MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 482 I'm not afraid of what are you afraid of?

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   Chapter 482 I'm not afraid of what are you afraid of?

   Great Wei was like a broken bamboo, and defeated the Rong country.

  The first battle of the king of Zhen Guo won the first battle, which greatly stimulated the morale of the soldiers.

   However, the casualties on the Wei side were also heavy.

   Zhao Chuchu was busy in the medical account.

   At first, the military doctors did not believe that Zhao Chuchu really knew medical skills.

   They didn't know that Zhao Chuchu was young, but his medical skills were far superior to them!

   And they called Zhao Chuchu from Madam Xie to Zhao Junyi.

   Mrs. Xie represents that Zhao Chuchu is only Xie Heng's wife, the honor her husband gave her, while Zhao Junyi is different. It means that Zhao Chuchu is no longer Xie Heng's subordinate, but an independent individual.

  It was also the first time that the soldiers faced a female military doctor.

   One is because Zhao Chuchu is married and has a bad reputation for her; the other is because they are both men and they feel ashamed to be seen by women like that.

   "Do you want to die or save face? My husband didn't say anything, what are you afraid of? I'm afraid that you won't succeed if I eat you? If you want to cut off your children, don't say anything!"

   These words were so savage that all the military doctors and wounded in the medical account looked at them.

   The injured man blushed, Zhao Chuchu looked at him with a strange knife, "Are you trying to cut off your descendants?"

   The man gritted his teeth, his heart swayed, "Zhao Junyi is not afraid, if I'm counseled, I won't be able to grow, and Zhao Junyi will work!"

   After he finished speaking, he pulled a piece of cloth to cover his eyes, as long as he was not embarrassed, it would be others who were embarrassed.

   But there were too many injured people, except for the beginning, no one paid attention to this side.

  The alcohol brought by Zhao Chuchu came in handy at Sirius Pass.

   In the past, even if many people survived the battlefield, they eventually died of complications from wound infection due to incomplete disinfection.

   In addition to alcohol, Zhao Chuchu also cultivated penicillin. Because there are not many syringes, Zhao Chuchu can only process penicillin into anti-inflammatory drugs by special methods.

  The battlefield has the most trauma, and with anti-inflammatory drugs, the mortality rate will be greatly reduced.

   It took a few days for the military doctors to find out that with Zhao Chuchu there, many soldiers who they thought could not survive were rescued.

   Zhao Chuchu saw their confusion and did not hide it. He informed the military doctors of the correct way to deal with trauma, which greatly improved the possibility of the soldiers surviving.

   Of course, most of those who were rescued with one breath left were mostly rescued from the gate of **** by Zhao Chuchu using his healing ability.

  Fortunately, her abilities have been restored to seventy-eighty-eight, so if they are used by ordinary people, they will not be easily overdrawn.

   Xie Heng has been staying in Sirius Pass.

   After listening to Xie Heng's strategy and winning a great victory, Duke Zhen decided to keep Xie Heng by his side as a counselor.

   Xie Heng repeatedly offered strange strategies to let the soldiers of Great Wei defeat the Rong country again and again.

  Three months later, the army of the Rong Kingdom had lost two cities in a row.

   That's right, with Xie Heng's strategy, the Great Wei has already taken the initiative in the war.

   And Qiao Heting, who came to Tianlang Pass only two months ago, has also made many military exploits.

   During these three months, Zhao Chuchu seemed to have become the leader of the military doctors, and all the military doctors subconsciously obeyed Zhao Chuchu's arrangements.

   Zhao Chuchu not only has good medical skills, but also generously instructs their medical skills to make their medical skills better.

   If it weren't for the conditions, they would all want to worship Zhao Chuchu as a teacher.

   There were many good news here at Sirius Pass, but the emperor was not happy, and even felt that Duke Zhen Guo and Xie Heng had joined forces to contain him as the emperor.

  The emperor was not happy, but the eldest prince was flustered.

   Xie Heng made so many military exploits, didn't they all count on Xie Yan and Xie Jun brothers in the end? Does he still have hope for the crown prince?

  The eldest prince was so anxious that he finally decided to take a gamble.

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion