MTL - The Cold Prince Dotes On His Wild Wife-Chapter 923 Irritated, afraid to lose him

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Jing Tianyi glanced slightly, but now, he can't see anything in his eyes, and Bai Luochen can't help it. If this continues for a long time, Su Tan'er doesn't hate him, he will also hate himself.

A woman should be protected and petted by him. Instead of being a drag on Su Taner.

Slowly closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, no one can guess the mood of Sedum at this moment.

After Lan Meier and Mo Yu left, Su Taner went to the dormitory with Jing Buer. Jing Buli rushed to Jing Tianyu with a beautiful butterfly in her hand and happily said to him:

"Father, look, the butterfly that the elder sister gave to her son is so beautiful."

Speaking, handing the butterfly to Sedum's eyes, seeing that Sedum's eyes were dull, and Jing Buyu also called Sedum. Su Tan'er wanted to stop, who knew Jingjing wouldn't leave the mouth and said, "Father, don't you like it? Well, since you don't like it, the son-in-law will let it go."

As soon as the voice fell, Sedum's low voice came, "Lier, if you like it, just keep it."

Hearing Lier's happy voice, he wanted to see Lier's eagerness, but he couldn't see it.

Jing Fuli frowned, leaning his head on Su Tan'er's waist, Su Tan'er looked at Jing Tianyi's indifferent expression, and his heart was uncomfortably tight.

If he could see it, maybe he would like the butterfly as much as Lier.

Su Taner could see Jing's inseparable loss, and also saw Jing Tianxuan's eyebrows tightening. After a while, Su Taner squatted in front of Jing Buli and said to him, "Lier, your father's legs were injured. These days need to be recuperated. If you have anything to do in the future, please find me, can I stay with you ? "

Jing Buli looked at Jing Tianshen with a worried look and asked: "The father is so powerful, who dares to hurt the father. When he grows up in the future, he must unload the person who hurt the father to be the father. Out of breath! "

Su Taner couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay, when you grow up, get revenge for your father!"

Coaxing good times, Su Taner exhaled deeply. After staying in the dormitory for a while, he took Jing Buli out.

There is only one person left in the palace. Jing Tian was thirsty and shouted Taner softly, suddenly remembering that Su Taner took Jing to leave, sighed softly, and braced himself to try to get out of bed.

It was just that there was no strength in both legs, and the whole person rolled off the bed, and Jing Tianyi cursed inwardly, "Damn!"

Is he so disabled that he can't even drink a glass of water?

Gritted his teeth, desperately wanted to stand up, turned up and down three times, three times this fall. After struggling to stand up along the bed, he couldn't walk because he couldn't see anything.

The crimson bloodthirsty of Sedum's narrow and long Phoenix eyes became more and more bloodthirsty, the beads of sweat dripping on Leng Jun's face, and the white hands and blue tendons exploded.

After Su Taner sent Jing Buli back to the other hospital, she saw Jing Tian's wolf sitting on the edge of the bed. Su Taner was shocked and ran hurriedly into Sedum and said, "Why are you getting out of bed. Get up."

Speaking, I helped Jingtian to get on the bed, and Jingtian lay down silently, her throat was dry, but she didn't ask Su Taner for water. Su Tan'er always felt that Jing Tianyi seemed to have something in mind, but when he saw his expressionless face, he didn't know how to ask.

Seeing that his lips were a little bit cracked, Su Taner's eyes brightened, and he hurriedly turned to the table and poured a glass of water. "Oh, drink some water."

Sedum suddenly stopped, and with the help of Su Taner, he slowly got up. Su Taner put the water cup in the hand of Sedum, and said to him:

"I know that you are very uncomfortable now, knowing that you do n’t want to ask me to do everything for you. But hey, now is a special time, your poison is not resolved, so that ’s why, do n’t push me out ? "

Sedum took a few sips of water, and suddenly took a sip, and handed the water cup to Su Taner, reaching out to touch Su Taner's cheek.

Seeing this, Su Taner slowly approached Jing Tianyun, holding his hand on her face,

"You see, although you can't see it, as long as I hold you, you can also feel my presence."

Jing Tianyi's fingers suddenly shrunk back a bit, Su Taner saw this, clutching his slender jade fingers tightly, and falling a gentle kiss on the back of his hand.

Tears fell down, small channels,

"Well, don't do that."

After a long time, Jing Tianyi suddenly said, "Daner, my king is tired. I want to sleep for a while."

"You sleep, I'll stay with you."

Sedum clenches Su Taner's hand tightly, and sleeps with closed eyes.

Sedum slept until the sun went down.

At dusk, Su Taner fell asleep beside Jing Tianyu, and the girl-in-law came to wake her up quietly.

A small voice came from Su Tan'er's ear. She opened her eyes suddenly and looked at the person who came.

"what happened?"

The maidservant whispered, "Prince, a guest in the house came to see you. It's your brother."

Su Tan'er listened to the word of the maid, and for a moment, suddenly thought that Qiankun was coming, carefully withdrew from Jing Tianyu's hand, and hurried out.

Remind people at the door when leaving, "Wang Ye will notify me the first time!"

After that, he walked to the front hall of Jingwang Mansion.

When he saw the man sitting in the lobby, Su Taner froze, stepped forward, and rushed directly into the arms of Qian Kun. Because of the physical condition of Jing Tianzhang, Su Taner's nearly collapsed emotion broke out instantly.

Tears fell like a flood of dyke, which wet Qiankun's jacket. He glanced at the little woman in his arms and asked.

"Did you bully you?"

Su Tan'er shook her head constantly, uncomfortable with throat choking, for a long time, she took a deep breath, slowed her breath and said to Qiankun,

"Well, he was poisoned to save me, and his eyes were blind ..."

Qian Kun looked at Su Tan'er distressed and comforted, "Don't be sad, he will be all right. Tan'er, believe him, believe in yourself."

Su Tan'er had a red nose and tears on her face.

"I'm afraid of losing him ... oh oh ... brother Kun ..."

Qian Kun hugged her so tightly and let her cry.

Jing Buli heard that Su Taner came to the front hall, and hurried in. When he saw Su Taner being held in his arms by a tall man, Jing Buli's smile on his face disappeared instantly. Instead, it was displeased, even with a slight anger.

Qian Kun looked up and saw a small bun at the door looking at this side, and whispered in Su Tan's ear,

"Is he leaving?"

Su Tan'er listened to Qian Kun's words, his back was tight, he quickly broke away from Qian Kun, uncomfortably organized his broken hair, and replied, "Yes, he is Lier."

Speaking, watching Jing Buli shouted at him,

"Get off, come here."

Jing Fuli frowned, hesitated for a moment, went to Su Taner and asked Qian Kun,

"Sister Fairy, why do you let this man hold you!"

Su Taner was speechless ...

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