MTL - The CEO’s Villainess Childhood Friend-Chapter 56 starry night

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The second issue of "I am not an actor" was recorded in a mountain village in the southwest. Because of the inconvenient traffic, it has always been a key place for poverty alleviation.

After the people got off the plane, they changed to sit for more than two hours of off-road vehicles and climbed the mountain road. This was the time to Yujiacun.

The mission starts from the afternoon of the same day until 12 noon tomorrow. During these 24 hours, everyone can use the funds raised by the previous program and their own efforts to win the villagers' good feelings.

The same was done in three groups. However, due to the change of guests, in order to be fair to the new guests, Ye Peicheng and Lu Beige will participate in each group's activities. Like the previous program, each person will help for two hours and rotate.

The most embarrassing thing about this event was the Xing Yushuang group. After all, the last time their group did not raise funds, so if they want to win the villagers' good feelings, they must come up with some real skills.

And Joe Mo also understands that winning others' hearts is not about using money, but about using sincerity.

The accommodation here is even more difficult, there are no hotels in the village, and there are almost no extra rooms in all. Fortunately, the southern side is still very warm, so the village chief changed the only two classrooms in the village, and made two Datong shops, one for men and one woman.

Qiao Mo did not feel anything, but Xing Yushuang met, his face changed and changed, scrutinizing the camera, and finally pressed the expression down.

Because I only stayed for one night, everyone didn't bring any luggage. As for what to take a bath, don't think about it. There is a well in the village. The people here are playing in the water during the day. They burned hard at night and didn't even have a shower.

Everyone casually ate at noon and started grouping activities.

From 1 pm to 3 pm, Joe Mo's group is Huang Wei's help. In the spirit of the other's elders, Joe Mou respected: "Mr. Huang, do you have any ideas?"

Huang Wei sniffed the pure air of Joe Mo's body, and only felt refreshed. He said: "Yes."

Qiao Mo was shocked and listened.

However, Huang Qi was pretending to be a deep, only stepped forward, indicating that she and Qin Qianqian to keep up.

The two men came to the village chief's house with Huang Wei, Huang Hao directly knocked on the door, and the small grandson of the village chief came out to open the door.

The little grandson column is 6 years old this year. I haven’t been in school yet. When I see so many people, I am scared to hide.

Since he had Luo Luo, he was habitually carrying some candy. She handed the candy forward and rushed to the column: "Little brother, please eat this!"

She looked good and the voice was sweet. The column hesitated and quickly picked up the sugar.

Therefore, Joe’s next question is much easier: “Little brother, your grandfather, where have you been?”

"Grandpa works in the ground!" The pillar pointed to the back mountain.

Huang Wei looked at the pillars of the column, others looked at the crops on the mountain, and he looked at Feng Shui.

Qiao Mou did not understand what Huang Wei was looking for in the village chief. However, more than 10,000 donations she had raised before were indeed donated to the village. Therefore, first find the village head.

Everyone walked in the direction pointed by the pillar and came to a corn forest. The village chief saw everyone coming, wiped the sweat on his face, and smiled: "There is nothing to entertain everyone here, just these spring sowing corn. Cooked, we will do some corn in the evening!"

"Chairman, then let us help you!" Joe muttered, saying, she had already walked in and licked the corn with another villager.

Seeing her participation, Qin Qianqian quickly followed.

At this time, Huang Wei walked to the village head: "Chairman, can you speak in one step?"

The village head saw each other in a Tang suit, and like the ancestors enshrined in the temple, nodded quickly, with Huang Hao out of the cornfield.

Photography was followed by Joe, so the conversation here is unknown.

Huang Weidao: "When the monks first came to your village, they felt that the mountains were refreshing and should be the place where the dragons were lying."

The village chief sighed: "Yes, the ancestors in the village have been the champion! But this generation has come down, it is getting worse and worse! We have tried beekeeping and planting tea, but we can only barely maintain food and clothing. I am the village head. I feel sorry for everyone..."

"The village chief, do you know the root cause?" Huang Wei asked.

"What?" The village head saw each other's face inscrutable and could not help but ask: "Can you give me some advice?"

"The pattern of Guicun was originally a real dragon bureau, and the gimmick was the body, and the qi was used..." Huang Wei’s gaze looked at the mountain in front: "Look, the dragon head is in the sky, it is regarded as the phase of the sky, and the dragon body is entrenched. Sucking the essence of the veins! Unfortunately, the dragon tail was bitten by people!"

