MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 424 Don't make me do it

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   Chapter 424 Don't force me to do it

   "Who is making a noise here, this is Kang's house, not the street." As soon as Zhao Chuchu finished speaking, there was a loud shout from inside the house.

  Kang Xiuwan subconsciously stopped in front of Zhao Chuchu.

   After a while, Kang Liang came out.

   He stood on the steps under the eaves and looked down at Zhao Chuchu condescendingly: "Whose little lady are you, why are you so uneducated, yelling in other people's homes? Didn't your parents teach you?"

   "And you, when I saw my father, I didn't even know how to greet him, and the rituals went into the dog's stomach? It really has the blood of the Xia family, it's a shame!" Then, he aimed at Kang Xiuwan again.

   Zhao Chuchu: "???"

She couldn't help applauding: "Mr. Kang is really old and mature, and his ability to beat the rake is admirable! Why did I come here, shouldn't Mr. Kang ask himself first? After doing so many things around the corner, in the end Instead, I am uneducated? Then I don't know what Master Kang is?

"Oh, by the way, I have never learned to be wronged myself. If anyone puts their feet up on me, I'm sorry, I still hold grudges. If you want to beg me, just bend over, I hope I'll be there in a hurry to help. , it's better to raise the pillow earlier, dreaming is faster!"

   Kangliang was speechless by Zhao Chuchu for a long time.

   Zhao Chuchu glanced at him and continued, "Where is Awan's mother?"

   "You dare to talk to me like this?" Kang Liang was furious.

   Zhao Chuchu raised his eyebrows: "I said it all, is it too late for you to ask?"


   "Okay, stop talking nonsense."

   "Zhao Chuchu, don't think that if you have some medical skills, you can come across the Kang family. The Kang family is not the Xia family, so let you mess around."

   Having said that, Kang Liang clapped his hands, and soon crowded into a dozen or so nursing homes to surround Zhao Chuchu and Kang Xiuwan.

   "What do you mean?" Kang Xiuwan couldn't believe it, "You still want to do something to Chu Chu?"

   "If you bring Zhao Chuchu, I will naturally not break my promise, come and take the three girls to see the wife." Kang Liang said coldly, "Remember, don't let the three girls walk around, so as not to collide with the nobles."

   The two nursing homes closest to Kang Xiuwan immediately stepped forward and wanted to take Kang Xiuwan away.

   Kangliang's trick to sow discord is too low-end, Zhao Chuchu knew at a glance that he was doing it on purpose.

  The fact that he took Xia Chengxuan away has absolutely nothing to do with Kang Xiuwan.

  So, when the nursing home approached Kang Xiuwan, Zhao Chuchu kicked the two away.

"I brought her here, who wants to touch her, ask me first!" Zhao Chuchu put Kang Xiuwan behind him, "I will be responsible for my patients, if something goes wrong, can you afford it? "

   "Zhao Chuchu, the Kang family is not a place for you to be wild, it's not your turn to be arrogant."

   Kangliang seemed to have forgotten what Zhao Chuchu had done in Guangqing Mansion.

   He thought that he didn't have to worry about the Yuan family because he had a relationship with the people in the capital. After all, the palace behind the Yuan family was not as good as the nobles he knew.

   "Take Zhao Chuchu to me." Kang Liang ordered to start.

When Zhao Chuchu came in, he heard what Kang Liang said to people in the front hall. They came for her and asked her to treat a person, but this person didn't want to be known about his hidden disease, so he thought about it. Grab her and control it.

   In their eyes, a scholar in Xie Heng district, a cockroach could not shake the tree.

   What's more, taking down a little girl is just an order for them.

   Zhao Chuchu did not show mercy to Kangliang's men.

   She protected Kang Xiuwan, and she knocked all those people down.

   Kangliang couldn't believe that the nursing home he hired didn't even touch the corner of Zhao Chuchu's clothes, so he fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

   "Master Kang wants to come and try it?" Zhao Chuchu smiled, "Don't worry, I know the importance of what I do."

   Kangliang stepped back immediately.

   Zhao Chuchu stared at him: "Say, where is Awan's mother? Don't force me to do it, or you will suffer."

   "I don't know what you said? You broke into the Kang's house to make trouble, and you questioned me in turn? How can there be such a reason in the world? You are forcing me to report to the official!"

"Then you go to report to the officials. Seriously, I'm not afraid to break up with you! But if the Kang family's reputation has plummeted, don't blame me for not reminding you now. What have you done to your wife and daughter, you need to let Guang Does everyone in Qingfu know?"

   "What I do with the people of my Kang family is my freedom. What qualifications do you have as an outsider?"

"No? But I believe there is a rumor in Guangqing Mansion? Do you think I am qualified to take care of this matter? Kang Liang, don't really think that the Xia family has fallen, this Guangqing Mansion is the sole of your Kang family. Da, have you asked the Yuan family?"

   "Are you threatening me?"

   "I'm just telling you the truth. If you don't like listening to it, I can't help it? Of course, you can also try it. If I'm unhappy, what will the Yuan family do!"

   Kangliang was about to speak, but a cough came from inside the house.

   Kangliang glared at Zhao Chuchu and turned to go in.

   Zhao Chuchu heard the people inside say to Kangliang: "Okay, enough is enough, don't push people into a hurry."

   "Ken Xiao is worried that she will take Joe and refuse to see you."

   "As long as you are an individual, there is something you want, and she is the same. She is younger and easier to control."

   "Then what do you say?"

   "Let her in, I'll tell her myself."

   "Okay." Kang Liang hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

   Soon, he came out again, still arrogant: "Zhao Chuchu, someone wants to see you, come in."

  While he said this, he looked at Zhao Chuchu carefully. At first glance, he felt that Zhao Chuchu was stunning, and now he couldn't pick out any flaws in her appearance.

  Kangliang felt a little uncomfortable. Originally, he planned to pick two daughters to send to this noble person. By then, the Kang family would have a real backer.

  If Zhao Chuchu goes in, will his daughter still have a chance?

   But no matter what Kang Liang thought, Zhao Chuchu still wanted to go in, and he couldn't stop it.

   "Don't make people wait too long." Kang Liang glanced at Zhao Chuchu again.

   Zhao Chuchu ignored Kangliang and said to Kang Xiuwan, "Where did your mother live before, let's go there now, don't worry, no one can stop me."

  Kang Xiuwan was a little worried, this is the Kang family, will it be bad for Zhao Chuchu to do this?

   "It's okay, let's go." Zhao Chuchu could see what she was thinking, "No one can stop me wherever I want to go."

"Well, thank you." Kang Xiuwan didn't bother anymore, she felt it was pointless, Zhao Chuchu helping her is already a great affection, if she still dragged her back, she would only consume the affection .

   Kangliang was so angry that he saw Zhao Chuchu and the others walking to the backyard without anyone else.

   "Stop, don't you understand human language?"

   (end of this chapter)

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