MTL - The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils-Chapter 125 Thirty male figures enter the willow concubine

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"No." Xiao Hong patted her **** confidently, and then continued: "The princess is very busy right now, but there is still time to take care of us. We will hurry over to try something early in the middle of the night, then Just leave. How could they know ?! "

Seeing Mei Lian still had some hesitation, Xiao Hong continued to bewilder Mei Lian, and said, "I heard that there are several beautiful men in it, that looks better than the previous Yuge boy!"

Xiao Hong knew that when Mei Lian met Yu Ge, she was already fascinated by Yu Ge fans, so in order to let Mei Lian go with her, she decisively used Yu Ge, a killer.

Sure enough, Mei Lian no longer hesitated when she heard what she said, and walked with Xiao Hong.

After listening to what they said, Mo Qingli would not give up the opportunity to drop the pie, and followed her invisibly.

After the two turned around, they came to a very hidden house in the mansion. If Mo Qingli hadn't been with them, they would not have found it.

The two must have been preparing before. After handing a piece of silver to the guard outside the door, the two entered the room unhindered. Mo Qingli also walked in while the door was open.

The thirty men in the hut shook Xiaohong and Meilian when they saw Xiaohong and Meilian, and then moved towards the wall.

"Don't panic." Xiaohong cleared her throat and said, "The two sisters came here to save everyone."

The men who heard the words showed an incredible look on their faces. I have to say that the quality of the men they caught this time was extremely high.

While the two guards were talking to the men, Mo Qingli shook to sit next to Ge Yiming, who closed his eyes and rested on the corner.

"Hey, are you dead ?!" Fortunately, there is no one next to Ge Yiming, so Mo Qingli hides himself, sits beside Ge Yiming, and then tells Ge Yiming angrily.

Ge Yanming, who heard the words, opened his eyes suddenly, then glanced in the direction that Mo Qingli was sitting, his lips slightly raised, and he whispered softly, "You are dead, I still live well."


Ge Yiming always has a way to hold Mo Qingli.

This palace does not care about you. Humph……

Mo Qingli put up with it and said, "How do you know I'm here?"

"Listen to the voice." Ge Minming closed his eyes again, and then leisurely said, "Is it you or a deaf?"

"Peat." Mo Qingli could not help yelling. Really dying, this dead man is dying, save him by himself, he doesn't know what to do.

Ge Yiming heard Mo Qingli's angry voice, and the smile on the corners of his lips became deeper. Presumably, Mo Qingli's face must be red with him, and it must be very cute.

The flowing hair rests gently on the waist. There is no extra ornament on the hair, but it makes a face light and refined, making people never look away.

At the first sight of Xiao Hong and Mei Lian stepping in here, both of them saw Ge Yiming at the same time.

At this time Ge Yiming leaned so quietly against the corner of the wall, and compared the surrounding men.

Looking back at Bai Meisheng, Liu Gongfen Dai has no color. Presumably it means someone like Ge Yiming!

Meilian walked around the crowd, walked in front of Ge Yiming, crouched, and said softly, "What's your name?"

"Ge Yiming." Ge Yiming's eyes still did not open, but his thin lips spit out such words.

Mei Lian didn't care about it, the more beautiful the beautiful man, the more she liked it.

"Would you like to leave here?" Meilian continued to ask, but her face was confident. She believed that as long as she used the words "take him out of here" to seduce (confuse) this person, he would definitely follow him.

By the time she's done marrying him and sending him back. Meilian thinks very well.

Unfortunately, Ge Yiming simply did not give Mei Lian the opportunity to speak again, and replied, "I don't want to."

Mo Qingli was glad that Ge Yiming refused so neatly. It was indeed her husband.

Meilian apparently didn't expect Ge Yiming to answer like this. When the reaction came, her face couldn't help but a faint tint of halo, "Don't you know!

"I all know that I don't know what to do," Ge said coldly.

Xiaohong, not far away, saw Meilian's situation, and pulled Meilian up, "Meilian, what are you doing? He doesn't want to, and most people are willing, right?"

Then he asked the men, and the group nodded again and again, "Yeah, he doesn't want us to. Please ask our two sisters to take us out of here!"

Xiao Hong's implied meaning was to keep Mei Lian from hanging on a tree. Although this man looks really good, it does not seem that they can hold it. In the event of an incident, they will die unsightly.

Besides, they are just here to have fun, and the rest of the men are not bad. Just play for one night.

Meilian stared at Ge Mingming fiercely before finally leaving unwillingly. Then they took two men out of the door.

