MTL - The Cold Prince Dotes On His Wild Wife-Chapter 12 Anger King

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Suddenly, the snow-white cat jumped in through the window, and Mo Yan stared at the cat's pale blue eyes, and suddenly got out of the quilt.

The cat figure quickly played a game of hiding cats with Mo Yan in the house.

An hour later, Mo Yan held a little tiger in his arms and said to him kindly:

"Hey, I told you not to run, don't run, you see, it's not in my hands yet. Show you how you look now, and ensure that you will be in the limelight starting today."

Talking, she hugged the cat that she had dyed into a tiger and walked towards the basin. When a cat and a person saw the reflection in the water, Mo Yan was shocked by his beauty and stupidly stunned in place, and the cat saw the little tiger in the water basin, scared a flying body and jumped forward. , Escaped from Mo Yan's shackles, quickly jumped out of the window and ran towards the study next door.

She only knew that Yueer said that she was beautiful, but she did not expect to reach such a high level. The face of the slap-shaped melon seeds had no flaws, the smooth and white face was tinged with a touch of crimson, and a pair of clear and smart double eyes Even the eyelashes are long enough to support a pen.

She couldn't help blinking, reached out and touched the pink lips, thinking of Helian Wing, who had just left angrily, whispering:

"Did Uncle Huang really have a broken sleeve?"

Suddenly a tremor struck, Mo Yan quickly closed the doors and windows, jumped onto the bed, closed her eyes quietly, thinking about her future.

Suddenly came to this strange world today, and people started to calculate when they opened their eyes. This world is like those deep palace backyards on TV. Women are more terrible than men. The two ladies in Mofu gave her enough headaches.

Although I was entangled with this arrogant uncle, I heard that the original owner had been given to King Xiang, the man who was in private association with the fourth man of Mofu. That means that after two days, she still had to be sent back by Uncle Huang to marry King Xiang.

Suddenly his eyes opened and Cheng Liang became a piece. She couldn't sit still and wait for it to be mermaid! She wants to know everything here in the shortest time, and she needs a talented person who can protect her life!

Suddenly, Mo Yan jumped out of bed again and quickly got out of Beiyuan. Now, she has to find Yueer first, and learn more about the continent. The memories in her head are only written in sporadic fragments, sometimes there is no time, she cannot rely on these unreliable things to pretend to be crazy and live silly.

After leaving Beiyuan, Wuyi white clothes fluttered down the door of Helianyi's dormitory. He stared at Mo Yuan from Beiyuan with a deep eyes, turned, and walked quickly to the study next door.

Before reaching the entrance of the study room, suddenly, a strange creature rushed at him without a glance at the creature, and quickly moved away from it. He suddenly added a flying knife like an arrow in his hand. Usually shot at that creature, but was blocked back by a silver needle flying out of the study. The silver needle was deeply inserted into the pear tree in the courtyard, and the flying knife made a crisp sound and fell to Wu. Stomp.

With a deep, indifferent voice, "It's Shirayuki!"

Wu Yan raised his eyes, staring at the creature angry at himself incredibly, like a tiger, but without the wildness of a tiger, much smaller than a tiger, and even a little cute.

"That girl did it! Shirayuki was asked by the queen to ask the princess from Fusang Guodal, because only the cat of Fusang kingdom, the hair is better than Bai Xue, and gentle and easy to raise. The king of Japan was ordered to take it to the palace Send it to the queen ... "

Seeing that there was no movement in the study room, I didn't know if I should go in or out. It is obvious that the master was angered by Miss Nine again, but if he did not go in and report on the situation of Miss Nine, the master would blame him. It was pouring oil on the fire, hesitating, the voice of Helianyi came again,

"Go and bring that girl to my king!"

He Lianyi was sitting at the desk. No one could see his emotions. It was just that the forehead and blue tendons were exposed, but he betrayed how much he was mad at the moment!