MTL - The Cold Prince Dotes On His Wild Wife-Chapter 942 Reliable, I can go back by myself

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Leaning in horror, Mama Qian was desperately forward, trying to rush away.

On the other side, the fox, who has been covered with golden hair, exudes murderous eyes and stern eyes, and walks towards the mother Qian slowly! The momentum alone scared Qian's mother.

Suddenly, a change came from outside the door, and the golden fox glanced at Bai Zhuo on the bed, turning it into a golden envelope that wrapped Bai Zhuo. For a moment, Bai Zhuo became human, and the golden fox disappeared instantly. On the bed, Bai Zhuo was weak and weak,


A nice voice came, only Bai Zhuo could hear,

"Zuoer, human beings are greedy, selfish, and ruthless! Since you want to experience your so-called feelings in the world, then my brother will let you take a good look at what kind of ruthless human being you believe in your heart!"

As soon as the words fell, Yin Tianyao pushed the door open.

Bai Zhuo suddenly looked up at the indifferent man who rushed in, "Uncle ..."

With tears in his eyes, Yin Tianyao glanced around, and when he saw the **** scene in the room, he hurried forward to ask Bai Zhuo's situation.

"Girl, what's wrong with you? Did you hurt yourself?"

Bai Zhuo shook his head and looked at Yin Tianyao's solemn face with grievance. "Uncle, I'm afraid."

With that said, his head rested on Yin Tianyao.

Yin Tianyao glanced at the tragic death on the ground, and looked at Qian's mother, who was trembling on the ground, and asked in a low voice,

"what happened!"

Mom Qian pointed at Bai Zhuo and said in horror,

"Fairy! She, she is, she is a fairy! Fairy! It was she who killed them, it was terrible, it was terrible."

Bai Zhuo shook his head. "I didn't kill them."

Mother Qian shuddered and looked pale.

Yin Tianyao looked back and looked at Bai Zhuo, "But what is she saying?"

"Uncle, I didn't kill. It wasn't me who killed."

"Well. I'll take you out of here." Then he picked up Bai Zhuo and left. When he left, he looked down and ordered to stop, "Take care of the people here!"

Ms. Qian seemed crazy, "Monster, monster ..."

Rong Zhi was cold-eyed for a moment, and a knife hand stunned Mama Qian directly.

Bai Zhuo was embraced by Yin Tianyao along the way, and her heart was inexplicably warm. This was the first human she knew. Although he was indifferent, his body and heart made her warm.

The moment he rushed into the room, she thought he would be scared and would suspect her, but he didn't, he chose to believe her!

Humans are not as bad as my brother said.

With his hands tightly wrapped around Yin Tianyao's neck, his heart was particularly happy. It was just that there was no energy in his body, and Bai Zhuo's eyelids were fighting, whispering, "Uncle, I, I'm so tired ..."

The moment she closed her eyes, Bai Zhuo heard a low voice in her ear and said, "Sleep! I am here."

Uncle, it's so warm ...

When Bai Zhuo opened his eyes again, everything around him was so strange, strange bed, strange room, strange everything.

The two maidservants stood by the bed and saw Bai Zhuo wake up, respectfully,

"Girl, you are awake."

Bai Zhuo stared at the two maidservants with a wide-eyed spirit, and asked sternly,

"Where is this? Why am I here? By the way, uncle? Where have others gone?"

The two girls looked at each other, "Uncle?"

Bai Zhuo nodded and said, "It's the uncle who brought me back, cold, good-looking one!"

"Oh, girl, that's our master! It's also the leader of this mingyou country!"

"What? The landlord?"

"Yeah!" One of the girls said with a smile, "The emperor is as old as the girl is?"

Bai Zhuo rolled her eyes, she also knew that he looked good ...

Why would someone want to call him uncle?

Pouting to Yaya,

"Take me to see Uncle!"


Following the girl-in-law walked all the way to the study room, Yin Tianyao was sitting quietly in the study room at this moment. He heard the movement at the door and raised his eyes. His deep and cold eyes fell on Bai Zhuo. Bai Zhuo was excited and yelled at Yin Tianyao. ,

"Uncle, you are here!"

Talking, he rushed in like a child and flew into Yin Tianyao's arms.

Yin Tianyao caught her petite body by surprise, put her on the table, and asked with a cold face,

"Woke up?"

The Bai Zhuo chicken nodded like a pecking rice. "Um."

"Are you hungry?"

"Huh? Huh!"

Yin Tianyao lifted his eyes and looked at the girl at the door, "Go and ask someone to cook something for you."

As he said, his eyes fell on Bai Zhuo. "Now, tell me what happened in Lihualou yesterday."

Bai Zhuo froze and asked God frowning, "Uncle, I said. Do you believe it?"


"Okay, this is the thing ..."

Bai Zhuo told Yin Tianyao how he was drugged and how he was sent to Huahualou, but did not say that her brother came to Huahualou. He only said that a fox would burst out. She saved ... For a long time, Yin Tianyao looked at Bai Zhuo with a deep meaning, "Tell me your home address and I will send you back."

Bai Zhuo suddenly froze. After a moment, he nervously smiled, "No, uncle. I can go back by myself."

Yin Tianyao saw her look flustered, it seems that Rong Mu found the news is not false, this girl should not be Mingyou country. Maybe it is really a conflict with the family?

Thinking about it this way, I no longer forced to ask Bai Zhuo. Soon, the girl came up with the food, Bai Zhuo touched her dry belly, pressed her lower lip, picked up the chopsticks and picked the meat, and stuffed it into the mouth. .

When Yin Tianyao saw this, his eyes were full of petting, took Jinpa to wipe the oil stains on the corner of her mouth, reminding her,

"Slow down, Xiao Qi ..."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Zhuo froze, round ink eyes staring at Yin Tianyao, "Uncle, my name is Zhuoer, who is Xiaoqi?" Yin Tianyao suddenly returned to God, and he even regarded the girl in front of him as the seventh day. .

Withdrawing his thoughts, his eyes narrowed, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. Hurry and eat ..."

Bai Zhuo hesitated for a moment, responded, and continued to stuff delicious food into his mouth.

In the palace of Mingyou Kingdom, Jing Bugui was wearing a bright yellow python robe and sitting on a dragon chair and dozing off. On the main hall, the ministers bowed their heads and said nothing, waiting for Jing to leave the mouth, and behind Jing Buli, a younger man with a head taller The boy's cheeky face had a hint of worry, his brows were squeezed together, and the immature voice was in Jing Jing's ears.

"Emperor! It's time to go down!"

Jing Buqi heard the sound, opened his eyes suddenly, rubbed and looked quietly at the people in the hall, got up and waved,

"Oh, it's down! Everyone is gone!"

The ministers are silent ...

Why is it so unreliable for the emperor to be so hearty?

Everyone was helpless, shaking their heads and sighing and separating.

Jing Buli saw everyone retreating, and instantly recovered his body. He stood up and looked at the boy behind him. "Zhan Xiao, order someone to send you a list of people who are dissatisfied as emperors. Please take a good look!"

"Yes! Emperor!"

Read The Duke's Passion