MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 413 don't let him die

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   Chapter 413 Don't let him die

   Xie Heng was stunned for a moment, and soon turned against the guest, and kissed Zhao Chuchu all the way.

   But Xie Heng braked in time, otherwise he would lose control soon.

   "I'll go out for a while." Xie Heng's breath was uneven, and he got up and walked out of the room as soon as he finished speaking.

   Zhao Chuchu embraced the quilt, her heart beating wildly.

  But looking at Xie Heng's back, she couldn't help laughing.

   Xie Heng stayed outside for nearly a quarter of an hour before coming in. That impulsive emotion had been suppressed and he was much calmer.

   "Get some rest early." He sat down, "Don't you have a lot of things to do recently?"

   "Yes." Zhao Chuchu happily took the silver note back into the space, "I have a lot of money and I have no sleepiness."

   Xie Heng smiled dotingly: "There will be more in the future."

   "You are not afraid of my donation and escape."

   "Will you take me?"

   "I told you to run away, why would I take you?"

   "Then I'll go with you."

   "Aren't you rude?"

   "Where there is you, there will be me, you can't run away."


   Zhao Chuchu pretended to be helpless and sighed, and poked Xie Heng in the face, "Then I'll even bring you at the most."

  Xie Heng raised his hand and held Zhao Chuchu's mischievous hand: "If you take me, you won't have to worry about food, and I can protect you and take you to the ends of the earth."

   "Sounds tempting."

   "Then can you think about it?"

   "Okay, I'll think about it."

  Xie Heng shook his head with a smile, and touched Zhao Chuchu's blue silk: "Okay, how about you think about this when you wake up?"

   "Hmm, together."



   The next day.

   After Zhao Chuchu gave Shanchang and Zhong Peifeng the needles, they left.

   Zhao Chuchu returned to the room and closed the door and window.

  She designed a promotional image from the space notebook at the fastest speed, and then connected the printer to print out thousands of promotional images.

  Although her reputation has been established in Fucheng, the business of Ruyu Pavilion is the first of Dawei after all, and publicity cannot be less, otherwise how can people know what Ruyu Pavilion does?

   Zhao Chuchu printed the promotional image and did not send it out immediately, but went to the tooth shop first, planning to pick a few people back to help.

At the beginning, Ruyu Pavilion must have only her coach, so she needs to find people with suitable personalities and physical fitness, and take advantage of the time in Fucheng to train them into coaches who can be their own, so that she can leave Fucheng in the future. , Ruyu Pavilion can also operate as usual.

   Yaxing is not far from Xie’s house, and it’s only a fifteen-minute walk away.

  Yazi is a good person. Even if someone like Zhao Chuchu doesn't know him, he will keep it firmly in his mind, so as not to offend people if he doesn't grow his eyes one day.

"Miss Xie is here to choose the next person? It just so happens that I have a newcomer here. Would you like to go and choose a few?" As soon as Zhao Chuchu entered the door, she immediately wiped her hands and greeted her, smiling so much that the folds on her face were like flowers Like flowers.

   "Then you bring it up and let me see."

   "Okay, Madam Xie sit down first, I'll go and bring someone right away."

  Yazi asked Zhao Chuchu to sit down, poured her a cup of tea and a plate of snacks, and then went to bring someone up.

   There were twenty-five people in all, men, women and children.

   Seeing that Zhao Chuchu is so young, he straightened his back and hoped to be selected by Zhao Chuchu.

   In the eyes of many people, Zhao Chuchu is young and easy to handle, and life will be much easier, so they all want to be taken away by Zhao Chuchu.

  Can Zhao Chuchu not see their thoughts?

  She was not as they wished.

   Such a person will only add to her trouble if she buys it back.

  Why waste a piece of money?

   Zhao Chuchu glanced over and picked out two men in their early twenties and a girl of fifteen or six years old with a normal appearance and a very dark complexion.

The    girl seemed surprised to be picked by Zhao Chuchu.

  Yazi asked her to come out and walk to Zhao Chuchu's side without hearing it.

   Those who were jealous of her took the opportunity to say to Zhao Chuchu:

   "Little lady, I am much more capable than that girl. I can cook and chop wood, and I can do anything."

   "That woman is an idiot. She is half a step slower than others in everything. Little lady, if you buy her and go back, it will be very annoying. Why don't you choose me. I am cheap and obedient, much smarter than her."

   "She is the broom star who defeated her parents. The little lady should think about it carefully. Don't buy it back when the time comes, and she will defeat the master's house."


