MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 402 one head two big

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   Chapter 402 One head and two big

   They can only do their best to make themselves virtuous, virtuous and not old, so that they can be favored in front of their husbands and have the confidence to stand out.

   Those women who are not loved by their husbands dare not even speak aloud, for fear that they will be rejected by their husbands when they go back.

  Sometimes, Zhao Chuchu didn't know what to say.

   It is absolutely impossible for her to be a dodder that can only depend on others to live.

   However, they are different from her, she neither accepts nor criticizes, after all, the times and backgrounds are different.

   "Miss Xie, did you listen to me?" The woman sitting opposite Zhao Chuchu recalled her thoughts, "But there is no way?"

   "There is no medicine to take." Zhao Chuchu looked at each other calmly, "But I can teach you a way to practice slowly, but it takes a long time to persevere."

   Mrs. Ge asked Zhao Chuchu if she could restore her slim figure.

"is that useful?"

   "As long as you persist, it is useful."

   "Then Mrs. Xie, can you teach me? Don't worry, I will pay the consultation fee."


   "So can we start now?"


   Zhao Chuchu shook his head.

   She needs to prepare.

  Exercise is such a thing, how can you be casual?

  If you are not careful, you can easily hurt your body.

   Mrs. Ge's fat base is too large, so she should be more careful.

   It's not that Zhao Chuchu can't match the medicine that can lose weight, but it's not very good.

  Only by exercising and taking medicine to gradually lose weight and help Mrs. Ge develop good living habits, it will not be easy to rebound.

   "When then?"

   "Come back in ten days."

   "Why so long?"

   "I need to prepare some tools to help you lose weight."

   "Is that so?"

   "Well, but it will be very hard, Mrs. Ge, can you persevere?"

   "I'm sure I can."

   Mrs. Ge is full of confidence.

   But she didn't know what kind of devil training was waiting for her.

   Got Zhao Chuchu's affirmative answer, and Mrs. Ge left with satisfaction.

   Yuanhui was also present. After she left, Yuanhui asked Zhao Chuchu, "Chuchu, how are you going to help Mrs. Ge lose weight?"

   "Six words, keep your mouth shut and spread your legs." Zhao Chuchu looked sideways at Yuanhui, "Are you interested in following along?"

   "Me? I'm so slim, do I need it too?"

   "It doesn't matter if you are fat or thin, it's always right to give yourself more strength. What's so good about not having the power to hold a chicken? When you meet a hooligan, you can only call for help, and you can't even run away."

   "Are you going to teach me kung fu?"

   "No, it teaches you how to make yourself healthier."

   Zhao Chuchu is also bored, she is not short of money, and she will not be seen by anyone every day.

   There are many rich people in Fucheng, and there are not a few people who have gained weight.

   I had an idea of ​​opening a restaurant related to fitness. While killing time, I could watch others being abused by fitness, killing two birds with one stone.

   "Really? Then I have to learn too."

   Yuanhui was eager to try.

   Zhao Chuchu looked at her and smiled meaningfully.

   "Ahui, once a word is out, it's hard to catch up, don't regret it."

   "Why should I regret, you won't lie to me."

   "I really won't lie to you, so let's find a place first. Let me tell you, I have noticed several shops before, and I don't know if the Yuan family can come forward and win them."

   "You want the Yuan family to come forward? Could it be from the Xia family?"


   "Why don't you just go buy it?"

   "Don't give the Xia family a chance to flatter me."

   "Okay, tell me where it is, I'll go back and find out."

   Zhao Chuchu said a few things.

   Yuanhui raised her eyebrows: "Why are the places you're looking for so far away? You should be close to a place with a lot of people when you are doing business. You are so far away, why do people go there?"

   "This only seeks the quality of the guests, not the quantity."

   "Then how do you do business?"

   "You'll know."

   Zhao Chuchu sold out.

   Not long after she had been in the city, she began to think about what to do.

   Xie Heng can't be busy with her career, she is just hanging around with nothing to do, right?

   "Okay, what's your favorite location?"

   "The one on Changping Street."

   "I'll ask someone later. By the way, the shops you mentioned are all for the Xia family to release. You can just find someone to buy them. You don't have to be involved with the Xia family."

   "Then why don't I ask you to help?"

  Yuanhui: "..."

   She really did not expect this!

  Yuanhui moved very quickly, and the next day brought the deed of the shop on Changping Street to Zhao Chuchu.

  While Zhao Chuchu was preparing his restaurant, something happened to the Xia family.

  Xia Chenglan is dead.

   was strangled to death.

   When the corpse was sent to the government office, it was already somewhat decomposed.

  The government office sent Zhang Qun. Zhang Qun recognized that it was Xia Chenglan and almost fainted.

