MTL - The Cold Prince Dotes On His Wild Wife-Chapter 936 Warm, never give up the full moon ceremony

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Seeing Su Taner's tiredness and weakness, he finally hugged the child directly to Su Taner's side and carefully placed her on the bed.

Su Tan'er turned to look at the little ones, and her heart was especially happy and warm.

I still remember her desperate mood when she was born, but now, heaven is fair, and finally she really felt how she felt as a mother and wife.

I looked at Sedum, and said,

"Well, thank you for giving me hope and for giving me a complete home."

Sedum squinted a beautiful smile at the corner of his mouth, and gave a little glance at the little fellow, and said,

"I've been busy dealing with those obstacles recently, and I almost forgot the name of our little princess."

Su Taner smiled slightly, "You'll pick your name."

Sedum 珏 thin lips slightly 抿, "how about calling?"

Su Tan'er looked at Jing Tianyi, whispered in his mouth, "Do you want to leave?"

"Well. Never give up!"

Su Taner nodded and laughed, "Then don't give up ..."

In a blink of an eye, it was the full moon ceremony that never gave up, friends and relatives came one after another, and Qian Kun, who had promised that Jing Tianyi would no longer meet Su Taner, came to Tianyuan Prefecture!

Entered King's Palace and went directly to Su Taner.

Su Taner grew fuller and more mellow under the care of Jing Tianyi this month. It looks much better than those days when he returned to Jingwang Mansion five years later, and has the charm that a woman should have.

Holding her arms in her arms, she paced back and forth in the room. When she heard a familiar person calling her name, Su Taner turned around and looked at the person. She walked quickly to Qian Kun in excitement. In his arms, he was blocked by a tall wall.

Jing Tianyi stood between the two, looking at Qian Kun coldly, with his back to Su Taner, coldly,

"What King said, it seems that the brothers have forgotten everything!"

Qian Kun moved his lips, "Brother Jing's temper is still the same. I came here this time for business!"

Su Taner glanced curiously at Qian Kun, "Brother Kun, what's the matter?"

Sedum froze, and only heard Su Taner remind him, "Well, don't give up hugging to feed."

Sedum turned around and walked out without giving up. As if nothing had happened before.

Qian Kun stared at Jing Tianzhang, frowned, looking suspiciously at Su Tan'er, "Taner, what's the situation?"

Su Taner couldn't help but cover his mouth and laughed,

"Since there is no abandonment, the whole person has changed. Stay with us every day and do nothing. Every day around his little princess ..."

Qian Kun listened with envy as Su Taner said about Jing Tianyi. Fist clenched slightly, with a soft smile on his face.

Su Taner returned to God and asked Qian Kun,

"By the way, Brother Kun, you asked me for something important. What is it?"

"Things about the Nalan people. I received the news two days ago that Nalan is still an orphan and alive."

Su Taner tightened his heart, "orphan?"

Recalling what happened as a child, although a little vague, there are some impressions, especially those in Nalan House that are about the same size as her.

Su Taner thought of coming alone, and suddenly his eyes brightened,

"You mean Nalan peace of mind?"

Qian Kun nodded and said, "Yes! Nalan is at ease! She is now in the Eight Princes' Palace in Tianyuan Prefecture."

Su Taner froze, Lord Eight? Jing Chaoyang?

This is really a narrow road for enemies!

In the impression, Nalan is at ease a very quiet child. She is the youngest lady in Nalan House, perhaps because she is too quiet. Many times, Su Taner did not pay attention to her.

Every time Qiankun's elder brother came to her to play, Nalan would hide in the corner and watch secretly, until she was discovered by Su Taner, she would pull her in between them and play with them.

Thinking of the weak girl, Su Taner passed a sorrow in her eyes.

She said to Qian Kun,

"Is she doing well?" For her, if Nalan was at ease with Jing Chaoyang, maybe let her be Jing Jingyang's woman all the time, and don't recall the painful memories.

Qiankun said,

"Not good, you should know more about Jing Chaoyang's life. There are many women in his house, and there is a lot of intrigue among those in the house. I heard that Nalan was at ease bullied and thin by those women, and Jing Chaoyang was irritable. When he gets mad outside, he will find Naran at ease. "

After listening to Qian Kun's words, Su Taner clenched his fists tightly, "Today is not to give up the full moon ceremony, Jing Chaoyang will definitely come back. This matter also has to trouble Brother Kun to help Tan Er save the peace from the Eight Princes Mansion. "

Qian Kun nodded, "This is also my purpose here."

Lie, eyes did not blink, Su Taner believed.

Qian Kun came, but to see Su Taner's side! As for Nalan's peace of mind, it just happened to be an opportunity!

Since Tan'er spoke, he naturally wanted to help her and make her feel at ease!

At noon, the full moon ceremony began, Jing Tianyi held the main seat with no abandonment, and Su Taner held Jing Buli behind him. The family looks exceptionally happy.

Su Taner's clear eyes searched for the figure of Jing Chaoyang. Finally saw Jing Chaoyang in a corner. At this point, Jing Chaoyang just stared at her.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and Su Tan'er looked down on Jing Chaoyang with a disdainful face, and pulled Jing and sat down. Seeing this, Jing Chaoyang retracted his gaze, a smile twitched the corner of his mouth, and walked towards Su Tan'er.

Su Taner thought of Nalan's peace of mind when he went to Qiankun, and suddenly he got up, facing Jing Chaoyang Road,

"Badi, come and sit."

Jing Chaoyang's eyes flashed strangely, and he got excited and sat across from Su Tan'er.

Jing Tianyi glanced at Su Tan'er curiously, then looked at Jing Chaoyang, curious in his heart, when did Tan Er get so close to Jing Chaoyang?

During this time, Su Taner kept chatting with Jing Chaoyang, pouring him wine, and seeing that Jing Chaoyang was half drunk and awake, Jing Tianyi suddenly noticed something.

Is the matter that Qian Kun said today related to Jing Chaoyang?

A glance at Su Tan'er was clear. Let Su Taner continue to instill Jing Chaoyang.

At the same time, a group of gorgeously and wealthy women surrounded a woman in the Eight Princes Mansion, kicking and beating on the woman, scolding the woman's little bitch!

Qian Kun saw the woman's stubborn eyes, and suddenly thought of Su Taner, his face was covered with a veil solemnly. Several stones flew towards the women. Soon, each woman turned back in pain to find the person who attacked them.

Just after searching for a long time, I didn't find any clues.

The women only felt that this matter was strangely tight! He glanced at him and fled in a hurry. The beaten and miserable woman was left lying on the ground, disheveled and messy with long hair.

Just when the woman was about to get up, a coat was suddenly added to her body, warm and with a light fragrance. The woman froze and slowly raised her eyes, her eyes gathered on the man's deep eyes.