in heaven can surprise them, and Nemo wants to know from them what happened in this world after his ascension.

Mo Qingli is also reluctant to participate in such discussions. Now she just wants to hurry to Zhang Yu's place, and then take the regenerated flowers to her hands to save the cold and cold.

She flew aside, and her golden robe embodies her bumpy figure. The monks who drew their peers looked at each other all the time, and Mu Tianlang, who had been following Mo Qingli's every move, was displeased to see this scene. But he also knew that at this moment was not a good time to make trouble with them, so even though he was displeased in his heart, he still buried this anger in his heart and flew beside Mo Qingli's side. The rider and Mo Qingli talked to the sky without any traces, blocking the monks who had misconduct with Mo Qingli.

It seems that these so-called friends of Nemo, in the view of Mu Tianlang, are only people who are temporarily together because of their interests. There is no real so-called friendship.

In this way, Mu Tianlang suddenly felt that these monks who pretended to be superior to humans were nothing more than this.

After the people flew for a few days and nights, after experiencing a vast sea, they stopped on an isolated island.

"Is this here?" Mo Qingli looked back and asked Naimo.

Nai Mo nodded slightly, "Yes. But the last time I came, I fought against him, and it has been seriously damaged here."

But at the moment in front of Mo Qingli, what they presented was a complete island. There were still seabirds flying in the air, and there were still large trees and flowers, without any trace of fighting.

In such a short period of time, it is absolutely impossible to restore a completely damaged island to this appearance, unless there are two possibilities.

One is that Zhang Yu has realized the laws of space that can only be realized in the fairyland. The Leng Jiasheng that Mo Qingli saw before is an exception. At least Mo Qingli had been in the late period of the robbery for so long, and the door of a space rule had not been touched.

The second is that Zhang Yu'an had a magical array here. So in front of them is a beautiful scene. Mo Qingli would think so, and naturally the other old guys would also think so.

Sure enough, one of the monks said: "Here Zhang Yu sets up the formation."

Setting up the formation method does not make Mo Qingli feel strange. The most strange thing for Mo Qingli is that since Naimo found him here once, and Mo Qingli believes that Zhang Yu must know Nai The purpose of Mo is to regenerate flowers. Although Naimo returned from defeat, but since Namo knew his location, he would certainly bring someone to come to him again to take the reborn flower. In this case, if Mo Qingli, Mo Qingli would definitely leave here, because it would be too dangerous to stay here. Not to worry about setting up the matrix method and the like here. However, Zhang Yu has set up such a complicated array here, so there is only one possibility, that is, Zhang Yu cannot be separated from it.

From the point of view of this island, this place is not a place full of aura, and there is nothing that can help practice. And there are no strange animals around, which proves that there will be no rare treasures here.

Well, there must be a reason why Zhang Yushou is here.

But for whatever reason, as long as Zhang Yu didn't leave here at the moment, then Mo Qingli's effort was also saved.

But when it comes to breaking the array, they need to consume a certain amount of physical and mental power, not to mention that they are already in the formation, then they need to take the lead in breaking the formation first.

In this regard, Mo Qingli and Mu Tianlang are on the sidelines and have nothing to do with themselves. Naimo still had a faint expression, making people wonder what he thought.

The other monks looked at each other for a while, after all, the old woman with gray hair stood up, and she said to Naimo, "Seniors, juniors are willing to try this first."

A faint smile appeared on the face of the heard Nemo, "It's hard for you."

After getting the affirmation from Naimo, the old woman with gray hair passed a suspicious blush. In fact, a monk can live forever, but it all depends on how long you have cultivated to a certain age, and how you will finally stand.

For example, a monk during the gas refining period, the average life span of the gas refining period is about one hundred years old, when he practices to the foundation period, he is 20 years old, and the average period of the base period is more than 200 years. Ten years old is exceptionally young, so the monk will look younger than when he looks at the gas. And so on and so on.

But if a monk is approaching the end of his life when he enters another stage, the face of this monk will look old.

But generally, for the monks, the appearance is just a skin. Except for those who attach great importance to their appearance, the average monk is unwilling to devote time and spiritual energy to dressing this skin.

So Mo Qingli also understands why this old woman is willing to come out ahead of time, because she really needs the elixir in Naimo's hands that allows her to move from the middle to the late period of the robbery, otherwise She is not far from death.

In this case, it is better to fight together and leave a good impression to Naimo.

However, Mo Qingli thought, looking at the old woman Wang Naimo's eyes, she seemed to have a different feeling. Mo Qingli touched Naimo with his elbow and joked, "She, shouldn't you follow me?"

Naimo glanced deeply at the old woman who was preparing to break the battle, then said seriously to Mo Qingli: "If so, then I can think about it. She and you are almost the same anyway."

Wen Qing's Mo Qingli's face sank immediately. Now that Mo Qingli has been living on earth for so long, she doesn't know how many times she cares about her appearance. She nodded. Is she far from me? "

"Oh?" Naimo's mouth raised upwards. "What's so far away?"

"She looks older than me." Mo Qingli said.

"Can you look at the immortal who can change his appearance? It doesn't matter how he looks." Naimo continued to lean towards Mo Li.

Mo Qingli thought for a while and said, "She, I have two less teeth."

Speaking of this, Mo Qingli turned to Nai Mo (Lu) (Lu) her two sharp fangs, then retracted very quickly, and did not let other monks defend themselves.

Seeing this, the smile on Nemo's face grew stronger, and his Lier was really more and more cute. Naimo couldn't help but put a kiss on Mo Qingli's lips, and the kiss made everyone see it. Each thought in his heart is different.

Especially Mu Tianlang, when he saw this scene, let alone how angry he was, he drove Mo Qingli behind him, standing in front of Mo Qingli, glaring at Naimo. Naimo was not ready to argue with Mu Tianlang. He shrugged and stood beside when nothing happened.

In just such a short time, the gray-haired old woman was ready to attack the illusionary array they were in. Mo Qingli, they are not at all worried that they will not be able to go back. Although this jade is a monk in the late period of the calamity, they gathered here six monks in the early and middle period of the calamity, and Namo this (fallen) into the ordinary Between the fairy and Mu Tianlang, it is only a matter of time before breaking this formation.

Since Zhang Yu had plenty of time to leave here, he did not leave, then Mo Qingli believed that even if Zhang Yu knew they had attacked at this moment, he would not leave.

The old woman really had a hand. She quickly found the weakness of the formation, and bombarded it. After a while, the formation broke.

However, the sight in front of him is not a ruin, but a forest instead.

When Namo saw this, there was a smile in his eyes. It was really interesting. Zhang Yu was also a personal talent, and he would have been lost for a long time.