MTL - The city of Monkey King-Chapter 1 Qitian Dasheng

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"Wei Hai, Zhao Zhihong, Sun Yi, Qin Yu..."

Night, heavy rain.

The rain brushed the blood, flowing in the depths of the alley, and the walls of the alleys were stained with blood.

A voice, recite these names back and forth...

"I hate! I hate...!"

The teenager leaned against the wall halfway, panting with a big mouth and a lot of hard times. He tried to stand up for the fifth time.

The body was shaking, the right leg, the right hand, all were interrupted, the head was raining, and the face was full of blood.

Rain, blood, mixed together, has long been unclear.

Only the eyes that were covered by the wet bangs, with the light of hatred, made people feel cold in their hearts.

The boy is called Qin Feng. Three months ago, he was the young master of the first giant in Jiangzhou.

But now, with the death of Qin Xiao, the chairman of the Qin Group, everything has changed since then.

The Qin Group was quickly divided up, and the shares belonging to Qin Feng’s father were all taken away overnight. Qin Feng and his mother were swept away by the family and had nothing.

The original young master, who had been infinitely beautiful, became a dog in the night, a dog that lost his family, and even a dog.

What **** friends and relatives, go to his mother's brother, Qin Feng only know when it is difficult.

Those people, but just look at their own money.

In order to live, Qin Feng's mother sold her jewelry one by one, Qin Feng also had to come out to work, find a bar to be a night waiter.

Today, because I accidentally spilled a glass of wine on several gangsters, I was apologizing, but I was recognized.

What was the scenery of the original Qin Feng, who did not know Qin Shao in Jiangzhou black and white.

It is because of knowing that the humiliation of Qin Feng has further enhanced their pleasure.

They want Qin Feng to drill down from them, or they will interrupt Qin Feng’s hands and feet.

Even if there is no way to go, Qin Feng can't do anything that can't be done, and then Qin Feng will become the present.

The once-popular giants were dragged to the alley by a few punks.

This kind of gap, people who are not determined to be determined may be possible.

"One day, I will tear you all these pieces, one by one!"

Qin Feng bit his teeth, even his lips are bitten, blood rushing.

Only in this pain, the hatred in his heart can be curbed.

The humiliation of these three months, everything that happened in these three months, people's feelings are warm and cold, and the world is cold. In the heart of Qin Feng, life is endless!

He is very clear, what a **** accident, he is killed by those guys, or how could his father die, these people are just as good as everything, quickly divide the entire group.

The market value of the Qin Group is over 10 billion yuan. To achieve such a fast speed, no preparation for half a year is absolutely impossible!

The fracture of the fracture of the hands and feet came, so that the Qin Feng station was unstable!

But he must go out of the alley and must go to the hospital quickly. If his hands and feet are permanently damaged, he will be revenge if he is disabled!

He also has a mother, a younger sister, and a revenge for his father. He definitely does not allow himself to fall now!


Qin Feng slightly moved his right leg, and the huge tearing feeling made Qin Feng could not help but squat.

"Do you want revenge?"

At this time, a slightly hoarse voice sounded.


Qin Feng fiercely looked back, except for the rain and the black alley, nothing.

But Qin Feng believes that he must have heard the sound just now!

Slowly turned back to the head, just at this moment.

"Do you want revenge?"

The voice rang again. Qin Feng did not rush to turn his head this time, but slowly turned around.

Three meters in front of him, there is a figure full of black flames, except for the eyes with red light, nothing can be seen clearly, this rain... actually can not burn the fire!

"You are not afraid of me?"

The sound in this shadow continued to spread, and it was a bit curious to see Qin Feng so calm.

Qin Feng lowered his head slightly, his face smiled, and the rain soaked the whole body.

"I have already looked like this. I am not afraid of death. I am afraid of you?"

At this moment, Qin Feng raised his eyes, as opposed to the black-eyed eyes, and his face was awkward, saying one word at a time.

"Can you help me with revenge?"

The shadow of the black fire looked at the eyes of Qin Feng, full of hatred, faintly said: "If you inherit me, live with the heavens and the earth, with the sun and the moon, the world of thirty-six days, who can stop you ?!"