   Later, he told the prefect that Xia Chenglan said yesterday that he would go back to Xia's house.

   However, the prefect could not help but regard him as a suspect and arrested him.

   Zhao Chuchu also went to see Xia Chenglan's body.

   She could see at a glance that the scar on Xia Chenglan's neck was made up later.

   Xia Chenglan's skull was completely shattered, but nothing could be seen from the outside.

   It is the master who kills.

The real cause of Xia Chenglan's death was not detected by   軵zuo.

   Money can make ghosts run the mill, Xia Chengzhu is not bad, he can buy such a killer...

   Zhao Chuchu's fingers moved slightly.

  Xia Chenglan's head had blood flowing out.

   Tsukaku was startled when he saw it.

   Only then did she carefully examine Xia Chenglan's head and found that her skull was completely broken.

   Zhao Chuchu saw Xia Chenglan's head injury and then left quietly.

   She was going to overthrow the Xia family, how could Xia Chengzhu succeed?

   This is what the Xia family owes the original owner's mother, and she has to ask the Xia family to repay!

   Coincidentally, Qiao Heting and the third prince also came to Guangqing Mansion.

  The third prince came to Guangqing Mansion this time on the pretext of recuperating, and the emperor sent many experts to accompany him.

   When such a murder happened in the prefect, the third prince also went to the prefecture.

It happened that Zuzuo presented the autopsy results to the prefect, and the third prince took a look and found that Xia Chenglan's skull was broken, so he felt strange: "Li Zhifu, Xia Chenglan is just an ordinary woman, and it stands to reason that it has nothing to do with the people in the rivers and lakes. That's right, why would you die under a master?"

   "Third Highness, Xiaguan is ordering someone to investigate, there will be results soon, please give Xianguan some time."

   "I don't want to get involved in the matter of Guangqing House, but this is a murder case. I don't know why the people behind the scenes are so cruel. For the safety of the people, I will arrange for two people to help Li Zhifu."

   Li Zhifu was sweating profusely.

   The so-called help is actually to intervene in this matter.

   The other party was the prince, and Li Zhifu did not dare to refuse, so he could only accept the love of the third prince.

  The third prince sent two men who looked unremarkable to Li Zhifu.

   After they went to see the wound, they immediately identified the murderer: "Your Highness, Xia Chenglan's method of death is very similar to that of Yuan Dongfang in Jianghu. He is the only one who likes to crush people's skulls to kill people."

   "Go and check Yuan Dongfang's whereabouts immediately."


   Li Zhifu felt that he was just a decoration.

   As soon as the third prince came, he found a clue. He kept sweating, for fear that the third prince would be blamed.

   "I'm tired. When they find someone, they will bring them to see Li Zhifu, so I will trouble Li Zhifu to work harder and catch the murderer earlier, so as not to cause panic among the people." The third prince got up.

"Yes, I will follow the teachings of the Third Highness. By the way, the Third Highness, the Third Highness has already ordered someone to arrange a place to stay, and I also asked the Third Highness to move. This journey has been exhausting, the Third Highness will rest for a while. In the evening, the Third Highness will serve the Third Highness again. Take the wind."

   "You don't have to work hard. I'm not in good health, so I can't join in the fun. Li Zhifu is still busy with business. I came to Guangqingfu this time to recuperate, and I didn't intend to disturb too many people."

   "Xiaoguan understands."


  The Third Highness got up and left.

   Li Zhifu looked at the background of the third prince, a little confused.

   Doesn't it mean that the Third Highness won't live long? Has he really gotten better?

   Li Zhifu didn't know about it, so he didn't dare to ask people to inquire about it, so he could only ask himself secretly in his heart.

   "Third brother, you are suddenly coming to Guangqing Mansion, but who sent you the news? Otherwise, it happened so coincidentally that Xia Chenglan died?" Qiao Heting suspected that Xie Heng sent the letter.

The third prince smiled and said, "I'm tired of staying in the capital for a long time. I just came out to relax. Although I have saved my life, it is temporary after all. I want to take advantage of the limited time to take a good look at it. mountains and rivers."

   "Third brother, you will be fine."

   "You don't have to comfort me, I know my body and bones. Let's go, go to Yuan's house, you won't see your little fiancee?"

  The third prince changed the subject and made fun of Qiao Heting.

   Qiao Heting's handsome face turned red: "Third brother, don't laugh at me."

   "What's the point of laughing? Isn't it right and proper for a man to be married and a woman to be married? It's a pity that I can't be like you in this life. If I can, I want to marry a wife and try it out."

   "Third Brother..."

   "Don't talk about that, let's go to Yuan's house first."

  The third prince stopped the conversation.

   Qiao Heting breathed a sigh of relief.

