MTL - The Boss Wears a Book To a Woman-Chapter 317 why not do the last big question

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The closeness between Nan Jun and Qiao Yun in the past two days naturally did not escape the gossip news on campus, and the news spread that the poor student wanted to hug the thigh of the rich lady.

That poor kid who used to impress others with his grades now became a high-end green tea in the eyes of everyone who wanted to marry into a wealthy family.

As Qiao Yun's only friend at school, Su Ziqiu finally chose to tell Qiao Yun about the matter in the dormitory.

"I do not have."

Qiao Yun only said these three words at that time, and said nothing else.

Qiao Yun had never dreamed of flying on a branch and turning into a phoenix. He was invited by the school with a high scholarship to study in Jingcheng Middle School.

The school needs his grades to improve his performance, and he needs the scholarship provided by the school to support his family, and they each get what they need.

In fact, Su Ziqiu still believed in Qiao Yun in his heart, but everyone said so, and he also discovered the subtle relationship between Nan Jun and Qiao Yun, so he believed the rumor a little bit.

Ever since hearing what Su Ziqiu said that time, Qiao Yun tried to avoid Nan Jun as much as possible, trying not to have any contact with her.

Nan Jun naturally discovered something, and under her coercion and lure, the tablemate told her all the rumors he had heard.

Qiao Yun's difficulties may not be known to others, but Nan Jun is very clear.

Even so, Nan Jun didn't want to delay him.

Enrolling in university is the only chance to change Qiao Yun's fate. If she really wants to pamper him for the rest of her life, she shouldn't be in a hurry.

Since then, even if the two passed by each other, they never said a word.

This unspoken tacit understanding finally calmed down the rumors in the school, and everything seemed to be back to the past.

Qiao Yun tightly held the small skylight in his heart that had just been opened a little bit, not wanting others to discover the secret inside.

Little did they know, Nan Ju, who was sitting behind him, looked at him with affection every day.

There was no exchange of seats, which should be regarded as the last trace left by the two of them for their previous ambiguity.

Autumn and winter are coming, and the final exam is approaching.

Since this semester, Qiao Yun has still ranked first in the list, and behind him is the rumored incomparably intelligent heir of the Nan family, Nan Jun.

I have to admit that Nan Jun is really outstanding. I don't usually see her studying, but every time she takes the exam, she can be ranked behind Qiao Yun by five points. pressure.

Nan Jun, who always entered the classroom with the ringing of the bell, unexpectedly came early once, and Qiao Yun was the only one sitting there reviewing his books in the classroom.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed, Qiao Yun raised his eyes habitually, but the girl he was looking at was the girl who made him feel a little bit at a loss.

He lowered his head in a panic, but the words on the book turned into small black dots one by one, and they were no longer the formulas he usually learned.

Nan Jun took out a box of warm milk from his arms, and put it on the corner of Qiao Yun's desk as he passed by.

"Drink it while it's hot."

Nan Jun endured for more than four months without speaking to Qiao Yun, but the first sentence she said made her feel relieved.

If it wasn't for fear of ruining his reputation, Nan Jun would have chased him down long ago.

Her pretended alienation and indifference made Qiao Yun swallow the words she wanted to refuse. A box of milk was her silent concern and the long-awaited warmth in his dream.

Holding the box with her body temperature in both hands, Qiao Yun's eyes became hot, and he quickly lowered his head.

In this world, apart from her, no one has ever treated him so well.

Whether it is the father or the stepmother, they only regard him as a cash cow, and now they can use the scholarship to support them. In the future, they will "sell" him with more dowry, even if he has used up his last value.

Qiao Yun bit his lip and tried hard to swallow the choked sobs near his mouth. He could see this milk every day at home.

It's just that it's for my sister and has nothing to do with him.

His biological father married his current stepmother and gave birth to a younger sister. Since then, he has no relatives in this world.

Everything in the house belongs to my younger sister, and he has no use at all except to make money.

A warm down jacket covered Qiao Yun's trembling body. It wasn't cold in the classroom with floor heating, but she still wanted to use her own way to warm the poor child's heart.


Qiao Yun straightened up, put away the down jacket on her body, folded it for her, and put it in the last row of cabinets. She calmed down and sat back down again, but she didn't dare to look up at Nan Jun's eyes.

He shouldn't have shown his fragility in front of her today, but that box of warm milk touched his bottom line.

With more and more people in the classroom, Qiao Yun's mood became more and more stable.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the invigilating teacher asked the students in the last row to go forward to collect the test papers. Nan Min, who was "lazy" out of the sky, naturally remained motionless, so Qiao Yun had no choice but to stand up and turn around to take her test papers.

It's just that when Qiao Yun's eyes fell on the last big question that Nan Junkong had left, his expression changed.

Qiao Yun, who usually ran out of the classroom after school like a dog chasing her, unexpectedly stayed until the end. Nan Jun knew that he was waiting for her, so he didn't leave in a hurry.

"Why not do the last big question?"

When Qiao Yun said this, his voice trembled a little.

In fact, he clearly knew the answer.

"It's too difficult, I won't."

Nan Jun said casually, if she was right, how could Qiao Yun get the scholarship?

How can his greedy stepmother and incompetent father make him feel better if he doesn't go back with a scholarship?

"I don't need your humility!"

Qiao Yun stood up and blocked Nan Jun's way, standing in front of her.

Rare excitement flashed in those eyes that were always calm and calm.

"That question, I really can't."

Afraid that he couldn't help but want to hug him, Nan Jun hurriedly leaned sideways to the door, bypassed Qiao Yun and left the classroom, not even daring to look at him more, leaving only Qiao Yun a back view.

Looking at the man's back, Qiao Yun's nose was sore again.

He also wanted to know, why did this person treat him so well?

What is her purpose?

How should he repay her?

His eyes fell back to the box of milk in the drawer, Qiao Yun didn't recover for a long time.

Sure enough, when the final results came out, Nan Jun was ranked behind Qiao Yun by five points.

Qiao Yun calculated carefully, and the last big question was worth 18 points. If Nan Jun did it, he would not be number one.

Hearing Su Ziqiu's congratulations, Qiao Yun couldn't be happier.

The snow has started to fall outside, and the students are going home one after another. The hurried steps clearly show their longing for home.

Only Qiao Yun never packed his luggage. If it wasn't until the last second, he really didn't want to go back to the house that couldn't accommodate him at all.