He said, pointing to a dilapidated pavilion below: "The pavilion, destroying the entire feng shui!"

The village chief glanced, and then the eyes were full of excitement: "At the beginning, the pavilion was repaired when the champion came back from here! I listened to my ancestors and said that the champion was originally a prominent career, but after the return of the brocade, Guan Yue The smaller the work, the more the villages have never been to the top, and even the people are gone!"

"A gazebo destroyed the entire feng shui!" Huang sighed: "Unfortunately, your village should not look like this!"

When Joe was approaching the corn, he heard this conversation -

The village head asked: "After we take the pavilion down, can we restore the original dragon board?"

Huang Weidao: "Yes, you must remove the pavilion, replant the tree, and restore it to its original state. When the Feng Shui gas is transported, your village can gradually become better."

"Thank you Mr. Huang! If it weren't for you, we..." The village chief was so excited that he could tear his eyes: "It's a pity that our village is really poor. I don't know what to pay for you..."

"No, we are here this time, this is to help your village." Huang Wei said, his eyes could not help but glance at Joe in front of him, this is quite embarrassing: "I don't want to repay, you only need Remember, we are in three groups."

"Well, I remember!" The village nodded.

In this competition, each villager is eligible to vote, and can only vote for one group at a time, one for each vote. And the village head, a person's ticket is very ten, pull him alone, top ten!

After listening to the conversation, Joe was very impressed by Huang Yi’s dedication. I only think that my own spiritual door seems to absorb such a talent!

But if they are recording a program, is it really good for him to publicly preach feudal superstition?

Here, I smashed the corn. Everyone helped the village head down the mountain. The village chief saw that Joe Mo had a big basket and couldn’t help but admire: "The little girl in the city who looks like a watery spirit did not expect to be as capable as our mountain man. !"

Back to the following, Joe met with Xing Yushuang and was teaching a few children to sing. She had learned vocal music since she was a child, so singing is natural, and suddenly the children are smiling.

Qiao Mo did not pay attention, but when passing through the gates of the villagers, seeing who had no water in the water tank, she went to help fill up.

She thought about it, what kind of entertainment to perform, in fact, for this poor place, it is basically useless, it is better to come to the actual, whoever wants to help her.

Under her leadership, Qin Qianqian also did a lot of work, she won't work hard, but, for example, she helped the other party to wash vegetables and peel the beans, she grabbed it.

Dinner is for everyone to eat together. There are no cows in the village. The corn paste is the son of the village chief and Joe Moe.

In the evening, the village head gathered everyone, first welcomed the program group, and then, gave birth to a fire, let everyone around the fire, eat corn borer together.

When Qin Qianqian came, she took the Polaroid camera and photo paper. At this moment, everyone gathered together, so she took the initiative and said: "I will take pictures of everyone! Just one person per person, you can take photos immediately! ”

Some people in the village have cameras, which are sent by friends in the city. Baby has something to do with it, and the camera can't come out immediately. Seeing Qin Qianqian’s camera and taking photos very quickly, it’s very rare.

So, Qin Qianqian asked everyone to come to the fire before she took pictures of them and sent them to everyone.

At the beginning, everyone was still taking pictures. Later, when it was his turn, he pointed at Joe, and he was embarrassed: "Can I take pictures with my sister?"

"Of course!" Joe sneered, walked over, picked up the pillar and took a photo.

Therefore, the villagers behind were also looking for a photo of Joe, and a seven-year-old girl was very embarrassed to say that she wanted to take a photo with Ye Peicheng.

Everyone played until 9 o'clock in the evening before they dispersed. It was just that the villagers got used to the sunrise and made a sunset, but Joe didn't sleep so early, and there was no sleepiness. Plus today is the Datong shop, it is estimated that I want to sleep and sleep well, so she decided to go out.

When she went up the mountain, she noticed that there was a small stream in the place where the school was about twenty minutes away. Although the water was cool in the mountains, it was good to wash your face and feet.

She took the socks she had to change and went out. But just after she turned to the woods behind the school, she heard the sound of stepping on the dead branches behind her.

She turned her head and looked at it. Under the moonlight, Ye Peicheng wore a gray sweater. Below it was a pair of black slacks. The pants were slim and even more so. The legs were slender and well-proportioned.

