MTL - The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils-Chapter 132 This chicken wings is delicious

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When Mo Qingli saw Ge Yiming's reaction, he knew that Ge Yiming didn't know about it, so he felt better again. With a hint of ridicule in her tone, she said to Ge Yiming: "I just heard Xiaoyao Yunmang and Liu Fei say. The faster you say, the better!"

"Impossible," Ge Yiming said, "Xiaoyao Yunmang is a man. How can we get married, let alone, let alone ..."

"What's more?" Mo Qingli said with a smile on his lips, took the cup of Ge Mingming, poured a cup of tea, and took a sip.

Ge Yiming blushed, and bowed his head. "Not to mention I'm already yours. Why, how can I marry another person?"

"Huh ... keke ..." Mo Qingli sipped a cup of tea on Ge Yiming's face, and the tea dripped slowly along Ge Yiming's delicate features. Wu Ming said sorry, "I'm sorry, are you ... okay?"

"Do you think I'm okay?" Ge Yiming raised his hand and wiped the tea on his face, snarling at Mo Qingli: "Did you be sprayed once?"

Mo Qingli: "..."

Sure enough, the man got angry and was not easy to mess with.

"Is that so funny?" Ge Yanming took a handkerchief and wiped the tea on his face, looking at the smirking Mo Qingli, and couldn't help asking.

Mo Qingli waved her hands again and again, but the smile under her eyes betrayed her heart at this moment, "No, no, it's not funny at all."

"Huh ..." Ge Yi hummed coldly, turned his head, and was not ready to sort out the ink again.

"Don't be so stingy!" Mo Qingli poked his lips, and said to Ge Yuming with a hint of coquettish tone that he had never seen before: "Okay, I'm not laughing, okay?"

"You have to compensate me." Ge Yiming pouted.

"Okay, let's go, how do you compensate?"

Mo Qingli hadn't finished speaking yet, so she saw Ge Yi slamming towards her (fluttering) and then held Mo Qingli tightly in her arms.

"You ..." Mo Qingli was taken aback.

"Don't move. Let me hug you so quietly, I don't know when it is next time." Ge Yiming leaned his head gently on Mo Qingli's shoulder, closed his eyes, fiercely Taking a unique scent from Mo Qingli's body, he was intoxicated.

In this way, the two hug together so tightly.

"What are you doing?"

A sound of deep anger sounded beside the two of them, and Ge Yiming sighed in his heart slightly. Is he not holding him well yet? What are you doing back so soon?

"Your eyes are blind? Of course you are embracing." Ge Yiming gradually let go of his hand embracing Mo Qingli, and then looked at Xiaoyao Yunmang, who was standing opposite, and ... However, Ge Yiming's eyes quickly moved away when he touched Xiaoyao Yunyan, presumably Xiaoyao Yunyan now wanted to kill him!

He hated being manipulated the most. Now, Xiaoyao Yunmang had no way to fight back, just to cook Ge Yiming, presumably even more angry.

Xiaoyao Yunmang's eyes were filled with anger, like burning (burning) the ink. Mo Qingli didn't care, she raised her eyebrows. "Does the husband and wife still use your consent?"

"You!" Xiaoyao Yunmang was speechless.

After bearing it forever, Xiaoyao Yunmang finally returned to normal. He pushed Xiaoyao Yunyan forward and asked Ge Yiming: "Is this you?"

Xiaoyao Yunyan looked up, looked at Ge Yiming coldly, and wished to eat Ge Yiming.

"Misunderstanding ... Misunderstanding. Yun Yan, you have to believe me!" Ge Yiming stepped forward to support Xiaoyao Yunyan, but Xiaoyao Yunyan broke free.

"Why don't you talk? Why don't you ignore me?" Ge Yiming cried with a face, "I didn't really ask him to catch you here, I just boasted that you cooked delicious food."

Xiaoyao Yunyan heard the words, her mouth was even more twitching (twitching). Why did he pick him up from the soft bed in the middle of the night just to cook for you? !!

Seeing Xiaoyao Yunyan just stared at him with wide eyes, Ge Yiming felt wrong. He asked Xiaoyao Yunmang: "What have you done to him? Why didn't he speak?"

"He was restless, so I gave him some dumb points." Xiaoyao Yunmang's eyes stared at Mo Qingli tightly, but his mouth returned with Ge Yiming's words.

"Quickly untie him."

Xiaoyao Yunmang was helpless, reaching out a little, Xiaoyao Yunyan instantly restored his ability to speak.

"Ge Yanming," Xiaoyao Yunyan called these three words is a gritted tooth.

Ge Yiming smiled at Xiaoyao Yunyan, "Hey ... Yunyan, I haven't seen you in a long time."

See you peat. Xiaoyao Yunyan glanced at Ge Yiming, and then his eyes fell on Mo Qingli aside. After a short pause, he moved to Xiaoyao Yunmang.

Hearing Xiaoyao Yunyan's voice, Xiaoyao Yunman's eyes did not look at Xiaoyao Yunyan, he just stared at Mo Qingli blindly. Xiaoyao Yunmang believes that his biggest threat here is Mo Qingli, and now he just hopes that Mo Qingli will go quickly.

