MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 419 Don't be prejudiced

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   Chapter 419 Don't be prejudiced

   Jixiang still has no confidence in himself: "What if I cause trouble for the lady? Those wives and wives are all good-natured, and I'm worried about causing trouble for the lady."

Chang Hong sighed, looked at her with Jixiang's arms, and said seriously: "My lady trusts you, you should try your best to do it well. Jixiang, not all girls have this kind of good fortune, if you don't catch it If you take the chance, you may regret it for a lifetime.

Isn't    just to teach them? How you learn, how you teach, as long as you do it, you will find that it is not as difficult as you think! "

   Hearing the words, Jixiang lowered his eyes and said nothing.

   After a long while, she raised her head, as if she had made up her mind: "Then can Sister Hong quietly give me pointers at the side?"

   "Okay." Chang Hong nodded.

   As for that time, she may not be there.

  Since Zhao Chuchu wants to cultivate auspiciousness, he must let auspiciousness take the first step, otherwise how can he be independent in the future?

   She didn't dare to kill people back then, but when she was forced to do nothing, she could only grit her teeth and pick up the knife, otherwise she would fall.

   Fortunately, now she can live like an ordinary person, and sometimes she is really grateful to Zhao Chuchu.

   Zhao Chuchu did not know what Chang Hong talked to Jixiang after he left Ruyu Pavilion.

   She was leaving the city at the moment, heading to Liujia Village in the eastern suburbs, and was going to find Xia Chengxuan and her daughter.

   I haven't seen each other for a while, and Zhao Chuchu didn't expect them to be treated like this by the Kang family.

   Zhao Chuchu Guangqing Palace City is not so familiar, so I inquired about it along the way.

   Liujia Village was a little far from Guangqing Mansion, and it took Zhao Chuchu a little half an hour.

   After arriving at Liujia Village, Zhao Chuchu said, "..."

  This is a poorer place than Lengshui Village, and the Kang family actually sent their mother and daughter to this place.

   It was said to be Zhuangzi, but Zhao Chuchu did not see any Zhuangzi, only one farmhouse.

   Zhao Chuchu dismounted and led the horse towards the village.

   When the children playing at the entrance of the village saw Zhao Chuchu, they stared curiously at her horse with wide eyes.

  A bold child summoned up his courage: "Pretty sister, can I touch it?"

   Zhao Chuchu smiled brightly: "Yes, but don't hurt it."

   "Hmm," the child was so happy that he approached the horse cautiously, reached out and touched it lightly, very satisfied, "It's so beautiful."

   When the other children saw this, they also stared at Zhao Chuchu with hope in their eyes.

   "Touch it all." Zhao Chuchu is very generous.

  The children cheered and went up to touch the horse they were thinking of.

   When they were all finished, Zhao Chuchu asked, "Sister came here to find someone, can you help?"

   "Who is my sister looking for?" the child who spoke first rhetorically.

   "The Kang family, where are you?"

   "Are you talking about the wife and girl from the master's house?"

   "Yes, where do they live?"

   "Sister, I don't think you should go to them, they are not good people."


   "I heard that they don't obey women."

   Zhao Chuchu: "!!!"

   If these words hadn't come from the Kang family, how dare the people of Liujia Village say such things?

  Kangliang really didn't even want his face in order to get rid of Xia Chengxuan.

  Is it okay to give myself a green hat?

   "Then, when they came to the village, did they do anything unethical?" Zhao Chuchu suppressed the thoughts in his heart and said in a gentle tone, "Seeing is true and hearing is false."

   "No, that elder sister gave me candy, but my mother said she had bad intentions, so I didn't dare to ask for it."

   "She gave me snacks, but I was afraid of the poison and didn't take it."

   "I have it too, my mother saw it and scolded me."


   Zhao Chuchu: "..."

  Kangliang is this to force Xia Chengxuan and Kang Xiuwan to death?

Zhao Chuchu took a deep breath and calmly said to the group of children, "You have all heard of these, haven't you seen them? That can't be considered true. Besides, killing people is a matter of life, so why are they so good-natured? Are you poisoning your food?

  Poison also costs money, and buying poison is risky. They are crazy to do something to a child as young as you. In the future, you can't listen to the wind, you must learn to see with your eyes, you know? If my sister also disliked that you grew up in the countryside and did not want you to be near my horse, would you be sad?

   The answer is yes, because you haven't done anything, but I look at you with prejudice, do you think this is right? That's not right, it's not clear, it's not easy to draw conclusions, you know? "

   "Then you can't listen to the adults?" the child asked.

   Zhao Chuchu smiled lightly: "Depending on the situation, for example, about your safety, you must listen to it. You have to measure other things yourself. You can be kind, but you can't be rotten. Do you know? It can prevent people, but not harm them."

   "Oh." They seem to understand.

   Zhao Chuchu didn't plan to tell them too much: "If you don't want to take me there, can you show me the way? That way your parents won't blame you."

   "Sister is a good person, let me take her there." The child who spoke first lifted his foot and walked forward, "Sister come with me."

   The place where Xia Chengxuan's mother and daughter lived was some distance from the village, and the old house was lonely at the foot of the mountain.

   Zhao Chuchu frowned slightly.

   Living in a place like this is to give the gangsters in the village a chance to trouble their mother and daughter?

  The child brought Zhao Chuchu nearby, pointed to the house and said, "Sister, that's it, can you go there yourself?"

   "Yes, thank you." Zhao Chuchu touched the child's head.

   "No thanks." The child finished and ran away.

   Zhao Chuchu looked at the surrounding environment, and had to say that Xia Chengxuan's mother and daughter were really miserable, and a man like Kang Liang was on the table.

   Zhao Chuchu was about to go forward when he heard the sound of coughing from the room in front.

   "How are you, Awan?" Xia Chengxuan asked anxiously, "Didn't you already take the medicine? Why isn't it getting better, but it's getting worse? Madam Liu, can you ask a doctor again?"

Immediately afterwards, an old woman snorted coldly: "The old slave has already hired a doctor, who made the girl so unsatisfactory? The master has instructed that you can't leave the village if you have nothing to do, so don't embarrass me, my wife, my family is an old man. I still have to rely on the Kang family to eat!"

   "But Ah Wan is so ill, how can I continue like this? If the Kang family blames you, I will take it upon myself. Mammy Liu, please help me." Xia Chengxuan begged.

"No, the old slave has already done the work, and the rest is up to God's will. Madam, if you are to blame for this, you can only blame yourself. Why do you have to go against the master? Otherwise, the master will not drive you here. Isn’t it in the village? Just give up and stay here An’an.”

   "You don't go, I go!"

   "You can't step out of the village without your master's permission, ma'am!"

   "You... get out of the way!"

   "Madam, don't force the old slave. The old slave is a person who is used to doing rough work. Don't blame the old slave for accidentally hurting you."


   Zhao Chuchu **** the horse and strode towards the house.

   The painting building is back, I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting for a long time~



   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion