MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 405 The world is better than Chu Chu

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   Chapter 405 No matter how good the world is, it is not as good as Chu Chu

   "The capital is indeed more lively than Guangqing Prefecture, but it does not have the freedom of Guangqing Prefecture. The more people there are, the more right and wrong. When you come to the capital, you will miss Guangqing Prefecture." The third prince said mildly and authentically.

Xie Jun said: "But I still want to go to the capital, I always feel that the capital is the place I should go. My brother will definitely be successful, then I can follow him and my sister-in-law to Beijing, and the third brother will also be there. In the capital, right? Will you take me to eat delicious food?"

   "Okay, then when I'm healthy, I'll go to the capital to wait for you. There are a lot of delicious things in the capital, but the third brother was not in good health before, and I haven't tasted it before, so it's just right to go with Junjun."

   "We're done." Xie Jun frowned and stretched out his fingers, "Come on, tick, third brother can't break his promise."

   The smile in the eyes of the third prince spread, Xiao Jiu was as cute as when he was a child, he hooked Xie Jun's finger: "It's a deal."

   It was determined that Xie Jun was his own younger brother, and the third prince relaxed.

   But the third prince didn't stay too long. After half an hour, he made an excuse to leave.

   But the third prince didn't say anything about it, including Qiao Heting.

   It wasn't that he couldn't trust Qiao Heting, but he knew very well how his younger brother lived in the people.

   As for why his younger brother was in Yuanjiang County, the third prince felt that maybe going north was a sham in the first place, leading everyone to chase northwards, so that his younger brother could stay alive.

  The father is afraid of the power of the mother and the queen, so he is not allowed to have another younger brother.

   Sometimes the third prince actually hates his father.

   Tiger poison doesn't even eat his own son, but he is even willing to do it with his own son!

  The emperor's preference for the third prince, many times the third prince felt that he was guilty, so he transferred the debt to Xie Jun to him.

   But the third prince could never forget the feeling of his little brother being held in his arms.

   That is his brother!

  After the third prince went back, the dark guard only knew that he went to the Xie family, but he didn't know what happened in the Xie family.

  Qiao Heting was very worried: "Third brother, why don't you say a word when you go out, in case..."

   "A-Ting, I'm no longer the one who has the last breath left at every turn. You don't have to worry, I'm measured!" The third prince interrupted him, "How's the capital over there?"

   "The eldest prince seems to have made peace with the Si Kou family. Recently, he has been going to the Si Kou family very frequently."

   "He hasn't given up yet?"

   "Well, he seems to be planning to marry the daughter of the Si Kou family again."

   "Si Kou painting?"

   "No, it's Si Kou Shu."



  The third prince thoughtful.

   "Third brother, do you think the eldest prince and the Si Kou family will get along?"

   "The Si Kou family needs to take advantage of the First Prince's power, and this will naturally be accomplished."

   "Isn't that a great threat to us?"

"We have no threat to the eldest prince, they will not do anything to me. At least the emperor has now made it clear that he will not make me the prince, and I will no longer be their competitor, and they will not take me seriously. inner."

   "If it wasn't for the third brother being poisoned, how could it be their turn?"

   "A-Ting, be careful." The third prince glanced at Qiao Heting, "This is fate, we must all recognize it!"

   "But I think God is unfair." Qiao Heting frowned.

  The third prince smiled: "Injustice? No, A Ting, God is the most fair. If you don't believe me, just wait and see."

   Upon seeing this, Qiao Heting wanted to refute the third prince, but he swallowed the words when they reached his lips.

   Xiaojiu hasn't been found yet, where is the fairness?

   It is clear that they are from the Central Palace, and according to the rules, they should be established as princes.

   But now one has only a few years to live, and one does not know whether to live or die. How can this be fair.

  Qiao Heting knew that looking for Xiao Jiu was the third prince's obsession. He did not dare to stimulate the third prince, for fear that the third prince's body would not be able to bear it.

   Zhao Chuchu said that although the third prince is detoxified, because the internal organs have been eroded by the poison for too long, there will still be attacks in the future, and there is no cure at that time. If you want to live longer, the mentality is very important, you must maintain peace, and your emotions must not be ups and downs.

   "A-Ting, do you think what I said sounds a bit irrational?"

   "Third Brother, I..."

   "I know what you're worried about, and I know what I'm doing, don't worry, A Ting, I now cherish my life more than anyone else."

   If he can live another day, he will be able to protect Xiaojiu and give Xiaojiu what he can give Xiaojiu.

   He didn't have the life to sit and watch this thousands of miles of land, but he didn't want it to fall into the hands of other princes.

   Their mother and grandparents owe both of his brothers!

