MTL - The CEO’s Villainess Childhood Friend-Chapter 24 The girl who saved him that year

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Because of the tips of Ye Peicheng, when he took another shot, Qiao Mozhen thought of Ye Peicheng next to him as Luo Luo.

With the photography in place, the director shouted: "Prepare, start."

Qiao Mozhen and Ye Peicheng sat side by side, and there was a distance between them.

They talked without a ride, until he said something, she suddenly turned her head and smiled at her.

At that moment, her bottom was clearly reflected in his shadow and the large grass and flowers behind him, bright and vivid.

Ye Peicheng breathed a meal, so he looked at the girl in front of him. At this moment, he wants to know who she just remembered.

"Oh! Very good! What you want is this feeling!" The director was very satisfied: "Ready to eat, pack your bags, then go to the studio."

In the afternoon, everyone arrived in the film studio and began to shoot intensively.

This is mainly the scene of Ye Peicheng, and there are not many Joes. Therefore, after she shot a few shots, she went to rest.

She also had several shots in the evening. She was filming on the other side of the film studio. Joe was thinking that it would be fine anyway, so she went over there and planned to familiarize herself with the venue.

She walked all the way, but when she was going there, she suddenly saw the smoke rising in the distance.

At first, Joe Mo was thought that a certain crew was making props, but the more he saw it, the more he felt that something was wrong with the smoke.

She ran quickly, and sure enough, she heard the anxious shouts and the screams in the room.

"There is a child in the room!" a young girl shouted: "Fast! Save people!"

"The smoke is too big, can't get in!" Someone splashed the water and looked at it: "The fire truck? Why don't you come!"

"Is there someone inside?" Joe groaned and asked one.

"Yeah, there is another eight. The nine-year-old boy didn't come out!" The man said: "But the fire is too big, I don't know if it will collapse, I can't go in and save people!"

"I will go and see." Joe said, taking the water basin from the side of the person, and slammed it on his body. Then she grabbed a towel from the side and wet it. Hold your mouth and nose and rushed over.

Outside, everyone anxiously looked forward to: "Who did you just go in?"

"I don't know! It seems that it is not our crew!"

At this moment, Joe Mo has jumped directly from the window. The fire in the room was not small, but more smoke, she held her mouth and nose tightly, and when she turned, she saw a boy screaming in the corner.

"Don't be afraid, I will save you!" Joe Mo's body was flexible and agilely escaped the falling Mars and jumped into the boy's face.

She pressed the towel in her hand to his face: "Don't take it off!"

As he said, Joe groaned his hand across the boy's waist and hugged him up, then rushed out quickly.

In the room, the sound of the broken beam of the roof was ringing, and behind it, Mars continued to fall. They shuttled through the sea of ​​fire until Johan finally took the boy to the window.

She clamped him, his body bowed, and then he jumped out as soon as he turned over.

As they landed, behind the wooden beams completely collapsed, making a crackling sound.

When Joe Mou put the boy down, he took his hand and flew. The smoke and the fire behind them seemed to be a moving wall.

Previously because of a sudden accident, the camera that had not been turned off, silently recorded this scene.

There were a few burns on the boy's body. He was sent to the hospital immediately after he came out, and Joe's body was also burned with a few blisters. It was not serious. The medicine was rubbed in the moment and it would be good in a few days. .

The cause of the fire was caused by a short circuit in the underground, and fortunately there were no other buildings around, so the loss was not large.

Joe Mo is rubbing the wound, and the phone rang. It was Assistant Baking: "Where are you? Just now, Feng said, there is a lens you need to come over and take a photo."

Joe Mo is still wet at the moment, although the crew here gave her a towel to wipe her body, but the clothes were still wet on the body.

She rushed to Susu Road: "I am in the east of the film city. There has been a fire here. I went to save a boy, so my body is now wet..."

"Ah? Fire?!" Xiaosu was shocked: "Is there anything you have? Is there any injury?!" Her voice was worried because the tone was a little higher. Ye Peicheng, who had just finished a scene, heard the words and turned around. Come over.

"Do not worry, no break." Joe groaned: "It is a few blisters in the hand."

“Hot blisters?” Xiaosu hurriedly said: “You wait for me, I will drive you in the past!”

She hung up the phone and saw Ye Peicheng take the car key in the hand. He said: "You go to buy medicine for her, I will pick it up."

Xiao Suyi, immediately nodded: "Thank you very much, Teacher Ye!"

