MTL - The city of Monkey King-Chapter 1252

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The land of the Yaozu border.

Qin Feng looked at the densely-armed Tianbing in front of him. In order to enter the Yaozu, he must pass through these Xianting Tianbing.

And through the methods of these heavenly soldiers.

Obviously, there is only one.

That is to force the rush!

"You can just follow you."

Qin Feng blinked at his own, Yun Ling and Lin Yuexi.

These two women are now powerful people. If they are a shot, they will be able to directly kill all the Heavenly Soldiers outside.

Therefore, Qin Feng let the two of them do not do it.

It is enough to only need one's own physical flesh, to directly kill a road, and then enter the demon territory.

Qin Feng.

It is not pitiful to these heavenly soldiers, nor is it kind and soft.

Instead, he did not want to make the Yaozu a disaster.

Although this period of time, Qin Feng has always been in the Ming Dynasty, although the time is short, but it is obvious that there have been some substantial changes in these days.

Even Qin Feng did not expect it.

Things will evolve so quickly.

Say it and hit it.

Once it is played, it is completely chaotic.

The current Yaozu, Qin Feng can feel it.

Sun Wukong has not fully recovered, and now he has not even gone out.

For the Yaozu, the lack of Sun Wukong is no chance of winning.

Before the demon war, you must wait until Sun Wukong is out of the game before you can fight hard.

And, as the Tianbing Chen Bing is on the border of the Yaozu, it can be seen.

Xianting has not yet completely warned the Yaozu.

The Yaozu also has no plans to fight.


If Qin Feng allowed Yun Ling and Lin Yuexi to break into this day, and kill them, the result would be completely different.

Xianting will definitely announce it immediately.

Fighting the Yaozu.

For the Yaozu, this will be a devastating disaster.

Because the current Yaozu, there is no absolute grasp, can win in the battle with Xianting.

"it is good."

Yun Ling and Lin Yuexi.

They don't know a lot.

However, as long as Qin Feng said, they will naturally listen.

Since Qin Feng does not let them shoot, just let them follow behind, then it is behind them.

Originally two of them, it is not a person who likes to kill.


Qin Feng nodded.

Subsequently, his second physical body was stunned and rushed toward the front.

The figure was turned into a deep purple long rainbow.

When this Changhong rushed into the moment of the Tianbing group, the Tianbing, who was still bored in a daze, suddenly... a big mess!

These Heavenly Soldiers are all looking at Changhong, who is rushing toward their own madness. They can't stop this Changhong.

Changhong has passed, and Tianbing is flying.

And after this Changhong, there are three Changhong.

It is the first body of Qin Feng, as well as Yun Ling and Lin Yuexi.


A little.

For these Heavenly Soldiers, it is a blessing.

Then, these are the Heavenly Soldiers.

No one died.

The Tianbing, who was smashed, was seriously injured at most.

Qin Feng, left his hand.

Not benevolent.

It is a bit of a previous explanation.

Heavenly soldiers are in chaos.

The demon people who are guarding the land in the border, when they see the chaotic army of heavenly soldiers, have no change in their faces, and the color of joy appears on their faces.

Even a lot of Heavenly Soldiers are clamoring to fight.


Responding to these Heavenly Soldiers who are going to play, is a reprimand

The many demon kings and demons will, although they also want to play, they also want to beat the soldiers outside, one by one.


from above.

Commands from various demons.

Yes, no one can get a war.

Otherwise, it is directly handled by the military law.

Therefore, even if these demon kings want to kill, there is no way.

It can only be one side to endure the heart of the belligerent heart, while screaming at his subordinates.

"That is?!"

"Someone is coming, someone is going to make a decision!"

"Bold! Not stopping!"



These demon people, seeing Qin Feng Changhong, are all surprised.

They originally thought that this Changhong was to chaos the Heavenly Soldiers.

Who ever thought that the ultimate goal of Changhong was the Yaozu territory.

"Never let this guy come in."

These demon people are starting to array.


Just the next moment.

When a voice falls in the ear of the guardian.

These demon kings are all in one.

The sound is shouting.

"Open! Give me away!"

"Mom. Stupidly, what to do, let the old man let go!"

All the demon kings are all horrified.


This Changhong is not someone else.


Their holy deities.

Holy lord!

Sun Wukong, and Qin Feng.

This is a change.

I can only know that at first, only Jun Jun and Feng You.

After Sun Wukong recovered his true body, this matter, at most, the 18 demon kings knew.

Other than that, no one else knows.

As for these demon kings and those ordinary demon people.

In their eyes, the position of the Holy Name has never been replaced.

Always, they are all one person.

In their eyes.

Qin Feng is Sun Wukong.

And Sun Wukong is Qin Feng.

For them, you don't need to know that much.

These demon people, under the scolding of those demon kings, have been let go.


I saw this one demon king, they all slammed down and shouted ‘Celebrate the Holy Spirit’.

Many demon people are embarrassed.

Welcome to the Holy Spirit? !

What is this ghost? !

Holy buddha...

Isn’t the Holy Spirit now in the Demon Palace, not in the Seventh Heaven, not in the Autumn Realm?

How can it be outside this, and...

Also directly into the Tianbing army.


Why did you not kill after a sneak attack? !

This, this is not like the style of the Holy Spirit.

Demon people, although the hearts are very confused, very strange.

However, their direct demon kings are all stunned. They naturally do not dare to take a moment, but they are all following.

Qin Feng.

After passing through the array of Heavenly Soldiers, I saw these emptiness of the demon, did not make the slightest stop.

A Changhong, passing directly from the side of these demon people.

Enter, the demon territory.

The first body is Yun Ling and Lin Yuexi, who also followed the smooth entry into the Yaozu territory.


After Qin Feng entered the demon territory.

The brow is wrinkled.

The territory of the Yaozu is where there is a ban.

Therefore, there are many things that are not noticed outside this Yao woodland.

There is a lot of breath, but I don’t know.

such as.

The breath of Sun Wukong.

When Qin Feng entered the demon territory, he was able to detect it.

The atmosphere of Sun Wukong is very unstable now.


There is a feeling of confusion in the faint.

Qin Feng's brow, the more wrinkled and tight.

Directly waved, there is a door to the void, appearing directly. 2k novel reading network

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