   But now the third prince is most afraid of Xie Heng.

   He knew better than anyone what kind of person Xie Heng was, and Xie Heng had the ability not to say anything, but he was still a ruthless person.

   If Xie Heng knew the identity of Xiaojiu, would he have ambitions for that position?

   Xiaojiu listened to Xie Heng's words like this, he sent Xiaojiu to the throne of God, maybe Xiaojiu would be coaxed by Xie Heng to the Zen seat, then he would be dead, and he would not be able to rest his eyes under Jiuquan.

   "Third brother, anyway, we have come to Guangqing Mansion now. I will ask Zhao Chuchu in a few days if there is any other way to make you live longer, third brother."

"A-Ting, Zhao Chuchu doesn't owe us anything. She has a deep relationship with Miss Yuan. Don't have a quarrel with me and Miss Yuan. Zhao Chuchu has done her best, don't let her get involved in this whirlpool. Zhao Chu Chu's temper is not that good, it's not good for you to offend her."

  Qiao Heting touched his nose, remembering that he and Zhao Chuchu had not met a few times, and he really suffered a lot.

   "You always pay attention to the movements of the First Prince and the Si Kou family. You don't need to keep an eye on the rest. I have my own arrangements." The Third Prince changed the subject.

   "I know, third brother, don't worry."

   "A Ting, I want to be quiet."

   "It just so happens that I have other things to do, so take care of yourself."

  Qiao Heting always nags tirelessly when facing the third prince, making the third prince feel that he can't stand him sometimes.

   After Qiao Heting left, the third prince walked to the desk, sharpened his pen, and began to practice calligraphy.

   Every time the third prince is happy, he will use this method to vent his joy and rarely show it.

   Over time, in the eyes of everyone, the third prince is an unsmiling medicine jar.

   As if he had been so afflicted by the pain that he forgot how to express his emotions.

   In fact, the third prince is very emotional, he is just used to hiding it in his heart.

  Xiaojiu, forgive the third brother for not being able to recognize you now. When the third brother arranges everything, the father will return everything that belongs to you...


   Zhao Chuchu came back from the outside, and as soon as he entered the door, he knew that someone had come during the day.

  Xie Jun has done his homework and is riding horses in the yard.

   Seeing Zhao Chuchu, he stopped without saying a word, but continued to maintain his posture to say hello to Zhao Chuchu: "Sister-in-law, are you back? Today the third brother came to see me and gave me a gift."

   "What did the third brother give you?"

   "A set of four treasures of the study, I really like it."

   "Then did you thank him?"

   "Yes, I also invited him to dinner at our house."

  The corners of Zhao Chuchu's mouth twitched, asking your brother to eat the leftovers... Junjun, it really belongs to you!

   "But I'm a little embarrassed. The meals are all made in the morning. Sister-in-law, the third brother gave me a present. Should I invite him to have a good meal?"

   "Well, it will only take two days for your brother's academy to have a holiday. Let's invite the third son to dinner?"

   "Good good."

   "The third son is here today, have you done your homework? Are you not having fun?"

   "No, the third brother is urging me to do my homework."

   "Did you not do anything else?"


   Zhao Chuchu thought about it and asked in another way: "Then you didn't break the tableware or chopsticks when you were having a hot meal at noon, right?"

   "I don't have any, but the third brother is doing a disservice." Xie Jun said this a little embarrassed, "He stained my clothes."

   Zhao Chuchu knew it.

  The third prince should have come to confirm Xie Jun's identity, and he really doubted Xie Jun.

   Zhao Chuchu remembered that Xie Jun had a birthmark on his left shoulder blade, and there was an old scar on the birthmark.

  The third prince should judge Xie Jun's life experience based on this.

   When Xie Heng came back at night, Zhao Chuchu asked, and it really happened.

   "Well, the third prince said that the scar he thought was ugly when he was young and wanted to remove it." Xie Heng nodded.

   Zhao Chuchu: "...I really can't see that the third prince was so bearish when he was a child, and his younger brother was so young. Is he afraid of hurting his younger brother?"

   "Children are ignorant, so it's not surprising what they do. I didn't tell you about this before, how did you guess?" Xie Heng asked.

   "Today the third prince came over and stained Junjun's clothes. I also accidentally saw birthmarks and scars on the back of Junjun."

   "The third prince has come?"


   "He will doubt me. It will be a ten-day vacation in a few days. I want to invite him to the house for a light meal."

   "It's a coincidence, Junjun wants to invite him too."

   "So good, then invite him in Junjun's name."

   Zhao Chuchu thought for a while: "Will the third prince suspect that you will rob the emperor?"