Seeing Xiaoyao Yunmang ignored himself, Xiaoyao Yunyan didn't care. From the moment Xiaoyao Yunmang can instantly bring himself here from thousands of miles away, this shows that Xiaoyao Yunmang is definitely not a simple character. It would be better if it could be used by ourselves. If not, Xiaoyao Yunyan does not want to be his enemy.

"I don't know if the third brother will be here for his brother, what is it about?" Xiaoyao Yunyan glanced at Ge Yiming holding her arm, and then said to Xiaoyao Yunmang.

"It's real!" Ge Yiming mumbled.

At this time, Xiaoyao Yunmang finally retracted his eyes on Mo Qingli, pointed at Ge Yiming, and said to Xiaoyao Yunyan: "Cook for him."


Xiaoyao Yunyan gave a thoughtful look at Ge Yiming, and then smiled and said to Xiaoyao Yunmang: "That's natural. The third brother's order is to listen to him naturally."

what? Ge Yanming couldn't believe his ears. Xiaoyao Yunyan's temperament, Ge Yiming, knows how he used to beg for Xiaoyao Yunyan. Xiaoyao Yunyan would not promise to cook for him alone. Only after Ge Yiming worked hard for a long time, Xiaoyao Yunyan reluctantly agreed to allow Ge Yiming to eat with him.

And now, Xiaoyao Yunyan actually agreed to Xiaoyao Yunmang so easily. Is it difficult for him to see the extraordinary support of Xiaoyao Yunmang? !!

Hey ... this society is so realistic!

"Well, it's hard for you." Xiaoyao Yunmang said with a cold face. Then she clapped her hands, and the maidservant at the door came in, Xiaoyao Yunyan followed the maidservant and walked out.

Just a second before going out, Xiaoyao Yunyan looked back, looking at Mo Qingli sitting at the dining table. She held a tea cup and took a sip of tea lightly. She looked calm and let Xiaoyao Yunyan's heart follow. The origin of one (tremor). Then he looked away and got out of the tent.

"You haven't left yet, what do you want to do here?" Xiaoyao Yunmang looked at Mo Qingli hostilely, and scared Mo Zhuli from Mo Qingli.

If she is here, Ge Yiming's heart will always be on her. Xiaoyao Yunmang hates this feeling. If he can, he really hopes to let Mo Qingli disappear in this world now.

"Hungry, I stay here to eat." Mo Qingli replied leisurely.

"Go back to your city to eat." Xiaoyao Yunmang is going crazy, why is this zombie so blind-eyed, and also, isn't the zombie not hungry? !! Even if you are hungry, you should **** blood? !!

Mo Qingli raised an eyebrow. "The city is now closed. It happens that there is food here, and I will eat it here."

"Are you a zombie? What meals do zombies eat, shouldn't you go to **** blood?" Xiaoyao Yunmang was furious.

"Uh ... I'm a zombie who eats." Mo Qingli thought for a while, then raised his eyes, said Xiaoyao Yunmang seriously.

Xiaoyao Yunmang was almost going to shoot dead Mo Qingli, but was stopped by Ge Yiming's next words.

"Then let's eat together, people eat more fragrant. You say yes, Yun Mang?" Ge Yiming said to Xiaoyao Yun Mang with a smile on his lips.

Xiaoyan Yunmang, who heard the words, nodded dullly, and then sat between Mo Qingli and Ge Yiming. I didn't care about Ge Yiming's gaze (fire), and sat there leisurely.

Waiting for Xiaoyao Yunyan to bring up the dishes.

The three were in such an awkward atmosphere until Xiaoyan Yunyan's arrival.

A thick smell of vegetables drifted into the tip of everyone's nose, and Ge Yi sniffed two bitterly, and then he became hungry again after a long stomach.

Even Mo Qingli and Xiaoyao Yunmang couldn't help swallowing a spit of water. This fragrance is too special to evoke people's appetite.

Behind Xiaoyao Yunyan, a row of maids presented the dishes he had just prepared and showed them in front of everyone, and then put a plate on a dinner table.

Suddenly, the house is full of fragrance.

"Let the people wait a long time. The time is too rush, the people will taste it first, to see the appetite?" Xiaoyao Yunyan laughed.

In fact, when the dish was just put on the dining table, Ge Yiming could not help but pounced on the table and ate.

No image at all.

Mo Qingli looked at Ge Yiming's unfortunate way of eating, and couldn't help but twitch his mouth. Isn't this food a god?

"Li, this chicken wing is delicious. Here is one for you." Ge Yiming did not forget Mo Qingli while he was eating. He grabbed a chicken wing and handed it to Mo Qingli's bowl, but in Halfway, he was hijacked by Yunyao Yunmang.

Xiaoyao Yunmang said this, "I think the six princesses should not like to eat chicken wings. Just because I like to eat them, it is better to give them to me!"

"Really?" Ge Yiming's greasy lips moved slightly. When preparing to give up his chicken wings to Xiaoyun Yunmang, Mo Qingli's chopsticks clamped the chicken wings first.

"As long as it is given to the palace, the palace will like it." Mo Qingli also smiled at Xiaoyun Yunmang: "I will not bother the three princes to eat for the palace."

Then the chicken wings were sandwiched in the bowl by Mo Qingli, and the anger that caused Xiaoyao to look at Mo Qingli was even deeper.

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