MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 469 high school club

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   Chapter 469 High School Club

   Xie Heng planned to get up and go out to open the door.

   "Don't go, it's from the uncle's mansion." Zhao Chuchu pulled Xie Heng, "Let's go over the wall and stay away from them."

   Xie Heng smiled and nodded, agreeing.

   Zhao Chuchu packed up his things and walked out of the back door with Xie Heng, no matter what the front door looked like.

   The two went straight to the county master's mansion. The concierge had already been instructed to see the two coming and brought people in directly.

   Today's Jian'an County Lord is facing the sky, but even so, he is still a country.

  Some people are fat, but it doesn't affect her appearance. The Princess Jian'an is.

   But with proper conditioning, she can gradually lose weight to a normal level.

   Xie Heng is naturally inconvenient to see the county lord, and has been entertained by the long history of the county lord's mansion.

   Zhao Chuchu put the medicine on the table and divided it as well, "Master, this is for external use, this is for internal use..."

   Zhao Chuchu explained in detail which medicines and how to use them.

  The maid next to Jian'an County Master remembered and repeated it again. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Zhao Chuchu, she asked her to put the medicine away, and by the way, she also mentioned the dietary taboos.

   "It's so troublesome to take medicine?" Jian'an County Lord said, "I can't eat this or that, I'm afraid I'll starve to death."

   "The county lord is joking, it's just this time. When you're healthy, you can eat whatever you want. Isn't it delicious?"

   "Well, it also makes sense, then I can only listen to the doctor."

   "Your Majesty, this disease is not serious now, but it will be hard to say if it is delayed, so treat it as soon as possible to avoid suffering in the future."

   "I get it, don't be nagging like my mother, I'll remember it."

   Zhao Chuchu: "..."

   It was the first time I was so thoroughly disliked.

   But Jian'an County Master is the kind of person who speaks directly, and will not keep secrets and let people guess this. Zhao Chuchu likes to deal with people like her.

  Be careful about everything, how tiring it is.

   Jian'an County Master got Zhao Chuchu's medicine and ordered someone to send a box to Zhao Chuchu.

   Zhao Chuchu opened it and saw that they were all gold ingots.

   "Diagnosis fee." Jian'an County Master said, "If my illness can be cured, there will be more later."

   "Thank you, the princess." Zhao Chuchu was not hypocritical.

   "This is what you deserve." Jian'an County Lord smiled.

   She kept Zhao Chuchu talking for a while before letting Zhao Chuchu leave.

Before leaving, she said to Zhao Chuchu: "The list will be released soon, be optimistic about your husband, but don't ask people to catch your son-in-law under the list, you are a little doctor, it is difficult to compete with them in the capital, some people are shameless Get up, God is afraid."

   Zhao Chuchu laughed: "Thank you for the reminder, I will pay attention to it."

   "Well, then go back and be careful on the way."

   "Good county lord."

   Zhao Chuchu found Xie Heng and left the county master's mansion with Xie Heng.

   The two of them had not visited the capital much, so they took advantage of today to walk around.

   Xie Heng took Zhao Chuchu to the most famous silver building in the capital, and planned to give Zhao Chuchu a set of face masks.

  Unexpectedly, he almost bumped into someone from the uncle's mansion again.

   Xie Heng made a decisive decision and took Zhao Chuchu away from the Yinlou.

   There were many people in the capital, and those chasing Xie Heng soon lost track of the two of them, stomping their feet in anger.

   In the blink of an eye, the day will come.

Zhao Chuchu excitedly dragged Xie Heng to see the list, but Xie Heng said: "There are too many people, and even if you go, you won't be able to occupy a good place, so it's better to wait at home, if you are successful, someone will naturally come to announce the good news. "

   "How can others have such a ceremonial sense of seeing the names on the list when they announce their good news? It's so important to be able to try. Of course, we have to see it for ourselves. If you leave, you won't be afraid of many people. Let's squeeze it by ourselves."

   "Have you ever heard of catching a son-in-law under the list? Aren't you worried that I will be robbed?"

   "Well, you may indeed be robbed, but I'm not a vegetarian. It depends on who can rob you from me."

   These words made Xie Heng very happy.

   He went to change his clothes and went out with Zhao Chuchu.

  If there is no accident, he will be the leader of this subject. Of course, if the emperor is worried that Xie Jun will be used by him, then it will be another matter, he will fall off the list.

   Xie Heng's mentality is peaceful, no matter what the outcome, he readily accepts it.

  The two went out together, and when they arrived at the place, they saw that there were more than just a lot of people.

   Zhao Chuchu: "..."

   "Let's find a place to sit first." Xie Heng laughed.

   Zhao Chuchu took out a small telescope, "I still have a secret weapon, so I'm not afraid of being far away."

   Xie Heng had seen this thing and knew that it was very delicate and could see far away. At that time, he sighed that if the army also had this little thing, it would be really powerful.

   The nearby teahouses were all full, and the two of them had no choice but to go to a further teahouse, just in time to see the place where the list was posted.

   The exam is related to the life of the candidates. Whether it is the candidates themselves or the servants who come to see the list, they are also very nervous, making the waiting time seem very long.

   When Zhao Chuchu and Xie Heng finished drinking a pot of tea, the crowd finally became agitated: "Come on, come on, the list is out!"

  The official clerk will post the list of the rankings, and Zhao Chuchu picked up the binoculars and looked at it.

   The one who is at the top of the list is Xie Heng.

   "The first place is Xie Heng!" Someone shouted loudly.

   Zhao Chuchu handed the telescope to Xie Heng: "Look at it, a sense of ritual."

   Xie Heng was not surprised by the humiliation, took the binoculars and looked at the list. As expected, he won the Huiyuan.

   "Let's go, let's go home." Zhao Chuchu got up and pulled Xie Heng and left, "Someone will come to announce the good news later, do we want to prepare red envelopes for them?"


   "Then hurry up."

  Xie Heng looked at Zhao Chuchu's happy and eager face, and couldn't help but think that this time he would try something different.

   As soon as the two returned home, someone knocked on the gong to announce the congratulations: "Congratulations to Xie Langjun High School Huiyuan."

   Zhao Chuchu smiled and gave the prepared reward to the person who announced the good news.

   But there were more than one group of people who announced the good news. In addition, many people came to give gifts to Xie Heng.

   After all, that is Hui Yuanlang. If we go further, maybe he will be the champion. When will we not make friends at this time?

   Zhao Chuchu declined all the gifts, and did not accept any of them, so as not to owe favors when he got them.

   Xie Heng didn't move anywhere before the exam, clearly not wanting to get involved with too many people, and they are not short of money now.

   is the management after the appointment, and it is more than enough.

   What Zhao Chuchu didn't expect was that Xie Yan and Xie Jun came to the door together.

   "Brother, I heard that you won Huiyuan, is it true?" Xie Jun ran to Xie Heng when he entered the door, "The third brother didn't lie to me, did you?"

   "No, it's true." Xie Heng squatted down and looked at Xie Jun, "Are you still used to it in the palace?"

   "They are all very kind to me, but I miss my brother and sister-in-law very much." Xie Junba looked at Xie Heng.

  It's not wrong to rely on clothes. Xie Jun, who has regained his identity, looks like he has become extravagant.

   (end of this chapter)

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