MTL - The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils-Chapter 134 Madam wants to kill you

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After a few days so painless and no itch, there was no more movement in Mo Qingyu. Mo Qingli showed Leng Mei some medicines that she received from Liu Fei that night, and Leng Mei didn't know the effect of this medicine. This makes Mo Qingli even more puzzled about the source of the drug.

But we ca n’t openly send people to ask about it, otherwise we'll make troubles. The current situation is that Mo Qingyu thought she was in the dark and Mo Qingli was in the bright place. In fact, Mo Qingli already knows Mo Qingyu's intention. In this way, Mo Qingli is more favorable.

However, I don't know when Mo Qingyu is going to start her plan. The ultimate goal of Mo Qingyu should be to break into the imperial city and stand on his own.

In fact, Mo Qingyu didn't have to do this at all. Based on her present achievements, she depended on the number of officials she had drawn in the North Korea. As long as the queen was born, the successor was definitely Mo Qingyu.

After all, Mo Qingyu did not have a significant record, and Mo Qingyu did.

The Queen wanted to send Mo Qingyu to the frontier, and then removed Mo Qingyu. But now Mo Qingyu is not only dead, but the border is well protected. Not to mention whether it is the credit of Mo Qingli, in the DPRK, I will attribute all this to Mo Qingyu's record.

Mo Qingli thought that Mo Qingyu was so impatient that it was for the sake of freedom. Hey ... Sure enough, all the men in this happy dynasty are miserable!

Uh ... except Xiaoyao Yunyan.

Just when Mo Qingli wanted to know God, Yue Yao's panic voice came in.

"Princess, it's not good."

"What's the matter?" Mo Qingli had become accustomed to Yueyao's fuss, and now he can calmly handle it.

Yue Yao even forgot to leave, and said quickly: "Nai ... Nemo boy fainted outside the city, it was ... it was discovered by the guard who guarded the city gate and then notified me.

"What." Mo Qingli stood up fiercely and said secretly. Namo's Mani Mo Qingli is absolutely trustworthy. What made Namo's strength to go back to his home is gone and he fainted outside the city.

If Naimo is like this, then ... Leng Hanyu! Mo Qingli didn't dare to think any further. She quickly got up and went out. "Where is Naimo now?"

"In ... in Namo's room and Shenyi's room." Yue Yao also knew the seriousness of the matter and quickly returned.

"Mu Tianlang is also here?" Mo Qingli asked as he walked.

"Back to the princess, the miraculous doctor is looking at Namo in the room! Miss Lengmei is also here."

Yue Yao doesn't know, can she still know Mo Qingli? How could Mu Tianlang see what kind of illness, I'm afraid it was to look cold and charming there.

Although Mo Qingli still does not believe that Leng Mei will be the kind of person in Mu Tianlang's mouth, but multiple hearts are always good.

Soon, Mo Qingli came to their room.

Leng Mei was next to the soft couch, giving Naimo a pulse, and Mu Tianlang stood beside him with a serious face.

"Cool, how's it going?" Mo Qingli sounded a little urgency in his voice.

Yue Yao, who was behind Lengmei Chaomo Qingli, glanced at her words and stopped. Mo Qingli said to Yue Yao with a comprehension: "You go down first, something will be passed on to you by this palace."

"Yes." Although Yue Yao was also worried, she still said, and then all the maidens and slaves in the room retreated.

"How is it?" Mo Qingli looked at all the people back down before asking.

Mu Tianlang did not know when he had reached Mo Qingli's side. His wide and warm palms were covered with Mo Qingli's incense shoulders. He had a rare sense of seriousness in his eyes. He said, "Li, promise me, before you listen Don't get excited? "

"OK." Mo Qingli answered without thinking.

Leng Mei glanced at Mu Tianlang before turning her eyes to Mo Qingli, she said: "Princess, Namo, he has suffered a great deal, I'm afraid ..."

"I'm afraid?" Mo Qingli looked at the cold and charming expression, and knew that the situation was not optimistic. She tried to calm her down, but she still blurted out.

"I'm afraid I'll fall asleep," Leng Mei said, her eyes lowered.

Zombies are immortal, even if the whole mana is exhausted, or no matter how much damage they take, the zombies will not die. It will fall into an endless slumber.

"No, this is impossible." Mo Qingli fell back two steps, but fortunately Mu Tianlang helped her.

"Li." Mu Tianlang looked at Mo Qingli's sadness, and his mood was uncomfortable.

Mo Qingli pushed Mu Tianlang away, pushing the coolness beside the soft couch, staring at Nemo who was lying quietly on the soft couch with her eyes closed, her heart hurting like a needle.

Her heart would feel pain.

Mo Qingli has no dreams now. Her hand gently touches Namo ’s eyebrows, Namo ’s nose, Namo ’s lips, every inch of Namo ’s skin, everything is so close to her, but It's so far away.

"Li, don't do this. We will wake him up." Mu Tianlang couldn't bear it and said.

"You all go down!" Mo Qingli whispered, "I want to accompany him here."

Mu Tianlang stepped out of the door after a deep glance at Mo Qingli, followed by Lengmei. Only Mo Qingli and Naimo with closed eyes remained.

"Mo, don't you say we'll be together again in the future?"

"You lie, you lie."

"You wake up now and I forgive you for lying to me."

"Mo, will you wake up? I miss you so much."

"I don't want to lose you again, will you wake up?"


A drop of crystal clear tears slipped from Mo Qingli's eyes, all the way down, and gradually dropped into the air.

"My little glass, such precious tears can't just flow away! Otherwise I should be so distressed!"

Mo Qingli looked at the awakened Naimo inconceivably. He held in his hand the jade bottle that received the tears of Mo Qingli last time, shook it, grinned at Mo Qingli, and smiled thickly.

"You ... Are you awake?" Mo Qingli didn't respond for a moment, and said it halfway.

Naimo shoved the jade bottle into his arms, smiled and touched Mo Qingli's head, and frowned slightly.

"Then ... were you just posing?" Mo Qingli said.

Hey ... Namo, who heard the words, nodded awkwardly, and before Namo reacted again, Mo Qingli punched Namo's x / iong, front, and full of anger, "Nemo, you Dying! My mother wants to kill you, how dare you lie to me. "


Because of Mo Qingli's fist, Namo spit out blood, Mo Qingli's face froze, and he quickly supported Namo, "What's wrong with you? Aren't you not injured? How could this happen? I just That punch was very light. I did n’t take any spiritual power! Why are you doing this? "

Naimo smiled pale at Mo Qingli, "I have nothing to do with you, but I was seriously injured. It was just not as serious as Leng Mei said."

"But, how could this happen? You ... how could someone hurt you?" Mo Qingli glanced under his eyes in surprise.

Naimo laughed, "Yeah, I thought no one in this world could hurt me. Ha ha ... I'm still so naive."

"Mo." Mo Qingli's expression suddenly became very serious.

"Huh? Why?" Naimo asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Did you ... become immortal and come down from heaven?"

In fact, when Mo Qingli learned that Xiaoyao Yunmang had come down privately from heaven, Mo Qingli was already wondering if Namo was the same. After all, how far Mo Moli and Naimo are, Mo Qingli knows himself. Although Naimo was seriously injured because of himself at that time, Mo Qingli believed that Naimo's physique would definitely recover. It was only then that she did not want to believe that she was more willing to be condemned all her life.

But now if you think about it, Mo Qingli has reached the realm of immortals. Isn't Namo already here.

And before, Naimo could find himself so accurately, saved himself and Mu Tianlang, and appeared in such a timely manner.

Except that Naimo has a strong spiritual ability to use such a high level of magic, Mo Qingli does not think otherwise.

Therefore, it is likely that Naimo came to find himself in the lower realm like Xiaoyao Yunmang.

"I didn't expect my Lier to become so smart, hey ... I still can't hide you." Naimo smiled helplessly and continued: "In fact, after you hurt me, I worked harder and harder, just After thousands of years, I crossed the sky and came to the fairyland. In the fairyland, I found the originator of our zombie family. They all cared for me and encouraged me to work hard. But my heart was always there. Thinking of you, after a long preparation, I finally opened the gap between heaven and mortal world with the help of elders, and went down to mortal world. "

"But what I didn't expect was that because I was a fairy body, it was against the heavens to descend into the heavens, so at the moment when I descended, the spiritual power in my body was sealed during the robbery period. In order to avoid attracting the heavens again, I used the only The method of sealing the spiritual power in the body sealed the spiritual power in the middle of the robbery. I thought that there would be no opponent in this world, but I didn't expect ... "

Naimo said here, sighed slightly, and then continued: "At the beginning, a Taoist and I were fighting for this regenerating flower at the same time. Although he was inferior to me in all aspects at that time, I did not expect He is now at the end of the robbery. In addition to his previous grudges, he is also merciless to me. You also know that the higher you go to the back, the higher you are, the more difficult it is to surpass. Stop talking about spiritual power. If I had n’t come down from the fairy sphere with a fairy ware, I'd be rare to see you again. "

Mo Qingli didn't expect everything to be so tortuous, she could not hear her for a long time.

"But Lier, don't worry, I still have a few close friends. If they haven't become immortals, they will now be out of the robbery period. Once I have cultivated, I will contact them and go again."

"Is he the only one who has reborn flowers?" Mo Qingli asked.

"Well, this regeneration is a spiritual flower in ancient times. It is not easy to grow a flower in this mortal world. The second flower is extremely impossible. Even in the fairy world, this regeneration flower is also hot. So Until now, that person has not used up the regenerated flowers. This has given us this opportunity. "Naimo said.

Woo, today there is a chapter at night, Niuniu is going to sleep now, good night dear!

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