MTL - The Captivating Crown Prince-v4 Chapter 27 Finale 2

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Later, according to historical records, the war between the Western Regions and the Lao Kingdom subsided in the fastest time. The Lao Kingdom suffered heavy losses, but the Western Regions were destroyed.

"Heart?" An is wearing a dress that can only be worn in the Western Regions during the prosperous day. This dress has a strange green in the blue, but I have to say that An is very handsome and makes An look like a family. Really miserable little boy.

"Xi Yu was finally defeated. You know that the father and the emperor were all killed by them! Fortunately, they are here, otherwise I will prepare my heart to be a corpse! If such a beautiful heart is made into a corpse, would it not Would it be more beautiful? "He said sloppily. It seemed that the person who died was not his father-in-law but a beam-jumping clown.

Even if you are unintentional here, you can still hear the messy sounds outside, it seems that the army has already invaded the Western Palace.

Ann was with him beside Wu Wuxin. There was a man talking to himself there. Wu Wuxin was not nervous. The two were talking and listening, but they did n’t even wait for their lunch. Erupted.

"You said, aren't they heart-minded? Heart-minded! Poor heart! Since they don't mind, let me be a corpse obediently! By the way, there are little corpses in my heart!" Said An I stretched out my hand and planned to scratch my unintentional neck. If my nails were scratched, it would be more than just injury.

Today's unconsciousness is the most tolerant of others hurting their children, and An obviously is the one who wants to hurt their children.

殇 Unconscious and dangling eyes are instantly cold like a cold, Liu Mei's eyebrows are narrowed, his eyes are dark and dull, flashing red light, all with chill, and unconscious hands, feet, legs, any part that can be attacked instantly Be wary, unconscious like a awakened beast, when others want to hurt themselves, they must bite the enemy's flesh and blood.

Although Wu Wuxin also knows that if he moves, this time he will inevitably live with An Dou, the child in the belly may ... but Wu Wuxin will not wait for a miracle to appear, so attack is the best defense.

"Child, you have to be obedient!" Wu said to the child in his belly softly.

The thoughts were only a moment, and An Wan's pale claw-like hand had come to Zan Wuxin's heart.殇 Bentlessly bent over to escape, just as 殇 Don't intend to start, she even wrapped a white cricket around her waist, and channeled into the snow white through the window.

Xiaobai stretched out his claws, which he did not usually use, and grabbed An's hand. An's hand was caught and even black blood with a strong pungent smell was emitted. Xiaobai's claw without fear of any poison was injured. .

Seeing Xiao Bai's sudden appearance, I was relieved, and I was pulled out of the room along the force that entangled Bai I, wrapped in the arms of an ambergris, even if I was hugged by Nangong Qian, I could still feel Nangong Tense muscles on Hum's arm.

Suddenly unconscious at this moment, he suddenly settled down, glanced and hugged his own Nangong Qian, Leng Yufeng who had not even taken off his armor, pale Ye Yizhe, smiling brightly, but his eyes were red. Han Xuanhao's **** smell can't be covered by the magical Mo Che and the red clothes.

Several men looked at the unconscious eyes with worries like the sea. Even if they tried hard to cover up but also saw what these men had experienced these days, they were not good at this time. Something hit hard, dull pain raged in the bottom of my heart, and burned my heart.

"I'm fine! The child ... is also very good!" Wu Wuxin stroked his stomach without any undulations in the eyes of several men, and suddenly smiled brightly, as if the valley orchids were in full bloom, the indescribable glory .

A few men who were still panicking because the whole sentence relaxed.

"Squeak!" Xiao Bai's scream broke the warmth between several people, and saw that Xiao Bai was beaten out by the palm of his hand. Han Xuanhao's red sleeve robe took Xiao Bai directly. Although Han Xuanhao does not like Xiaobai on weekdays, but because he is an unintentional pet and has credit for this time, even an animal Han Xuanhao is well protected.

Although Xiaobai was injured, he still grinned at An Anya who flew out of the room. If it wasn't for Han Xuanhao, it might really come forward desperately. Looking at such a small Baiyi, he suddenly smiled without intention. This pet really is loyal, and he is a little cold on weekdays.

