MTL - The Cold Prince Dotes On His Wild Wife-Chapter 985 Smart, all in the calculation

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Bai Meowou once again escaped a suffocating and horrible disaster. She lived happily for the past few days after the disaster. The rattle in her hand made a clear and pleasant sound. After listening to the grandmother saying that this rattle was made by Bai Yin, I don't know if it is true or not. After all, how could this man hate that woman so much that he would make toys for her daughter?

Three days later, there were many strange faces in the palace. Bai Meowu was held in his arms by his grandmother. Round eyes were watching the men in the yard. Some were older and some were young and handsome. It looks very good. Of course, everyone holds a delicate gift in their arms.

What's more, held several copies!

The grandmother happily hugged Bai Meowou and said, "Princess, today is your full moon ceremony. Look at all these dignitaries and honored officials, all of you are here to celebrate."

Bai Meowu stared at the grandmother, didn't she already have a full moon? Why do you remember the full moon ceremony now? Is it possible that the man's conscience found out?

At this time, in Bai Yin's dorm room, a very wicked man leaned against the window, stroking a few strands of fine hair in front of his hair with one hand, and a beautiful arc was evoked by the corner of his mouth, the beautiful pair of peach eyes Watching Bai Yin for a long time, he said, "King, are you sure you want to see the blood at the princess' full moon ceremony?"

Bai Yin coldly glanced at the past, and said coldly: "If you do not make good use of this child, how can the Prince of Jin Fengguo be hooked! Ice, this plan must be foolproof! Otherwise, let the tiger return to the mountain, you and I have a headache!"

Han Bing winked at Bai Yin, and came forward to Bai Yin, "They know! Don't look at people with this indifferent look! People will be shy."

Bai Yin waved his hands, Han Bing hurried back a few steps, and kept a certain distance from Bai Yin, "You can't be gentle with others. Anyway, people have followed you for so many years, born to death and killed countless people."

"Go! Don't push yourself."

"Okay, okay, I won't play with you."

After speaking, Han Bing turned away and quickly disappeared in front of Bai Yin.

At noon, the full moon ceremony officially started, and envoys from all over the country came to send congratulations, and Prince Wu of the Jinfeng Kingdom drank two glasses of wine and stumbled into the Yixin Hall.

At this moment, Bai Miaomei, the protagonist of Full Moon Rite, was taking a nap. Lying in the crib, she seemed to have bad dreams, her hands shaking in mid-air, and she scratched her face after a while. When the grandmother saw this, she stepped forward with a loving smile on her face and picked up Bai Meow. Gently patting Bai Meow's back, holding her horizontally and shaking it gently, Bai Meow finally became honest.

However, such a peaceful atmosphere was disturbed by a man full of alcohol.

Bai Meowu was sleeping very shallowly, and when he heard the movement, he opened his eyes suddenly, and cried loudly before Yi Wushuang had walked to the grandmother.

Yi Wushuang's heart sank, and he stepped forward to hold the grandmother, and then reached out and covered Bai Miao's mouth. A thick, gloomy voice came, "Shut up to this palace! Believe it or not, this palace will kill you!" "

Bai Meow blinked and stopped crying immediately. Yi Wushuang was startled, "Can you understand what this palace is saying?"

Bai Miaomei scolded his mother, but she couldn't understand, she cried! Crying can solve everything!


Crying again, Yi Wushuang was relieved, this child, and did not understand his words, it seems that he is more attentive!

Holding Meow Meow secretly jumping out of the window, but just after landing, a tall, indifferent man appeared in front of him.

Bai Meimao felt the familiar and indifferent murderous spirit, and he felt an inexplicable ecstasy and excitement, and even felt a little peace of mind.

Aggrieved, instantly, crying: "Wow!"

It was as if he had been bullied by the man holding her.

Yi Wushuang's face changed instantly. He said to Bai Yin, "King, listen to the explanation of this palace!"

Bai Yin's somber voice said coldly, "Listen to your explanation? While your daughter ’s full moon ceremony is chaotic, will you hold your palace master out of the house?"

Yi Wushuang sank and hurriedly said, "King, you have misunderstood."

How could Bai Yin give him the opportunity to explain, so many envoys looked at him, he coldly ordered: "Come, take Prince Jinfeng Guo down! I want Jin Fengguo to give you an explanation!"

The full moon ceremony of Bai Meowou ended because of the trouble of Prince Jinfengguo.

Soon, the palace regained its tranquility, and the indifferent atmosphere wrapped the whole city again. Bai Meowu's round eyes rolled around. Why did she feel that this full moon ceremony was strange? Why did the Prince of Jin Fengguo hug her? Why did Bai Yin happen to appear under the window? Bai Meowu smelled the breath of conspiracy.

Seeing that Bai Meowuo blinked suddenly, the orange girl didn't blink, she was so scared that she came to her knees.

Bai Meow meowed back to the god, the royal doctor had already arrived. Bai Meowu thought, if she can talk now, be sure to ask the doctor, "Are you lying on the edge of the door? A roar, you're here!"

The doctor checked the white meow nervously, and found nothing wrong, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and said to the orange, "Girl Orange, you are trying to scare me this old bone!"

Orange frowned, and looked back with embarrassment: "I'm also worried about the princess. I'm sorry to trouble you, Zhang Yuyi."

Zhang Yuyi sighed and left with the medicine box. Orange looked at the back of the uncle and glanced at Bai Meowou, "Hey, Your Royal Highness, you must grow up healthy and healthy, otherwise, we are happy. The people of the temple cannot survive. "

Bai Meow giggled twice, and Orange scratched slightly on the bridge of her nose. "Is this the princess who promised slavery?"

Bai Meow Meow giggled again, and Orange looked at Bai Meow Meow happily, "His Royal Highness Princess is so smart!"

Bai Meow was proudly thinking, "That's for sure! People are beautiful girls who love flowers and flowers."

At this time, in the palace dungeon, Bai Yin, a dark gold silk python robe, strode to the deepest part of the dungeon. The jailers saw Bai Yin cold, scared, and followed nervously, for fear of a careless one Head moved.

Bai Yin glanced at Yi Wushuang, who was sitting in the cell. When the jailer saw this, he hurried forward to open the cell door, and strode in with white eyes.

Yi Wushuang sneered and looked up at Bai Yin, "The king really took care! Even giving the child a full moon ceremony, it's in the calculation!"

Bai Yin snorted coldly: "A bitch's wild seed! Sending her a full moon ceremony is already a gift to her!"

Yi Wushuang flashed in his eyes, "She is your daughter! Yours!"

"She's not! I have no daughter!"