MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 463 How long are you going to hide?

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   Chapter 463 How long are you going to hide it?

   You can’t live without dying, and that’s probably the case.

   Who would have thought that Zhao Chuchu, who seems to be gentle and kind, would have such a brutal side?

   He explained everything.

   Zhao Chuchu: "…"

That's it?

   I thought he could really keep going!

   is actually the person of the First Prince.

  Isn't the eldest prince giving up yet?

   After the man confessed, Zhao Chuchu stunned him with a palm, avoided the eyes of the prince's mansion, and sent the man to Xie Yan.

  Xie Yan: "???"

   "This person has been eavesdropping on us in the yard just now. He has already confessed. He is from the First Prince. What do you want to do with the Third Highness?" Zhao Chuchu got straight to the point.

   "What does he want?" Xie Yan asked.

Zhao Chuchu said: "He was the one who poisoned him last time. This man is very clever at disguising. It's no wonder you can't catch him. Now he is lurking in the Third Prince's Mansion, probably waiting for an opportunity to poison him again. Third Highness, you are a real trick. People hate it!"

  Xie Yan smiled helplessly, "Yeah, so they can't wait to get rid of me, but unfortunately, they can get their wish every time."

   "What is the Third Highness going to do?"

   "Wait and watch, thank you lady, thank you very much, you saved me once."

   "It's not about saving you, I'm just saving myself. If he really succeeds, then we'll have to kill everyone."

   "Anyway, you took my life back."

   "Forget it, don't talk about this, the Third Highness will take care of it, I'll go first."

   "Okay, Mrs. Xie, walk slowly."

   "His Royal Highness, stay."

   Zhao Chuchu quietly left Xie Yan's room.

  Xie Yan looked at the unconscious man on the ground, his eyes darkened, and after a long while, he clapped his hands.

   Soon, a man with a short stature appeared and knelt in front of Xie Yan: "What are your orders?"

   "Send this person to the First Prince's Mansion."


   Such a good handle is delivered to your door, no need for white.

   The eldest prince just didn't have a chance to do something to him. Now that this has appeared, the eldest prince will definitely jump over the wall, and Xie Yan can't guess what he will do at that time.

   After all, his eldest brother would never act according to the ideas of normal people.

   As for the Si Kou family, they were busy wooing the candidates who might be jinshi in the kenke during this time, so they didn't care about so many eldest princes.

  Look, this is an alliance of interests, always so weak and vulnerable.

   Xie Yan stroked the wound on his heart. His three arrows were not in vain. If he couldn't bring down the eldest prince, it would be a waste.

   Great Wei's country can only be Xie Jun's!

   Before he dies, he will eradicate all the brothers who threaten Xie Jun!

   When his mother and younger brother had an accident, they could not get rid of the women in the harem.

   And he doesn't have any brotherly affection for them, and the harmony on the face is just what is needed at the moment.

   Whenever there is a chance, he will not hesitate to raise the butcher's knife to them.

  Don't tell him they are innocent, if it wasn't for them, what would the women in the harem do? If you have vested interests, don't say it has nothing to do with yourself!

   The ruthlessness in Xie Yan's eyes disappeared in a flash.


   The nine-day exam was finally over.

   Zhao Chuchu also got Xie Yan's permission, and went with Xie Jun to pick up Xie Heng at the gate of Gongyuan.

  Different from those candidates who seemed to be out of order and lost their souls, Xie Heng was still flattered.

   His appearance was so bright that as soon as he appeared at the gate of Gongyuan, Zhao Chuchu saw him and jumped up and waved his hand vigorously, "Darang, this way."

  Other candidates heard the sound and looked at Zhao Chuchu with strange eyes.

   Zhao Chuchu didn't have time to pay attention to them, only Xie Heng was in her eyes.

  Xie Heng finally had a smile in his eyes, and walked towards her quickly.

   "Brother, you are considered to have finished the exam." Xie Jun was full of joy, "I count the days every day, I feel that nine days are very difficult."

   "I didn't have a hard time in the dormitory, why are you still having trouble with yourself?" Xie Heng laughed, "Okay, let's go back, the proficiency test is over, we can have a good meal."

   "Brother, can I say what I want to eat?"

   "Of course, I'll make it for you when I go back."

   "It's a shame for a scholar to cook!" After Xie Heng finished speaking, a candidate next to him scoffed, "If you like the kitchen so much, why not be a cook? What books should you read?"

   Xie Heng frowned slightly.

Zhao Chuchu sneered, "Why, you grew up eating shit? As soon as you open your mouth, you will stink from the distance? What does it matter to you? Take care of yourself, your parents will give you a mouth, no Make your mouth full of shit!"

   "You, you... ignorant woman, vulgar, insulting gentle..."

