MTL - The Boss Wears a Book To a Woman-Chapter 325 see you at university

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Seeing that the box of books he had when he came had turned into the contents of several cabinets now, Qiao Yun realized how well Nanjun had treated him during this time.

"The things you don't need in a hurry are here. You still have to move back to live in the summer vacation."

Nan Jun pressed Qiao Yun's hand that was about to pack up, and said in a low voice.

From now on, this place will be their home. Since she has already brought him here, how can she let him leave again?


Qiao Yun hesitated whether to agree or refuse. He had to admit that living here in Nanjun for more than a month was the happiest time in his life.

But, can he really come back again?

"You already know what I like. Do you want me to have someone else take care of me? Are you willing?"

Nan Jun stuffed his meal card into Qiao Yun's hand, and then said, "I'm not used to eating at school, so you have to come back every weekend to take care of me. You can keep this meal card and treat it as a gift for me. your salary."

Qiao Yun returned the meal card to Nan Jun, lowered his eyes and said, "No, I don't need these to take care of you."

"Then what do you want?"

With a malicious smile on Nan Jun's face, he stared into Qiao Yun's eyes and asked.

"I...I don't want anything. You have helped me so much, so it is right to take care of you."

He likes to wash and cook for her, even if he doesn't pay her wages, he is willing and very happy.

"Yun'er, you don't need to have any psychological burden. I like you, and I am willing to do anything. When we go to college, we will be together, okay?"

Nan Jun turned over Qiao Yun's body, raised his pointed chin, and said solemnly.

Qiao Yun avoided looking at her and dared not look directly at her, but Nan Jun's words that he would be with him after he went to college still disturbed his heart.

"Teijing University, once the results of the college entrance examination come out this summer, the admission letter will be our token of love, okay?"

Nan Jun took Qiao Yun into his arms, and put the tip of his nose close to his, his earnest appearance was very touching.

"it is good."

As soon as Qiao Yun let go, the seriousness on Nan Jun's face immediately changed to joy, and he directly stuck to the red lips he had dreamed of.

It is said that the first kiss is sweet and unforgettable, Qiao Yun thought, he will never forget this day in his life, he will never forget her warm embrace, and he will never forget the trembling contained in her careful kiss.

When they arrived at the school, the two still showed the appearance of strangers, but when no one was paying attention, their eyes overlapped, full of lingering.

Every Friday afternoon, Nan Jun would drive and wait at the corner of the back gate of the school, and Qiao Yun would take a schoolbag of homework and get in her car, and they would go back to the place where there were only the two of them.

If this kind of happiness can last forever, Qiao Yun will have nothing to ask for.

But that day, the girl who had been dreaming of him was not waiting on the desk and chair behind him until the class.

Other students may have noticed this too. After class, everyone chatted about the fact that Nan Jun didn't come to school. As for the specific reason, no one knew.

Qiao Yun was absent-mindedly thinking about Nan Min's matter, and now he suddenly regretted why he didn't take the mobile phone she gave him with him, but if he went to the dormitory to pick it up now, he would be late for the next class.

Everyone knows what happens when you are late for chemistry class.

While Qiao Yun was thinking wildly, Du Zhijun was already holding the teaching plan classroom, glanced at Qiao Yun's direction casually, and sighed slightly.

"Qiao Yun, follow me to the office to get some experimental equipment."

After Du Zhijun finished speaking, he left the classroom first.

Qiao Yun, who was sitting there in a daze, didn't seem to hear anything. It wasn't until his deskmate poked his shoulder with his finger that he heard Su Ziqiu convey the chemistry teacher's words again.

He hurriedly got up and chased after him, not far behind Du Zhijun, Qiao Yun suddenly sniffed hard.

Why is the smell on Mr. Du so familiar?

Putting the chemical test sheet in Qiao Yun's hands, Du Zhijun seemed to have no intention of saying: "Nan Jun is on leave this week, please remember to mark it."

"Okay, Teacher Du."

Qiao Yun hurriedly responded, and after taking a deep breath, he plucked up the courage to ask, "Mr. Du, do you know why student Nan Jun asked for leave?"

She asked for a week off, what happened to her?

Du Zhijun hooked his lips in front of him, but he admired the kid's boldness in his heart.

The students in the school were all afraid of his sternness, so Qiao Yun dared to ask about Nan Jun, presumably because he cared about her.

Knowing that his little cousin was affectionate and did not make a mistake, Du Zhijun was really happy for her from the bottom of his heart.

"It seems that there is some problem with the student status when I transferred to another school. I need to deal with it myself. It should take about a week to go back and forth!"

Du Zhijun explained with a rare good temper, he really didn't want to see his cousin's worried expression!

Only then did Qiao Yun feel relieved, and secretly let out a breath behind Du Zhijun.

When the school bell rang, Qiao Yun was the first to rush out of the classroom before he even had time to pack his books.

Su Ziqiu looked at the books on Qiao Yun's desk, his eyes widened in shock.

"Did Qiao Yun take the wrong medicine today?"

Running back to the dormitory at a speed of 100 meters, Qiao Yun took out the mobile phone from under the pillow, and there was only a message from Nan Jun on it, with a picture of her ticket.

What Nan Jun said was exactly the same as Teacher Du. Qiao Yun hurriedly dialed the string of phone numbers that he had already memorized, but the other party reminded him that the phone was shutting down.

Qiao Yun found the itinerary of this flight from the Internet, and counted the time in detail.

He never knew that the greatest torment in this world was not the pain he had suffered in the past, but the days without Nan Jun.

The Friday that I used to look forward to every day is now in front of me, but Qiao Yun is not happy at all.

Without Nan Jun, there will be no warmth in the huge house, he might as well stay in the dormitory and read books by himself.

Thinking that Nanjun will be back on Monday, Qiao Yun's mood is better.

The empty dormitory building was the same as before, only Qiao Yun was left.

The other boarding students would go home on weekends, only Qiao Yun had nowhere to go.

I didn't think there was anything before, but now that I'm used to Nan Jun's company, Qiao Yun actually felt a little more lonely and desolate.

"Little fool... answer the phone... little fool... answer the phone..."

The phone rang suddenly, Qiao Yun was startled, and hurriedly touched under the pillow with trembling hands.

"Little fool, didn't you agree to wait for you at the intersection every Friday? Why don't you come out?"

A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, and Qiao Yun's eyes suddenly became moist, his nose sore, and his voice became more choked.