MTL - The CEO’s Villainess Childhood Friend-Chapter 32 Trust me

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No one has ever licked his hair, so Joe unconsciously shrank his neck.

Behind him, the man's voice is very low, falling in the ear, only they can hear each other.

He said: "Don't move, there is a hair burnt by the fire, I will help you get the burnt hair down."

Joe didn't move, only felt that the hair was slightly pulled, not hurting, just some itching.

"Okay," he said, leaning forward, rubbing her arm over her shoulder and looking at the grill: "Well?"

"Well, it’s almost the same." Joe said, turning the fish over.

She thought of what she had just done, and she realized what it was. Turning her head: "Ye Yingdi, just thank you." In the fire, her cheeks seemed to be coated with a layer of gold.

Ye Peicheng condensed Joe for a half second, and then turned his eyes and looked at the fire: "Is it strange, why have you been so polite?"

Joe groaned and immediately said, "I feel so polite."

Ye Peicheng was caught by her words, and he chuckled: "No."

Joe was a little confused, but then she drifted away and let her forget everything.

The grilled fish is almost ready, and the fire is gradually extinguished. Just use the remaining temperature of the fire to dry the fish's water, so that it tastes crisper and the small thorns can be swallowed directly.

Joe groaned and turned around, began to make the halogen, and poured the crispy fish that had just been fried.

Opposite, a group of two photographers swallowed and their eyes were green.

Joe Mou put all the things on the simple folding table, directed at Ye Peicheng and Qin Qianqian: "We have three groups to open the meal!"

On the table, on the big plate, the golden fish was simmered with juice and sprinkled with chopped green onion, which was particularly attractive. Next to it, the fish soup in the big bowl became milky white, like milk. The same kind of green onion was floating on it, and the heat was floating, making appetite wide.

Joe Moe took the two fish on the grill and cut it into several sections. He gave Ye Peicheng a section first, and smiled: "Ye Yingdi, try it!"

After all, he gave Qin Qianqian: "Qian Qian, is it hungry? Rest assured, so much must feed you!"

At this moment, the fans in the live room are about to cry -

"Ah, my brother, my brother laughed at Qianqian, and said that I want to feed Qianqian!"

"Why I just had a male god, the male **** was taken away by another woman?! wuli妤 brother, I am sad to die!"

"Hate Qianqian! Enchanted 贱. goods expression.JPG"

"Hate Qianqian! Enchanted 贱. goods expression.JPG"


In the crazy screen, a discordant barrage popped up:

"Why is my family like the emperor and the younger sister, Qianqian eating together, especially like a family of three?"

"It's really like, just Qianqian is like a giant baby!"

"It’s a pity that there are hosts and photographers, or else I will be a warm picture of a family of three!"

"I have automatically blocked other people, haha, suddenly a little bit of the shadow of the emperor and the stranger's CP how to break? I used to be not letting anyone touch my husband's husband!"

"Upstairs, I feel the same as you! Miss Ms. Sister got on the hall, got the kitchen, and moved her sister, playing too much. Hey, he caught a big fish, and he still had to open the wood, only this way. The goddess is worthy of my family husband!"

"Right right, if my husband and vain are cp, I can barely accept it, other people will!"

"Haha, what other people upstairs said is that a group of two groups drink the northwest wind?"

"Hey, they have a lot of fans, we still don't trigger a war, I am rolling! I am going to YY my family Shenyu (City) CP!"

At the moment, on the table, the host held a braised fish with chopsticks. Her eyes lit up: "No, how are you so virtuous? It's so delicious! No, you have a boyfriend? No, is there a girlfriend? How do you see me?"

Next, Qin Qianqian joked: "I want to marry, we PK!"

Into the photographer: " Count me!"

“Would you like to enter?” The host tweeted: “Is your old mother afraid to disagree?”

"No, I brought my mom, can you?" The photographer said with a sigh.

Joe sneered and clipped a piece of fish to Ye Peicheng, which was a little farther away from the crispy fish.

"Thank you." He smiled at her every other time.

Relatively lively here, the other two groups, there is speechless gaze.

The fish soup on the side of Xing Yushuang also started to cook. In order to make the soup taste a bit fleshy, they made the little fish that were not in one or two hard to become slag.

However, the fish soup is still not white, only a few oil beads on it, especially touching.

On the other hand, the three of Joe Ruohuan are sitting and chatting quietly, although they are trying to behave very comfortably, but the eyes that are drifting to Joe from time to time still reveal their empty stomach.

Xing Yichen's body management is very good, but the figure is not achieved by being hungry all the year round. He has always had his own plans, never blindly dieting, never falling three meals a day.

Today, I was originally looking forward to having a dinner in the forest with Joe Ruohuan. He didn’t even drink coffee on the plane. He only drank some water, but he didn’t expect it. When he arrived, he was faced with no rice.

Opposite, Joe’s laughter came from time to time. He suddenly discovered that today’s Joe is not greeted by him from beginning to end.

