MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 6 Are we dead?

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   Chapter 6 Are we dead?

   Xie Heng's face crossed unnaturally.

   "I'll do it myself." He said softly.

   Zhao Chuchu: "Drink the medicine while it's hot, it won't work if it's cold, Dalang!"

The words    Dalang made Xie Heng feel that something was wrong.

   When the official came, she was obviously dead, how could she come back to life?

   After Zhao Chuchu married him, he never spoke, let alone taught him how to read.

   He glanced at Zhao Chuchu obscurely, who is Zhao Chuchu now?

   A warm spoon was brought to his mouth, interrupting Xie Heng's thoughts.

  Xie Heng "looked" in Zhao Chuchu's direction, knowing that Zhao Chuchu was not malicious, and temporarily suppressed the doubts.

   Let her toss!

  Xie Heng's cooperation surprised Zhao Chuchu.

   After Xie Heng finished drinking, Zhao Chuchu fed Xie Heng's ten-year-old brother Xie Jun again.

  Xie Jun was already a little confused.

   Zhao Chuchu could only pry open his teeth and feed the medicine bit by bit.

   After doing this, Zhao Chuchu was also tired.

   After all, this body is also sick.

   "Sir, can you find a pot to cook porridge?" Zhao Chuchu looked at Li Jiang with a complicated look, "Everyone is so sick, and they have to eat something, just plain porridge."

   "Well." Li Jiang didn't refuse, turned his head and told his subordinates to do it.

   Zhao Chuchu drank the medicine himself, and soon became groggy, and found a place to lie down and sleep.

   Zhao Chuchu was woken up by Li Jiang.

   "The porridge is ready, go eat some."

   "Thank you sir." Zhao Chuchu smiled.

   After a good night's sleep, Zhao Chuchu felt much lighter.

   The spirits of the other villagers who took the medicine were also much better.

   "Chuchu, your soup is useful, I'm not so dizzy anymore."

   "Yes, I don't have a fever anymore."

   "Chuchu, can your recipe really cure the plague?"

   Zhao Chuchu nodded: "If you get better, then it proves that the prescription is useful, and we have to continue drinking the medicine."

  The faces of everyone showed obvious joy.

   Xie Heng drank the porridge one by one, his pale face still expressionless.

   The temperature of the porridge was just right, neither cold nor hot, Zhao Chuchu raised his head and poured it down a few mouthfuls.

   She walked up to Xie Heng, raised her hand and touched Xie Heng's forehead, "Is it better?"

  Xie Heng avoided Zhao Chuchu's hand without a trace, and nodded: "Well."

   He spoke very little, and Zhao Chuchu didn't force him to chat, and got up to see Xie Jun.

  Xie Jun's fever has also subsided.

   "Junjun, wake up." Zhao Chuchu pushed Xie Jun.

  Xie Heng heard the sound and groped for the past: "How is Junjun?"

   Zhao Chuchu glanced at Xie Heng: "There is nothing serious, let him get up and have some porridge."

  Xie Jun woke up and saw Zhao Chuchu and Xie Heng beside him.

  Xie Jun was suddenly sad and said weakly: "Brother, are we dead?"

   Otherwise, how could my sister-in-law speak and stay with her brother?

   Zhao Chuchu: "…"

   She helped Xie Jun up, let Xie Heng hold him, and fed him porridge.

   "Drinking porridge, you can't die."

  Children don't know how to cover up, their mouths are so wide that they can stuff an egg.

   is definitely dead!

   "Woooooo, brother, didn't my parents come to pick me up?" Xie Jun looked around and cried sadly when he didn't see his parents.

  Xie Heng's face was calm: "We are not dead, let's drink porridge."

   After a pause, he said again, "It was Chu Chu who saved us."

   Xie Jun couldn't recover from Xie Heng's words for a long time, and finished a bowl of porridge mechanically.

   Zhao Chuchu went to boil the medicine again.

   Xie Jun then tugged at Xie Heng's shirt and looked at Xie Heng: "Brother, we are not dead, how could she, how can she speak?"

   Xie Heng was silent for a moment before saying, "She has always been, but she doesn't like to talk."

   Zhao Chuchu must not be the original Zhao Chuchu.

   (end of this chapter)