He walked over to her: "Can't sleep?"

Joe nodded noddedly: "I didn't feel sleepy, and then I didn't want to sleep."

Ye Peicheng laughed: "Me too."

He said, taking her hand forward: "Where do you want to go?"

"Go to the creek to wash your feet." Joe said, and took a hand, but did not pull it out, could not help but said: "Don't be like this, it is estimated that other guests have not slept, and people are not good."

“Seeing better.” Ye Peicheng said in a slight tone: “I am afraid they say it?”

Joe is not snoring, but she is not afraid anyway.

The two men walked hand in hand to the creek, the road was slightly cool, and Ye Peicheng was afraid that Joe would sneak into her arms.

She didn't say anything, just looked up and saw his delicate jaw line.

Because in the mountains, she wore shoes with completely flat bottoms. It was only when I found that Ye Peicheng was much taller than her. She was completely trapped in his arms, and it felt a bit strange, as if she could try to rely entirely on him.

The two went unhurried, and it took about twenty-five minutes to get to the creek.

Joe Mo was looking for two stones and sat down with Ye Peicheng. She tried the water temperature first and it was really cool. She took the water, washed her face, turned her head and found that Ye Peicheng was staring at her.

She asked: "Would you like to wash?"

He nodded and kissed her like water. Seeing Joe's shoes, Ye Peicheng said: "Don't wash your feet, it's too cold, it's easy to get cold."

I know, his words have not been finished, Joe Mo has already taken off his socks and put his feet in the stream.

Her feet are white and delicate, and they look small and clever, and they are as delicate as white jade. However, the red toe on the toes is like a red plum in the snow, which is especially good-looking.

It was really cool, and Joe Mo was just washed and washed, and immediately lifted his foot and wiped it with a handkerchief that had already been prepared.

Only, she just wiped it, and her foot was held by Ye Peicheng.

His palms wrapped her feet, warming up from her feet and crawling all over the body.

"How can I be so disobedient?" Ye Peicheng frowned, putting Joe's feet in his arms and continuing to warm.

"Hey?" Joe Mo bite his lip and confessed: "It's okay."

He didn't say anything, until her feet were warm, she let go of her and asked, "Is there a sock?"

Joe nodded and quickly took the clean socks and put them on.

The white socks wrapped the white feet, until I saw Joe wearing the shoes, and Ye Peicheng regained his gaze.

He looked around and said: "Let's go there."

Joe nodded and looked at the man on the side of her body. She took the initiative to hand over her little hand. Ye Peicheng immediately held it and hooked his lips.

The two walked freely, but did not expect that there was a thatched cottage not far away. It is estimated that they usually work and rest, the thatched house is half covered, and some farm tools are piled up inside, and a mat is placed on the ground.

Ye Peicheng took Joe with him, closed the door and sat down on the mat.

The roof is very simple, and you can see the stars from the room. It’s just that there is no wind tonight, but it doesn’t feel cool at all.

Joe Mo looked at the stars in the sky and couldn't help but rejoice: "Ye brother, I have never seen such a starry sky for a long time!"

Ye Peicheng looked into the distance and asked: "Want to know what constellations are there?"

Joe turned around and was surprised: "Will you?"

Ye Peicheng nodded. He hugged her from behind, her face against her face, her right hand holding her, and her index finger pointing to the sky: "Do you see that star? From this one, go down..."

He began to draw a shape: "This is the Lyra, there are a few..."

His voice is very nice, and the low-smelling joy falls in her ear: "They we see now are not the present, but the light they emitted in the universe hundreds of millions of years ago."

Joe wondered, indeed, these are the stars of tens of light years away, naturally they are not what they are now. She inexplicably felt a little sad: "Now, will they have disappeared?"

"It's possible." Ye Peicheng stared at her eyes, and his eyes seemed to fall into the Milky Way in the night: "We have witnessed the universe hundreds of millions of years ago."

In this world, when it is given a long time, it will feel inexplicable romance.

Joe Mo looked at Ye Peicheng next to him and suddenly felt that his heartbeat was speeding up.

"Little groan." He called her.

"Hmm?" Joe asked.

"We are here to rest here tonight, I don't want to go to sleep in Datong shop." Ye Peicheng said.

He said, bowed his head and kissed her lips.

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