MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 487 season finale

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   Chapter 487 Finale

  Xie Jun looked at the memorial and saw that he could not love, Xie Heng finally left the palace.

  Xie Jun breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately called the palace servants: "Send someone to Guangqing House immediately, the disaster relief is over, and Prince Qiao should return to Beijing!"

   "Yes, Your Majesty."

  The palace staff hurried to do it. They knew that the emperor was afraid of Shoufu Lord, and hoped that my sister-in-law would return to Beijing to visit Shoufu soon.

   After Xie Heng left the palace, it was already curfew time. There was no one else on the street except the patrolling soldiers. It was empty, just like his heart.

   As soon as he thought that there was no daughter-in-law at home, Xie Heng wanted to go out of Beijing to capture her daughter-in-law.

   Why did it take so long?

The    disaster relief has ended. Was she delayed in Guangqing Mansion by something?

  Xie Heng thought about these things, and before he knew it, he had arrived home.

   "Sir, we're in the mansion." The attendant called softly.

   Xie Heng pulled his thoughts away.

The moment    stepped out of the sedan chair, Xie Heng was stunned for a moment, then immediately strode towards the main courtyard.

   His heart was beating fast.

   Xie Heng had already walked a long way before the servants had time to greet him.

   When we arrived at the main courtyard, it was indeed bright.

"grown ups."

   "Madam is back?"


   "When did you come back?"


   "Go down."

   Xie Heng waved back and went straight into the room.

   Zhao Chuchu stood in the middle of the room and looked at Xie Heng with a smile: "Are you back?"

   Xie Heng stepped forward, pulled Zhao Chuchu into his arms, and hugged him tightly: "Chuchu, you are finally back, if you don't come back, I will go to Guangqing Mansion to find you."

   He didn't say a word, but every word revealed his deep thoughts.

   "Dalang, let go, or I will be vomited by you." Zhao Chuchu smiled and pushed him.

   Xie Heng's heart tightened, and he quickly let go of Zhao Chuchu: "What's wrong with you? But you're not feeling well? Wait a minute, I'll go to the Taiyuan Hospital immediately."

   "That's the Tai Hospital, so you just go there, aren't you afraid others will say you?"

   "There are not a few people who say that I am a courtier who plays tricks. If I don't do something, I'm sorry for them saying that."

   Xie Heng said, he was going to help Zhao Chuchu to lie down on the bed, and then prepare to go out to ask the imperial doctor.

   Zhao Chuchu couldn't help laughing, "Why did you forget, I'm also a doctor. To tell the truth, the medical skills of those people in Taiyuan Hospital can't compare to me! Dalang, I have something to tell you."

   "Are you really not feeling well?" Xie Heng was still very worried.

   "There are some, but this is unavoidable, Dalang, you are going to be a father."

   "Then let the imperial doctor come to see it, or... What did you say?"

   Xie Heng reacted to what Zhao Chuchu was about to say later.

   He stared blankly at Zhao Chuchu, and the whole person was petrified.

   "I said, you're going to be a father, I'm not feeling well because I'm pregnant!"

  Xie Heng stood up abruptly and turned around at the head of the bed. Lord Shoufu, who was under one person and over ten thousand people, was very restless.

   Zhao Chuchu couldn't figure out what Xie Heng meant for a while.

   "You don't like children?"

  Xie Heng waved his hand: "Chuchu, don't say anything, please let me calm down."

   How could he not like his own children?

   You must know that in the past life he was alone, and he didn't have any children or half daughters by his side when he died. Everyone saw that he was in power, but he also envied the family relationship of ordinary people's children around their knees.

After a while, Xie Heng sat down beside the bed again, holding Zhao Chuchu's hand: "Do you have anything to eat? I'll make it for you now, you just sit here and don't move, want to drink water Call someone to serve.

   Zhao Chuchu laughed: "Dalang, I'm not a porcelain doll, I'm not that fragile, and I don't have anything to eat. You go take a bath and sleep with me. Since I found out that I have a child, I'm very sleepy."

   "Okay, I'll go right away, you lie down first." Xie Heng helped Zhao Chuchu to lie down, immediately had someone prepare hot water, washed himself as quickly as possible, and held Zhao Chuchu carefully.

   Before he could say a few words to Zhao Chuchu, Zhao Chuchu fell into a deep sleep.

  Shoufu-sama, surrounded by happiness, did not sleep all night.

   The next day he had to go to the morning.

   But Zhao Chuchu was still sleeping soundly, Xie Heng was reluctant to wake her up, so he quietly changed his clothes and went up.

  Early up, Xie Jun and all the civil and military officials found that today's Lord Shoufu is very kind, and even the imperial censor impeached him, but he did not make the censor so angry.

   Everyone looked at each other, could it be that Lord Shoufu wants to torture them in a different way today?

   Xie Jun was also frightened. Sometimes he was quite afraid that Xie Heng would go mad.

