MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 426 better don't mess with me

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   Chapter 426 It's best not to provoke me

   Si Kouming was stunned.

   Probably didn't expect Zhao Chuchu to call him blind so rudely!

   Zhao Chuchu is really impatient to entangle with this kind of person.

   She was afraid that she could not control herself and kill him.

   I always thought that a woman would post it if she had a family background.

  Xia Chengxuan was very worried about Zhao Chuchu, she thought that this person was from the capital.

  Although I don’t know what identity it is, but I can come and go freely in the Kang family, I am afraid that I am not an ordinary person.

   Zhao Chuchu annoyed him and didn't know what trouble it would cause.

   Zhao Chuchu doesn't care so much.

   "Does girls always talk like this?" Si Kouming came back to his senses, not only was he not angry, but he felt that Zhao Chuchu really had a great personality.

   He was accustomed to the obedience of women to him, and no woman had ever done this to him.

  Si Kouming's desire to conquer was provoked, and he wanted more and more to make Zhao Chuchu obey him.

   Zhao Chuchu pretended not to hear.

  Si Kouming chased after him: "Girl, haven't I asked your surname yet?"

Zhao Chuchu stepped down and looked sideways at Si Kouming: "Your parents haven't taught you, is it rude to ask a woman's name? And if your eyes are useless, you can consider donating them to those blind people who can't see. I am Can't you see the woman?"

  Si Kouming: "..."

   He couldn't hang on his face, and his tone became cold: "If you talk to me like this, you won't be afraid of getting into trouble?"

"First, I don't know you, and you are unilaterally entangled; second, my attitude is already obvious, I hate you, do I have to smile at you? Third, your parents didn't teach you Have you done your most basic etiquette? Are you trying to be a hooligan in broad daylight?"

  Si Kouming's forehead jumped, but he didn't expect Zhao Chuchu to be so difficult.

   "Then do you know who I am?"

   "It doesn't matter who I am, I have a husband, please don't block my way."

   "Really? I came from the capital. The farthest place you've traveled in your life is from your hometown to Guangqing Fucheng. Don't you have any interest in the capital? Don't want to be a master?"

"so what?"

   "I can take you to the capital."

   "Oh, I put the scholar's wife in the wrong place, and ran to make you a concubine with an unjustified name? Young master, shake your head and hear if there is any sound of water in it."

   "The more you talk to me like this, the more you attract me."

   "Are you being cheap?"


   "If not, why do you have to be scolded?"


   "No matter what your status is, stay away from me. If you don't want others to know about your hidden illness, it's best not to provoke me again."

   As soon as these words came out, Si Kouming's face changed greatly, he could no longer maintain the appearance of a personable gentleman, and even his eyes became gloomy.

   "What did you say?" He narrowed his eyes, "I'll give you a chance to say it again!"

   Zhao Chuchu hooked his lips slightly: "Am I wrong? It shouldn't be, I am still very confident in my medical skills."


   "I'm not afraid of you. If you have the ability, kill me first. If you play tricks secretly, as long as I can't die, there will always be a day when you can't survive or die."

   "Is this a threat to me?"

   "No, I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, you can try it. In addition, Guangqing Prefecture is Guangqing Prefecture, and the capital is the capital. You should know the word "No Longer", right?"

   Si Kouming's face changed rapidly.

   He stared at Zhao Chuchu.

   Zhao Chuchu looked back at him lightly, with no intention of giving in at all.

   "Okay, very good!" After a long while, Si Kouming said through gritted teeth, "I hope you don't regret it."

"Don't worry, I will not be the one who regrets it. Kangliang did everything possible to bring me here, presumably for you, right? Seriously, if you invite me generously, as long as the money is in place, everything is easy to say. But now, Kangliang Treating me like this makes me think you're not a good person anymore!"

"what are you saying?"

"It means that Kangliang wanted to sell me in order to cling to you, but I have never suffered a loss. While he was plotting against me, why wasn't he plotting against you, son, and asking you to owe him favors? I said it just now. , If there is no such thing as today, as long as the money is in place, everything can be said."

"what about now?"

   "Of course there is no such good thing right now, son, please ask for another wise man."

   "You are so confident that you can get out of Kang's house? Believe it or not, as long as I give an order, maybe you will never be able to leave here?"

   "Believe that son or not, as long as I want to leave, no one can stop me?"

   After saying that, Zhao Chuchu slammed down with a fist.

   There was a gap in the railing of the corridor.

   "Are you saying that the stone railing is hard or the heavenly cover is hard?" Zhao Chuchu asked back with a smile, as if she was not the one who smashed the railing with one hand just now.

  Si Kouming turned pale, and subconsciously took a few steps back, for fear that Zhao Chuchu's fist would land on his head.