The men who were not "chosen" couldn't help but weep softly. Let Mo Qingli look around and keep his eyes rolling.

"Ge Geming." Mo Qingli saw that nobody was watching Ge Geming again, and then whispered to Ge Geming, "Be prepared, I will take you away."

"I don't leave."

Surprisingly, Mo Yiming did not even want to leave with her.

"Why? Have you got water in your head?" Mo Qingli could not help but squirt.

Ge Yiming pumped the corners of his mouth, and relentlessly counterattacked, "If my head is flooded, then your head is soaked in water."

Mo Qingli endured patience and continued to persuade Ge Mingming bitterly, "Don't play with your temper, and while you have time, leave here with me."

"I won't go." Ge Yiming emphasized again, and his voice was slightly impatience with Mo Qingli.

"Did you really get water in your head?" Mo Qingli yelled at Ge Yiming: "Did you know these people, you will be sent to the army of Xiaoyao Dynasty tomorrow night. Do you know the seriousness of the matter?"

"I know."

Mo Qingli simply couldn't understand what the man was thinking about, "Knowing you're still going?"

"Um." Ge Yiming nodded.

Mo Qingli was so anxious that he wanted to drag Ge Geming directly. Who knew Ge Geming seemed to know Mo Qingli's intention? He wrapped a man's arm in one hand and couldn't stop talking to others.

Mo Qingli couldn't help but left.

After not feeling the breath of Mo Qingli's presence here, Ge Yiming gradually let go of his arm holding others' arms, and a complex look passed under his eyes.

He also wanted to help Mo Qingli do something.

Late in the evening the next day, Mo Qingli visited again, but Ge Yiming remained unmoved.

Mo Qingli had no choice but to pull out a yellow paper rune from his arms and hand it to Ge Yiming, saying: "This is my spiritual power. If you are in danger, remember to tear it up, then I will immediately Arrived. "

"Um." Ge Yiming took Mo Qingli's rune paper, and then tilted his head and stopped talking. Mo Qingli sighed and left.

After a while, the **** escorted them to open the door, and the four men who said they could be "released" returned that night. The clothes on their bodies were torn and full of scars, and from what they kept crying and their torn clothes, they guessed what happened to the four. While sorry for them, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice that he hadn't been selected. Otherwise, it is myself who is suffering now.

But the sudden arrival of a group of guards made them clearly aware that they were only humiliated one step later than the four. That's it.

Mo Qingli did not leave, but was hiding on the roof, watching the guards rush into the hut, then tied them one by one and blocked his mouth, and took them out of the room.

Then they followed them out of the city gate and came to the army of the Xiaoyao Dynasty who camped not far from the city.

Then, Mo Qingli saw the rumored lady Liu Fei walking out of a tent in a beautiful dress, accompanied by a big man.

Look at the dress and dress, presumably this is the famous general of the Xiaoyao Dynasty, Xiaoyao Yunmang.

Mo Qingli could not help but glance at this person a few more times. However, he did not expect that this man's skill was so profound. He seemed to feel Mo Qingli's gaze, and his eyes looked towards the place where Mo Qingli was standing.

But when Xu found nothing, he shook his head again and followed Liu Fei.

"These are all sent by Mo Qingyu?" Liu Fei said, her voice was so charming and crispy into the bone marrow.

"Back to Princess Liu, yes," a guard said.

Liu Fei heard the words, and paced to the men, watching each one carefully. When walking to Ge Yiming, Liu Fei stopped. Raised Ge's chin with one hand, and there was a fascination in his eyes.

"Yes, Mo Qingyu did a good job this time." Liu Fei clapped her hands and was about to leave.

"Mrs. Liu Fei." The guard who escorted the 30 men stopped Liu Fei, saying: "What about retreating?"

Princess Liu waved her hand and said, "As long as these people serve the palace, the palace will naturally keep its promise and retreat."

Talking, he didn't wait for the guard to speak again, and then he went up to his tent.

The guard was about to speak again, but the words to his mouth were frightened and frightened by Xiaoyao Yunmang.

During the whole process, Xiaoyao Yunmang didn't say a word, but even if Xiaoyao Yunmang didn't speak, his whole body exudes a sense of indignation. Although Li Jing's body also has, but it is more of a strategy, and the happy clouds in front of him are indeed a kind of suffocation.

"Bring the man in black to my room tonight." As Princess Liu walked towards her tent, she ordered the maid beside her.

"Yes." The maid nodded respectfully.

Keke ... It's too late, Niuniu can't hold it, her eyes can't open. Today's 6000 is over. Yesterday was 5,000. I will make up later. muah!