MTL - The Boss Wears a Book To a Woman-Chapter 333 Men are meant to be pampered

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"Then see if the Yan family wants to cover up Yan Yihe."

The killing intent in Nanjun's eyes was very strong, if he hadn't been born in a civilized society, Yan Yihe would have died a hundred times already.

"The Yan family is such a precious son, and he will definitely not let him be caught and ignored."

Du Zhijun has never been able to shake the sand in his eyes, even if the Yan family has the ability to keep Yan Yihe safe, he still has a way to discredit Yan's family and make him unable to stand up.

"Then let's see if their rhetoric family is good, or our Nan family is better."

Nan Jun wished he could grab Yan Yihe and skin him right now, so he didn't care who was behind him!

"Don't worry, not only the Nan family is behind you, the Du family is also yours."

Du Zhijun propped up half of his body, squinted his eyes and said to Nan Jun.

Du Zhijun is the only descendant of the Du family, and he married the only daughter of the Huang family who has been an official for generations. Needless to say, wealth and wealth, many things in the Du family will be taken care of by Nan Jun in the future.

"No matter what, if my cousin saved Qiao Yun today, it is equivalent to saving Nan Jun's life. In the future, if you have anything to do, just ask my cousin, and the Nan family will never refuse."

"What can I do? Besides, your sister-in-law is enough for me. "

When mentioning his wife, Du Zhijun's face became softer.

The two of them grew up together as childhood sweethearts. Du Zhijun bullied him since they were young, and she was happy to be bullied by him. Du Zhijun's speech at home was an imperial decree, and Miss Huang dared not disobey.

"My cousin and sister-in-law were role models at the time, and they are worth learning from."

There was ridicule in Nan Jun's eyes, Du Zhijun was well known for his arrogance and power at home, and no one in the family knew it!

"Hmph!" Du Zhijun cast a dissatisfied glance at Nan Jun and said, "I don't think Qiao Yun's temperament is one that can control you, just don't bully him."

Qiao Yun has a stubborn temper, but his temper is soft, and he has no temper in front of Nan Jun. How can he control Nan Jun!

"Where am I willing to bully him, it's too late to pet him."

"Men are meant to be pampered."

Du Zhijun was taken away, and only Nan Jun and Qiao Yun were left in the big house.

In the past, Nan Jun hired servants, but in order to trick Qiao Yun into taking care of her, she sent everyone to Nan's house.

Although there were many people here in the past, Nan Jun still felt lonely, but now looking at the empty house, Nan Jun felt very warm.

Therefore, if you are with the right person by your side, everything is right.

Walking on the slippery skin with warm hands, Qiao Yun snorted and shrank back into the quilt trembling.

Nan Jun fished him into his arms and tore off his last fig leaf.

Feeling cold, Qiao Yun opened his eyes suddenly, and when he saw that the person beside him was Nan Jun, he slowly closed them again, and still squeezed into her arms.

Nan Jun didn't care about good days or bad days anymore, as the saying goes, choosing a date is worse than bumping into it, they consummated the house first, and saved Qiao Yun from being paranoid all day long and putting innocence more important than anything else.

Qiao Yun wanted to give Nan Jun his most precious thing back then, but Nan Jun shouldn't have refused. If he really lost his life for this so-called innocence, Nan Jun would definitely regret it.

"Yun'er, in this last life, let me pamper you well!"

Regardless of whether they can meet again in the future, she hopes that he can live happily and never meet these scumbags again.


Qiao Yun seemed to realize something was wrong now, but before he could wake up, he fell into another dream.

"Nanjun, I really love you..."

"I love you too, my Yun'er."

At the age of twenty, Qiao Yun gave himself to Nan Jun, and he will never forget this night in his life.

And Nan Jun didn't disappoint Qiao Yun. In the autumn of this year, on the day they met for the first time, she took him to get a marriage certificate.

When the wedding was not held, Nan Jun gave him marriage and flowers. She wanted to tell Qiao Yun that everything she said came from the bottom of her heart, and all her promises and guarantees would be fulfilled.

The Nan family, the Du family and the Huang family joined hands, and the Yan family's business has lost its foothold in the imperial capital.

No matter how much the Yan family protects Yan Yihe, they cannot escape the punishment of the law.

On the day Yan Yihe was arrested, Nan Jun was sleeping with Qiao Yun in his arms, holding Qiao Yun in his arms!


Qiao Yun propped up his sore body, and handed the ringing phone to Nan Jun's ear.

Nan Jun pressed Qiao Yun's hands together on the side of his face, without opening his eyes.

"Miss Nan, the prisoner Yan Yihe requests to see you."

There was a strange woman's voice on the other end of the phone, and what she said was businesslike.

"not see."

Nan Jun hung up the phone in displeasure, threw it away, grabbed the person beside him, and then fell asleep.

"Why don't you meet him!"

Qiao Yun whispered in Nanjun's ear, Yan Yihe was so extreme, isn't it also because of Nanjun?

Nan Jun turned over in displeasure, pressed on the man, slowly opened his eyes, and looked directly at the man below him.

"If you're too busy, let's do something else..."


Nan Jun is a pervert who is dissatisfied with desires, and this was only discovered after Qiao Yun married her.

She seemed to have inexhaustible energy every day, tossing him so weakly.

At the end of college life, Qiao Yun decided to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and Nan Jun fully supported him.

Nan Jun, who took over the Nan family's business, didn't relax in her studies. She couldn't be worse than her little husband, right?

Besides, in order for her children to receive a good education in the future, as a mother, she dare not slack off.

The news of the wedding of the heir of Nanda Group hit the headlines of the major media. No one expected that the mysterious fiancé came from a poor family.

Standing in front of the camera, Qiao Yun showed no fear or inferiority complex. Although he was still in graduate school, he had already handled several well-known big cases with Li Zhien.

Ordinary people may not know it, but many business leaders know this fledgling lawyer.

He is articulate and organized, and has a talent comparable to Li Zhien's, or even better.

Nan Jun knelt in front of Qiao Yun on one knee, and put the ring on his ring finger, interlocking his fingers. The two diamond rings shone brightly under the flashlight.

The elders of the Nan family didn't have the slightest dissatisfaction with Qiao Yun, but they were full of love. The old lady of the Du family also took out a set of ancestral dowry from her deceased husband and gave it to Qiao Yun as a big gift for their newlyweds. .

"Father, mother, she's drinking again."

A few little milk dolls were lying on the head of Nanjun's bed, pinching their noses and pursing their mouths to complain to Qiao Yun.

"Your mother is really not good!"

Qiao Yun sighed helplessly, and the children knew that their father was very upset at this time.

Read The Duke's Passion