"Heart, you are not good, why can't you be good?" An out of the room looked distorted and looked disappointed and angry in Wu Wuxin's eyes, and his voice was weird like a saw tearing. "No good, then I want to Make you the ugliest corpse, so you can obey! "

"Squeak!" Xiaobai made a sound. For Xiaobai, he always thought that he was very powerful, especially the venom in his paw, but he did not expect that a person who came now was even more powerful than himself.

Nangong Qian put down 殇 inadvertently and pulled 殇 inadvertently to stand behind him. If they competed, they would have no fear of this Ann, but it would be hard to find this Ann, but the whole body is full of poison and they are careless.

Being protected behind his back, Wu Wuxin didn't like this feeling. When Wu Wuxin was ready to be side by side with Nangong Qian and others, Nangong Qian suddenly turned back and sang "You are not alone now!"

The foot that was about to move stopped like this. Indeed, if she was dead alone, she would like to stand with these men or even stand in front of them, but now she ca n’t bear the child, as a mother. She now understands more than anyone else. Although her actions are constrained everywhere, she has no heart but no trace of dissatisfaction. Even her heart is full of distress and worry about the child.

I have no intention to be reckless anymore but to feel the surroundings of this hall carefully. These days, although I have no intention to do nothing in this room, this hall seems to be unattended, but in fact there are many secret guards in the dark. Now I have no heart to feel that there is no trace of dark guards, which shows that those dark guards have been solved by several men, but the real trouble is not the dark guards, but the corpses.

Sure enough, Wu Wuxin's thoughts just stopped and he saw the dense corpse around them. The corpse didn't breathe but just stood there like a puppet.

"Heart, come on!" An stretched out his hand and said dissatisfied, heart is how his toys can stand behind these people, but for a moment the madness and madness of An Wuwu laughed a little. "Ah, you five are very powerful , Finally waiting for you! "

I watched Ann's look unconsciously, knowing that Ann was more abnormal than what he had estimated. Today, An must be killed. Otherwise, he will suffer endlessly in the future. After all, a pervert they cannot use common sense to calculate, as long as they kill, they will never suffer.

Not only did He think unconsciously, the five men also had such an idea. Cutting the grass and rooting out was the norm for several men.

An's mouth made a mumble-like sound, but the corpses were as if they had commanded them to attack him, and An was directly involved in Nangong Qian. Nangong Qian struggled with An while taking An to leave 殇 Wuxin, the remaining four men immediately surrounded 殇 Wuxin to deal with those corpses.

Even though Wu Wuxin was not protected by internal forces, she wasn't really powerless, but maybe it was because of the recent fluctuations that she could feel the pain in her stomach, which made Wu Wuxin's face pale. She didn't dare to rush, and she could be sure that if she tried again, this child might ...

Even though Wu Wuxin had pain and hatred in her heart, but her complexion was a little white, but there was nothing wrong with it. At this time, she could not have a little accident, otherwise it would disturb the hearts of these men.

The short knife in Nangong Qian's hands constantly resists An's hand, perhaps it should be called a claw. At this time, An's fingernails were all black. Nangong Qian had just been caught in the arm, and the flesh on the arm was so corroded. Fortunately, he had responded by cutting the flesh with a short knife. At this time, Nangong Qian was more cautious about An's time, but this was a bit shackled. After all, when his short knife touched An's, An Qi laughed more happily and didn't feel any pain, and his actions didn't seem to hinder him in any way.

The four of Han Xuanhao, Leng Yufeng, Ye Yizhe, and Momo Che were not good. The number of corpses was already large. There was no other way besides beheading. They guarded behind them. He was careless and rarely embarrassed. The most embarrassing one was Han Xuanhao. He killed the corpse to be brutal, and even twisted the corpse's head in spite of his injury.

Stomach was getting more and more painful, and Wu Wuxin's hand was very tight. Looking at fewer and fewer corpses, Wu Wuxin knew that it only took time for these corpses to solve. These men's martial arts have never been weak, but Ann ...