   And those thoughts that were just about to move were also completely beaten by Zhao Chuchu's punch.

"Young master, I don't like to be evil with others, but I will never let it go easily if others provoke me. I have a grudge with the Kang family. If the son wants to cure his own disease, he should not follow me. The enemy has a good relationship, and that's all I have to say."

   After finishing speaking, Zhao Chuchu took Kang Xiuwan away from Si Kouming's sight.

  Si Kouming stood in the corridor for a long time, full of images of Zhao Chuchu smashing the stone railings lightly, he couldn't help shivering.

   After a long time, he came back to his senses, thinking about what Zhao Chuchu said just now, and he counted all the loss of face on the Kang family.

   Kangliang never thought that he would not be able to pit Zhao Chuchu, but instead buried himself in it.

  The queen came from Si Kou's family. Si Kou Ming did everything he wanted in the capital. To put it bluntly, he was a dude, and he was not the kind of shrewd person.

  Otherwise, he wouldn't have a concubine and a concubine at this age.

   He is addicted to women's **** all day long, and his brain is really not enough.

   Being so frightened by Zhao Chuchu, and a few more provocations, Si Kouming was fooled.

  Kangliang was not allowed to follow by Si Kouming, so this will still be in the front yard.

   Seeing the three of Zhao Chuchu come out, he didn't react for a while.

   It wasn't until Zhao Chuchu and the others were about to walk out of the door that he quickly shouted, "Stop, without my permission, you mother and daughter dare to step out of Kang's house and try!"

  Xia Chengxuan paused.

  Kangliang sneered: "Afraid? Come back to me if you're afraid, or I'll leave you today!"

   "Okay." During the time when she was taken back to Kang's house, Xia Chengxuan had already figured out that she didn't want to entangle with Kang Liang anymore.

   Even if life is a little harder, as long as you can live peacefully with Kang Xiuwan, it is enough.

  The Xia family is gone, and the Kang family has no place to stand. She can no longer be as confused as before.

   If you can't stand up yourself, how can you protect your daughter?

   Count on Kangliang? I don't know when this beast will push his own daughter into the fire pit.

   "Break up the book, you can write it." Xia Chengxuan turned around and looked at Kang Liang steadily, "I don't want anything for husband and wife, I just ask you to let Awan follow me."

   Kangliang thought he had heard it wrong.

  Xia Chengxuan actually asked to be suspended?


   "Did you hook up in Liujia Village and reach a wild man? Xia Chengxuan, you really are a bitch!"

   "Shut up, you, do you have any heart? How can you say such a thing?"

  Xia Chengxuan was trembling with anger.

   "I'm sorry for the whole world and I'm not sorry for you Kangliang. You feel your conscience and you say this, so you're not afraid of thunder?"

   "Heh... If there is no wild man, why can't you wait to be let go by me? Bitch, you will die without a man..."

   Kangliang stopped abruptly halfway through his words.

   He covered his hot face and looked at Xia Chengxuan in disbelief.

   "Bitch, you dare to hit me?"

   "I beat you because you owe me!"

  Xia Chengxuan was actually very scared, but she did it. She had to hold on no matter what, even if she was beaten to death by Kang Liang later, she didn't want to lose the courage she finally mustered at this moment.

   Before Kangliang came back to his senses, Xia Chengxuan slapped him again.

   "These two slaps are for Awan. Kangliang, you are not worthy of a human being, you are a beast!" Xia Chengxuan scolded in a trembling voice, "I curse you to die!"

   "Okay, very good! Bitch, I'll beat you to death today, my surname is yours!" Kang Liang's eyes were red, looking like he was going to eat people, he raised his hand and wanted to beat Xia Chengxuan.

  Xia Chengxuan stood there, resigned and closed her eyes, waiting for the slap to fall.

   But she didn't feel pain for a long time.

   opened her eyes and saw that Zhao Chuchu came to her side at some point. At this moment, she raised her hand and grabbed Kang Liang's wrist, so that Kang Liang's slap could not fall any further.

"I'm not dead yet, you dare to beat my people in front of me? Kangliang, their mother and daughter's relatives are not dead yet!" Zhao Chuchu sneered, "I hate men who beat women the most in my life, so today you It's over."

   After saying that, Zhao Chuchu kicked Kangliang's heart.

  Kangliang screamed and flew out, hitting the door frame of the front hall, and fell heavily.

   Everyone was taken aback.

Zhao Chuchu strode forward and stomped on Kangliang's heart: "You really have the ability to bully women! Do you think women are yours to be slaughtered? Why don't we let you experience being beaten up by women today? "

After   , her fists rained down.