"none of your business."

   Zhao Chuchu was disgusted when he saw these sour Confucians. He was full of fatherly taste, and he didn't necessarily have much ability.

   "Also, scholars who understand etiquette will not be so rude to eavesdrop on other people's family's speech, but also to meddle in other people's business and criticize others. You are the one who really corrupts the reputation of scholars and insults the gentleness!"

   The examinee fell to his knees in anger.

   "As for my husband, you are not qualified to make irresponsible remarks. Even if he cooks every day, he might be better than you in the test."

"you you…"

   "Okay lady, don't have the same knowledge as this kind of person, let's go."

   Xie Heng was too lazy to pay attention to this person.

   is an insignificant character anyway, not worth a second look.

   Zhao Chuchu, forget it.

   Before leaving, Xie Heng said to the man, "Even if you cook every day, you will never be as good as me."

   After that, Xie Heng led Zhao Chuchu and Xie Jun away.

"you you…"

  The man pointed at Xie Heng and stomped there.

The candidates next to    talked a lot: "Who is that person? Why are you so crazy?"

   "I don't know, it's a fresh face, I don't seem to have seen it before, maybe it's an ordinary candidate. If there is a real talent and a real learning, he would have made a name for himself in the capital?"

   "Then doesn't he know that this brother Xu is from Jinke Hope High School? Dare to talk like that, no wonder he can only turn around the stove, so he doesn't wink, what can he do?"

   "God knows, when the list is released, we'll have to see if he thinks he is as powerful as he said, thinking that Brother Xu is not as good as him."

   "Hahaha, then there will be a good show to watch."

   "Then let's wait."


   "Is this surnamed Xu very powerful? Why are so many people touting it?" Although Zhao Chuchu was far away, she could still hear the discussions at the gate of the Gongyuan, so she couldn't help but ask Xie Heng.

  Xie Heng smiled, "It's just a man who makes a name for himself. His splendid articles are all stolen from others."

"What? Plagiarism? Then why didn't the owner of the article find him to settle accounts and expose him?" Zhao Chuchu was angry, "I still feel complacent about the stolen things, thinking that I can do it myself? Then how did he win? "

   "Sometimes you have to admit that in the imperial examination, luck is also a kind of strength. In the year of the foreign test, the stolen article happened to be the same as the test question, so he cited it."


   "My God, what about the owner of the article?"

"He's all been promoted, how can the owner of the article get him? He has been suppressed since then. Later, this person was indeed sent out as a jinshi and became a local official of a county. Three years of small county magistrate, 100,000 snowflake silver, It was I who killed him myself."

   "What about this time?"

   "This time, I won't have that chance. When the list is released, he will be ruined."

   "That's good, otherwise I'm going to be **** off. This kind of person can come forward, it's just disgusting."

   "Okay, let's not talk about him, how about the Third Highness?"

  Xie Heng changed the subject. They were still on the road. Although the two of them spoke in a low voice, Xie Jun was still beside him.

"It's much better, I've walked around. I don't know if the emperor will let us leave the Prince's Mansion? The Prince's Mansion is very big, and it's not as good as our nest after all." Zhao Chuchu sighed, "I'm about to be imprisoned, it's not easy Come out."

   "Well, I'll go back and ask the third highness, since he is recovering, the emperor should allow us to go home."

"hope so."

   Zhao Chuchu did not know that the emperor had met Xie Jun.

When the three of them returned to the Prince's Mansion, Zhao Chuchu was keenly aware that the atmosphere was not right.

  This prince's mansion is heavily guarded inside and out, so the emperor must be here.

   But in addition to the emperor's chariot, there are several carriages of the palace.

   Who did the emperor bring to the Third Prince's Mansion?

   The three stepped forward to show their identities, and the head guard outside the door looked at them carefully before letting them go.

  The **** who followed the emperor out of the palace that day was walking around anxiously in the front yard, as if waiting for someone.

   When he saw the three of Zhao Chuchu, he was suddenly surprised, "Xie Langjun, you guys are back."

   "What's the matter with your father-in-law?" Xie Heng asked, "But something happened to your third highness?"

   "No, no, three, please come with me." The **** was very polite, but his eyes fell directly on Xie Jun's face.

It was the first time Xie Jun saw such a feminine eunuch, so he quietly hid behind Xie Heng. The **** smiled at him flatteringly. Xie Jun was even more afraid: I heard that my father-in-law would accept apprentices. Arrest him into the palace as a eunuch?

   Zhao Chuchu also noticed the eunuch's actions, and couldn't help thinking: Did the emperor discover Junjun's identity? Otherwise, why would you come to the Third Prince's Mansion with such a big fanfare?

   This is more people than when she saved Xie Yan's life.