   "As princes, it's not surprising that there is a guess. They are born with more insight than others. I don't want the third prince to misunderstand anything, so it's best to make it clear."

   "Will he believe you?"

   "I will make him believe that I have no ambitions for the throne."

"That's good."

   Zhao Chuchu was not familiar with the power struggles in the court, and she listened to Xie Heng on this, so as not to drag Xie Heng back.


   Four days passed in a blink of an eye.

   During this time, the third prince did not come to Xie’s house again.

   And the post that invited him to Xie's house was written by Xie Jun himself.

   It happened that the third prince also wanted to test Xie Heng, so he was invited to come.

  Qiao Heting originally wanted to follow him, but was rejected by the third prince.

   Apart from himself, the third prince did not want anyone to know Xie Jun's life experience, so as not to bring blood and rain to Xie Jun.

   Because the third prince believes in himself the most.

   Xie Heng did not cook himself, but asked Zhao Chuchu to put together a table of everyday and not bad mats from the space.

  The three princes arrived, and the mats were already set.

   "Zizhao started preparing early in the morning? Last time I heard Junjun say that you are good at cooking, but now I see it, and it really lives up to the name. Zi Zhao is really versatile!"

   "The third son has been praised, and I don't know if it suits my appetite. It's good that the third son doesn't mind."

   "How come, Zi Zhao's thoughts are more precious than anything else, and money is hard to buy."

   "Oh, sit down quickly, why is there so much nonsense? Eating is not more important than other things? Why can't you wait until you finish eating before continuing to tout it?" Zhao Chuchu interrupted the two of them and put the chopsticks into their hands.

  Xie Heng looked sideways at Zhao Chuchu with endless tenderness: "Okay, listen to you."

  The third prince has been paying attention to Xie Heng and found that Xie Heng's feelings for Zhao Chuchu are indeed as good as Qiao Heting said.

   Xie Heng has the weakness of Zhao Chuchu, so he will no longer be invincible.

  The third prince calmly picked up his chopsticks to eat.

   Xie Heng said a little embarrassedly: "Chu Chu is like this at ordinary times, don't blame the third son."

   "It doesn't matter, Madam Xie is frank, it's easy to communicate, you don't need to guess." The third prince smiled.

   "Yes, this is also my favorite point. Sometimes when I think about it, I'm actually sorry for her."


   "She's used to being free, but I still want to be an official to realize my ambition, and I don't know when I'll be able to accompany her to travel the world."

   "Zizhao, after entering the official position, there is no freedom."

   "I know, but after I fulfill my ambitions, I will choose to retreat to the countryside."

   "With all due respect, once power has been touched, no one can say let go and let go."

  The third prince fixedly looked at Xie Heng, "Especially someone as talented as Zizhao can definitely show off his skills in the court."

   "It's too early to say these things, the best in the world is not as good as Chu Chu."

   "Zi Zhao loves beauty but not power?"

   "To say that you don't love power is self-deception, but power is not as good as clear in my heart."

  The third prince's eyes were scrutinized: "Aren't you afraid that others say you are emotional?"

   "What other people say won't cause any harm to me, and I won't care. Third Young Master, when you meet the girl you like, you will know that sometimes that person will really be your god."

   "There are too few people who choose to retreat bravely, so there are not many people who can get a good death."

   "I'll be the one who the three princes said had a good death."

  Xie Heng looked at the third prince with certainty and confidence.

   "It's still the same sentence, no matter how good the world is, it is not as good as Chu Chu. My ambition is to travel the world with Chu Chu Yun."

   After a while, the third prince smiled: "Zizhao, why are we getting serious when we talk? Mrs. Xie, can you hear that Zizhao is confessing to you in a different way!"

   Zhao Chuchu bowed his head "shyly": "Dalang is really, the third son is here, I feel embarrassed to hear it!"

  Xie Heng's expression was gentle: "These are my thoughts, you don't need to be embarrassed."

   "Then why don't you go to the imperial examinations, let Junjun study, and wait until Junjun grows up to enter the office? I really want to see the rivers and mountains of thousands of miles with you."

   "Uuuuu, no, I want to be with my brother and sister-in-law. If my brother doesn't study, neither do I!" Xie Jun quickly expressed his position.

Xie Heng restrained his tenderness and said sternly: "Junjun, I have a skill, what do you have? My sister-in-law and I cannot support you for a lifetime, so you have to find a way out yourself. In the future, you will also get married and start a business, don't you have to marry a daughter-in-law? My brother is worried about you?"

  Xie Jun blushed: "I didn't mean that, can I... not marry a daughter-in-law?"

  Three princes: "..."

   This silly brother!

   (end of this chapter)

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