Is it really ready to smash the big tree of Ye Peicheng, or is it playing tricks?

In Xing Yichen's cognition, Qiao Mo has always loved him and loved the dust. This concept is deeply rooted. Therefore, after a little thought, he suddenly understood.

Perhaps, she deliberately showed her closeness to Ye Peicheng in front of him so that he could notice her.

However, it seems that she has succeeded, and he is still willing to look at her for the first time.

The program group is very cruel. No matter what other groups have to eat, they must wait until the group that is still eating has finished eating, so that they can leave.

After Joe’s last meal, she had some support. She stood up and remembered that Qin Qianqian’s ankle was still not good. So she went down in front of Qin Qianqian: “Qian Qian, I am carrying you.”

However, the photographer who had a short mouth next to him came over: "I am coming, it is a mountain road for a while, how can the girl work? No, you can help me with photographic equipment."

Joe Mo thanked and was about to take the equipment. Ye Peicheng had already taken the camera and the tripod up: "I will come."

Joe is not used to being overhead, because she always feels that she is the one who does physical work.

She clapped her hands and some of them were not used to walking beside Ye Peicheng.

Later, the other two groups of photographers took responsibility for the filming.

Everyone took a flashlight and, under the leadership of the village chief, headed for the guest house.

The mountain road ahead was a little uneven. The photographer didn't pay attention to his feet. He accidentally took a step forward and bumped into Ye Peicheng. The equipment in Ye Peicheng’s hand was hit on the ground, and he stooped to kneel.

But at this moment, he felt a pain in his hand and could not help but scream.

Aside, Joe stunned his eyes and exclaimed: "Snake!"

Ye Peicheng has already got up. In the moonlight, his right index finger has been bitten by two small blood holes, only two or three drops of blood, but it seems that the color is a bit deep.

Joe was alone at his side, and he couldn’t help but frown: "It seems to be a poisonous snake!"

When everyone in the program group heard it, they suddenly panicked.

However, I still don’t see any reaction from everyone. Joe Mo has already buckled Ye Peicheng’s wrist in one hand. She buckled very tightly, and the other hand squatted down from the wrist, and along the meridians, squeezed the blood from Ye Peicheng’s hand to him. The index finger.

Suddenly, blood dropped from drop to drop, and the color ranged from deep to shallow.

However, because the blood hole is very small, after a few drops, it gradually disappeared. When Joe saw it, he lifted Ye Peicheng’s hand and put it on his lips.

He suddenly understood what she was going to do, and quickly took a hand: "You will be poisoned!" Because, just a few seconds later, Ye Peicheng clearly felt the palms begin to numb, the feeling is too clear, obviously the snake is not toxic low.

But he had to withdraw his hand, but she was very tight, and the soft and delicate touch seemed to contain the strength of perseverance.

Joe raised his eyes and his eyes reflected the curved moon: "Trust me, no."

He inexplicably believed her, and at the time of his mistake, she had put his hand to his mouth and helped him **** the poison.

The people around have become a mess, but the two in the center are very quiet.

Ye Peicheng saw that the girl who had bowed her head to her shoulder had a bright and full forehead, and she looked as if she had become her world.

As she spit out the poisonous blood, Ye Peicheng felt that the numbness of her palm was scattered a little bit, and the touch became clear from the dullness. The fingertips that had already been stiffened can clearly feel that Jo is soft and lip. The feeling of sucking on the petals, she seems to carry electricity, every time I touched him, it caused a shudder.

The shudder, from the fingertips, hit the heart, through the spine, and passed to the limbs.

He looked down at her furry head and breathed a little bit because of the softness of the heart somewhere collapsed.

Until, Joe Mo vomited out the last bit of venom, raised his eyes, and rushed Ye Peicheng to laugh: "Okay!"

Perhaps because the toxins left on the tip of the tongue eroded her senses, her speech was a bit ambiguous, and the original soft voice sounded like a small milky sound.

Ye Peicheng felt a heartbeat missed a beat, and his throat rolled: "Thank you."

She smiled again, her eyes bent like the bright moon in the sky: "You're welcome!"

At this time, all the people around came over and nervously asked Ye Peicheng if there was anything. He came back and shook his head and shook his head: "It's perfect."

On the hand, the blood hole is no longer bleeding, and even the swelling is gone, but the touch she left is still carved.

Seeing Ye Peicheng is really okay, everyone will be surrounded by Joe, and for a time, they are all sighs.

Joe's tongue was getting better and he spoke a lot. She smiled and explained: "I have seen a similar situation before going to the mountains. That's how it is handled."

Qiao Ruohuan heard the words, could not help but see Joe a few eyes, she could not help thinking, Joe Moe went to the mountains before? Why is it different from what she knows?

Thinking about it, her eyes turned, and she found that Xing Yichen’s gaze was always on Joe’s body and didn’t move away. What is the emotion at the bottom?

Surprised? Disappointed? Explained? Missing? There are other...

But there is no such disgusting dislike in the past.