MTL - The Cold Prince Dotes On His Wild Wife-Chapter 914 No, let me see

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At the same time, the third aunt came to Su Shanshan's bedroom, saw the child's brows on the bed moving, glanced back at the direction of the door, hurriedly walked over to close the door, and then folded back.

As soon as I got to the bed, Jing Bing wakes up, sits up suddenly and looks at the older woman in front of me, leans on the bed vigilantly,

"Who are you! Where am I? Am I not abducted by Susanshan's woman? How could I be in such a place?"

The third auntie heard Jing Jingli's words, and looked curiously about Jing Jingli, how she thought that he was very similar to Jing Tianyi.

Shaner said that this child was the child of the dark guard beside Jing Tianyi. Why did this child look like Jing Tianyi?

However, no matter who he looks like and blocks her daughter's way, he has to pay the price!

Gritted his teeth and stared at Jing Jing, said coldly,

"My daughter's name is also your name! You kid with a mother and no mother! You don't need to know where it is! You just need to know that you can never go back in the future!"

"Can't go back again? Old lady, what do you mean!"

"What? You call me an old lady?"

Jing never parted his face and nodded! "It's so ugly, and it's so thick and thick, it's not the old lady!" Dare to say his mother! Humph! Humph

With a sneer of disdain, I remembered the fairy sister I met in the restaurant, and Jing Bu centrifugal came up with beautiful flowers.

Where is the third aunt so humiliated by a child? When he saw this, he lifted Jing Buji from the bed and threw it on the ground. Jing Buji was severely dropped under the table, and he felt pain when his eyes hurt.

Endure the pain and remind yourself that you can't cry or cry.

The third aunt stepped forward and looked at Jing Buli. "Oh, still a stubble? Cry, say me! A stinky boy, dare to vilify the old woman!"

"Huh!" Jing Buhe hummed.

The third aunt raised Jing Buli again. This time, she hadn't started yet. Jing Buji suddenly took a kettle from the table and smashed her head. After a while, she only heard a harsh noise coming from Susanshan's yard. Screams,


Susanshan in the front hall heard her voice trembling back! Mother, what's wrong with her? What happened?

At this moment, Su Shanshan was messing around in the yard.

Jing Buli is a small figure scrambling around in the yard, and those girls are like hide and seek in the yard.

The third auntie covered her bleeding head with a papa and stood at the door, pointing at Jing Jing, and ordered,

"Catch me, catch him! Hurry!"

After tossing for a long time, Jing Buli really had no strength, and was finally caught and delivered to the third aunt.

The third auntie raised Jing Buli in the air and said coldly, "You run. You run again! Dare to attack me, I will show you today. What is better to die!"

The voice fell, cold orders,

"Come here!"

A huge bucket fell in front of her. The third aunt walked to the bucket with Jing Jing away, pressed his head, and was about to poke into the water. A silver needle passed through her wrist. The third aunt screamed, The scene stays loose.

Jing Buli fell into a cold embrace, looked up at the familiar indifferent face, excitedly wrapped around the man's neck, choked his throat,

"Father! You are here at last, Lili is so scared."

The bruise on his forehead fell into Sedum's eyes, and Sedum's face sank a little. Cold eyes glanced at the third aunt, who was scared to death.

Sedum snorted coldly, palms facing the bucket, lifted the internal force, water in the bucket was like a dragon, suddenly flew up, and flew towards the face of the third aunt.

The third aunt was instantly awakened by the cold water!

Trembling with fright,

"King, Lord Wang ..."

Jing Tianyi embraced Jing Buli and walked to the third aunt, looked at her subtly, and said coldly,

"Do you know what disaster your stupidity will bring to Su Shixiang?"

The words spoken are like Shura in the dark, at any time to determine a person's life and death.

The third aunt was terrified and shook her head. Jing Tianchi looked coldly for a moment, leaving a sentence, "All are locked up for the king!" He left with Jing Bu left.

When returning to Jingwang Mansion, Jing Tian ordered Taiyi to check for Jing Buli, and it was not a big deal to see Jing Bu Li, so he took him to Su Tan'er.

Along the way, Jing Buli, like a curious baby, asked Jing Tianyi various questions, completely forgetting that she had been abducted.

Jing Tianyi answered his words patiently.

"Father, can you take me to a restaurant?"

Sedum abruptly stopped, glanced slightly and asked.

"Which restaurant?"

Jing Buli tilted his head, "It's the restaurant with the fairy sister."

Sedum is aware, with a smile on his mouth,

"You like that fairy sister very much."

Jing Buqi raised his jaw proudly. "Of course I like it. She is the most beautiful sister I have ever met. In the future, I will marry a woman as beautiful and gentle as the fairy sister."

Jing Tianyi frowned slightly after listening to Jing Ye's words.

After a moment, coldly,

"She belongs to the King! You'd better dispel all the mess in your head! Come with the King!"

Jing didn't leave for a moment, and when he heard it, he followed Jing Tianzhang towards the direction of the dormitory.

At this time, Su Taner was restless in the room, afraid that Jing could not be injured.

Anxiously paced back and forth in the hall, suddenly a childish voice came, Su Taner heard the voice clearly, and rushed out excitedly.

Seeing the familiar little bun in the yard, the tight heart breathed a sigh of relief.

Jing Buli was noisy talking to Jing Tianyi in the yard, and just turned around, he saw his fairy sister appeared.

Rubbing his eyes, he glanced incrediblely at Sedum, and when he saw Sedum nodded, Jingbuyi suddenly looked like he had raised his wings and flew directly into Su Tan'er's arms. Shouted happily,

"Sister Fairy!"

As a result, the entire person hit a wall.

The tall figure of Sedum obstructs Jing's inseparable way.

Jing Bu frowned and snorted,

"Father, why are you blocking my way !! Why don't you let me approach the fairy sister! The fairy sister is yours and mine! I also have the power to approach her"

Su Taner twitched her lips while listening to Jing Buli, what did the child say? What is it that she belongs to Sedum?

What did the father and son say just now!

Suspicious eyes stared at the two men, and Sedum spoke faintly,

"She has an injury. If you hit him like this, you will hurt her again."

Jing Buli moved from Jing Tianyi's side to Su Tan'er, raised her eyes and looked at her, and asked,

"Sister Fairy, where did you get hurt, let me see."

Su Taner paused for a moment, shook her head with a smile,

"I'm okay, just a little hurt, it doesn't matter."

Jing Buqi shook his sleeves holding Su Tan'er, "Sister Fairy, let me see. Where was it hurt ..."

Sedum and Su Taner said in unison,


Read The Duke's Passion