MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 438 Where does hi come from?

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   Chapter 438 Where does the joy come from?

  Xia Chengxuan was uneasy, "Is what you said true? Will he really leave Guangqing Mansion?"

  Kang Xiuwan sighed, she knew that her mother had been treated harshly by him for too long, and she had a psychological shadow, so she had always been cowardly.

  Only in the face of her, the mother will be desperate.

   "Mother, if you don't believe me, you also have to believe in Chu Chu. Don't forget, now that we are getting closer to the Yuan family, the Yuan family will definitely look at Chu Chu's face and help us secretly."

   The latter words are actually Kang Xiuwan comforting Xia Chengxuan.

   The relationship with the Yuan family is not that close. After all, Kang Xiuwan doesn't want to trouble the Kang family with everything.

The    favors will also run out one day, not to mention that the Yuan family owes her no favors.

   "Is that so? That way I can feel at ease." Xia Chengxuan was persuaded by Kang Xiuwan as always, "but we should not go out these few days. I'll have someone send a message to Shopkeeper Chen tomorrow. If you have anything, just come to the house to discuss."

   "You can't do this. You won't know what bad things that person will tell you in Guangqing Mansion. Mother, you're not like me, you can't accept gossip, so let's be upright, don't be afraid of him!"


While they were talking, they heard Zhao Chuchu's voice from outside, "Is your wife back?"

   "Thank you, Mrs. I've already come back. You're in the room at the moment. Just go there." The old lady replied to Zhao Chuchu.

"it is good."

   Zhao Chuchu came to find Kang Xiuwan from time to time, and the servants were familiar with her. Usually when she came, the servants asked her to find Kang Xiuwan herself.

   "Chuchu is here." Xia Chengxuan was overjoyed, "I feel more at ease with her."

   "Mother, we can't rely on her for everything. She is married and has her own family to worry about." Kang Xiuwan was helpless.

  Xia Chengxuan snorted: "Mother knows."

   "Know what?" Zhao Chuchu walked in with a smile, "I came here specifically to congratulate you."

   "Where does the joy come from?" Kang Xiuwan asked.

   "The Kang family no longer exists, isn't it something to be happy about?" Zhao Chuchu asked rhetorically.

  Xia Chengxuan was about to sigh when Kang Xiuwan hurriedly said, "It's really a good thing, the Kang family won't be able to suppress our clothing store in the future. Chu Chu, do you know who did it?"

   "I don't know, it's probably the Si Kou family? Who made Kang Liang offend the eldest son of Si Kou?"

   "He offended the eldest son of Si Kou?"

   "Don't you know? Didn't I often go to Kang's house in the first two months? It was for Kang Liang's treatment. He was beaten so badly by the eldest son Sikou that he almost lost his life."

  Xia Chengxuan sucked in the cold air.

"I cured him, the eldest son of Si Kou may feel that he can't vent his anger and dare not touch me, so he can only vent with the Kang family. But don't worry, you can't be involved in this matter. When you go to Kangliang, he won't come to pester you, right?"

   "Well, he's here, but was beaten away by shopkeeper Chen."

   "Manager Chen beat him?"

   Zhao Chuchu couldn't imagine this picture.

   Mr. Chen, such a smooth person, can do it?

   She glanced at Xia Chengxuan suspiciously.

  Xia Chengxuan understood immediately, and hurriedly explained: "Chuchu, I and Shopkeeper Chen are clean."

   "Hey, I didn't say you were not innocent, it was just weird." Zhao Chuchu smiled.

   Maybe shopkeeper Chen has other ideas?

   (end of this chapter)

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