Ye Peicheng didn't say anything. He took the position directly from Xiaosu and walked to the side of the car.

Just after Joe Momo had just finished rubbing the medicine, the sound of a car tire and the ground was ringing. The flower in front of her eyes, a nanny car had stopped in front of her.

The window fell halfway, and Ye Peicheng rushed to her opening: "Get on the bus!"

How is he? Joe was confused, but he immediately opened the door and sat up. The man next to him smiled: "Thank you, Ye Yingdi!"

His eyes were glued to her face. At this moment, the girl in the line of sight was wet and messy, and there was black ash on her cheeks, but her eyes were surprisingly bright.

The clothes on her body were wet, and they were tightly attached to the body, but it was covered with a towel to cover the scenery inside.

Ye Peicheng asked: "Are you going to save people?"

Joe nodded and nodded: "Well, I am fine, so I saved a boy!"

Her tone seemed to be an invitation, and his lips were soaked, his eyes darting down her face, and she saw the blisters on the back of the hand and the wrist.

The slender wrist, the blisters are a bit large, it is very distinctive.

Ye Peicheng felt that his heart seemed to be **** by something small, and it hurts a little. He said: "I will tell Feng, let you take a day off."

"Nothing is ok!" Joe muttered, if she really had a day off, she ate a word about Luo Luo. She lifted her hand up: "Look, there are just a few blisters, and you won't stay back when you turn back. Nothing, don't be so delicate!"

Ye Peicheng looked at her fixedly, but did not say anything, turned her hair and moved the car.

They quickly returned to the crew, because Joe was soaked, even if she said that she could take a film, but she also needed to change her clothes.

She went to the locker room with Xiaosu, changed her clothes, and dried her hair. Just coming out, she saw Ye Peicheng coming in.

In his hand, he held a plaster and a cotton swab in his hand.

He didn't talk, sitting directly in the chair next to her. When the makeup artist helped Joe to make up the makeup, Ye Peicheng lifted Joe's hand, took the ointment with a cotton swab, and carefully applied it to her. The place where the ointment was wiped off because of changing clothes.

He did things, rarely serious and concealed, his brows were slightly stunned, and his movements were extremely gentle.

Joe felt that the cool breath of the silky infiltration from the skin quickly relieved the pain of burns.

She raised her eyes and the voice was lighter: "Ye Yingdi, thank you."

When she finished, she suddenly laughed at herself: "I seem to repeat this sentence many times a day..."

He stared into her eyes: "Don't say it later."

After that, he placed the ointment and cotton swab next to her handbag and left the dressing room directly.

On the same day, the fire in the Yincheng Film and Television City was reported, because there were no casualties. Therefore, only the responsible person was punished, and other influences were not significant.

In the evening, a clear video of the scene was quickly spread throughout the network within a few hours after the fire was extinguished.

At the moment, Xing Yichen's villa, just after the shower, he came out around the bath towel, and he saw Joe Ruohuan playing a mobile phone on the sofa. The TV was always on, it was an entertainment channel.

He sat down beside her and surrounded her body: "If you are happy, why do we use the same shower gel, but I have no taste on it, but you are so fragrant?"

He said, he crossed the face of Joe Ruohuan and bowed his head.

The two had already had a substantive relationship in the lounge of Xing Yichen. Therefore, at this moment, it was almost unrecognizable, and Xing Yichen had already put Qiao Ruoxan in his body.

His fingers slipped into her clothes, her head buried between her neck and kissing.

Her body trembled, his lips twitched, and he was about to move further. He heard a voice on the TV: "An hour ago, the photographer in the fire of the Silver City Studios broke a video..."

Xing Yichen was in the fire at the age of 17, so he paid special attention to the news in this regard. He heard the words and turned to look at the screen.

At this moment, the TV screen has already switched to the lens in the camera at the time. I saw the wooden attic, igniting the fire, and the black show became more and more heavy, filling the sky above the head.

Just in the panic of the people around, a girl broke into the camera. Her face is delicate and white, in a strong picture, as if she has entered the human spirit.

When I saw the girl's face, Xing Yichen smashed her eyebrows, and it was Joe Mo!

Because the ambient sound was too noisy, he didn't know what Joe Mou and other people said, and in the horror of Xing Yichen, he found that Joe Mou suddenly slammed the water on his body and rushed directly into the fire in front!

He saw her dexterously jumping into the window, and for a time, she was shocked to say nothing.

