MTL - The Boss Wears a Book To a Woman-Chapter 335 I see

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The flowers on the other side bloom on the other side, and the heartbroken grass is sad and heartbroken.

There is nothing to do in front of the Naihe Bridge, and three lives in front of the Sansheng Stone.

"But are you waiting for me?"

The whiteness appeared in Bizhu's sight just like that, he nodded lightly without being surprised or pleased.

If she didn't come to pick him up today, all that was waiting for him would be his soul blown away.

"Sorry, I'm late and kept you waiting."

Feng Yi stepped forward, raised his hand to straighten his long hair that was blown by the wind, his movements were gentle.

Bizhu raised the corners of her lips and shook her head lightly: "It's not too late, as long as your lord is willing to come, it's never too late."

"You have suffered."

Feng Yi held his wrist, held those cold hands in his hands, and interlocked his fingers.

"I'll take you home."

The corners of Bizhu's pale mouth just curled up, before she nodded, she passed out in Feng Yi's arms.

Feng Ai hugged the little man in his arms, and with a single finger, the two of them left the underworld and appeared in Feng Ai Palace.

The little prince standing at the door stared blankly at Feng Yi and the person in her arms.

A handsome little face was full of grief and indignation. He had been looking forward to it for so many years, but now he actually hoped that she would come back with someone else in his arms.


Feng Yi muttered, but didn't know what to say to the person in front of her.

Long Yu's wry smile made her heart ache, Feng Yi was sure that Bi Zhu was the one she liked in her heart, but why could she empathize with that child's sadness?

"Sister Yi is back?"

Long Yu tried his best not to let the tears fall, and pulled out a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Come in first!"

Bizhu is unconscious, Feng Yi is worried, and everything should be discussed after Bizhu wakes up.

After going through thousands of years of love this time, Feng Yi has already understood what liking is, and she can't procrastinate about emotional matters, she must give an explanation to the two men in front of her.

The door of Fengyi Palace opened, and Tianzun and Tianjun were already waiting inside with joyful faces.

"The child has seen the mother respect the father."

Feng Yi hugged Bizhu and saluted, but did not hand over Bizhu to the little fairy beside him because of the arrival of Tianzun and Tianjun.

Tianjun glanced down at the person in Feng Yi's arms, and finally sighed silently.

"It's really rare for this child to treat you with deep affection and righteousness."

The elders in the world are all the same, and there is no one who does not love his children.

It's just that as soon as Tianjun said this, Long Yu's eyes turned red.

"Yu'er, come here, don't be sad about it, and you shouldn't hide some things from you anymore."

With a wave of Tianjun's sleeve, the person in Feng Yi's arms woke up, and when he saw his situation clearly, his pale face was immediately blushed.

"Xiaoxian has met Tianzun Tianjun."

Bizhu hurriedly broke free from Feng Yi's arms, and bowed upwards.

"You don't need to be too polite, come here together!"

The always majestic Tianzun took the initiative to open his mouth, turned around first, and led everyone to a stone mountain in the back hall of Fengyi Palace.

Bi Zhu followed Feng Yi half a step away, her eyes kept looking at the back of the woman in front of her, full of affection.

A pair of cool hands suddenly stretched out, Bi Zhu was startled for a moment, and then blushed and held her instead.

Fengyi's aura of "don't let strangers in" fades away, and Bizhu gets closer to her position.

Long Yu, who was pulled by Tianjun, seemed to feel the secret love between the two, his big wet eyes were red, let alone feel wronged.

Tianjun patted the back of Long Yu's hand comfortingly, but his eyes never left the rocky mountain in front of him.

Tianzun spread his hands, and when the white light waved away, a gate appeared on the stone mountain.

Walking down the steps, the colder and colder breath hit, Bizhu's body trembled from the cold, and he almost couldn't hold on.

In order to accompany Feng Yi through the calamity, Bi Zhu's cultivation was so regretful that she couldn't even stand the cold.

Feng Ai held Bizhu's hand slightly, and a warm current flowed from her palm to Bizhu's body, allowing Bizhu to walk smoothly in this cold stone cave.

Bi Zhu's face turned red, but the corners of her mouth and eyebrows were full of joy.

But when everyone saw the person lying in the ice coffin in the cave, they were all dumbfounded.

Long Yu looked at the woman lying in the ice coffin with red eyes, and looked sideways at Feng Yi who was standing beside him, and couldn't help turning pale.

"Sister Yi,"

Feng Yi was also confused by the scene in front of her, it was clearly her lying in the ice coffin!

Turning over her wrist and looking at the mole on her wrist, Feng Yi strode forward and took the hand of the woman in the ice coffin, only to see that there was a mole on the same spot on her wrist.

"Mother, this... what's going on?"

Before Tianzun could speak in the future, Tianjun's eyes were already red.

"Do you still remember the catastrophe you encountered when you were young and ascended to immortality?"

Tianzun murmured, and his mind flew back to the past.

Feng Yi froze and shook her head slightly.

She can't remember many things clearly, including the love disaster she experienced before, which obviously happened just now, but in her memory it seems like a hazy dream, seemingly real and unreal.

"This is your sister from the same country. When the catastrophe came, she blocked the catastrophe of the two of you with one person, and has been in a coma since then. Your grandfather spent all his life in cultivation to put her soul in you. In the body, only after you have gone through the catastrophe of love can you have a way to wake her up."

Feng Ai doesn't remember the past that Tianzun said at all. She only knows that she will be vacillating in everything she does. It turns out that there is still a soul in her body.

No wonder, she likes Bi Zhu in her heart, but can't let Long Yu go.

After checking the record of her descending from Si Ming Xingjun, she wondered how she became both the regent of Feng Kingdom and the eighth princess of Qi Kingdom.

I see.

It turned out that the strangeness came from her "never met" sister.

"Xi'er has been sensible since she was a child, and she has always loved her younger siblings. She loves Yu'er very much, so I always wanted you to marry Yu'er for your sister and take good care of him, but I didn't expect Bizhu to be so infatuated with you. , and your sister is afraid that she doesn't want to hurt your friendship with Bizhu, so she won't show up for a long time."

Tianjun sighed helplessly, and tightened his grip on Long Yu's hand.

"Tianjun, you mean, the one who always faces Yu'er is not Sister Yi, but her?"

Long Yu looked at the woman in the ice coffin with a pale face, and only then did she understand why when she descended to the mortal world, she would rather fail and return, and she still chose herself without hesitation.

She was the woman who made the swing for him because he liked it; she was the woman who brewed his favorite fruit wine because she liked it; The woman in the pot is her, the woman who dotes on her so much is not Feng Yi at all, but Feng Xi...

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