"Revenge in the district, what counts."

When these words were said, Qin Feng was stunned.

Tiandi Tongshou, Wanjie thirty-six days...

What do you mean? !

If this is said from other populations, Qin Fengduo has a problem with this person’s brain.

But in front of me... Intuition tells Qin Feng, this is true!

"who are you!"

Qin Feng has a hunch...

"Qi Tian Da Sheng."

The sound of the shadow of the black fire is very calm, but it falls in the heart of Qin Feng but it is a river!

Qitian Dasheng!

Qi Tian Da Sheng Sun Wukong? ! Qin Feng fiercely looked at the shadow of this black fire, and wanted to find the half trace of Sun Wukong from this black shadow, but no matter how he looked, he could only see a black fire, and everything else could not be seen clearly.

"Qi Tian Da Sheng is a Buddha, you look like a devil, by what words let me believe in you."

Qin Feng supported the wall, and the rain passed by. These days made him cautious and no longer believe in anyone.


Laughter, ironic laughter came out from the black fire, laughter covered up the rain, echoed in this silent lane, the fire on the shadow, this time quickly dissipated.

"A thought of becoming a Buddha, a thought into the devil, but Buddha, but this will become a demon."

Black and red armor, black black cloak, that face is more like the legendary Sun Wukong, but it is a gold hoop.

"The Buddha you said is just a monkey doll that has been removed from the heart of the Great Leiyin Temple."

When Sun Wukong raised his hand, in his palm, the black-red fire rushed, and an iron-colored iron bar appeared in the fire.

"Ding the sea **** needle, only recognize his true master."

Qin Feng looked at everything in front of him, and his heart jumped wildly. At this time, there were only two kinds of moods.

Shocked, ecstatic!

This is an opportunity! He has no thoughts to think about the rationality and irrationality of these happenings!

This world is not reasonable!

Existence is both reasonable!

"You are the one that was removed from the 'heart'."

Qin Feng looked at Sun Wukong’s eyes and then Sun Wukong’s words.

After the talk, Sun Wukong did not speak, this is the default.

"Why choose me."

Qin Feng looked at the needle of Dinghai in the hands of Sun Wukong, and his eyes were hot.

"Because there is no choice, and you have no choice."

Sun Wukong’s hand was held, and the needle of the sea **** disappeared.

"I was excluded from the golden body, no body, no soul, only one thought, was chased by the phoenix Buddha in the thirty-six days of Wanjie, now I am already dead, and it happens that your hatred corresponds to me. It is the fate between you and me."

Sun Wukong stepped forward and raised his hand directly on the forehead of Qin Feng. The whole person turned into a black fire and fell into the eyebrows of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng only felt the explosion of the brain, and the voice of Sun Wukong sounded in the dizziness.

"You have to promise two things about this holy."

"First, on the day of success, break the Lingshan Mountain and let the Great Leiyin Temple be extinct from the heavens and the earth, so that there will be no ugly Buddha in this world."

"Second, the seventh day of the autumn, there is a seven-petal purple flower on the shoreless sea..."

The dizziness that is difficult to suppress, the last voice of Sun Wukong, with a low, sorrowful insatiable words: "Tell me for her, this life has no chance, no future in the world, everything because of me, so that she does not have to wait."

"In the heart, you can get all the inheritance of this Holy Spirit! If he violates the oath, he will die."

Rain, brush down!

Qin Feng has a firm eye in the eyes of bloodshot: "I, Qin Feng, swear!"

As soon as this was said, in the mind of Qin Feng, the information of the vast sea of ​​smoke appeared.

A scene appeared in his mind...

Wanjie thirty-six days!

Leading hundreds of millions of demon people, broken heaven, war soldiers, killing the Buddha!

Thirty-six days, twenty-seven days are under the Great Sacred Flag!

Huaguoshan endless fire!

According to the night river, the dead sea and the sea!


There is also a woman who looks like a fairy, and smiles like a city.

There is love, hate, affection, and hatred.

These are the past of Sun Wukong, which is completely different from the legendary Sun Wukong in Qin Feng’s impression!

The rain gradually got smaller and still ticking.

Qin Feng, completely immersed in it. 2k novel reading network