   Alas, why hasn't my sister-in-law come back?

   This early court passed with fears and fears from everyone. After the court, the ministers couldn’t believe it, so it’s over?

   At the same time, Xie Heng went to the official minister, "Zhao Shangshu, you have a lot of children in your family, there is something I want to ask."

   "Lord Shoufu, please speak." The Minister of Staff was about to cry. He was quite honest on weekdays, so why did Shoufu stare at him?

  Xie Heng smiled when he saw that the other ministers were secretly looking over here, "You all come here, all come and point me."

  People: "…"

   I just hate that I didn't run faster, so, don't join in the fun, the knife will fall on you.

   "When your wife was pregnant with their first child, did you feel any discomfort? How did you take care of them? Are there any taboos that I need to pay attention to? Also, will their tastes change..."

   Xie Heng asked nearly ten questions at once.

  People: "…"

   What is this development? Could it be that the first assistant even takes care of their family's family affairs?

   Everyone wanted to cry without tears, so they could only answer one by one.

   Xie Heng was not very satisfied.

   "Well, at noon, everyone will talk about it carefully, and now let's go to work first."

Minister    still didn't understand what Lord Shoufu was going to do, and looked at each other, Lord Shoufu had already gone far.

In this way, the ministers were tortured by Xie Heng for several days. One of them really couldn't bear to go back and complain to his wife. As a result, the wife couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "It's no wonder that you haven't been able to rise up for so many years. You are so stupid. Madam Xie is pregnant!

As soon as    passed ten, the ministers knew that it turned out that Lord Shoufu was showing off being a father to them!

   It's all to blame for the rumors in the capital these years, everyone thinks that Zhao Chuchu can't give birth, after all, Zhao Chuchu is a genius doctor herself, which woman didn't give birth to a child the first time after getting married? But Zhao Chuchu didn't, Xie Heng was like this, who would think in that direction?

   Xie Jun also knew that Zhao Chuchu was pregnant, and the reward was carried into the Xie family like a stream.

   Xie Jun is very happy, his wish to have a little nephew has finally come true.

   So Xie Jun went out to see Zhao Chuchu every three days. Xie Heng couldn't bear it any longer. He took out the list of beauties that Xie Yan had chosen for Xie Jun, and asked Xie Jun to choose one to marry.

   Xie Jun was so frightened that he returned to the palace overnight, until Zhao Chuchu gave birth to a son and did not dare to come back to Xie's house, lest he would be forced to marry a wife again.

Nine months later, Zhao Chuchu gave birth to a pair of twins, and Xie Heng named them Xie Huanzhang and Zhao Wanjun.

  Xie Huanzhang's temperament is exactly the same as Zhao Chuchu, and Zhao Wanjun is his father.

Xie Jun has always resisted getting married, but when Xie Huanzhang was three years old, Xie Huanzhang found true love for Xie Jun, the Yongping Emperor who did not want to get married (the previous year was wrong, and there was a county master of Jian'an, so Cheng Yongping was still the capital of Jian'an. It was because the channels did not synchronize successfully) and finally got married, and the civil and military officials burst into tears.

   In the eighteenth year of Yongping, all countries came to the dynasty, and the Great Wei started a prosperous chapter.

   And the chief assistant Xie Heng resigned, and quietly left Beijing with his wife Zhao Chuchu.

   When Xie Jun found out, the two had long gone!

   Xie Jun suppressed Baiguan's request to invite Xie Heng back.

  His elder brother spent the first half of his life doing his best for him, helping him to manage this ten thousand miles of rivers and mountains. Now that the world is at peace, it is time to let the elder brother rest: Brother, after the Great Wei has me, you can accompany your sister-in-law to do whatever you want with peace of mind.

  Xie Huanzhang ran to the palace and cried to Xie Jun: "Uncle, I will be a child no one wants from now on!"

   Xie Jun twitched his forehead: "Just in time, when your father left, he explained the marriage of your brother and sister. I will decree that you get married, and you can have your own self in the future..."

  Xie Huanzhang ran away without looking back, and went home to warn Zhao Wanjun to enter the palace less, so as not to be betrayed by Xie Jun.

   "Do you think those two children will come after them?" Zhao Chuchu asked Xie Heng, "You really just left them in the capital like this?"

"The first half of our lives belonged to others. From now on, it's just the two of us. When the children grow up, we should let go. With Junjun here, they can't make waves. Chuchu, the rest of my life is yours. of."

  Xie Heng took Zhao Chuchu into his arms and watched the sunset on the horizon. For the rest of his life, Xianyun Yehe would just walk with each other for the rest of his life, it would be great!

  【End of full text】

(There is no extra story. I fell ill once in the middle of writing this book, and it has been broken for more than a month, but I have not been in the state. The little cuties should also see that a lot of plots were cut, and the ending was rushed. I am sorry to bring you all. Bad experience!)

   (end of this chapter)

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