   Kangliang only screamed again and again, and there was no room for him to fight back.

   Not long after, he was beaten by Zhao Chuchu until his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

   Zhao Chuchu clapped his hands and stood up: "Come here, bring a pen, ink, paper and inkstone!"

  The servants of the Kang family woke up like a dream and didn't dare to resist Zhao Chuchu, so they subconsciously went to find the four treasures of the study.

   Zhao Chuchu put the things in front of Kangliang: "Heli Shu!"

   "I can't write it." Kang Liang said vaguely, "Zhao Chuchu, wait for me!"

   "Don't write?" Zhao Chuchu broke his fist, "Do you want to try again?"

  Kangliang shivered, and his whole body started to hurt again.

   "If you don't write and leave the book today, I will let you die tomorrow!" Zhao Chuchu patted his face, "I will do what I say, you have a backer, and so do I!"

   To deal with this kind of person, you cannot use ordinary means.

   Zhao Chuchu was just trying to scare him, not really killing Kang Liang now.

   Pass the handle to someone else, and then deal with Brother Xie Heng?

   Even if he really wanted to kill Kang Liang, it would still be done without anyone noticing.

  Kangliang was frightened by Zhao Chuchu's beating. He really never thought that there would be such a cruel little kid.

   He has no room to fight back!

   "You don't write? Okay, the Kang family will be mourning tomorrow." Zhao Chuchu made a move to kill Kangliang.

  Kangliang thought that Zhao Chuchu was really here, so scared that he lost his soul: "I write, I write."

   He shivered and picked up the pen, and Zhao Chuchu motioned for the servants of the Kang family to grind ink.

   "Is the dowry list still there?" Zhao Chuchu looked at Xia Chengxuan.

  Xia Chengxuan was stunned for a moment.

   "The Kang family is not qualified to swallow your dowry. Since they have already reconciled, they naturally have to take it all back. Why, you want to give it to him for nothing and let him distribute it to his other children in the future?"

   "Yes, it's still there."

   No matter how stupid Xia Chengxuan was, she knew that Zhao Chuchu was helping her.

   As long as the dowry is taken back, the mother and daughter can eat and wear in Guangqing Mansion without worry.

   She hurried back to find out the dowry list.

  Kangliang, under the persecution of Zhao Chuchu, finished writing Heli.

   Zhao Chuchu threw the dowry list to him: "Right now, take out what's on the dowry list, and if you can't get it, use cash to make up for it. Tangtang Kang's family, won't you be able to get this even?"

  The Kang Xia family married for profit. When Xia Chengxuan married Kang Liang, the Xia family gave Xia Chengxuan a lot of dowry in order to look good.

   In addition to the dowry such as gold and silver jewelry, as well as the title deed of the shop, Xia Chengxuan won the dowry, as long as it is not extravagant, she will not have to worry about it in the rest of her life.

   When Zhao Chuchu came to Kang's house, it was already when the city gate was locked.

   Waiting for Kangliang to make up for Xia Chengxuan's dowry, it was already late at night.

   Zhao Chuchu asked someone to go to the Yuan family ahead of time. At this moment, the Yuan family arranged for someone to help Xia Chengxuan carry the dowry.

   After all this was done, it was dawn.

  Kangliang was exhausted by the tossing, and there was no time to apply medicine for those skin injuries.

   Finally, Zhao Chuchu and the others left, and Si Kouming came to trouble him again.

  Kangliang is exhausted, and he has never felt as tired as he is now.

   But he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction in Si Kouming, and he had to play 120,000 points, lest Si Kouming think he was neglecting him.

"Kangliang, what tricks are you playing? Let me see how you beat women and are beaten by women? Why didn't you tell me about Zhao Chuchu's martial arts skills? It's up to me to find Zhao Chuchu, do you want to take the opportunity to let me I owe you a life-saving grace?" Si Kouming asked coldly.

   Kangliang was dumbfounded.

  How could it be that he wanted Si Kouming to owe him a life-saving grace?

   What the **** happened in the backyard?

  Kangliang didn't have a chance to know, so he could only bite the bullet and explain: "The noble person may have misunderstood, and the little one would never dare to plot against you like this. I didn't know that Zhao Chuchu knew martial arts before, but Zhao Chuchu offended the noble person?"

   Later, he tested Si Kouming.

  Si Kouming stared at him with a half-smile, "What do you think?"

   Kangliang's scalp was numb.

   "Don't worry, noble, the little one will definitely let Zhao Chuchu see the noble!"

   "Go away, trash."

   It's okay not to say this, but when Si Kouming is mentioned, he gets angry.

   He kicked over and kicked Kangliang's heart.

   Kangliang almost fainted.

   (end of this chapter)

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