MTL - The CEO’s Villainess Childhood Friend-Chapter 70 I will accompany you.

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Joe Mo has been guessing the identity of the other party. When Ye Peiqing turned around, she finally understood the other party's intentions.

Ye Peiqing did not panic when she saw her. She could not help but be curious: "Why, not afraid of me?"

Joe looked around and found that there was only one window and one door around, and it was too difficult to escape. Moreover, she clearly felt that the strength in the body was getting weaker and weaker, and the eyelids had even begun to sink and there was a strong sleepiness spread.

"You brought me, what is the purpose?" Joe asked.

Ye Peiqing took a chair and sat down, tilted his legs, and said in a lazy voice: "What I will do to you, it depends on my younger brother's choice."

He said, he took out his mobile phone, turned on the speaker, and called Ye Peicheng.

The phone was almost picked up by the second, and Ye Peicheng’s voice was indifferent: "Hey."

"Second brother, it is me." Ye Peiqing sat down against the light, and the sunset outside the window formed a sharp contrast with the shadow on his body: "You must know, who else is there?"

Ye Peicheng's tone is unchanged: "Who?"

"Your little grotesque." Ye Peiqing smirked: "It’s said outside, she is a clear-cut leader, and her microblog can be forwarded with good luck. So, what about further intimate contact?"

He said, and said: "I see your recent project is very smooth, is it because of her relationship?"

At this moment, Joe is too sleepy, she tried to open her eyes, but she fell asleep.

Her eyes began to scatter, her eyelids were heavy, and her brain became more chaotic.

It was in such a hustle and bustle that Joe heard the sound of Ye Peicheng coming from a distant mountain: "I want to know? Then you try."

Ye Peiqing was wrong, as if a punch hit the cotton, and at the end of the phone, there was a beep that was hung up.

In the room, there was a slight sway, and Ye Peiqing’s spirit was a glimpse, but it was discovered that because Joe was falling asleep, the body fell and hit the room.

He walked over to Joe and stepped forward, kneeling in front of her, his eyes falling on the exquisite and beautiful face of Joe, and he would reach out and touch.

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly knocked open, and seven or eight police officers rushed in and quickly surrounded Ye Peiqing: "Sir, we suspect that you kidnapped the lady, please come back to investigate with us!"

Ye Peiqing was shocked and suddenly did not expect the police to come over. It is clear that there are no people in the alley at that time, no one will see it. Moreover, Joe Mo has no alarm, Ye Peicheng is even an alarm, it is impossible to be so fast!

He just counted that Ye Peicheng could not guarantee that he could immediately save Joe, and this time difference was enough for Joe to be invaded by him. Therefore, he would call him so fearlessly to force Ye Peicheng!

But now...

Although I don't know how the police will come, Ye Peiqing has the ability to wash away his suspicions. There is no need to resist or deliberately escape.

Therefore, he colluded straight up: "There is some misunderstanding here, but I can cooperate with you to investigate."

I know that he has just taken two steps and found that the door is a reporter.

Countless flashes illuminate, and the reporters rushed in and rushed to hand the microphone to Ye Peiqing: "Mr. Ye, someone just reported that you bought a pass-through person and kidnapped Miss Q, is that true?"

"Mr. Ye, why are you kidnapping Miss Joe?"

"Miss Joe fainted over there, I don't know how Mr. Ye explained?"

At the moment, Ye Peiqing’s forehead was violent, and her hand clenched into a fist. If he didn’t know who made it at the beginning, he saw the reporter at the moment! It must be Ye Peicheng!

He did not expect it, Ye Peicheng would send someone to secretly protect Joe Mou, so that he took his way!

Ye Peiqing did not speak over there, and the police let the reporters let go because they had to take Ye Peiqing to make a transcript.

The reporters knew that they couldn’t ask here, and they took pictures of several kidnappers who were tortured outside.

At this moment, a young man came out and said to the camera: "I am a reporter! At that time, I saw a few people surrounded Miss Qiao, I immediately called the police! But because I am weak, I can't beat. They, so they didn't show up. But fortunately, I talked to the police comrades all the way. They brought Miss Joe to here in less than two minutes, and the police comrades arrived!"

He said this, in fact, told reporters that Joe Mo has just been kidnapped, even if the other party wants to invade her, there is no time at all, thus proving the innocence of Joe.

Moreover, he stood up and told the people who secretly played Joe's idea. This girl is protected by someone, dare to move her, then be prepared to eat a lawsuit!

Therefore, the reporter asked him a few questions. He only went to the police to make a transcript, and Qiao Mozhen was sent to the hospital for inspection by two police officers.

When Joe Moe woke up again, it was already dark.

The nose has a familiar clear taste, and Joe Mo moved to move around, only to discover that she was in the arms of a person!

She opened her eyes sharply and confronted Ye Peicheng with a pity of sorrow.

"You, Ye brother, how are you here?" Joe tried to remember, just remembering that he was asleep in that room. However, now is the room of her guest house, how can Ye Peicheng, thousands of miles away? She is awkward.