   Zhao Chuchu frowned upon hearing this.

  Those people thought that Zhao Chuchu heard these disgusting girls, so they intensified, and they quickly said that the girl was the reincarnation of a demon, specially to harm people!

  The girl was at a loss when they said that, she stood with her head lowered and her fingers twisted, and retorted in a low voice: "I'm not a broom star, I didn't kill my parents..."

Instead of stopping, the people next to him laughed louder: "Did you hear that? This woman said that her parents were not killed by her. If this is the case, why did her grandparents sell her? ? This kind of death star, even if you stand by her side, you will be unlucky."

   As soon as these words came out, the person standing next to the girl immediately backed away, isolating the girl.

Yazi saw that Zhao Chuchu's face was not very good, and immediately said angrily: "What are you doing? Is it like being kicked out of the teeth? What is this place, so that you can be presumptuous in front of the distinguished guests? Shut up for me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude Every day, if you don't talk nonsense, maggots will grow in your mouth, right?"

  Everyone was silent, but the disdain and isolation of the girl was not stopped.

   Zhao Chuchu asked, "What's wrong with her?"

Before Yazi could answer, someone robbed her: "Her mother almost died when she gave birth to her, and then the root cause of the disease was left behind, and on the day she was born, her father broke his leg, little lady, do you think she is dedicated to her parents? broom star?"

"I heard that anyone who came close to her in their village didn't end well. Only then did her grandparents make up their minds to sell her. I slept next to her before and my knees were swollen when I woke up at night. Now, do you think she was forced to kill everyone around her?"

   "Little lady, don't you think any of us is better than that fool? You really don't think about switching from one of us?"


   Zhao Chuchu didn't plan to say anything at first, but these people are really outrageous, so many people bully a little girl.

   The little girl doesn't seem to be the kind of person who likes to cause trouble. They target the little girl just to steal a place chosen by her from the little girl!

   But these people will not want to give it to Zhao Chuchu for nothing.

   used to make trouble without saying anything, or the kind of light-eyed thing that offends many people.

She smiled: "It's not common for a woman to give birth to a difficult child? You look like a mother, how can you be more harsh than a mother-in-law? When a father knows that a child is born, it is inevitable that an accident will happen. Has something to do with her?

   It is said that it is always women who make trouble for women, and I have seen it. And you, if you wake up at night and walk without long eyes and bump into places, you can also blame her on her head. If you can't pull it out, is the ground too hard? You can excuse yourself.

  Finally, why do I choose a long-talking woman like you, for fear that my family affairs will not be spread by you? You are also mothers, why is your child a treasure and someone else's grass?

  Have the courage to embarrass the little girl, why don't you have the courage to use this as a way to embarrass you and not deal with people? One by one is bullying the good and fearing the evil, and has a vicious mind, and I don't know who would be so unlucky to buy you these mortal stars! "

   These people were scolded speechless by Zhao Chuchu, and all of them looked bad.

   And when the girl heard Zhao Chuchu's words, she looked up in disbelief.

   Zhao Chuchu was the first to help her speak like this and refute those who hurt her.

   For a while, the girl's gloomy world seemed to be torn open and a ray of sunlight leaked in.

"Come here."

   Zhao Chuchu waved to the girl.

  The girl then jumped to Zhao Chuchu's side: "I have seen the little lady."

   "Well, stand aside first." Zhao Chuchu nodded, then asked Yazi, "Is there no one else?"

  Yazi is very embarrassed because of the words of the people below.

   didn't dare to take the initiative to say anything to Zhao Chuchu, but fortunately Zhao Chuchu spoke first.

   He hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, but I'm afraid you can't control them, Mrs. Xie, they are not ordinary people."

   "Bring them all for me to see. Whether they are ordinary people or not, I will judge for myself."

"it is good."

Yazi took those who were not jumped down, and scolded in the backyard: "What are you guys, you have sold yourself to me, you have been a servant in this life, dare to talk nonsense in front of my distinguished guests? Look at me back. How to rectify you, one by one, do you think you are some kind of old man and wife?"

  The crowd did not dare to say anything.

"You all wait for Lao Tzu. The louder the sound, the heavier the punishment. When you come to a place like Yaxing, it's your turn to chatter around? Know your identity well, or I will sell you to the mine. Go, you can't turn around in your life."

   "Brother, we were wrong, and we just wanted to sell ourselves as soon as possible, so as not to make you lose so much, eldest brother. Don't get me wrong, I really have no other intentions."