   But the **** didn't say anything else, just silently led the way.

  The three of Zhao Chuchu were taken outside Xie Yan's study.

   "The three of you, please wait here, I'll go in and let me know." The **** said respectfully, and then knocked on the door, "Your Majesty, Xie Langjun and the three have arrived."

   "Let Xie Heng come in." The emperor's voice came from inside.

  Xie Jun took Xie Heng's hand in a snap: "Brother."

  Don't go in, is the emperor going to kill you?

   Xie Heng patted Xie Jun's head: "Wait here with your sister-in-law, brother go first."

   "Brother." Xie Jun panicked and refused to let go.

   Zhao Chuchu whispered in his ear: "If your brother doesn't go in, he will anger Longyan, and it will not be good for us at that time. Be good, be obedient, it's alright."

   Xie Jun released Xie Heng's hand.

   He was not only worried about Xie Heng's safety, but also worried about Xie Heng's entry. From then on, he would no longer be able to continue living with Xie Heng, and would return to his true identity.

   Xie Jun didn't like that identity at all, he hoped that he was Xie Heng's younger brother.

   For so many days, he has been reluctant to see Xie Yan, not because he hates Xie Yan, but because he is unwilling to accept his identity.

  But Xie Jun also understands that everything is just as Xie Heng said, it is not his turn to say yes or no.

  If he gives up these, then everyone around him will be implicated.

  Xie Jun kept staring at Xie Heng's back until Xie Heng entered the study and the door was closed to cut off Xie Jun's sight.

   "Sister-in-law, can I..."

   "Well, what?"


  Xie Jun shook his head again and said nothing.

   Zhao Chuchu could probably guess Xie Jun's thoughts, she sighed inaudibly and patted Xie Jun on the shoulder.

  In the study, the emperor sat behind the desk and stared at Xie Heng.

  Xie Heng knelt on the ground, motionless.

   After a long time, the emperor tapped the table repeatedly, "Xie Heng, don't you have anything to explain to me?"

   "Forgive the villain's stupidity and don't understand the meaning of the emperor?"

   "Bold, you dare to talk to me like this? Don't you die?"

   "Your Majesty, the villain does not dare to guess the holy will, please make it clear."

  Xie Heng knelt there, looking nervous, but he was actually calmer than the emperor.

   "How long are you going to hide it?"

   Xie Heng was silent.

  The emperor was almost dying of anger.

   Is this Xie Heng stupid? I don't know how to take his words, tell Xie Jun's life experience, and give him a step down?

  I lost my son, is it a good thing? Had to let him say it himself, the emperor didn't want to lose face?

   But Xie Heng looked like he didn't know anything, which made the emperor wonder if Xie Heng really didn't know?

  The secret guard he sent out checked it. Xie Heng's parents had never left Yuanjiang County, and the person who kidnapped Xiao Jiu was from the north. No one knew how Xiao Jiu was Xie Heng's younger brother.

   But Xie Heng has also been living in Lengshui Village. Apart from studying in the county town before, he has never been to other places, and he has no contact with anyone.

  The villagers in Lengshui Village didn't know that Xie Heng and Xie Jun were not brothers.

   Xie Heng's ancestors had nothing to do with the royal family.

   "Xie Heng, do you really not cry when you see the coffin?" the emperor asked in a cold voice.

  Xie Heng said: "The villain really doesn't know what the emperor means. The villain has nothing to hide from the emperor."

   "Whose child is Xie Jun?" The emperor blurted out, "You don't know that, do you?"

   "Your Majesty, Xie Jun is the little brother."

   "Your biological brother?"


   "Bold, do you know what Xie Jun's identity is?"

  Xie Heng looked up in shock: "Did the emperor misunderstand something? The villain has depended on his younger brother since childhood, and his parents never said that Xie Jun was not the villain's own younger brother."

   "Are you still pretending to be stupid?"

   "The emperor can send someone to Lengshui Village to conduct a thorough investigation. The villain does not lie."

   His parents did not say anything.

   Xie Jun's identity was known by his past life and rebirth.

   is not a lie.

   "Xie Heng, do you think I'm joking with you?"

   "The villain dare not, ask the emperor to investigate."

  The emperor kept observing the change in Xie Heng's expression and found that Xie Heng's reaction did not seem to be a fake.

  If this is the case, he must not know Xie Jun's identity.

   Even Xie Yan was not so sure when he pressed questions, he only said that Xie Jun was very kind, that's all.

   As for how he met Zhao Chuchu, the emperor knew very well.

The emperor asked again: "Xie Heng, do you really not know?"

   Xie Heng still insisted, "Back to the emperor, the villain doesn't know anything."

   "That's it." The emperor sighed, "That kid...he is my poor little nine."

   (end of this chapter)