"Small, sorry, let you be in danger." Ye Peicheng bowed her kiss and kissed her, told the story to Joe, and said: "The hospital check said that your body is no problem, I let Xiaosu first pick up When you come back, I have just arrived for a while."

"You flew over from the city?" Joe looked at the time on the wall, at 10 o'clock in the evening, that is to say, Ye Peicheng immediately sat on the nearest flight after learning that she had an accident!

"Yeah." Ye Peicheng licked Joe's hair: "My brother's business, you don't have to worry, he will not dare to continue chaos in the future."

"Then he will go to jail?" Joe asked.

"I have submitted the evidence, but he has a deep root in these years. It is not easy to pull him down once." Ye Peicheng said, kissing Joe's lips: "Little grotesque, I will worry about this matter." Although I sent someone to protect you, you should also pay attention to safety. It is best to act with the rest of the crew and not to place orders."

Joe nodded noddedly: "Good."

Ye Peicheng saw her appearance and asked her: "I was afraid at the time?"

Joe nodded. "Fear, I didn't have the strength for the first time. And, you still said on the phone, whatever he wants..."

Ye Peicheng did not expect Joe to hear it at the time. He felt distressed and asked her to look at him: "Small, you have to remember that no matter what happens, I will not give up on you!"

She looked at the seriousness of his eyes, and his heartbeat suddenly missed a shot and nodded: "Well, I remember."

Ye Peicheng bowed her face and kissed her, and the breath became a bit heavy.

However, considering that Joe’s body had just regained strength, he didn’t want her to be too hard, so he forced himself to take a little away and got up and went to take a picture with his bag: “Little sly, this is what our son painted. a family of three."

The picture is a street, the streets are high-rise buildings, and in the middle of the road, Qiao Mozhen and Ye Peicheng stand on both sides, Luo Luo in the middle, holding their hands.

The bottom of Joe’s sly is soft light: “Luo Luo’s painting is so good!”

She wanted to call him, but she found it too late, so she also found a pen and drew a picture.

In the picture, Joe Mo and Ye Peicheng walked hand in hand on the hillside, while Luo Luo was sitting on the shoulder of Ye Peicheng. As soon as he reached out, he could reach the tall branches.

"I still have to wait a month to go home, you can help me hand this picture to Luo Luo." Joe Mou put the painting into the bag of Ye Peicheng.

On the night, the two sleeped together. The next morning, when Joe screamed at the phone, he found that the man on the side had disappeared.

She picked up the phone and saw the message he gave her: "Small, I have an important meeting this morning, can't accompany you, you take care of yourself, and come back to see you when you have time."

Joe met the news and bent his lips.

She was all right, he didn't use it at all, and he had a meeting the next day. In fact, he could only stay with her for a few hours, but he still came...

Joe's heart is very warm.

On the same day, Joe went to the crew, everyone was very concerned about her, and everyone told her just the news.

Later, it was investigated that Ye Peiqing just happened to be there, not really kidnapping Joe, so he was acquitted.

For this, Joe is not surprised. Because Ye Peiqing is the kind of sultry person, it is very likely that he used something to coerce the kidnappers, so the other party did not dare to tell the truth!

However, she also believes that Ye Peicheng's ability to pull the other side at a time does not mean that the second time will not work!

Moreover, in fact, people who know this matter know what is going on. Ye Peiqing did this, and in Ye's father, I am afraid it is completely negative!

In the following time, Joe Mou filmed everything smoothly, and there was a weekend in the middle. Ye Peicheng flew over to accompany her for a long time before leaving.

Until, "Pomegranate Tree" finally succeeded in killing, on the day of the killing, the director and the producer rushed to Joe and laughed and said: "Nothing, so close to the water, you have to give us a movie!"

Joe sneered and didn't quit.

This time, she is as serious as she helped Ye Peicheng. After all, Ye Dad supports her so much, she must let him pay off!

On the day when Joe Mo Fei flew back to the Imperial City, Joe Ruohuan planned one thing.

After the father was finalized and Qiao was acquired, Qiao Ruohuan felt that the whole world seemed to be falling apart.

She never thought that Xing Yichen was so unrequited, she couldn't see it when she couldn't see it. These days, she always contacted him and wanted him to read it in the same place as the skin.

However, he is not at all moved!

As usual, Xing’s family was surrounded by a group of reporters. She took the reporter’s camera and was taken to the police station for a day. This was released!

The gap between heaven and hell, the humiliation that these days have encountered, has cast a strong hatred on her nephew.

Just today, she saw Ye Peiqing in the news.

Although the man experienced the previous kidnapping storm, he can stand in front of the camera at the moment, still looks like a bright dress!

She thought that if Ye Peiqing had to explode the video, Xing Yichen would not be so embarrassed to her. Moreover, even if she and Xing Yichen broke up, she is still the image of the pure jade girl!

When something happens at home, fans will not anger to her, but will sympathize with her! Her career will not be destroyed, she can not be what it looks like today!

So, everything is because of Ye Peiqing!

What Joe thought of, picked up the phone, and called out: "I need a bottle of medicine, and, one person..."