  The Yuan family was unaware of the arrival of the third prince and Qiao Heting.

   After knowing the identity of the third prince, the old lady was flattered, and quickly ordered to go down, not to neglect the third prince.

   "I have seen the three princes."

   "You don't have to be polite, the old lady came to the door rashly. I'm so disturbed, please don't take offense to the old lady."

  The third prince gave a virtual help.

   "Your Highness is serious. Your Highness's presence is the blessing of the Yuan family. Please come in, Your Highness."

"it is good."

  The third prince walked inside first.

   No one could see that the third prince in front of him was a sick and weak person.

  The old lady is very nervous.

   After all, the third prince is different from the merchants she usually deals with, that is the family of heaven.

   One word from the Tian family can bring down the Yuan family.

   She cheered up 120,000 points, and she didn't dare to be careless.

Seeing this, the third prince said: "Old lady, you don't have to be so nervous. I came here this time, just to come in and have a look. If you are so afraid of me, I will not dare to come to the Yuan family in the future. The grandson-in-law calls me the third brother, and you just treat me as a junior."

   "I dare not."

   "Hey, it seems that I'm not welcome. If that's the case, then I'll say goodbye first."

   "Your Highness, stay, since Your Highness is like this, then the old man will not be polite to His Highness, and I hope His Highness will not take offense."

   "How could it be? The Yuan family is high-spirited and always does good deeds. I have heard of it from far away in the capital. I really admire how the old lady and a girl can manage the Yuan family in such an orderly manner. Even the mistress of an aristocratic family may not be able to match this ability."

   "Your Highness has won an award, and I am ashamed."


   The two of you are so polite that Qiao Heting is sleepy.

  Why didn't he know that the third brother also had such a talkative side?

   But the third prince didn't stay in the Yuan family for too long, and left after half an hour.

   Mrs. Yuan asked her mother-in-law just now: "Mother, the Third Highness is visiting suddenly, but for the Xia family?"

   "Well, we can't move this Xia family. You should ask the people below to be more careful and stop fighting against the Xia family." The old lady said sternly.

   "Your Highness is..."

   "Shh, don't say anything that shouldn't be said."

  The old lady warned her daughter-in-law.

  The third prince took a fancy to the Xia family, so the Yuan family should not be so ignorant to **** it with the third prince.

   When he offended the third prince, the Yuan family was the next to be cleaned up.

  The old lady has been in charge of the family for many years, and she is used to seeing strong winds and waves. Although the appearance of the third prince made her a little nervous, it was not to the extent of being a soldier.

   At least she can be sure now that the Third Highness has no thoughts about the Yuan family for the time being.


   "You go down, I have to think about it."

"it is good."

Mrs. Yuan also left, and Mrs. Yuan was left alone.

   Mrs. Yuan didn't let Mrs. Yuan know that the third prince's visit to Guangqing Mansion this time is probably related to the prince.

  The emperor has not yet established a prince.

  Although the third prince has always been rumored to be sick and weak, but now it seems that he is no different from a normal person, I am afraid that he also intends to grab that position.

  The old lady didn't want the Yuan family to get involved in such a complicated struggle.

   She only hoped that the Yuan family would endure so safely.

  Otherwise, if you get involved in that kind of thing, even if you bet right, you will end up with the Xia family in the end.

  The old lady is not so greedy, she just wants to keep the status quo.

   So how to keep a distance from the third prince, this is what the old lady must consider now.

   The old lady was two big and couldn't help sighing.

   You can only take one step at a time!

   I just hope that Xie Heng will have a future and keep the Yuan family.


   Xie Heng was not surprised to see the third prince.

  The third prince came to Guangqing Mansion because of his news.

   Zhao Chuchu doesn't want the Xia family, but the third prince can take over.

  Although the Xia family can't do it, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and the third prince has many capable people. It may not be a bad thing for the Xia family to be in the hands of the third prince.

   "Zizhao, we meet again, stay safe." The third prince smiled slightly.

   "I have seen Your Highness." Xie Heng cupped his hands, "I'm fine, thank you Your Highness for remembering."

  The third prince supported him: "There are no outsiders here, Zi Zhao doesn't need to be too polite. I have always wanted to see Zi Zhao again, but I didn't expect it to come so soon. I'm here to thank Zi Zhao for the big gift."

   "As long as your Highness likes it."

   "I like it very much. Why did Zi Zhao study at Qingyang Academy? Isn't Jiuli Academy better?"

   "Look at the edge of the eye."


   It is rare for the third prince to smile so happily.

   "Zizhao is really, he never follows common sense."

   "It may be better for people to live as they wish."

   "Yeah, it's better to follow your heart. However, I don't know what kind of heart Zi Zhao wants to follow?"

   (end of this chapter)

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