MTL - The city of Monkey King-Chapter 1242 Nine color enchantment

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The temple.

The vast temple is very quiet.

There is no sound.

Qin Feng, the hand that fell between Lin Yue's eyebrows.

At this moment, I slowly collected it back.

Clearly visible, in the eyes of Lin Yuexi, there is a tear, slipping quietly.

It was also at this time that Qin Feng opened his eyes.

He, understand.

What is the oracle of Yu Yu’s world?

Not a concrete thing, but a circle of law.

It is the white ring that surrounds the dynasty, and the inside is the one that enlightens Qin Feng as a feather.

As long as the Tao is absorbed, the ring will disappear.

However, to absorb the premise of that understanding.

It is Lin Yuexi.

"who are you."

Just at this time.

Lin Yuexi also opened his eyes.

In her eyes, the mood is very complicated.

She is very confused.

She, even if she can't tell, who she is, who is in front of me.

For Lin Yuexi, she seems to be living in a dream.

Since, after being separated from Qin Feng and others,

She fell into the long river.

When she woke up, she found herself in a strange place, and in this strange place, she felt very familiar.

Then there was a person who appeared.

He told himself that she was the old Emperor.

After that, Lin Yuexi was once again in a deep sleep. In this sleep, she made a dream.

One, long and long, like a dream of a lifetime.

In her dreams, she is no longer Lin Yuexi.

Her name is called Luo Ziyi.

She is the Emperor of the Underworld.

Her master is the last Emperor.

It is also in this dream that she saw the person she always wanted to see, but the name of that person, not called Qin Feng, but called, Yu Yu.

"I am who I am."

Qin Feng bowed his head slightly and looked at Lin Yuexi, his eyes with a gentle touch.

He does not know what identity to use to face Lin Yuexi.

But whether it is Qin Feng or Yu Yu, in essence, there is not much difference.


Lin Yuexi, it seems that he generally said the name.

"it's me."

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

When Qin Feng nodded, Lin Yuexi’s eyes were instantly red, and he rushed into the arms of Qin Feng.

"Lovers get married."

"This is what is said."

A voice echoed in the temple.

I saw that the center of the temple, a figure, slowly emerged.

The person who appeared this is the flower that was previously outside without tears.

Lin Yuexi, when she saw the flowers without tears, it was the subconscious pupil shrinking, she was a little nervous.

Previously, this person was letting her fall into an endless sleep.

Flowers have no tears, Qin Feng can feel the tension of Lin Yuexi.

after all……

Lin Yuezhen of this world is different from the last son of Yiziyi.

Luo Ziyi is a emperor, and has experienced too many big scenes. The wind and rain are in front and do not move.

However, Lin Yuexi.

She is only an ordinary woman in this world.

"You, what do you want?"

Qin Feng turned his head and looked at the flowers that appeared, no tears. In fact, this question, asked and did not ask, there is not much difference.

Previously, the tears of flowers have been said to Qin Fengming.

What he wants is the meditation world.


The current Qin Feng, and the previous Qin Feng, are different.

The previous Qin Feng did not understand the importance of the Mingyuan world. Perhaps... In his opinion, the Ming Dynasty was the place where the heavens and the earth were gathered.

But now.

After Qin Feng’s memory awakening belongs to Yu Yu, it is the importance of understanding the Ming Dynasty.

This is the core of Tiandao.

Once the meditation world is in control in the hands of tears.

It is the equivalent, the lifeblood of heaven and earth, is in the hands of flowers without tears.

By then.

As long as you spend no tears.

You can break the meditation world at any time.

Once the sacred world collapses, the reincarnation of all things will come to an abrupt end, and this world will greet a complete collapse, and the soul will cease to exist.

not to mention……

For the current Qin Feng, this kinship has other meanings.

The meditation world is the place where Yu Yu and Luo Ziyi use their lives to guard. It is impossible, so they are handed over.

"Qin brother is not forgetful?"

"The younger brother’s request was just very clear."

There is no faint smile in the corner of the tears, but in this eyes, there is a touch of coldness and passing.

"Is it true that Qin brother wants to repent?"

Words come out.

Call ~!

I saw that there were countless false cracks in the temple, but the road was torn apart.

From this void crack, there is a figure, directly stepping out, each figure, the eyes are concentrated on the body of Qin Feng.

One share, chilling.

In this hall, there is no rest.

at the same time.

Beyond the enchantment, outside the ring.

The second body of Qin Feng’s body is a savage body, and the fierce scorpion condenses, and the eight stars circulate, shining with a dazzling light.

"what happened?"

On the side of Yunling, she noticed that Qin Feng’s something was wrong and her face was tight.

And it is at this moment.

I saw this outside the palace of the eye, outside the ring, it is awesome... There is a nine-color enchantment that covers the entire territory.

The evil spirits of Qin Feng and Yun Ling are all blocked by this enchantment.

"not good!"

Qin Feng’s heart is dark.

On the side of Yunling, when I saw the appearance of the nine-color enchantment, I suddenly noticed that it was going to be shot, but it was raised by Qin Feng and directly stopped.

"No more, your body will not come out."

Yunling’s face was anxious and she said.

Obviously, in her view, the inside is the body of Qin Feng, and the evil outside is the existence of similar and avatar.

"Can't shoot."

Qin Feng said quietly.

Yun Ling does not know the key to the Ming Dynasty, but Qin Feng is clear.

Eyebrows, wrinkled up.

He did not expect it.

Originally, leaving my second body and Yun Ling outside, is to leave a hand, just in case.

I didn’t expect it...


The second body of his own strongest force, outside of this, did not dare to shoot.

This nine-color enchantment in front of you.

The double shackles of Qin Feng, the eight singular stars, can already see the meaning of their faint implications. These nine-color enchantments are already connected with the dynasty.

As long as, these nine colors are broken.

This ambiguous world, I am afraid, will collapse in an instant.

It seems...

Spend no tears and spend less effort on this enchantment.

After all, it is not a simple matter to be able to make an enchantment directly related to the survival of the meditation world. It is also something that can be done in the short term.

That is to say, from a long time ago, the flowerless tears have already been laid out in this meditation.

Now, it is the time to start.


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