MTL - The Cold Prince Dotes On His Wild Wife-Chapter 957 Come, this filial son

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Bai Zhuo stared at Zhang Huan with water vapor,

"General, you ..."

Bai Zhuo didn't know how to ask this man to let himself go, just to see his firm attitude now, I'm afraid he won't let her go at half past one. But she was sure that the man would not hurt her.

With a sigh in my heart, I had no choice but to go all out for a while.

After Zhang Huan left, Bai Zhuo stayed in the yard alone and looked at the sky in a daze. I wonder what my brother is doing now? Have they noticed that she has left the Fox Clan ~

Zhang Huan quickly told Zhang Xiaoxiao about Bai Zhuo's imprisonment in the general's palace.

Zhang Xiaoxiao learned that at this time, he sent a special trip to the General's Mansion and asked Zhang Ye to kill Bai Zhuo.

It was only Zhang Ye who did not mean to kill Bai Zhuo. After the girl told Zhang Xiaoxiao about this, Zhang Xiao pushed all the accessories on the dresser to the ground and roared,

"Why is my brother doing this! What a **** woman keeps doing!"

The girl has never dared to say a word.

Zhang Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly felt a strange smile flash away! Since her brother locked her in the forbidden area of ​​General's Mansion, she sent someone to kill her!

Holding the spar tightly in his hand, a bit of ruthlessness passed in his eyes.

Northern Hades Witches,

Xuanyuan Rattan sat idle on a rattan chair in the yard to relax, returned to the next person and said that someone was visiting, then got up and went out.

When he saw the person, Xuan Yuanteng's eyes flashed a different color. It seems that this kid must have found something!

Thinking of the content on the letter of Mo Yan and Helian Wing a few days ago, Xuan Yuanteng took his eyes back and stepped forward and laughed:

"Boy, why are you here. I don't care about these days, old man."

Yin Tianyao stepped forward to salute respectfully, and said to Xuanyuan Rattan Road,

"Grandpa, here you are for your nephew."

Xuanyuan Teng went to the rattan chair and sat down and sighed, "Say, what's the matter! If the old man can help, he must help, but if the old man can't help, then don't blame the old man's help.

Yin Tianyao's deep eyes fell on Xuanyuan Rattan,

"Aunt must have found you."

Xuanyuan rattled abruptly, and even the rattan chair that was shaking immediately stopped. He frowned at Yin Tianyao,

"Your boy is really smart! In this case, the old man and you will not make any troubles. This matter, your aunt said, can't help!"

Yin Tianyao suddenly fell to his knees and caught Xuanyuan Teng off guard. Xuanyuan Teng hurried up to raise Yin Tianyao, who knew that Yin Tianyao refused and said,

"Grandpa, I owe that girl, she was threatened for me. At least, I want to know what is going on with her now! If she lives alive, I won't do more entanglement. Grandpa ..."

Xuan Yuanteng saw the tears in Yin Tianyao's eyes and sighed,

"It's not that the old man didn't help you, you know, if you break into that place, I'm afraid it will never be possible to leave again! Or I may die there."

"Grandpa, I've considered it very clearly!"

Seeing Yin Tianyao's firm eyes, Xuanyuan Teng no longer said that this child is so similar to the Helian wing that year, even if he did not help, I am afraid he would find a way to find the place.

In the end, Yin Tianyao's request was helpless.

Early the next morning, a major event occurred outside the gate of General Zhang's Mansion. People from the King Yin Mansion brought people with countless heads to place outside the house.

When Zhang Henian heard the words of the housekeeper, he came out angrily, and shouted coldly at the palace of Yin Yin,

"Early morning, what are you doing!"

The headed man said,

"General, my grandfather said, please look at these heads first, and it is not too late to speak!"

Zhang Henian suddenly had a bad hunch in his heart.

He stepped forward, and the people at Yin Palace ripped the white pimple on his head. When Zhang Henian saw the familiar face, his face became pale instantly, as did his lips.

Suddenly his heart sank, and a cricket receded.

"how can that be!"

The people of the King Yin House sneered,

"General, your man assassinated Lord Ye, and took away Lord Ye's close-fitting girl. Lord Ye said, and hand over Zhuoer, he can never blame it! If Zhuoer hurts the slightest, then the people in General Zhang ... "

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Henian seemed to think of something, shouting at the housekeeper,

"Go and call Master to Master!"

The steward nodded timidly and hurried into the general's house.

Zhang Ye was holding the food pan and was about to go to the restricted area of ​​the General Mansion. Who knows, but the housekeeper blocked the way and saw the anxious look of the housekeeper. Zhang Ye frowned and asked,

"Butler Cai, what happened?"

Housekeeper Cai returned panting,

"Not good, sir! Is something serious?"

Zhang Yan asked with wide eyes,

"What's the matter, you say?"

"It's the man from King Yin's Mansion. He sent dozens of people!"

Zhang Ye's heart sank instantly. Yin Wangfu? Head? Half of the people he sent out died, did Yin Tianyao kill them all? I cursed grandpa in my heart! Remind Mr. Cai,

"Here! General Go out and see!"

Mr. Cai reminded urgently,

"Master, pay attention. Master is angry now! Don't make him angry!"

"Got it!"

Zhang Huan went outside the General's Mansion, walked to Zhang Henian's side and whispered,

"Dad, what happened?"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Henian took a slap.


"Dad, what are you hitting me!"

"You, you inverse! You said, what did you do yesterday? Ah?"

Zhang Jianshou, "Nothing."

Zhang He was anxious, pointing at the neat heads on you, coldly rebuking, "You **** thing, these people are all warriors who followed me to the battlefield! You stole the token from me yesterday and took them Take it out! They are dead without a corpse! Zhang Ye, the old man really wants to chop you to relieve your heart! "

Zhang Huan frowned, looking at Zhang Huanxiang,

"Dad, listen to me!"

"What else to explain! The people at King Yin's Mansion have come to your door. Do you think King Yin will listen to you! People!"


"It's all over now, you're still playing the mystery with the old man! Zhang Ye, believe it or not, the old man will now let you be put in the forbidden area and never be released."

Zhang Ye shook his head in a panic,

"No! Dad, you can't do this?"

If he was held in captivity, wouldn't that girl be exposed? The younger sister knows that she will be angry and sad. If the younger sister wants to kill the girl, he may not be able to prevent it. It is safest to keep her in the forbidden area!

Zhang Henian saw Zhang Ye so, and hated the iron and rolled towards him.

"You filial son! You rotten boy! What good is it for my husband to support you? Ah!"

Said, short of breath, "Come here, put me into this general's forbidden place! You must not be released without my order!"

Read The Duke's Passion