A corpse followed by a corpse wanted to rush past four men and attack the unintentional. At this time, a corpse man broke through the maintenance circle of Han Xuanhao and others and attacked the unintentional. However, Ye Yizhe acted very quickly, and his body There seemed to be a white arc in the air, but it was like a blast of electricity, but it was like a flowing cloud. It was so strong that it hadn't fallen yet. The corpse man who was close to the unintentional corpse had been kicked out by him! Leng Yufeng flashed directly, beheaded the corpse with a sword.

The number of corpses is slowly decreasing, but Nangong Qian's situation is getting worse.殇 Inadvertently controlled his movements to cover his abdomen, he said to Ye Yizhe, “Help Nangong!” Compared to dealing with a poisonous master like An, only Ye Yizhe can do something about it.

Although Ye Yizhe was dissatisfied with his unintentional approach, he also knew that if something happened to Nangong Qian, he would be painful for a lifetime, and more people were family members for such a long time. Ye Yizhe no longer hesitated to help Nangong immediately Modest.

Lack of a person, Leng Yufeng and others would be under more pressure, but in contrast Nangong Qian would be a little relaxed. After all, Ye Yizhe's light work is the best, so it is most convenient for sneaking on An.

The last corpse was killed. Except for the unprotected Tong Wuxin, several other men were injured. There is no need to say anything. In addition to letting Han Xuanhao protect Lu Yixin from accidents, several other men went to deal with An. .

Han Xuanhao watched the battle on that side and came to 殇 Wu Xin, but as soon as he got close to 殇 Wu Hanxuan Ha, he found something wrong, because at this time 殇 Wu Xin ’s forehead was sweaty, and his lips were pale and terrible. Han Xuanhao knows what kind of woman Wu is unwilling to, even in such a scene, she won't really panic like this unless ...

Han Xuanhao lifted up Wuxin unconsciously, and he could obviously feel the trembling of Wuyixin's body. Han Xuanhao's eyes flashed with fear. Just when he was about to open for Ye Yizhe to come, he unconsciously grabbed Han Xuanhao's arm, and disapproval flashed in his eyes.

If at this time let them know that the unintentional child seems not good, then the hearts of several men will be disturbed, and the unintentional cannot do this.

Han Xuanhao's narrow eyes flashed in pain, but he said nothing. He kept telling himself that he would be fine. Their children would not be so vulnerable, but his trembling lips exposed Han Xuanhao's fear.

I do n’t know how painful An An is, but in the face of four men, she is still in a disadvantage. Khan Mo Che kicked An ’s hand fiercely, her hands were hooked, and she straightened into An ’s neck. Suddenly, hard, An Hei **** throat was hooked up.

Magic Moche ’s fingers were rotten with black blood, but on the other hand, even if the throat was hooked up, but there was no slight pain, but obviously Momo ’s movements annoyed Ann. There is an indescribable joy in his neck, "Hahaha, it's amazing! It's amazing! It's so fun!"

Several people looked at this An, alert to the extreme, they felt that An was not right, too wrong.

"I want to use a trick!" An said with a smile, and seemed to be very kind to remind a few people.

Ye Yizhe's tears in the corner of his eyes flashed, and the always cold man yelled "Run!"

Several people were very trusting each other, so when Ye Yizhe roared and ran away, Han Xuanhao flew out of his arms in the arms and flew outside the dorm. Of course, several other men did not seem to act. behind.

殇 Intentionally felt that she was covered by the hot chest, she looked back at each man flying out of the hall, but An was ready to catch up, and at the end Leng Yufeng suddenly stopped to stop An.

His eyes widened, and he unconsciously saw that An's whole body was expanding, and then ...

"Bang!" Ann's body exploded!

"Yu Feng!" Wu shouted innocently, but she was hugged by Han Xuanhao in her arms. Her thin lips opened white, her dark eyes refracted a dangerous light, and her deep pupils were thickened. The pain that is not open, because I didn't see the result, because my mood was too fluctuating, I felt unconscious.

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