MTL - The Boss Wears a Book To a Woman-Chapter 319 because i like you

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Perhaps he felt that Qiao Yun fit in somewhat with the little fool who was screaming in the ringtone!

"Answer the phone?"

Qiao Yun looked into the boy's eyes blankly, and listened carefully, the voice seemed to come from his schoolbag.

Pulling open the schoolbag, a black thing is lighting up, singing and dancing.

Picking up the phone with slightly trembling hands, there were three words on it—"Sister Yi", needless to say, Qiao Yun also knew who did this.

After lightly pressing the green button, the blushing ringtone finally stopped, and Nan Jun's pleasant voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Little fool, are you in the car?"

There was a bit of a smile in her voice, but Qiao Yun couldn't get annoyed.

It's just that he couldn't figure out why she did all this for him.

Figure his grades are good?

Isn't she even stronger?

But if there is anything else for him, he doesn't have it!


Qiao Yun hummed uncomfortably, originally wanted to question Nanjun's cell phone, but swallowed the words that came to his lips when he saw the playful look in the boy's eyes.

"There are toilets at both ends of the car. If you want to go, remember to look ahead. If the green light shows, it means there is no one inside."


"Remember to eat when you are hungry, don't be reluctant, the body is the capital of revolution."


"Call me if you have anything to do, my cell phone will be turned on for you 24 hours a day."


This time, there was no sound from the other end of the phone, and Nan Jun continued to chatter unremittingly.

"When I call you, remember to answer it on time, otherwise I will keep calling."

Qiao Yun curled his lips helplessly, and secretly said "rogue" in his heart, but the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Oh, by the way, the password of the phone and all the passwords that require software in it are your birthday. There is a charging port in the car. If the phone runs out of power, you..."

Nan Jun's nagging voice kept ringing in Qiao Yun's ears, and the boy opposite couldn't hold back anymore, and finally laughed out loud.

Qiao Yun blushed and looked at him. The man hurriedly put his hands together with an apologetic expression on his face.

"Well... I still have something to do, so I won't tell you first."

As soon as the phone was hung up, the suppressed laughter rang out again, and Qiao Yun's little face turned red hot.

"Sorry! Is that your girlfriend? She really loves you."

"No, no, it's just a classmate." Qiao Yun quickly waved his hand.

"I know…"

The boy's knowing eyes gave Qiao Yun a feeling that he couldn't wash it off even if he jumped into the Yellow River, but for some reason, the phrase "girlfriend" kept lingering in his ears.

Lying on the bunk, Qiao Yun couldn't sleep no matter what, as soon as he closed his eyes, he could hear Nan Jun's nagging and the little brother's laughter on the opposite bunk, his face was already full of ambiguity.

Taking out his mobile phone from his schoolbag, Qiao Yun opened the chat software, and there was only one person lying inside - "Sister Yu".

Qiao Yun opened her profile picture carefully, and there was a pen on a book, which was obviously the book cover he wrapped for her and the pen she lent him.

"What's there to see here..."

Qiao Yun muttered something in a low voice, but his eyebrows and eyes were slightly bent.

I clicked on her diary, but it was empty, with nothing in it.

Staring at the picture, Qiao Yun couldn't help but startled.

As soon as the phone turned on, a rose appeared in the dialogue between her and him.

"have you slept?"

Surprised, Qiao Yun hurriedly turned off the screen of the phone, and took a few breaths before picking it up again.


"Have you eaten tonight?"


She bought him so much food, if he didn't eat it, wouldn't it be a waste?

Qiao Yun never thought of bringing these things home. If his stepmother saw it, he might say something nasty about him.

"Those things are too cold. Get up tomorrow morning and go to the restaurant car to have a warm meal. Remember to drink milk."

Following the words sent by Nan Jun, there was another transfer of 5,200 yuan.

Although Qiao Yun has never been in a relationship, he is not a fool. He is very clear about what this number represents.

But, he didn't understand, what does Nan Jun mean?

She... is she confessing her love to him?

He definitely wouldn't take her money. Besides, what kind of breakfast can be worth 5200 yuan?

After Qiao Yun ignored her for a long time, Nan Jun's call came.

"Little fool... answer the phone..."

When the bell rang, Qiao Yun hung up in a hurry for fear of waking up the person opposite.

"Everyone is asleep, why are you calling?"

Qiao Yun lowered his voice and replied nervously.

"I've said it a long time ago, if you dare to ignore me, I'll keep calling you."

"I do not have…"

"there is nothing?"

"I didn't ignore you, I just couldn't take your money."



Qiao Yun also wanted to know why, why did she treat him so well? Why is it him?

"Then why are you?"

Qiao Yun thought so in his heart, and mustered up the courage to ask.

"Because I like you!"

because i like you...

because i like you...

because i like you...


Qiao Yun seemed to be struck by lightning, unable to think or move, and couldn't tell what it felt like.

The mobile phone slid down the palm of his hand and landed on his chest. Nan Jun's words of liking lingered in his heart all the time.

A little sweet, a little sour, a little astringent...


She is so different from him, what qualifications does he have to talk about liking her?


Qiao Yun hurriedly picked up her phone, and Nan Jun sent her first post——

"Wake up every morning and see you and the sun, this is the future I want."

Qiao Yun tightened his grip on the phone, and his heart tightened accordingly.


This time, Nan Jun sent it to him alone.

"I embed you in a tear, dreaming that it will turn into amber after a thousand years. I dare not bow my head, for fear that the tear that falls will shatter the dream of a thousand years, and also shatter the you I love the most. Yuner, let me protect you , stay by your side all the time, okay?"

Nan Jun really couldn't wait any longer, seeing Qiao Yun suffer, her heart was pierced like a knife.

If she didn't take advantage of this holiday to get closer to him, she was afraid that she would go crazy.

Qiao Yun covered his aching heart with one hand, and stuffed the other hand into his mouth to force himself not to cry, tears rolled down the corners of his eyes.

He almost forgot how many years he hadn't cried like this again.

With tears in his eyes, Qiao Yun noticed the avatar Nan Jun had set for him.

Opening it with trembling hands, an ancient portrait came into view. The two people in the portrait stood facing the wind. Looking closely, it was clearly the appearance of the two of them.

As his fingers brushed over the portrait, Qiao Yun's heart ached.

At the age of first love, it is every boy's wish to meet a girl whose eyes are all about himself.

Read The Duke's Passion