Under the body, Qiao Ruohuan seems to have noticed that Xing Yichen suddenly stopped, she muttered: "I also dust brother..."

Xing Yichen reacted and bowed down to kiss her, but the ear listened carefully to the sound in the TV set.

He kissed Joe Ruohuan for a few seconds, then he looked up again and went to see the picture on the TV.

Time seems to have been pressed by the slow release button, one frame at a time, and it is particularly hard.

I don't know why, Xing Yichen's heart is deep, and there is even a touch of tension that is not easy to detect.

Under the body, Qiao Ruohuan sighed again. Xing Yichen seemed to have no interest in kissing her at the moment. His eyes did not stagger the TV screen for a moment, worried that Joe was dissatisfied, his hand was kneading on her, and finally got it. The girl’s low.

The time passed in seconds, and when Xing Yichen couldn't help but want to press the quick release button, suddenly, the picture changed.

Two figures jumped out of the window, one was a black-and-white messy Joe, and the other was a boy who only had her shoulders.

After she put the boy down, she took him and ran wildly. Behind him, it was the sea of ​​fire that could swallow human life...

Xing Yichen’s heart trembled and he did not consciously use his hand.

Under the body, Qiao Ruohuan was pained by him, and he could not help but cry out.

Xing Yichen reacted and quickly apologized.

At this moment, Joe Mo has already ran out of the camera.

I only listened to the moderator and explained: "It turned out that the person who came to save the people was the female actor of the "Before the Light of the Dawn", and she was just passing by the film, and rushed into the sea of ​​fire to save the man in the "Xuantian" crew. Xiao Tang, the actor of the childhood, now both studios are in the film studio, but fortunately they are only minor injuries..."

After the report, the camera switched to another picture, but Xing Yichen suddenly did not have all the interest.

His hand was pulled out of Joe Ruohuan's clothes and his body turned over from her body.

Qiao Ruohuan, whose cheeks are flushed, is not clear: "I am also a dust brother, what happened?"

"Nothing, suddenly a little uncomfortable." Xing Yichen said, he has already got up and went to the locker room and put on a home suit.

“Where is it uncomfortable?” Joe Ruohuan said: “Is it a cold?”

"No." Xing Yichen did not know why, suddenly, just want to be alone and quiet. He said: "If I am happy, I will send you home."

"I am also a dusty brother, are you angry with me?" Qiao Ruohuan is completely unknown: "What happened?"

“No.” Xing Yichen didn’t want Joe to ask again, so he said: “It’s a bit of a job.”

"Oh." Qiao Ruohuan understands that it is not easy for Xing Yichen to manage a large company, so he said: "That else, I will drive home myself, you don't have to send me, you work with peace of mind."

"Good." Xing Yichen said: "Then you sent me a message."

Qiao Ruohuan was originally said, but did not expect that Xing Yichen really did not send her, and my heart could not help but lose. However, she still strong spirits, smiled at him: "I am also a dust brother, then I am gone. You should not be too busy too late, the body is tight! Good night!"

"Well, good night." Xing Yichen nodded.

Joe Ruohuan left, only Xing Yichen was left in the room.

In his mind, he began to replay the picture just now, as well as the picture he saw in the smoke.

At that time, he only remembered that the girl who saved him had an irregular bracelet on his wrist. At that time, his eyes were smoked and smoked. He could not see anything, but he could feel that her hand was very small and soft. He took his hand and walked through the sea of ​​fire that had his skin hurt, and took him into the fresh air.

His skin was almost unharmed, but he could not see the eyes, but he heard someone shouting in their direction, saying that a little girl was injured here and had to go to the hospital immediately.

Then, she let go of his hand, and then, for a few years, until he met Joe Ruohuan, knocked on the side and found that she was the girl who saved him.

But at the moment, I don’t know why, when I saw Joe’s pulling the boy out of the sea of ​​fire, Xing Yichen found that the picture in his mind that had been invisible to his eyes suddenly had a vivid color.

In the picture, he is 17 years old, next to him, is a girl with a shofar, and the girl's face has been blurred from the past, to gradually clear.

He was shocked to find that it was the appearance of Joe!

How could it be her? ! He must have watched TV just now, and the subconscious was affected.

He desperately rejects such an idea, but the picture has buried a seed in the depths of his heart. Although it is inconspicuous, it seems to be able to take root and sprout at any time, and then it is too big to shake.

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