  Yazi sneered: "If no one comes to buy you in ten days, just go to the mine one by one for me!"

   After all, Yazi made people look good on them, and he went to show other people to Zhao Chuchu.

   There are three of them in total, and they are not too old depending on their age. It is estimated that they are in their early twenties, eighty-thirties, and all of them are full of tendons. They must be trainees.

   Facing Zhao Chuchu's scrutiny, they remained motionless, as if they did not take Zhao Chuchu in their eyes at all.

  If Ruyu Pavilion was also open to men, they would be a good candidate. Unfortunately, Ruyu Pavilion only allows women to enter. Such a big muscular man cannot enter Ruyu Pavilion.

   Otherwise, which girl would dare to come.

  This era is not the next generation. The defense of men and women is not so particular in the countryside, but the city is different.

   Especially if you can come to Ruyu Pavilion, basically only girls from big families can afford it, and they are even more reluctant to have men in Ruyu Pavilion.

   "Forget it, Yazi, please help me pay attention. If there is a new woman who is about the same age as her, tell me in the past, and I will choose again."

   "Hey... can't afford to be a big-headed ghost?"

   Before Yazi said anything, the man standing in the middle satirized Zhao Chuchu first.

   "We are three brothers, but a little girl like you can't afford it. Do you know who we are? You deserve our protection?"

   Zhao Chuchu: "..."

She pulled out her ears: "What did I just hear? I'm not worthy? If I'm not worthy, the three of you don't have to beg for nothing and stay in the tooth shop to be sold as slaves. Who is not worthy? It's all to this point. , why do you pretend to be arrogant? It's worthy to save you? I really laughed."

  The man didn't expect Zhao Chuchu to be so eloquent, and immediately became angry: "Little bitch, you said..."


   A loud slap interrupted the man's words.

   The man didn't even see how Zhao Chuchu did it, Zhao Chuchu had already sat back in the chair.

   He covered his hot face and stared at Zhao Chuchu in disbelief: "You dare to hit me?"

"Your mouth is so stinky, you only have a long memory when you hit me. What are you? Show off your strength in front of me?" Zhao Chuchu snorted coldly, "Are you not satisfied? Hit me if you don't agree, what are you doing standing there? Dare not? coward?"

   "Little bitch, I'll teach you a lesson today..."

   Before the words were finished, Zhao Chuchu kicked him and flew out, fell heavily to the ground, and didn't get up for a long time.

   Zhao Chuchu looked at the other two: "How is it? Your brother was beaten like this by me, do you want to go together?"

   The two men looked at each other, seeing the tragic state of their companions, how dare they act rashly?

   "Little lady is joking, I'm not familiar with him."

   "If there is this honor to be bought by the little lady, the little lady will definitely be loyal to the little lady."

   The two of them couldn't wait to clear their relationship with the man who was beaten, lest Zhao Chuchu be angry with them.

Zhao Chuchu got up and walked in front of the man: "So you deserve such a little friendship? I thought you were so important, and I don't deserve to sell you? Just a weak chicken like you who can't even take a punch from me, white Don't send it to me."

   The man vomited blood.

   Zhao Chuchu threw five taels of silver to Yazi: "Get him a doctor, don't let him die."

   "Xie Niangzi, five taels of silver is enough to buy him." Yazi reminded in a low voice.

   "Buy him? Don't dirty my place." Zhao Chuchu sneered.

   A man who scolds women and beats women at every turn would have made him ten times worse than he is now if he hadn't been in the teeth.

   The teeth were stunned and dared not make a sound.

  The man was so humiliated by Zhao Chuchu and was furious.

   However, his skills are not as good as others, even if he hates him, there is nothing he can do, he can't beat Zhao Chuchu.

   Zhao Chuchu sat down again: "Don't bring this kind of scum to me in the future, it's an eyesore!"

   "Hey, yes, Mrs. Xie." Ya Zi hurriedly took the person down.

   Originally, Zhao Chuchu actually planned to buy these three people.

   After all, the conditions are here, as long as you train well, you will definitely get started quickly.

   After the Ruyu Pavilion spreads, she will consider opening one for men.

   But not now.

   people have been beaten like this.

Zhao Chuchu looked back at the three selected people, and asked, "Would you like to come with me? I am a reasonable person, and my business is free. "

   "Yes!" The three of them said in unison.

   For nothing else, just because they saw that Zhao Chuchu was a reasonable person.

   (end of this chapter)

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